Multicorp STRA3703-2A Final Version
Multicorp STRA3703-2A Final Version
Multicorp STRA3703-2A Final Version
General Information
2. Instructors
Mr. Baniel Cheung
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
WhatsApp: (852) 94399728
3. Course Description
Course This course studies the multinational enterprise (MNE) and the theoretical approaches that
Description have been formulated to explain the growth and operation of this form of business on an
international scale.
Recent general theories and best industry practice will both be considered in a critical manner
to allow judgments to be made on their strengths and limitations.
4. Course Objectives
2. To provide an understanding of the challenges and opportunities that multinational corporations face in a
global environment
8. Assessment Methods
A1. Group Each team will be responsible for making 40% 1,2,3,4,5
Project presentations of a new foreign investment project.
The investment project involves making or selling a
specified product or service in a host country. Your
team will choose one multinational corporation (either
a well-established company or a growing startup
firm), in one industry, and one host country.
Examples of the topics of your presentation include
Tesla’s entry in Europe, Alipay in Africa, Wada Bento
in Japan, etc. Students assume the role of
international managers and present your analysis and
recommendations to the senior management of your
company. Your analysis should be focused primarily
on organizational and management issues rather
than marketing/finance issues. You have to submit
the topic of your group project to Teaching Assistant
on or before 21st Feb and get approval from your
instructor beforehand. No two teams can work on the
same topic. To secure your topic, you can submit your
topic for approval as soon as your team has made a
decision. Your presentation should be within 25
minutes. Each presentation will be followed by a 5-10
min Q&A session. There are no rules for the selection
of presenter(s). The presentation portion of the grade
8. Assessment Methods
A2. Class You are encouraged to actively participate in all class 20% 1,2,3,4,5
participation activities and discussions during lectures and guest
lectures. Your class participation is crucial to
successful learning. Active class participation will
not only facilitate your learning process but also
make the class discussions lively and exciting. Class
participation will be evaluated based on the
quantity and quality of an individual’s contribution. I
will greatly reward students who actively participate
in the discussion of cases and role-play activities,
make insightful comments and connections to
course materials, constructively analyze
classmates’ arguments, and introduce a unique
perspective into a discussion.
A3. Individual You are required to submit one case write-up. You are 40% 1,2,3,4,5
case write-up expected to identify the main issues in the case, to
evaluate the alternatives and to make
D+,D Content of presentation-The presentation only covered some basic elements of the
analysis and conclusions to the audience in a somewhat logical manner.-Very few concepts
were thoroughly explained and clarified when necessary. -The presentation demonstrated
very limited level of understanding and comprehension of the topic (theory and practical
application). -There was very limited evidence of independent and critical thinking.
Execution of presentation-The presenter(s) displayed minimal verbal skills and the
presentation lacked in coherence.-Visual aids were somewhat appropriately used but
unclear.-The presentation was completed within the time limit.
F Content of presentation-The presentation failed to address the basic and key issues of the
analysis and conclusions.-The presentation did not demonstrate sufficient understanding
and comprehension of the topic. Execution of presentation-Verbal skills were
inadequate.-Visual aids were inadequately used. -The presentation was not completed
within the time limit.
A+,A,A- Attended all case sessions and missed minimal amount of lectures. Consistently
participated voluntarily in case discussions and other class discussions. All or almost all
contributions to the discussion are relevant, clear, well articulated and insightful and
consist of relevant and helpful examples and analyses, creative and insightful solutions,
thereby appropriately challenging assumptions and perspectives, showing outstanding
ability to apply theory and concepts to practical examples.
B+,B,B- Attended all case sessions and missed minimal amount of lectures. Consistently
participated voluntarily in case discussions and other class discussions. Most contributions
to the discussion are relevant, clear, well articulated and insightful and consist of relevant
and helpful examples and analyses, creative and insightful solutions, thereby appropriately
9. Assessment Rubrics
challenging assumptions and perspectives, showing strong ability to apply theory and
concepts to practical examples.
C+,C,C- Attended all case sessions and missed minimal amount of lectures. Occasionally
participated voluntarily in case discussions and other class discussions. Some
contributions to the discussion are relevant, clear, well articulated and insightful and
consist of relevant and helpful examples and analyses, showing some creative and
insightful solutions, thereby showing moderate ability to apply theory and concepts to
practical examples.
D+,D Attended all case sessions and missed minimal amount of lectures. Occasionally
participated voluntarily in case discussions and other class discussions. Few contributions
to the discussion are relevant, clear, well articulated and insightful and consist of limited
relevant and helpful examples and analyses, showing very limited creative and insightful
solutions, thereby showing very limited ability to apply theory and concepts to practical
F Missed multiple case sessions and/or failed to participate voluntarily or simply recited
comments made by others.
A+,A,A- Strong evidence of superb ability to fulfill the intended learning outcomes of the course at
all levels of learning: describe, apply, evaluate and synthesis.
B+,B,B- Strong evidence of ability to fulfill the intended learning outcomes of the course at all
levels of learning: describe, apply, evaluate and synthesis.
C+,C,C- Evidence of adequate ability to fulfill the intended learning outcomes of the course at low
levels of learning; such as describe and apply, but not at high levels of learning such as
evaluate and synthesis.
Teaching Content and Assignment Submission Tasks
- Introduction to Multinational Corporations
- Assess the Macro-Environment: Political, Economic, Legal, and Technological Factors
17th Jan
- Study the Micro-Environment and Competitive Environment
- Case Study: Mapxus Technology
- No Lecture
24th Jan
- Students form groups and conduct outside class meetings for group project topic
- No Lecture
31st Jan
- Students form groups and conduct outside class meetings for group project topic
- Understand the Importance of Cross-Cultural Management
- Major Cross-Cultural Management Academic Frameworks
7th Feb
- Cross-Cultural Communication in Multinational Corporations
- Case Study: Ginza West
- No Lecture
13th Mar
- Students conduct outside class meetings and field works for group project
- Organizational Culture and Team Culture in Multinational Corporations
- Organization Structure and Control Systems
20th Mar
- Explore Balanced Scorecard System
- Case Study: Memorigin
- No Lecture
3rd Apr
- Students conduct outside class meetings to prepare for group project presentation
- No Lecture
10th Apr
- Students conduct outside class meetings to prepare for group project presentation
Teaching Content and Assignment Submission Tasks
17th Apr
20th Apr - Group Project Presentation