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iosr2024, 11.08, ‘37 GU Hind story by Krishan Baldev Vaid hrs eh ae Bs age re eer eT EE sarees Reve oe Pa a are ee iF FE aR RR ah Zt g ae : cy ‘feed sro ere eiseme bie Tmportant Links Home Magazine Blog Video Gallery Contacts fea pa sah ar |!!288imera-dushmar-kahanL.himliosr2024, 11.08, PRI gM wu-wErA Author ar aera 8a ae Sa Ga GRR HY aaa UST! one HA Gua sera A ag chai Pre teh are area ag Ma A ne Teme HoT s ore eT Star | sift A ater SR.S A ere B, ae aw Rraws oe A oh eras vod &, didi erage ok Tor A amg, sk aa. SeteaTE aaa SIH WABI Berg ae aeata ye ved woh ae ae MH IG BRT AMA, oA poe ara ca fear a A an Go-go Oe Ht os ae OI ea ‘eT 81 Se aS ofeean at en fee ae Gea St Ye A area UE HAT ON cars Om cae Pres aa Sta ela TAT Sie gers eh a she AT Shear ay Tea eT] A one en Fas well ern gua TE IS & AAA Kee acts a aera a feel age we ee TaN aT) A Bea g fos gate seat a era aga dar Sh 8, FAM TS VL GAYS Ta a GTA V1 IL i Ferra ate oe A ua are ahd Ta oA aT RR a! ST PTH 23 fae rune ered AA Fe Teel GET Ie UT SUS wewgid Cec F1 MUTT rea A AL Fula Seer aT aya SrA wee Se oa gaat ofa da gal et shear ga er ww sew aT UMS aee Taal aie at al ge chet cera ah Ge Gort ary AT SIR TS og Oh TATA TE TTA As He WH Gan Ur fe ae aa aS TT AL ‘fara a ora ff oe ah fh of er god ee agi a dead aT hae wR ae Ho HIM ae GUA ceed Fae GAM A 81 aI ae a oar A ah aga on fem aan er, aaa ora at Sa fae fm eT AL Fee BH rater Hl Herta a ys aed SE! Hers, fH AH gata gar fi SAAT ort a8 erg tor or fh eh oe ah orga are aA Te onde a RARE siroTe OT El ee Gee A a saa TTA SHY STE St SATE UT TG AT HT oe Ta WR Sa ios, TS sAtar feart at Seen a a aes fh AF ater a ae A shoe Ga ‘dt, seadraem igor tell Se oimrer-teren sche aS a ae meee daar is Se ue aTET she wa fe ge ae Praa fre ore sag A oa ag enfas ae eer area fe See eT ESTA & ag fa GMTAR Fa aw A anerh Heiaah wt Sarasa fae! Afar awa cad ser U1 ewthewa era ug 8H Ge do Asa se ay ad ora a, ate ae Ge AAR ary Ger se 7, Sa TS aE alee TE ‘atten Fearn area Sh Suee 8 fee Se waa Ue andl Te AN eae al ong SoM ates oy Sew ara A aah aT Sta Tra ae a Ata 81 AT yale sik of aga &, afar aa ware fate sel aepre eI! SR aren & aE ga da A gel foes aw ag cig aH BI we ‘were aT a SR Ta OR NE SRR ET BoA UT! aw GA Ser Gi Faw TST A aad ced oer dager sie ard Rule or ueara Mae Aa Te aT BU WIT aT TAMAR, TASS FRR SAR ‘are Prac oor fee al sere oer ce Tent Es UTAH a ag ee A orf tae Horafeal sae UA we Al ee, Are ST Ue Grea hs fea Sal, WH-a Sea we fer Sia - TaN Te, Fe Raa ad seta dior ‘Bis a ahree ae eo fare Taree oR UGA GM | SAT ah ae HA HT ok oa Rag ae | ‘FRI GRE Hind story by Krishan Baldev Vaid Your Firs Name ‘Your First Name Your Email Address ‘Your Email Address Captcha oe A ware ee Re 2023 Ries arg 2023 © Genome 023 «eam «reat 2003 wenets ate‘0103/2024, 11:08 ART AAT | Hindi story by Krishan Baldev Vaid Alec Aa A tai Gea A a Ake wl uw ary Mares aw awa A Oe ort BS ha, A one wR AMT ara aaAeY em afer sree UT Baa GOR Ol Hie I aS TS GR ALR IR aR sik ‘ar ger ahi Ue anor & fare A ag ata ape sarees go Ur FS HoT eT Afar qe Saret ehh ote flee GaX A ator A Are aA cata HeTA BT SeUT ‘BE AEA TE UT aT wT A tet Ba ARR A A yew ware Pre TEA A. AAR ura Oa ages shal & fore yeaa eee - weT a, sift, WITT AAS, fh er aga aa Ae a ae 8, oa ae rt A A GTA A, SAT ae RA ah ge 1g Gi, afr Gum cra alg we ae BE A, MAG Be Ae 807 fea a) Be Ta ARE FAG cep FSET UG Se VT Bah ge arg Be sa} Yes TET A OAT aH wt Tew Tw Ter a Ww BI OR ST ST GAG DS fh Madu day BT aaa fore tren a ther od ey serra ara Sea SICA YR aR aT aT Syd ff ae Ga fora aranerd Baas ae aU ORY TETAS PERT RAT are TT BT? Set HH TTA HY SI aa Shay TA sea cw gS SMI Rw Rie Ist we Mee sa gGT ‘ate ty Ader af a atl aren} ara A deta HH F sora aH TAA a fe rar 2 she serenr PProma oh farrg GEN 81 BS TAHT TSA TSA IT Beer RT SAM sor Sar 81 SAM worrara Me A gaTS wg BINS - Fea aL ars SAT ET TAB aie Ft ore RR Te BY TET oi Gh wae Aa fi stadt Haga WA WIS BS was Aas ge foe at reread ore we fear weed 8 GE TO ee aN A TH aro AR Fee Se a A ae Ha tren Bo HIT g fe GH yee eT Sarg SHER wt, Afar waf-walh AY ara wa & fare Gl we. gra Fa sad a ge sored aga Tea 8 TA Say Saray GAA a TTA fe ag wach 8 fe gra Far wa aa weal 8 oie A aren g fe are ae Seutwedt tease ae chrren cia dha oe ae Eh. ora Ho Theta oy wed eS che BT Pa raRS areata dow A aor Aw, daar wey St aT SR ST To, ITM Seah AAT A ATH LETS! SASHA, A Tt eat SAT wet ora one fae aren at Ge A ae ae Toe eT BA ae Bory BSI VT ote ae ae Gore aga a ae ae A Adugiag ae arg awed wre om aura MaRS Gf fee Gam, afer WA hel oe ag ean RR aed we aL AE Te ser ae fern Se 8, oa wig Stag S oral Prara vel al Srh-wrh He Raa aga a +h ela UT, Afaes flee SS flat VA RAEN aT PRU Tae Go AS, Gert a GAR MH ees HTH ME, TAH Uren aaa Per aga oH i as dw Me, iif oe a aw oT ses NAD ae ir OA A ao fear ae om ah A Gag fe GaeT ‘orp sik area ferearh, aa g, Tam fare A aaa &, she eco ay wre) aT aA Ian F fea Gel ETT FI Su Fo RA dae ta yas AS ae sofa A Peas ora MATS ABSA YS FHA Ur. aug, Nat sea ora Bi She ae upartan Hi ae, See Sect oor at ware S dar Ae Sle see Se TA wig oneah fra omg at. ariosr2024, 11.08, ‘3 FU Hind story by Krishan Baldev Vaid TOT RR fey ae oie wae Sra TEI Star fos AE, Sas are A te Adiuta ves axe Ra- |, MANY! ae ae Rae oe TH TE ote Ae Raw oe ath ater EST WAH Te TT Ta HA A che sey, HET tor ae AAS Hh eT aT SAT FRU, FS Ta SHAT TSE Pra REA TTR A TTT 3a Fon GUSTS Ue eT fH Ga WH Ae, FS K sie YH a at ‘goer aie are 1 A Per era we a ree Peper | oT a aS Bah cored saree Stel ah ote a ah A ater aA fara ae oT GI FT Face PT Ta aga FU Ta S| HT a GT A, eh ah freer A, HS Maer aa oer Gi, ata or aw sie we heen ae Ved Bl ee a aide E oeh 8A owe wage AH aaa FI WAR sey fat race S sf agt oa cran treT a aga ah Ge det sngaat ag mg 8 Rr gard ae a eA ere BI wea aE BT eB a ead Pv malt Soage Rant tgs dae or, este de sik aerate eens LAT stax aA erate Teh VU 8, MA HTT g sre Go Go HAE ara d, fete da AS aS, dorsal ah ats org TA ST wa ag are ae Shh, Atal dar 8 TH ge ITH gon, aT foe Te fare aT aig otk Gram, Rif sae wee Sat ara oat ae BE ah Aveo fea yr aa age ee Res Ta em om RRMA AAR MAMA S ara Sra wee g - Rafery ae fe aA eh fT alg Reh 81 rst Reh aa ea @, slew Ya aa WI TTS Ga area sha & gre el, Ah ehh eT al she VA a ae aE, A AE RUM aa. sted THEA, ore eh, sree Tea, aed a-TYW aha, TAs ‘Aitat A qa e-ag sik are, sre PROT HEM, sreaT BAIA AA, UR-Tgte of steer, HEME & aaa VAY aa SPST UMA, SteT TR SAT sree) fared Ricah | A year gx. se aad opera she any AM eM TH ape Sam @) fox of seer SA wR ERG Hel @ eR-aR Gee-Uere BY BWA Vaer a gatse Pera @, ter fare Ah earl sea HT ANA SEA A HOA BRS ea aR Frere She FRI HTT 8 fe aa sect aE A we STAT 8, Bare aah ae A aren} youre wr a eae a ew SAAT aT PH A gran Ga a1 RoR el PRA UI Prawart ae Range WS eset Ta ETT a ote eee Te SH ew Ha, ea age Ge Pere eT em ah AR ore ae Sea ower ga eT FSGS Fo US YD other Bw we urd aT aS gu fe Gare seers Bare ter Sear rer GH Baw ae we Ar 1 SH eA gE aT fou ar ad Pang saa qepeee Ox oT Rah eh, wet oe BA Sa ae ery gy re wR reo OTA a ep FER at eter Reg & wet oh rea at er or fe Reet aw Wah TET ae foe AS IHS BT fare & wren der ae fear ware Aer aR ge eh & ware a aa wT YH ara FS, Ur Mra Pooh a ae ea Sw & Sa A SAR san HAA TeH-GRT & aS WS Wl gee Hs dea Ge way Sew ver ear, aye Baga fe on feet cre & fever GS SS TT SL 8, TSMR AE ga 8 weal fe a a1 TT Rag aa 8 fe Ta oars AF aren I ore HET YS He fea o,f Rew FF Gh Se HTH Set Fl ae Bet a GH ea STMT TTT weatee tara sod wi a ww sect goat oT ae gE ah ara Ae hase Qa ieee S MVS se ae aa se re TS OA HTT aR Tw A a a OR a oA aga ata 49iosr2024, 11.08, ‘3 FEA | Hind story by Krishan Baldev Vaid ik onl ae Ser §, Rife onfar gah 8 tian ger & few A FA are Sita A ore of a oer ona 8 Go RU Gea AF sae faery aaa T edt a dfs ge Her at ara ora ewe A se-sraet har S erg. 9 Gre en oie Aare wef & a Gea gor aT) Sa ReTaTe 9 RR AT ar eet wt ata Foren Sh THA AG TE rae Reh ai ke geA rT ae Te a The A ATE aa aH ew aS gare El th Se PA Bal YS Teal Ht Vara Weugige Yas SE A SIR FI USS FW TH AYA YO BETA SF AYA ae SATE A cea Hl Aa ator S site sor ae Tas SR Te a TIS ETL A rep GT BoA | Ba BU ail BAA Sea aif aor err fee IT SHUT BY TH GA TY A Ae BU she Tae Ba G1 aaGER RA Se TEU Berd EAA He fT MGA ger Hea ona TE MAS are fe SHO STH) SA war GR FAT HU seats aa V, TATA a Har eR a eh ariey fh, cori gs aT a era Be HTTST Aah fear a ae Tea seas ueg al a ugat aap ag arte gE ah ance ore erat ferme ge er aA a gare 8, Ga oul oe Hig ae Tory EU aT @, caren a sie-sue BAAS arg, He Tay, Hara dow F cher, tt ee TA HA A MoT AST AH eT a Yew aT fete wer BsA, HA ae SET shard exe go dia we, gad oR ae a, Fy we aT aT fasieat aa di, da a sik du we fear, ve gareig gs Sera Ga Wala a & a eda fear, Wea cern A area er fe Tae wa gs SAME A oie aaa a, Tae Q ve He Gra Go TT AA one fee ere aie ae Ta IU UST Gl GT, A CHA HAT HT wed Wade, oeRaawaa ed seas om Taga GET wet 8 ad a9), ae TAIT ST eT SrA Ge were wer st ara eae Uw oh ae eM Ae onda or arg wares fer Shar ae aA Safe 8, Raa BH TE TH ugaarane, te urge ase wee Saar or GraeT Ad Sa AA aah Peng A Saat hk Gea yw ee eT cit ete ag ath we aor gon Uw Ora aT ears Ran Tae Teta EI wae Read i, As sual wae ora th ya Go-go Pred dh ge faa Qa whea H gg sik Ue opofta fee a gall of HERE gs) Uh SAP UT oe adh uw ara Pe sitet gor wT UF, a ea AAT ae Uw] TE EBT A dca or aan we oR a we a geht Rua, o-cH SH ere Reprd fie 8, ora gr ore sree oa cae all a dee sik Sa eg 2 A Rd erg cay ux aera gu seer and feieah Uw aege Sh ‘are weg A aH averg are 2a &, fore fear ett ge Tee wT ‘merdlant 7 ae tee 8, frre fear Reb ona gall af fecal wet Gea 8, ral dag ahifaal fea-ara oe fer wr ara Ta 8, oie fore nee etbqteh & srerar site fare ara aor ets 1H aT ala! Go BA se, SAM A are 8 gal Wer FETS Bar, 8A ae fee ae ghar a uw er are &, ox BS Gel Tah thera A rear a wh wire Hea TET eA, Re unre oar fore uw Yel a Sa Saw a8, sik el A aga get a SE RST WT, BA TAA AR shee ales fore ST STAG STAD SHO GR aerfasa Sid Sea, AF ara aera & fore wer - fas tei eT oe Baal Fah 3 ww ar ee oR at aah ard floor cee AE, she AS “een gor Re Tre ae an ae aga are gee He ate Soh ar ae eT, 11.08, ‘3 FV | Hind story by Krishan Baldev Vaid Se Gia Tag 8 fH ga eRe a area & aay A oe cep Hen ge ET TE HA A AH ae ew GR TAT AIS TEA RTE soarh ge SAR a on GS Bl Brel Gis He aS fAHG sian A fen’, omg ign ee a, A Ge Ch ax aroTaH 8 TE Gr aA a eT AVA, eat Page Gu gen | ora APTA Are 9 oa Tu A i fern en oA Le Beer UT) FA Ban fe Go aR HTT a a A afl Age STATS FT ‘Few TS Fe MTHS TEA For feaTs aT AA Ah, ie oR ae Yes. eda urge ada wage & aren a ad agate sik eg Gor 21 rT ae sig Se ag Grea +h UT VST A aor Are ela ba ory otk ee A Tas OG - sa ae, Te, ora ara GH A ong BF sis agar afl he aa aren & ge Prd ard By, TAR fiber Std Bu Tad AY Be FU TUT Ue orate Tea HT eRTA Ba] Sit Be ct ae TaTSr a Seer en Te a gE ate Sep ST TE eH AA Ga oa a Sie Sra eR RATA HI Hg, Shoes flee gaat ol eg ERT a wa BRA Bor oH! nies er fee Se se ye are ae fee UT Tea ae TER Poe, Ase AR Has vet ee a ge ahs Tre A SR Preorer ch oh she eer Pree wea Be gS VE ah or aT a eno aa aera Baga yeas Rag ea seas aes aa rere She, Shea eT eA aT aA ART oe BT AT UTI Ware God Wl - smmeet ag Tee Sen aM HIN SM a 3 sig aT mmr wel Sts are - oh ae are eave VT TAR Tea A gH SHY shoe @ the fer, aan gee yet wy as eX sr A SRT ae, Yea) Ty otk fox Ys Age we HX GUA HRY A aa Ty He id aril 8 eam wer a GS SAR ga Tt Sars wT AAS Aawog dha FS ‘Feat fare gat ore on See a, sie Seah ahah rs GA qa ama al Page Ee en Se oe Are GPT MTA & fer MTS AS, TTT TH Te aR duge ga ae oF oep Gal ae dan Mera dsr } ot ger a aR Sab Ie a ol po HHS ya A oes Taal FRU A ATT are Grd Gi flee at Gree she Aaa a TAT OT SAR AA AYR Bor a ae wea Hal Ger ae Tic 8, Afr ae: FA Uae a, A eT ‘rarer et Fer ae WHI 8 we ae feu fee ta she Ho Sten US TMT) ETA Ta SH TETAS “geelard ae re one fa aaa ate aha tes ge eT a a Se aga Tea , Afar Sra org waa ax Tew AMT Tete eT flee aA, AA aha, ara ora RR ga Prong 2 oth Para ga 8 ah ge ae ae BAT um GG tel aga Gea TH U1 SiR GA & ag HIT GE Ta Ta GR TH ‘Bist ag Ah afer sa Ta A are are A AAS ara HEI HH we OTH HU, Hel - ASL- TH GE HT SCT VET UM, RA? TET SS-BTS TH, HF oe at & yaearn Ft ore, aes SEA WS oe oe ews ae fear tee are eae oa, re 1 alee a a wate ef Pre aah Re Ae GR Vs TS tT GaA A Rong a TEA ‘fae Aer sigan aera Prev | Hie fs ATen aga aT @, AEC TARE B, aga HFA 8, afta se seraTe a fears wr ets Gara AT $e cep Fen Sea ee tara BU VE AL Hast A ae sre fH FR ‘Sra BY ea ea site AU ef Sire UT SA Te & a fe wt A at Gare -wAT, 11:08, 38 GE | Hil story by Krishan Baldev Vaid TA AAR BI Pepe Sia UT, WS Sa VAT As GI ae ae tel A ‘Afar oa ah sa than Prem ag ae sleet on ax Sled eon sea ae TRE wel 8 Pepe of fe ae wa oe ae eA, gH a Ge WHA, 1A & el ar Ted AR Tea HEI FH ea ara HEA aH Bt attr 11 airfare ag area ea 82 Aad en acre & ag eared? SM Sea gr aa SS sa oT ease aml So weal - ey eons, Aa we Uitia Ki eo wear - Age Gal ww ae fren’ | oe Ger aala Ser eta. Tren sort wala at ae saan, Shea aha ter on aea-aiga RBIS BT oF ung & UgT aah 1g 1 AF agate dea, Shea ae ae APH ga ae ae BRS AGA SATU, TANS, TAT Sarat HTeAT ey 21g Gta Tes Bl Ty SAA au Gira Bhs fear V1 ae Me orgy spre S17 STAT 81 RGus Ga Ge GEA Pex sera ae Acta Hal ‘UaSIT Ger Paral Sear FS wel, Afra A ore FH en aes - aS ‘eorex ere eT sare: ae a TE Bl Ae Tele for Ga ches a wet Ga fae a 4m wet gael Rar aa wa, ae ata Sao Ge He Hh SIR ST SHER A GS ist a & fey Ser AA ora GATE ST Parr al aed a1 Ue ae f aa a Vued A sa GS aR SI AT BRU FS ST RT TM alu ST aN SoM ok LS Ta eT SIN, BA SPT fox Sah UA TR aa &, FSR MT a HS aa TES AF ATT wate A rare ah a rere sre Te eT eA HTS are TT ‘Framer och afar ag ae 8 ste A et rte fee A ae |? puraaaa ae (exe a, eredta arto Back Ema: Content: Captcha ome | Hind Autos | Best Hida | id Literary News | Hind Poss | Sts fr Kid | Hin Stary Costin | Hind Moisi Now Zsa | New ea Hind News | he Sats Speak | Conte Us | risey | Whats Apo Us E-mail: info@bharatdarshan, ‘Bart Daria, 2018-20\iterature/286/mera-dushmar-kahani.html
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Fear: Trump in the White House
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