A Green Economy in The Context of Sustai
A Green Economy in The Context of Sustai
A Green Economy in The Context of Sustai
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online)
Vol.5, No.3, 2014
1.1 What is a Green Economy?
The The green economy is one that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while
significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. Green economy is an economy or
economic development model based on sustainable development and knowledge of ecological
At present world Green Economy can be thought as a substitute vision for growth and development; one that
can generate growth and improvements in people’s lives in ways reliable with sustainable development. A Green
Economy endorses a triple bottom line: sustaining and advancing economic, environmental and social well-
being. A Green Economy is one in which the vital links between economy, society, and environment are
taken into account and in which the transformation of production processes, production and consumption
patterns, while contributing to a reduction per unit in reduced waste, pollution, and the use of resources,
materials, and energy, waste, and pollution emission will revitalize and diversify economies, create
decent employment opportunities, promote sustainable trade, reduce poverty, and improve equity and
income distribution.
A Green Economy can be defined as one that results in increased human well-being and social equity, while
significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities (UNEP 2011). A green economy is a
vehicle to achieve sustainable development and eradicate poverty. For Africa, the green economy is an
agenda for growth, poverty reduction and employment creation.
UNEP defines a green economy as one that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while
significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. In its simplest expression, a green
economy can be thought of as one which is low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive. In a green
economy, growth in income and employment should be driven by public and private investments that
reduce carbon emissions and pollution, enhance energy and resource efficiency, and prevent the loss of
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online)
Vol.5, No.3, 2014
biodiversity and ecosystem services. These investments need to be catalysed and supported by targeted
public expenditure, policy reforms and regulation changes. The development path should maintain, enhance and,
where necessary, rebuild natural capital as a critical economic asset and as a source of public benefits, especially
for poor people whose livelihoods and security depend on nature. The concept of a “green economy” does
not replace sustainable development, but there is now a growing recognition that achieving sustainability rests
almost entirely on getting the economy right.
1.2 Why Green Economy:
As a third world country like Bangladesh Green Economy is important. The resources are limited, A vast
population, so it is tough to balance supply and demand. Also Green economy considerably has been
reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. A green economy is low carbon, resource efficient, and
socially inclusive. The main option is green economy sustain environment but accelerate development. In a
green economy, growth in income and employment should be driven by public and private investments that
reduce carbon emissions and pollution, enhance energy and resource efficiency, and prevent the loss of
biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Why green economy very important in the world: By 2030 in this world-
Global energy demand up by 45%
Oil price up to US$180 per barrel (IEA)
GHG emissions up 45%
Global average temperature up 6°C
Sustained losses equivalent to 5-10% of Global GDP
Poor countries will suffer costs in Excess of 10% of their GDP (Stern)
1 billion people living on less than US$1 a day and US$3 billion Living on less than US$2 a day by 2015
[Source: Prepared by Stern Review, from data frown from World Resources Institute Climate Analysis
Indicators Tool (CAIT) on-line database version 3,0]
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online)
Vol.5, No.3, 2014
Bangladesh is called Vatir desh or ebb-tide country. Day by day its sea level has been increasing. If world’s
carbon dioxide giving out is not controlled, then melting down of the pole also continues. For which our coastal
area may go under water. This threat is the upcoming risk for Bangladesh.
Natural calamity is the familiar phenomenon In Bangladesh. Cyclones, excessive rain and floods occurring very
commonly, which drastically flooded our land, paddy field and home land. So development procedure of
Bangladesh hampered seriously. Droughts and river erosion also hinder our people and economy.
Environmental degradation will accelerate these hazards. So to protect and save our economy and
environment we need to emphasis on it. Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable places to climate change. It is
already knocking our door. In rainy season, it rains hardly but lately. In winter, cold is either less or short timed.
Environmental contamination accelerates this change gradually. In this context if we can’t handle this situation
brightly, climate change will affect our agricultural production, specially our rice production and whole
environmental situation, which will be an immense threat for our food security. Gas reserve of Bangladesh
is 10.5 TCF (Trillion cubic Feet) as of 1996. After that year several TCF of natural gas have been added to this,
but at the current rate (approximately 1000mmcfd) of gas use in Bangladesh imply that, reserves would last
next 40 to 42 year. If present use rate increase then it would last merely short time. (Data taken from wikipedia)
So Bangladesh needs to find out alternative raw material for generating power. Solar power can be a good
solution. It is environment friendly too.
However, preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity are the foundations of a sustainable growing economy. The
development of the global economy is intricately linked to the environment. Economic activities also affect,
and needs biodiversity. So we need to protect our ecosystem and biodiversity and need to invest in it.
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online)
Vol.5, No.3, 2014
production of 3,525 MW, according to one approximation. This is very minimum ratio.
Under the existing generation scenario renewable energy has a very small share to the total generation.
However, under the changed perspective renewable energy would have a significant contribution given
the global climate change scenario and carbon trading prospect. But govt have taken steps to increase
production electricity from Tidal Wave and Wind Power.
Other renewable energy sources include bio-fuels, gasohol, geothermal, river current, wave and tidal energy.
Based on last 16 years wind speed records at 20m above the ground, assembled by the Bangladesh
Meteorological Department, it is known that average wind-blow in many areas has been between 5.5 to 9.50 m/s
almost throughout the year. This speed has been proved as appropriate for setting up commercial and non-
commercial level wind power plants, power experts explained. Bangladesh has a long coastal belt of 740
kilometers and the coastal area. The normal tidal wave that rises and falls in the coastal region of Bangladesh is
between two and eight meters. Some of the coastal areas are protected by embankment and sluice gates from
flooding. Bangladesh has some large tidal sites and many channels of low tidal sites where barrages and sluice
gates already exist. Analysis of given sites according to a report indicates that Sandwip has a very good prospect of
tidal energy. The 5-metre tides experienced at Sandwip are ideally suitable.
Researchers say that Bangladesh may harness energy from tidal waves by application of two technologies: • Low
head tidal movements (2-5 m head)
• Medium head tidal movements ( 5 m or over)
They argue that low head tidal movements could be applied in coastal areas, such as Khulna, Barisal,
Bagerhat, Satkhira and Cox’s Bazar regions with sluice gates and levees. Since these areas are protected by
embankments the infrastructure needed for sluice gates is already present in the region. Only “tidal wheel” in the
sluice gates is necessary. The most favorable location of this type of technology is Sandwip Island where the mean
spring tidal height is about 5.73 meters. The tides in Sandwip demonstrate 5- hour “in” and 7-hour “out” cycle.
The installation of 75KW turbines, generating 80% of full capacity for 23 hours per day, according to a study by
researchers at the International University of Chittagong, equates to the production of about 1,380KW-hr
per day and the cost of the installation for one site is about Taka 3.5 million (US$50,000).
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online)
Vol.5, No.3, 2014
Total 50 MW
In line with the Government's Renewable Energy Policy, govt. has plan to develop at least 500 MW power from
renewable energy by 2015.
1. PDB, REB and IDCOL are distributing Solar Home System (SHS) to the people living in the off-
grid areas. IDCOL through different NGO has already distributed 1.0 million SHS throughout the country.
2. PDB has already installed nearly 11 KW solar power to the CHT area, nearly 230 W solar power in
Angorpot and Dahagram Chitmahal Area and installed 115W at their office building.
3. Solar PV with capacity of 21.2 KW has been installed at the Hon'ble Prime Minister's office as a
demonstration programme.
4. Nearly 10MW solar plant will be installed by PDB in Sarihabari (2-4 MW), Rigional Training
Office, Rajshahi (1 MW), Rajabarihat, Godagari (2-4 MW) in IPP model. Preparation of tender documents is
5. Power plant in combination with 1MW solar hybrid system along with 5MW by diesel, will be set up
in Hatia island. 5MW Solar PV plant will be installed in Kaptai . Some roads of six City Corporation
areas will be replaced by Solar Street lights. Asian Development Bank (ADB) is supporting these projects.
6. REB has taken project for Solar Irrigation System. 40 irrigation pumps will be brought under solar
power under this project.
7. PDB has undertaken a project in a remote area Sullah to provide 600kW solar power under
Climate mitigation programme.
8. 100 MW of wind power will be generated in the off-shore area of Anwara, Chittagong in IPP
model. PQ has already been prepared, tendering is under process.
9. Govt. has exempted income tax for next 5 years from commercial production from RE. 10.
Bangladesh Govt takes initiatives with German,
Government has recently initiated 500MW solar power programme with the inspiration and support of ADB.
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online)
Vol.5, No.3, 2014
The value of the Mau forest complex to the economy, including tourism, hydro power, agriculture and the tea
industry is estimated as much as US$1.5 billion a year. A multi million refurbishment initiative to reverse
trends of decades of deforestation started in 2010.
Department and 10% for Tree Fund. The participants are organized into 10-15 member sommittees. The
participants plant country bean and ginger under the young plantation (1-2 years), but there is no other
provision for promoting alternative income generating (AIG) activities among the participants.
With a target to cover 5,000 ha of the denuded hills in the Chittagong North Forest Division in its first phase, the
above project achieved 70 – 80% of the target. The second phase of the project is expected to start in the current
(2007-08) fiscal year for another 5 years. Even the prospective second phase of the above project would not
cumulatively cover 50% of the total area of denuded hills in the Chittagong North Forest Division. Moreover,
many of the plantations have failed to survive after their initial establishment (as long as the project had close
monitoring) due to alleged destruction by people. People set fire in the forest for raising sun grass and to get
fertilizer (of ashes) effect in their crop field below the hill. They also do not like the hills to grow into forest
harboring wildlife that damage their crops and poultry birds. The fire also occurs from careless disposal of
burning cigarette butts by the forest going people.
Sustainable agriculture:
Bangladesh is a predominantly farming-based economy. Once upon a time 80% peoples live on agriculture
although this rate is decreasing but agriculture is the main wheel still at current. The sustainability of
conventional agriculture in Bangladesh is under danger from the continuous degradation of land and water
resources, and from declining yields due to indiscriminate use of agro-chemicals. Government is pursuing
efforts to support sustainable agriculture with emphasis on better use of on-farm resources and the
reduction of external inputs.
At present govt taken steps to construct dimensions of agricultural sustainability as productivity,
environmental stability, and economical profitability, social and economic equity. Sustainability in
Agricultural Production usually ensures Nutritional Food Security at individual and National levels.
This is through policies of plant breeding and quality seed use with adequate price support of the products.
Basically the Plant Genetic Resources are building blocks for development of varieties that supports higher
yields per unit of area, time, investment and quality as determined by using Simultaneous Selection cycles.
These could be achieved through Conventional Plant Breeding using gene determination through Molecular tools
including Biotechnology. Candidate variety thus developed will go through Participatory Plant Breeding
as the final step of the development process. Adoption of technology by the fanner is more important than
generation of the same through R&D activities in the fields of Agriculture. The problems are many, the public
organizations alone has difficulties in developing appropriate technology for this vast industry of millions.
So, the more the Public Private Partnership (PPP) becomes workable the more is the possibility of sustained
growth and development in Agriculture. This system can support better production and marketing of quality
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online)
Vol.5, No.3, 2014
seeds, inputs and the product price. This is essential to keep the producers' investment undisturbed for
increased production towards poverty reduction and hunger mitigation. Adequate science based
Agricultural Education at University System is of primary requirement for the manpower development to
lead agriculture. This can be done through appropriate planning and execution of research and development
activities for improved livelihood to reduce poverty and hunger in Bangladesh.
The use of green technology showed a significant go up last year, covering some new areas from rural
farming to city restaurants, corporate houses and government offices. Industry insiders said a fall in prices of
green technology-based products on the global market caused by recession has attracted more
entrepreneurs to such business, which ultimately pushed the growth up. Infrastructure Development
Company Ltd (IDCOL), a major financier for green technology in Bangladesh, says it receives at least five new
proposals for green technology-based business every day. Installation of solar home system increased to 17,000
month in 2008. Solar irrigation pumps, water pumps, telecom base stations, and solar panels were the major hit
last year. Experts termed the trend as a 'hidden revolution'. However, they suggested introducing a
monitoring system to make sure sustainability of such technology.
Some brick kilns also started using environment- friendly solutions to make bricks in 2009. Diamond Auto
Bricks in Narayanganj had set up such a brick kiln. The new technology being used by Diamond Auto and the
likes is Hybrid Hoffman Kiln (HHK) technology imported from China. A single kiln that runs on HHK
technology will produce 15 by 5 produce 30 emission by 10 Around 4 billion bricks a year, and the number is
increasing by 10 estate. United Nations Development Programme also took a project under which 31 brick
kilns will initially be set up in different parts of the country. Telecom came to the forefront to go green in 2009.
Bangladesh's largest mobile phone company Grameenphone is going for a transformation to become a
'green company' with a target to reduce 30 installing solar base stations. "We are all contributors to this global
crisis and need to be part of the solution," said Oddvar Hesjedal, chief executive officer of Grameenphone.
The major change in the green technology market is that the local firms are increasingly opting for new
solutions. Grameen Shakti and Rahimafrooz are developing telecom base stations. Rahimafrooz also
developed solar pumps. The Prime Minister Office installed a solar power system to encourage people to go
for green energy amid acute power crisis. A similar move the Bangladesh Bank took in 2009 example for
banks. Nando's, a restaurant in Dhaka, installed solar panel as backup. "Our plan was to use something
environment- friendly as backup during power cut," said Abdur Rahim, director of Nando's. Saiful Haque,
secretary of Bangladesh Solar Energy Society, said: "We should understand what we're going to face due to
climate change. Green technology should replace the one that emits a huge carbon." He said sustainability of
such technology is crucial for Bangladesh, and so the government should introduce a monitoring system.
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online)
Vol.5, No.3, 2014
Greener Technology:
In Bangladesh some NGOs, like Grameen Shakti, and companies like Infrastructure Development
Company Ltd., (IDCOL), Industrial and Infrastructure Development Finance Company Ltd., (IIDFC) and
others have been working to promote greener technologies.
With our gas reserve running out quickly, there is a necessity to find out some alternative raw material for
power generation. Solar power is one of the solutions to the energy starved country, as it is environment
friendly too. The state-run IDCOL has set a target of installing some 1.0 million SHS by 2012, while under its
CDM project (POA), it would install a total of 30,000 SHS in the country. Thousands of workers and
engineers have already been employed in this sector. Furthermore, this CDM project will help reduce a
significant amount of CO2 per annum and earn carbon revenue. IDCOL has financed biomass based power
project too.
Gramin Shakti is a nonprofit organization pioneering solar systems for homes in Bangladesh. It is linked with
micro credit lender Gramin Bank. Gramin Shakti provided small loan scheme to the villagers to buy solar
home system. The Solar Home Systems (SHS) cost around $135 and villagers can pay back amount in
installments. Gramin Shakti aims to reach the targets of million SHS by 2015. Thus Gramin Shakti is in the
forefront of pushing green
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online)
Vol.5, No.3, 2014
economy in Bangladesh. Bangladesh government takes step to improved solar cooking stoves. This plan
already granted also started.
Vision of Solar Power development through Asia Solar Energy Initiative (ASEI) Meanwhile
ADB has declared its vision 'Asia Energy Solar Initiative (ASEI)' to develop 3000 MW solar
power in Asia and Pacific Region by 2013. ADB is also keen to provide support for renewable energy
development in Bangladesh.
Asia Solar Energy Initiative (ASEI) was launched by Asian Development Bank (ADB) on May 2010 aiming to
create a virtuous cycle of solar energy investments in the region toward achieving grid parity. ASEI has target
to assist implementing 3000 MW of solar power in Asia and Pacific region by 2013. ADB together with its
partners have introduced Asia Solar Energy Forum (ASEF) as part of boarder initiative to accelerate development
of solar energy. During ASEF's inaugural meeting held in Manila on 5-6 July 2010, Hon'ble Adviser to the
Prime Minister of Bangladesh Dr. Taufiq-e-Elahi (BB) envisioned to achieve 500 MW solar power development
in Bangladesh through the initiative of ASEF launched by ADB.
Green jobs in Bangladesh:
Specifically those that are in the clean energy industry have repeatedly been displayed as part of the
solution to today’s economic and environmental crises. Green jobs have the capacity to make available a
passageway out of poverty for millions of underemployed and unemployed Bangladeshis. Besides,
Bangladesh also currently has nearly 13 million unemployed job seekers. Shifting to a greener economy will
provide an opportunity for job creation in all sectors and all companies. This, in turn, will mean
revamping Bangladesh’s education system to make it more practical and suit each industry. The current
education system in India is often criticized for being too ‘certificate oriented’ rather than focusing on skill
building – a reason why every year half a million youths graduate in Bangladesh, but only a few thousands
possess specific skills to match the needs of the job market.
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online)
Vol.5, No.3, 2014
One example of this is Bangladesh’s concrete waste management (SWM) sector. According to the
Government of Bangladesh, urban Bangladesh produces over 15,000 mega tons of solid waste each day.
Currently there is a nationwide attempt to better manage this waste and the government has roped in several
private sector companies who have an impressive pool of SWM experts. On the national level, the whole effort
is focused on keeping the country clean and green, while generating jobs. Yet, at ground level this has threatened
the livelihood of at least 1.3 million poor people who make a living by recycling the waste, but are not recognized
for their skills. ‘Grameen shakti’ a solar power company has created 1200 jobs in villages.
Chittagong Development Authority (CDA), Khulna Development Authority (KDA), Rajdhanee
Development Authority (RDA) have created 85 thousand jobs. 15 metro city in Bangladesh now ongoing
recruitment Green jobs.
As per Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) Labor Force Survey 2005-06, total employed labor force is 47.4
million; Number the green jobs (estimated) in Bangladesh varies between 748,701- 811,268 which is 1.6 %-
1.72% of the total employed labor force.
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online)
Vol.5, No.3, 2014
Global Green Growth Institute which aims to help countries (especially developing countries) develop green
growth strategies.
In Mexico City, crippling congestion led to a major effort to promote Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), a
sophisticated bus system that uses dedicated lanes on city streets. Significant public investment in the BRT has
reduced commuting times and air pollution and improved access to public transit for those less able to afford
private cars. This remarkable success is now being replicated in cities across Mexico and has led to investment
from the federal government in urban public transit for the first time.
China now invests more than any other country in renewable energy. Its total installed wind
capacity grew 64 percent in 2010. This growth is driven by a national policy that sees clean energy as a major
market in the near future, and one in which China wants to gain a competitive edge.
Namibia is managing its natural resources to generate economic, social, and environmental
benefits. Local communities across the country are granted the right to use and capitalize on the benefits of
using wildlife and other natural resources within the boundaries of “communal conservancies.” With an
economic incentive to sustainably manage these areas, food and employment is being provided for
hundreds of thousands of Namibians in rural areas. More than half of the jobs are filled by women, and wildlife
populations have increased.
Businesses are increasingly leading progress toward a Green Economy. For example, the carpet
company Interface FLOR is improving its competitive positioning in this normally petroleum-
intensive industry by focusing on how sustainability can enhance its business model. The company is working
towards a closed loop system, meaning that its waste products are also its manufacturing inputs. Its company
culture reinforces its goals – when employees know they are making a difference in the world, they tend to
work harder and be better at their jobs, making the enterprise more productive. Interface’s CEO, Ray Anderson,
has said “If we can do it, anyone can. And if anyone can, everyone can.”
What are the challenges to a transition to a Green Economy, and what will make it possible?
The principal challenge is how we move towards an economic system that will benefit more people over the
long run. Transitioning to a Green Economy will necessitate a fundamental shift in thinking about growth and
development, production of goods and services, and consumer habits. This transition will not happen solely
because of better information on impacts, risks or good economic analysis; ultimately, it is about politics and
changing the political economy of how big decisions are made.
The problem is vested interests. Those who benefit from the status quo are either overrepresented in or have
greater access to institutions that manage natural resources and protect the environment. U.S. climate
legislation, for example, was defeated in no small part by resistance from fossil-fuel based energy advocates. The
following steps would help create a more level policy-making playing field:
Increase public awareness and the case for change. Greater visibility on the need for this transition can
motivate voters and consumers - not just because of the costs but also the economic benefits generated by a
Green Economy, such as new jobs and new markets. People will not adopt policies because they are green. They
will do so when they believe it is in their interest.
Promote new indicators that complement GDP. Planning agencies and finance ministries should adopt a more
diverse and representative set of economic indicators that focus less exclusively on growth and track the pace and
progress of development.
Open up government decision-making processes to the public and civil society. This would help ensure
policies are accountable to the public and not to vested and well-connected interests.
Identify and take advantage of political leadership when available as this will be crucial in order to limit the
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online)
Vol.5, No.3, 2014
In every environment related seminar, program, symposium, Earth Summit ‘Green economy and inclusive
growth’ – the core agenda of these– is fast becoming a buzzword in Bangladesh. At a glance, Bangladesh has a
great profile for building a low-carbon and green economy. Two decades after the Earth Summit in 1992,
attempts to govern sustainable development, the global environment and manage the world economy without
destabilizing crises, are hopelessly disconnected. Since the original Earth Summit conference we have lived
with an economic model based on debt-fuelled over consumption that co-exists with vast levels of poverty and
inequality. Comparable dynamics are visible in most economic sectors. Many working in the fields of
environment and development now find that systematic problems require a systemic solution. Through a
political process, economical hindrances, small economics Bangladesh has already begun to identify
opportunities and challenges in the continent’s transition to a green economy.
The green economy offers opportunities for Bangladesh to attract investments in environmental assets and
renewable energy, which will, in the long run, benefit development, reduce poverty and create employment.
Investments, both from public and private sources, can be made in the areas of sustainable agriculture,
fisheries and biodiversity management, as well as in technology, education and infrastructure. Efforts
should be made to reallocate existing capital flows toward sustainable economic development. If
transformed toward sustainability, the mining, energy and manufacturing sectors can be used by African
countries as an engine for growth. It is essential that governments put the enabling policies and conditions for a
green transformation into place. Trade policies can be used to improve African access to green
technologies, and to assist African countries in gaining access to world markets for sustainable products.
African governments can encourage the transition to a green economy through an overall policy framework,
consisting of a coherent set of policies, regulations and standards. GREEN economy has ambivalent
implications for Bangladesh. Some sectors such as forestry, tourism, transportation, and water resources
management, could run well under the green economy framework. Conversely, we need to be cautious
about implementing green economy principles in the agriculture sector since production may reduce
initially and may create a temporary food crisis for a land deficit country like Bangladesh. It does not mean that
we should continue with environmentally destructive agriculture, but that we should start green
agriculture today, possibly in a limited scale which can be replicated on a wider scale in future. At the same time,
we have to be careful about equity issues. The benefits generated from green economy should be distributed
following the principle of equity and justice.
Although the green economy is a new concept, there are many examples of successful policies and
initiatives across Africa in the areas of energy, agriculture and forestry, which prove that green
economy-related action is already under way in several of these countries. These countries can share their
experiences with other African countries; and Africa, as a whole, can engage in global processes with its own
views, perspectives, lessons learned and experiences, including at the local level.
Finally, the concept of green economy does not say how increased production and efficiency will change the
poverty situation in the world, or will ensure a more equitable distribution of wealth, education, and equity.
Neither does it identify the relevant actors. So, it is understood that green economy seeks to perpetuate the
economic system that – with its logic of unlimited growth on a finite planet – has almost led us to ecological and
social collapse.
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2855 (Online)
Vol.5, No.3, 2014
Ultimately, the Green Economy concept needs to look for other ways of accounting for costs in production and
consumption based on the idea that the planet is finite, that development and the economic system are concepts
that must be developed locally and nationally, and acknowledging that societies can live modestly, dignified, just
and happy on the basis of the concept of "good living"
From my point of view, the better use of natural resources is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition to
achieve sustainable development. The green economy concept should effectively pursuit an idea of society’s
welfare that does not depend on a continuous increase of production and consumption. Focusing only on
reducing carbon emissions and pollution without thinking of any change to the production-consumption
status quo, equals thinking that everything is perfect and we only need to find the way to keep doing the same
things, but in a less polluting way.
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