GT Lab Manual

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Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory Manual

INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS ..................................................................................................................... 3

1. GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION BY SIEVE ANALYSIS ............................................................................... 5

2. HYDROMETER ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................... 12

3. DETERMINATION OF CONSISTENCY/ATTERBERG LIMITS .............................................................. 23

4. FIELD DENSITY TEST........................................................................................................................... 39

5. FALLING HEAD PERMEABILITY TEST FOR FINE GRAINED SOILS .................................................. 48

6. DETERMINATION OF MOISTURE CONTENT ...................................................................................... 52

7. DETERMINATION OF SPECIFIC GRAVITY .......................................................................................... 55

8. STANDARD PROCTOR TEST ............................................................................................................... 58

9. DIRECT SHEAR TEST........................................................................................................................... 65

10. DETERMINATION OF FREE SWELL INDEX ........................................................................................ 71

11. ONE – DIMENSIONAL CONSOLIDATION TEST .................................................................................. 73

12. UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TEST.................................................................................................. 83

13. CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST ................................................................................................... 90

14. TRIAXIAL TEST ..................................................................................................................................... 97

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Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory Manual

Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory


Follow all written and verbal instructions carefully

1. Dress code must be shirt, trousers, fully covered shoes, and lab coat. Girls should put up their

2. Students should bring their own laboratory manual, calculator, and other accessories for doing
the experiment.

3. The squad leaders should enter the list of instruments required in the issue register with the
counter signature of the laboratory staff member in charge of the class. They should check the
instruments before proceeding to the practical class and report damages if any to the
concerned laboratory staff. The squad will be responsible for any loss or damages caused to
any instrument after issue.

4. Students should handle the instruments with maximum care and if any defect or damage
happens to the instruments, the matter should be immediately reported to the staff member in
charge and they must abide by the directions of the staff member.

5. Students should return the instruments ten minutes before the expiry of the period prescribed
for the practical class.

6. Do not try to operate any apparatus or handle any tool unless you know how to handle. Operate
the machine/equipment in the presence of laboratory staff.

7. Always keep in mind the location of fire extinguisher and first aid box.

8. In case of fire, disconnect the electric supply carefully.

9. Never work in places where light is insufficient.

10. The laboratory should be kept clean.

11. Never carry an open sharp tool in the pocket.

12. In case of any breakage of glass or equipment, report to the instructor immediately.

13. The observations should be entered in the lab manual in ink in the class itself; where
corrections are made, the new reading is to be entered only under the initials of the staff

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member. Once the experiment is over, the observations are to be got counter signed by the
staff member.

14. If any calculation must be done, it should be finished during the practical class itself, unless
the staff member permits to complete it at a later stage.

15. The record should be submitted within the prescribed time according to the directions of the
staff member in charge of the class.

16. All test results should be inferred with reference to the respective IS specifications.

17. All the moulds should be cleaned thoroughly after the experiments.

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The grain size analysis is an attempt to determine the relative proportions of different grain
sizes which make up a given soil mass and draw graph between log grain size of soil and %


The grain size analysis is widely used in classification of soils. The data obtained from grain
size distribution curves is used in the design of filters for earth dams and to determine
suitability of soil for road construction, air field etc. Information obtained from grain size
analysis can be used to predict soil water movement although permeability tests are more
generally used.


Balance of sensitivity 0.1g, I.S sieves, mechanical sieve shaker


Effective size (D10) is the particle diameter corresponds to 10% finer in the grain size
distribution graph. It means 10% of particle is finer than this diameter.
Uniformity coefficient: 𝐶𝑢 = 𝐷60

𝐷30 2
Coefficient of Curvature 𝐶𝑐 = 𝐷
60 𝑥𝐷10


1. Take a representative sample of soil received from the field and dry it in the oven.

2. Use a known mass of dried soil with all the grains properly separated out. Take 400g of soil for analysis,
since maximum size is 4.75 mm.

3. Set the sieves one over the other in an ascending order of size of sieves from the bottom with a pan
attached to the lowest 75 µ sieve and fit the nest to a mechanical shaker.

4. Place the selected sample of soil on the top 4.75 mm sieve and close it with a cap.

5. The whole nest of sieves is given a horizontal shaking for 10 min. till the soil retained on each sieve
reaches a constant value.

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6. Determine the mass of soil retained on each sieve including that collected in the pan below.

7. The percentage of soil retained on each sieve shall be calculated based on total weight of soil sample
taken. Cumulative percentage of soil retained on successive sieve is found.

8. Draw a graph between log sieve size vs % finer. The graph is known as gradation curve.
Corresponding to 10%, 30% and 60% finer, obtain diameters from the graph and designate them as
D10, D30, and D60.

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Weight of soil sample (W) = …………………… g

I.S sieve Wt. retainedin Percentage Cumulative % % finer Remarks

number each sieve retained on each retained on each
or size in sieve sieve









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Effective size = mm
Uniformity coefficient, Cu =
Coefficient of Curvature, Cc =



1. The balance to be used must be sensitive to the extent of 0.1% of total weight of sample taken.

2. I.S 460-1962 is to be used. The sieves for soil tests: 4.75 mm to 75 microns.

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1. To determine the grain size distribution of soil sample containing appreciable amount of fines.

2. To draw a grain size distribution curve.


For determining the grain size distribution of soil sample, usually mechanical analysis (sieve
analysis) is carried out in which the finer sieve used is 75 microns. If a soil contains appreciable
quantities of fine fractions in (less than 75micron) wet analysis is done. One form of the analysis
is hydrometer analysis. It is very much helpful to classify the soil as per ISI classification. The
properties of the soil are very much influenced by the amount of clay and other fractions.


1. Hydrometer 15. Wash bottle-containing distilled

3. Glass measuring cylinder-Two of
1000 ml capacity

4. Thermometer- To cover the range 0

to 50o C with an accuracy of 0.5o C.

5. Water bath.

6. Stirring apparatus.

7. I.S sieve 75 micron.

8. Balance-accurate to 0.01 g.

9. Oven-105 to 110 ºC.

10. Stop watch.

11. Desiccators

12. Scale

13. Porcelain evaporating dish.

14. Measuring cylinder-100 ml


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Sodium hexametaphosphate solution-dissolve 33 g of sodium hexametaphosphate and 7 g of

sodium carbonate in distilled water to make one litre of solution.


Sieving is not practical for soil grains finer that 75 μ (i.e., 0.075 mm). The method for estimating
the grain size distribution of each such soils id based on Stoke’s law which discusses the rate of
free fall of a sphere through a liquid. The velocity of such a particle increases at first due to gravity
but a constant terminal velocity is reached within a short time. According to Stoke’s law, the
diameter of the particle D (mm) is given by,

980(𝐺𝑠 − 𝐺𝑤 )𝑡


1. Take about 800ml of water in one measuring cylinder. Place the cylinder on a table and
observe the initial reading.

2. Immerse the hydrometer in the cylinder. Take the reading after immersion.

3. Determine the volume of the hydrometer (VH), which is equal to the difference between the
final and initial reading.

Alternatively, weigh the hydrometer to the nearest 0.1g. The volume of the hydrometer in ml is
approximately equal to its mass in grams.

4. Determine the area of cross-section (A) of the cylinder. It is equal to the volume indicated
between any two graduations divided by the distance between them.

5. Measure the distance between the hydrometer neck and the bottom of the bulb. Record it as
the height of the bulb (h).

6. Measure the distance (H) between the neck to each of the marks on the hydrometer (Rh)

7. Determine the effective depth (He), corresponding to each of the mark (Rh), as

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1 𝑉𝐻
𝐻𝑒 = 𝐻 + (ℎ − )
2 𝐴

(VH/A) should not be considered when the hydrometer is not taken out when taking readings after
start of the sedimentation at ½, 1, 1 and 4 minutes.)

8. Draw a calibration curve between He and Rh . Alternatively, prepare a table between He and

The curve may be used for finding the effective depth He corresponding to reading Rh.


1. Insert the hydrometer in the measuring cylinder containing about 700ml of water.

2. Take the readings of the hydrometer at the top and the bottom of the meniscus.

3. Determine the meniscus correction, which is equal to the difference between the two readings.

4. The meniscus correction (Cm) is positive and is a constant for the hydrometer.

5. The observed reading (Rh’) is corrected to obtain the corrected hydrometer reading (Rh) as

Rh = Rh’ + Cm


1. Take 50 grams of soil sieved through 75 micron IS Sieve in an evaporating dish.

2. Add 100 mL of Sodium Hexametaphosphate solution to the evaporating dish.

3. This mix should then be transferred to the cup of the mechanical stirrer. Any remaining soil in the
evaporating should be rinsed to the cup using distilled water.

4. The solution should be stirred thoroughly in mechanical stirrer for atleast 15 minutes.

5. The suspension shall be transferred to the 1000 mL measuring cylinder and made up to exactly 1000
mL with distilled water.

6. The measuring cylinder containing the soil suspension must be shaken vigorously end-over-end to
mix the suspension thoroughly.

7. Place the measuring cylinder on the table and start the stopwatch.

8. The hydrometer shall be immersed to a depth slightly below its floating position and then allowed to
float freely. Hydrometer readings shall be taken after periods of ½ , 1, 2 and 4 minutes. The
hydrometer shall then be removed slowly, rinsed in distilled water, and kept in a cylinder of distilled

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water at the same temperature as the soil suspension.

9. The hydrometer shall be re-inserted in the suspension and readings are taken after periods of 8, 15
and 30 minutes, one, two and four hours after shaking. The hydrometer shall be removed, rinsed,
and placed in the distilled water after each reading. Finally, a reading may be taken at the end of 24

(Note: Hydrometer shall not be dropped from the surface into the solution as this might cause the bulb end
of hydrometer to touch the bottom of measuring cylinder and cause disturbance to the settled soil particles.)

10. A grain size distribution curve shall be drawn on a semi-logarithmic chart, plotting particle size on the
log scale against percentage finer than the corresponding size on the ordinary scale.


Rh H (cm) 1
𝐻𝑒1 = 𝐻 + 2 {ℎ −
} ℎ
𝐴 𝐻𝑒2 = 𝐻 +
cm cm


Total weight of dry soil taken, W =

Specific Gravity of soil, Gs =

Viscosity of water, µ =

Height of the bulb, b =

Volume of hydrometer bulb, Vh =

Area of measuring cylinder, Ah =

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Hydrometer 𝐷=√
He 980(𝐺𝑠 − 𝐺𝑤 )𝑡 (% finer than for soil)
reading upper
Meniscus (cm) (mm)
Elapsed Time in
Reading from graph 100𝐺𝑠 𝑅ℎ
Rh – 1000 (𝐺𝑠 − 1)𝑀𝑠






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1. Percentage of clay content =

2. Percentage of silt content =


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Page left blank for tracing hydrometer

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1. Prepare soil specimen as per specification.

2. Find the relationship between water content and number of blows.

3. Draw the flow curve.

4. Find out liquid limit.


Liquid limit is significant, to know the stress history and general properties of the soil, met with
during construction. From the liquid limit value, the compression index may be estimated. The
compression index value will be useful for the settlement analysis. If the natural moisture content
of soil is closer to the liquid limit, the soil can be considered as soft. If the moisture content is
lesser than liquids limit, the soil can be considered as brittle and stiffer.


The liquid limit is the moisture content at which the groove, formed by a standard tool into the
sample of soil taken in the standard cup, closes by 12 mm on being given 25 blows in a standard
manner. At this limit the soil possesses low shear strength.


1. Balance

2. Liquid limit device (Casagrande’s Apparatus)

3. Grooving tool

4. Mixing dishes

5. Spatula

6. Electric Oven

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1. About 120 g of air-dried soil from thoroughly mixed portion of material passing 425 micron I.S
sieve is to be obtained.

2. Distilled water is added, to the soil in a mixing dish to form a uniform paste.

3. A portion of the paste is placed in the cup of liquid limit device and spread with few strokes of

4. Trim it to a depth of about 1cm at the point of maximum thickness and return excess of soil to
the dish.

5. The soil in the cup shall be divided by the grooving tool along the diameter through the center
line, so that clean sharp groove of proper dimension is formed.

6. Lift and drop the cup by turning the crank at the rate of two revolutions per second until the two
halves of soil cake come in contact with each other for a length of about 12 mm by flow only.

7. The number of blows required to cause the groove to close for about 12 mm shall be recorded.

8. A representative portion of soil is taken from the cup for water content determination.

9. Repeat the test with different moisture contents at least three more times to get blows between
10 and 40.

10. Draw a graph showing the relationship between water content (on y-axis) and number of blows
(on x-axis) on semi-log graph. The curve obtained is called flow curve. The moisture content
corresponding to 25 drops (blows) as read from the graph represents the liquid limit. It is usually
expressed to the nearest whole number.

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Determination Number 1 2 3 4

Container number

Weight of container W1 g

Weight of container + wet soil

W2 g

Weight of container + dry soil W3


Weight of water W2-W3 g

Weight of dry soil W3-W1 g

Moisture content (%)

𝑤2 − 𝑤3
𝑤3 − 𝑤1

No. of blows N

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Liquid limit of the given soil = …………….%

Flow index =
𝑤2 −𝑤1
𝐼𝑓 = log 𝑁1
10 𝑁2


Liquid limit of the given soil = ---------------%

Flow index If =

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To find the plastic limit of soil


Soil is used for making brick, tiles, soil cement blocks in addition to its use as foundation for


1. Porcelain dish.

2. Glass plate for rolling the specimen.

3. Air tight containers to determine the moisture content.

4. Balance of capacity 200gm and sensitive to 0.01gm

5. Thermostatically controlled oven with interior of non-corroding material to maintain the

temperature around 1050 and 1100C.


1. Take about 20g of thoroughly mixed portion of the material passing through 425-micron I.S.
sieve obtained in accordance with I.S. 2720 (part 1).

2. Mix it thoroughly with distilled water in the evaporating dish till the soil mass becomes plastic
enough to be easily moulded with fingers.

3. Allow it to season for sufficient time to allow water to permeate throughout the soil mass

4. Take about 10g of this plastic soil mass and roll it between fingers and glass plate with just
sufficient pressure to roll the mass into a thread of uniform diameter throughout its length. The
rate of rolling shall be between 60 and 90 strokes per minute.

5. Continue rolling till you get a thread of 3 mm diameter.

6. Kneed the soil together to a uniform mass and re-roll.

7. Continue the process until the thread crumbles when the diameter is 3 mm.

8. Collect the pieces of the crumbled thread in an air tight container for moisture content

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9. Repeat the test for at least 3 times and take the average of the results calculated to the nearest
whole number.


Container No.

Wt. of container + lid, W1 g

Wt. of container + lid + wet sample, W2 g

Wt. of container + lid + dry sample, W3 g

Wt. of dry sample = W3 – W1 g

Wt. of water in the soil = W3 – W2 g

𝑊3 −𝑊2
Water content (%) = 𝑊3−𝑊1 𝑥 100

Plasticity Index, Ip = wl – wp

(liquid limit – plastic limit)

Toughness Index, It = Ip/If


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Average Plastic Limit = ...............

Plasticity Index (Ip) =............

Toughness Index =

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To determine the shrinkage limit and calculate the shrinkage ratio for the given soil.


Soils which undergo large volume changes with change in water content may be troublesome.
Volume changes may not and usually will not be equal. A shrinkage limit test should be performed
on a soil.

1. To obtain a quantitative indication of how much change in moisture can occur before any
appreciable volume change occurs

2. To obtain an indication of change in volume.

The shrinkage limit is useful in areas where soils undergo large volume changes when going through wet
and dry cycles (as in case of earth dams)


As the soil loses moisture, either in its natural environment, or by artificial means in laboratory it
changes from liquid state to plastic state, from plastic state to semi-solid state and then to solid
state. Volume changes also occur with changes in water content. But there is a particular limit at
which any change in water content does not cause any volume change in soil.

(𝑉−𝑉𝑑 )×𝜌𝑤
Shrinkage limit (ws) = (𝑊 − ) × 100

If G is known,
𝑉 1
Shrinkage limit 𝑤𝑠 = [𝑀𝑑 − 𝐺] 𝑋 100

Shrinkage ratio (SR) 𝑆𝑅 = 𝑉
𝑑 −𝜌𝑤

𝑉− 𝑉𝑑
Volumetric Shrinkage (VS) 𝑉𝑆 = [ ] 𝑋 100 = (𝑤 − 𝑤𝑠 )𝑥 𝑆𝑅

w = Water content of wet soil

V = Volume of wet soil pat Vd

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= Volume of dry soil pat Md

= Mass of dry soil pat


1. Evaporating Dish- Porcelain, about 12cm diameter with flat bottom.

2. Spatula

3. Shrinkage Dish. Circular, porcelain or non-corroding metal dish (3 nos) having a flatbottom and 45
mm in diameter and 15 mm in height internally.

4. Straight Edge- Steel, 15 cm in length.

5. Glass cup. 50 to 55 mm in diameter and 25 mm in height, the top rim of which is ground smooth
and level.

6. Glass plates. Two, each 75 x 75 mm one plate shall be of plain glass and the other shallhave

7. 425- micron IS sieves.

8. Oven-thermostatically controlled.

9. Balance-Sensitive to 0.01 g minimum.

10. Mercury. Clean, sufficient to fill the glass cup to over flowing.

11. Wash bottle containing distilled water.


Preparation of soil paste

1. Take about 100 gm of soil sample from a thoroughly mixed portion of the material passing through
425-micron I.S. sieve.

2. Place about 30 gm of the above soil sample in the evaporating dish and thoroughly mix it with
distilled water and make a creamy paste.

Use water content somewhere around the liquid limit.

Filling the shrinkage dish

1. Coat the inside of the shrinkage dish with a thin layer of Vaseline to prevent the soil sticking to the

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2. Fill the dish in three layers by placing approximately 1/3 rd of the amount of wet soil with the help of
spatula. Tap the dish gently on a firm base until the soil flows over the edges and no apparent air
bubbles exist. Repeat this process for 2nd and 3rd layers also till the dish is completely filled with
the wet soil. Strike off the excess soil and make the top of the dish smooth. Wipe off all the soil
adhering to the outside of the dish.

3. Weigh immediately, the dish with wet soil and record the weight (W2).

4. Air- dry the wet soil cake for 6 to 8hrs, until the colour of the pat turns from dark to light.Then oven-
dry the pat to a constant weight at 1050C to 1100C say about 12 to 16 hrs.

5. Remove the dried disk of the soil from oven. Cool it in a desiccators. Then obtain the weight of the
dish with dry sample (W3).

6. Determine the weight of the empty dish and record (W1).

7. Determine the volume of shrinkage dish which is evidently equal to volume of the wet soil as follows.
Place the shrinkage dish in an evaporating dish and fill the dish with mercury till it overflows slightly.
Press it with plain glass plate firmly on its top to remove excess mercury. Take the weight of mercury
in the shrinkage dish (M0).

Volume of the Dry Soil Pat

1. Determine the volume of dry soil pat by removing the pat from the shrinkage dish and immersing it
in the glass cup full of mercury in the following manner.

2. Place the glass cup in a larger one and fill the glass cup to overflowing with mercury. Remove the
excess mercury by covering the cup with glass plate with prongs and pressing it. See that no air
bubbles are entrapped. Wipe out the outside of the glass cup to remove the adhering mercury.
Then, place it in another larger dish, which is, clean and empty carefully. Place the dry soil pat on
the mercury in the glass dish. Immerse the dry pat with the pronged glass plate and flush it with top
of the cup. The mercury spills over into the larger plate and find the mass of that mercury (M). From
that volume of dry soil pat can be found out.

Shrinkage limit of undisturbed soil:

In this case G is known in advance. The equation to be used for determining ws is ws = [(Vd/Md)-
(1/G)] 100. For the undistributed soil we need to know only the volume of an undistributed dry pat
of soil sample of diameter 45 mm and thickness 15 mm. Round off its edges to prevent the
entrapment of air during mercury displacement. Air dry the sample initially and then oven dry the
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same. Find its mass (Md) after cooling it in a desiccators, and then its volume V d by mercury
displacement method. Ws may now be found out by use of equation:

𝑉𝑑 1
𝑤𝑠 = [ − ] 𝑋 100
𝑀𝑑 𝐺

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Wt. of container W1 g

Wt. of container + wet soil pat W2 g


Wt. of container + dry soil pat W3 g


Wt. of oven dry soil pat W3-W1


5 Moisture content (%) w (W2-W3)/(W3-W1)

Mass of mercury in shrinkage dish + dish M1 g


Mass of glass dish M2 g


8 Mass of Mercury in shrinkage dish M0 M1- M2

9 Volume of shrinkage dish V M0/13.6 cc

Mass of Mercury displaced by soil pat + dish M3 g


11 Mass mercury + glass dish

Mass of mercury remain after it is displaced
by soil pat + glass dish

13 Mass of mercury displaced by soil dry pat M M3 –M2 g

14 Volume of dry par Vd M/13.6 cc

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15 Shrinkage limit 𝑊𝑠 = [𝑤 −
(𝑉− 𝑉𝑑 )𝜌𝑤
] 𝑥100

Shrinkage ratio (𝑆𝑅) = 𝑉𝑑 𝑥 𝜌𝑤

Volumetric Shrinkage
17 𝑉 − 𝑉𝑑
𝑉𝑆 = 𝑥 100

𝑉𝑆 = (𝑤 − 𝑤𝑠 )𝑥 𝑆𝑅

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1. Shrinkage Limit=

2. Volumetric shrinkage=

3. Shrinkage ratio =

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Determine the in-situ density of natural or compacted soils using sand pouring cylinders.


The in-situ density of natural soil is needed for the determination of bearing capacity of soils, for
the purpose of stability analysis of slopes, for the determination of pressures on underlying strata
for the calculation of settlement and the design of underground structures.

It is a very good quality control test, in the embankment and pavement construction, where
controlled compaction is required.


1. Sand pouring cylinder with pouring cone, separated by a shutter cover plate.

2. Tools for excavating holes.

3. Cylindrical calibrating container.

4. Balance to weigh to an accuracy of 1g.

5. Metal containers to collect excavated soil.

6. Metal tray with hole in the center.

7. Glass plate about 450 mm square and 10mm thick.

8. Suitable non-corrodible airtight containers.

9. Thermostatically controlled oven with interior made of non-corroding material to maintain the
temperature between 1050C to 1100C.

10. Desiccators with any desiccating agent other than sulphuric acid.


Clean, uniformly graded natural sand passing through 600-micron I.S. Sieve and retained on the
300-micron I.S. Sieve. It shall be free from organic matter and shall be oven dried and exposed to
atmospheric humidity.

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Field density is defined as mass per unit volume of soil mass in the field at in-situ conditions. Void
ratio is defined as volume of voids to volume of solids in a soil mass.

Equations are:

ρd = ρf/ (1+w) gm/cm³

ϒd = ϒf/ (1+w) kN/m³

e = (Gρw/ρd) - 1
Where, ρd = dry density,
ϒd = dry unit weight,

ρf = field density,
ϒf =field unit weight,

w = water content,
ϒw = unit weight of water = 9.81 kN/m³

The basic equations in determination of density using sand replacement method are:
ρt = Ms/ Vh

ρd = ρf/ (1+w)

where, Vh = Volume of pit made in the field.

Ms = mass of moist soil removed from the pit.

w = moisture content of soil removed from the pit.

ρf = in-situ bulk density.

ρd = dry density of the soil.

G = specific gravity of the solids.

ρw = density of water.
e = void ratio

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Determination of mass of sand that fills the cone.

1. With the valve closed, fill the cylinder with sand and weight it (M).

2. Keep the cylinder on a glass plate, which is kept on a horizontal surface. Open the valve and allow
the sand to fill the cone completely. Close the valve and weigh the cylinder +balance sand (M 0)

3. Mass of sand that fills the conical portion (M1) = M- M0

Calibration of the cylinder

1. Measure the internal dimensions of the calibrating container and find its volume (Vc).

2. With the valve closed, fill the cylinder with sand upto about 1 cm below the top and weight it (M 2).

3. Place the cylinder over the container, open the valve and allow the sand to flow into the container.
When no further movement of sand is seen close the valve. Find the mass of the cylinder and sand
left in the cylinder (M3).

4. The bulk density of sand ρs is:ρs = (M2-M3-M1) / Vc.

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Determination of in-situ density:

1. Level the area where the density is required to be found out.

2. Place the metal plate on the surface, which is having a circular pit of about 10 cm diameter at the
centre. Dig a pit of this diameter up to about 15 cm depth. Collect all the excavated soil in a

Let the mass of the soil removed = (Ms)

3. With the valve closed, fill the cylinder with sand upto about 1 cm below the top and weight it (M 4).

4. Remove the plate and place the sand-pouring cylinder concentrically on the hole. Open the valve
and allow the sand to run into the hole till no movement of the sand is noticed. Close the valve and
determine the mass of cylinder and balance sand that is left in the cylinder (M5)

5. Volume of hole, ( Vh) = (M4-M5-M1) / ρs


Determination of mass of sand that fills the cone

Wt of sand pouring cylinder + sand M g


Wt of sand pouring cylinder +balance sand after M g

filling cone 0

Mass of sand filling coneM1 = (M – M0 ) = g

Calibration of the cylinder

Length of calibrating container (l) = cm

Diameter of calibrating container (d) = cm

Volume of calibrating container (Vc) = cm3

Wt of sand pouring cylinder + sand, M 2 = g

Wt of sand pouring cylinder Cylinder +balance sand after filling calibrating container and cone,

Page | 42
M3 = g

The bulk density of sand, ρs = (M2-M3-M1)/ Vc = g/cm3

Determination of in-situ density:

Mass of the soil removed from the pit Ms g

Mass of sand pouring cylinder + sand M4 g

Mass of sand pouring cylinder +balance M5 g

sandfilling hole and cone

Volume of pit,Vh = (M4 – M5 –M1) / ρs = cm3

Bulk density of soil in-situ, ρt = (Ms / Vh) = g/cm3

Water content

Weight of empty container (W1) = g

Weight of container + wet soil (W2) = g

Weight of container + dry soil (W3) = g

Water content (w) = (W2-W3)/ (W3-W1) =

Dry density of soil (ρd) = ρt/ (1+w) = g/cm3

Void ratio (e) = (G.ρw/ρd) – 1 =

Page | 43

1) Bulk density of the soil t = g/ cm³

2) Dry density = g/ cm³

3) Void ratio (e) =


1. While calibrating the bulk density of sand great care has to be taken.

2. The excavated hole must be equal to the volume of the calibrating container.

3. Weight of sand that filled the cylinder should be maintained constant.

Page | 44

To determine the field density of soil using core-cutter


Field density is defined as weight per unit volume of soil mass in the field at insitu conditions. Equations
are: 𝜌𝑑 = 1+𝑤


𝛾𝑑 = 1+𝑤

Where, ρd = dry density,

ϒd = dry unit weight,

ρfield = field moist density,

ϒfield =field moist unit weight,

w =water content,

ϒw = unit weight of water = 9.81 kN/m³


1. The core-cutter apparatus used for the test.

2. Core cutter, dolly and rammer

3. Balance of sensitivity 0 .1 g


1. Determine the internal volume of the core-cutter Vc in cm³and weigh the cutter accurate to 1 gm

2. Select the area in the field where the density is required to be found out and level it.

3. Place the cutter over the ground with the dolly and drive the cutter with the hammer until top of the
cutter is just below the ground level.
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4. Remove the soil outside the cutter by digging up to the bottom level of the cutter. Take out the cutter
with sample inside. Remove the dolly and trim both sides of the cutter with a knife and straight edge.

5. Determine mass of the cutter with the soil (M2).

6. Take a small sample of soil from the site for water content determination and seal it properly.

7. The field test may be repeated at other places if required.

8. The water content of sample collected is determined in the laboratory.


Length of core cutter, l = cm

Diameter of core cutter, d = cm

Volume of core cutter, Vc = cm

Sl. Test nos.

1 2 3

01 Mass of empty cutter (M1), g

02 Mass of cutter + wet soil (M2), g

03 Volume of core cutter (Vc) cm³

04 Mass of empty container (M3), g

05 Mass of container + wet soil (M4), g

06 Mass of container + dry soil (M5), g

07 Water content (w)=(M4-M5)/(M5-M3)

08 Field moist density ρt =(M2-M1)/Vc g/cm³

09 Dry density ρd g/cm³

Page | 46


Average in-situ field density: = g/cm3

Average in-situ field dry density: = g/cm3

Page | 47

Falling head permeability test for fine grained soils


The below equation can be used:

𝒂𝑳 𝒉𝟏
𝒌 = 𝟐. 𝟑𝟎𝟑 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟏𝟎
𝑨𝒕 𝒉𝟐


The test setup for a falling-head assembly is as shown in the figure. All other accessories remain
the same as for a constant-head test.


1. Open the valves in the standpipe and the bottom outlet. Ensure that the soil sample is fully saturated
without any entrapping of air bubble before starting the test.

2. Fill the standpipe with water keeping the valves V1 and V2 open and allow the water to flow out
through the outlet pipe for some time and then close the valves.

3. Select in advance the heights h1 and h2 for the water to fall and determine the height √h1h2 and
mark this height on the stand pipe.

4. Open the valves and fill the standpipe with water up to height h 1 and start the stopwatch.

5. Record the time intervals for water to fall from height h1 to √h1h2 and from √h1h2 to h2. These two-
time intervals will be equal if a steady flow condition has been established.

6. Repeat the step (5) after changing the heights h1 and h2.

7. Stop the test and disconnect all the parts.

8. Take a small quantity of the sample for water content determination.

Page | 48

Length of Soil sample L = cm

Diameter of soil sample D = cm

Area of soil sample A =

Area of sand pipe a =


Page | 49
Sl. Initial Head Final Head Time 𝒂𝑳 𝒉𝟏
No (h1) cm (h2) cm 𝒌 = 𝟐. 𝟑𝟎𝟑 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟏𝟎
(t) 𝑨𝒕 𝒉𝟐


Coefficient of permeability
Soil type (k) Drainage property

Clean gravel 101 - 102 Very good

Coarse and medium

10-2 - 101 Good

Fine sand, loose silt 10-4 – 10-2 Fair

Dense silt, clayey silt 10-5 – 10-4 Poor

Silty clay, clay 10-8 – 10-5 Very poor

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Coefficient of Permeability of soil k = cm/sec


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To determine the natural water content of the given soil sample.


In almost all soil tests natural moisture content of the soil is to be determined. The knowledge of
the natural moisture content is essential in all studies of soil mechanics. To sight a few, natural
moisture content is used in determining the bearing capacity and settlement. The natural moisture
content will give an idea of the state of soil in the field.


The natural water content also called the natural moisture content is the ratio of the weight of water
to the weight of the solids in a given mass of soil. This ratio is usually expressed as percentage.

Water/Moisture content (w) = [(W2-W3)/(W3-W1)]x100


1. Non-corrodible air-tight container

1. Electric oven, maintained at a between 105°C to 110 °C.

2. Desiccators.

3. Balance of sufficient sensitivity, 0.1g.


1. Clean the container with lid, dry it and weigh it (W1).

4. Take a specimen of the sample in the container and weigh with lid (W2).

5. Keep the container in the oven with lid removed. Dry the specimen to constant weight maintaining
the temperature between 105° C to 110°C for a period varying with the type of soil but usually 16
to 24 hours.

6. Record the final constant weight (W3) of the container with dried soil sample.

Peat and other organic soils are to be dried at a lower temperature (say 60) possibly for a longer
period. Certain soils contain gypsum, which on heating loses its water of crystallization. If it is
suspected that gypsum is present in the soil sample used for moisture content determination it

Page | 52
shall be dried at not more than 80 °C and possibly for a longer time.


Sl.No. Sample No. 1 2 3

1 Weight of container with lid (W1) g

Weight of container with lid +wet

soil (W2) g

Weight of container with lid +dry

soil (W3) g

Water/Moisture content
w = [(W2xW3)/(W3xW1)] 100


Page | 53

The natural moisture content of the soil sample = %


1. A container without lid can be used, when moist sample is weighed immediately after placing the
container and oven dried sample is weighed immediately after cooling in desiccators.

7. As dry soil absorbs moisture from wet soil, dried samples should be removed before placing wet
samples in the oven.

Page | 54

Determination of Specific Gravity of Soil Solids by Pycnometer Method


The knowledge of specific gravity is needed in calculation of soil properties like void ratio, degree
of saturation etc.


Specific gravity (G) is defined as the ratio of the weight of soil solids to that of an equal volume of
distilled water at that temperature and both the weights being taken in air.
Equation For Specific Gravity (G) = (𝑀2−𝑀1)−(𝑀3−𝑀4)


M1=mass of Pycnometer.

M2=mass of Pycnometer +dry soil

M3=mass of Pycnometer +soil + water.
M4=mass of Pycnometer + water.

This equation may be used for coarse and fine-grained soils


1. Pycnometer of about 1 litre capacity

8. Balance accurate to 1 g, glass rod, de-aired distilled water etc.

9. Wash bottle with distilled water


1. Clean and dry the pycnometer and weigh it along with the conical cap (M1).

10. Select about 300 gm of dry soil free of clods and put the same into the pycnometer. Weigh it (M 2)
with brass cap and washer.

11. Fill the pycnometer with de-aired water upto half its height and mix it thoroughly with a glass rod.
Add more water and stir it till entrapped air is fully removed. Fit the screw cap and fill the pycnometer
flush with the hole in the conical cap. Dry the pycnometer from outside and weigh it (M3).
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12. Remove all the contents from the pycnometer, clean it thoroughly and fill it with distilled
water. Dry the pycnometer from outside and weigh it (M4).

13. Repeat the same process for additional tests.


Sl. Test No’s

1 2 3

1 Mass of empty pcynometer (M1), g

2 Mass of pycnometer + dry soil (M2), g

3 Mass of pycnometer + soil + water, (M3), g

4 Mass of pycnometer + water (M4), g


Specific Gravity (G) = (𝑀2−𝑀1)−(𝑀3−𝑀4)

Page | 56

Average specific gravity =


Unless or otherwise specified specific gravity values reported shall be based on water at
270C. So, the specific gravity at 270C = K Sp. gravity at Tx0C.

Where K= Specific gravity of water at temperature TxºC

Specific gravity of water at temperature T27 ºC

The specific gravity of the soil particles lies within the range of 2.65 to 2.85. Soils
containing organic matter and porous particles may have specific gravity values below
2.0. Soils having heavy substances may have values above 3.0.

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To determine the relationship between the moisture content and density of soils. To find
the optimum moisture content and maximum dry density


1. Proctor mould having a capacity of 1000cc with an internal diameter of 100mm and a height
of 127.3mm. The mould shall have a detachable collar assembly and a detachable base

2. Rammer of weight 2.6 kg. The rammer shall be equipped with a suitable arrangement to
control the height of drop to a free fall of 310mm.

3. Sample extruder.

4. A balance of 15 kg capacity.

5. Sensitive balance.

6. Straight edge.

7. Graduated cylinder.

8. Mixing tools such as mixing pan, spoon, towel, spatula etc.

9. Moisture tins.

1. Bulk density 𝜌𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑘 = 𝑉

2. Dry density, 𝜌𝑑𝑟𝑦 = 1+𝑤

𝐺 𝜌𝑤
3. Dry density ρdry for zero air voids line:ρdry = 𝐺𝑤

Where, M1 = mass of mould used for proctor test

M2 = mass of mould + compacted soil.

Page | 58
M = mass of wet soil.

V = volume of mould.

ρw = density of water.
G = Specific gravity of soils.

W = water content.

S = degree of saturation.


1. Take a representative air-dry soil sample of about 3 kg.

4. Add sufficient water to the sample (about 7 % for sandy soils and 10 % for clay soils), which
will be less than the estimated optimum moisture content and mix it thoroughly.

5. Fix the mould to the base plate after cleaning its inside surface. Find the mass of the mould
with the base plate (M1).

6. Attach the extension collar to the mould.

7. Place the soil in the mould, in three equal layers (approximately 6 cm). Each layer is
compacted by giving 25 blows by the rammer weighing 2.6 kg and dropping from a height
of 310 mm. The compaction must be uniform over the whole area, and a spatula scratches
each layer before adding another layer. The filling must be such that the last layer projects
into the collar by about 5 mm. After the completion of compaction, remove the collar and
remove the excess soil with the help of a straight edge.

8. Find the mass of the mould with the base plate and the soil (M2).

9. Remove the soil from the mould by making use of an ejector and take a representative
sample for water content determination.

10. Repeat the tests 4 times for different water contents (increments of 3%), such that at least
one value of dry density is showing decreasing trend

Page | 59
Figure 8.1: Standard and Modified Proctor compaction curves of the soil

Page | 60

Test No 1 2 3 4 5 6
01 Mass of empty mould M1 g

02 Volume of mould, cm3

03 Mass of mould + sample, M2, gm

04 Mass of wet soil, M, gm

05 Wet density, ρt g/cm3

06 Water content, w%

07 Dry density, ρd, gm/cm3

08 Water content for saturation line

09 ρd, gm/cm3for S=100% (zero air void line)

10 ρd, gm/cm3for S=90%


Page | 61

Maximum dry density ρd = g/cm3

Optimum moisture content, w = %

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Page | 64

To determine the shear strength parameters of the given soil (dry sand) using direct shear


1. Direct shear apparatus

2. Balance

3. Tamper

4. Scale

5. Dial gauges


In a direct shear test, the soil is stressed to failure along a predetermined horizontal plane
by moving one part of the soil container relative to the other. The shear stress at failure
when plotted against the normal stress on the sample result in a graph which can be very
closely represented by a straight line of equation

S= C+ σ tan Ф


S- Shear strength σ - Normal stress

C- Cohesion

Ф- Angle of shearing resistance.

C & Ф are referred to as the shear parameters of the soil under the conditions of the test.
For a cohesion less soil, C=0 and shear strength envelope is straight line passing through
the origin and having the equation

S= σ tan Ф

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1. Measure the inside dimensions of the shear box.

6. Find the weight of the load suspending arrangement

7. Screw the parts of the shear box together and attach it to the shear machine. Measure its
height from inside.

8. Weigh a pan containing the given soil. Place sufficient quantity of soil in the shear box to
the required density. Weigh the pan again and obtain the weight of soil used

9. Measure the distance between the top of soil and top of the shear box. Calculate the
thickness of the sample used and its density. Put the upper grating and the loading block
on the top of the sample.

10. Apply the decided normal stress. The total normal stress will be the sum of this stress and
the stress due to the dead weight of the loading yolk

11. Separate the halves of the soil container by removing the lock screws and raise the upward
frame slightly by turning the spacing screws.

12. Adjust the shear box so that it just touches the proving ring.

13. Attach the dial gauges which measure shear and normal displacements. Record the initial
readings or set them to read zero.

14. Start shear loading at a selected constant rate of strain. Take readings on all the three dial
gauges at regular intervals of 15 seconds and record them. Continue the test to failure at
which the horizontal force becomes constant.

15. Repeat step 3 to 10 on fresh sample of soil using the same weight of soil of the same initial
density, with different applied normal stresses.

Page | 66

𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑
1. Normal stress : 𝜎 = 𝑐𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠−𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒

𝑆ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑
2. Shear stress: 𝜏 = 𝐶𝑟𝑜𝑠𝑠−𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒


Sl. Normal Shear Corrected Stress Shear Shear Axial

No stress Displacement Area dial force stress strain ᵟ/L
gauge x100
ᵟ Ac = A0{1- ᵟ/3} reading
(kg/cm3) cm
cm2 (div)
kg kg/cm2 %


Page | 67

Φ (°)
Soil type
Loose Dense

Sand grains uniform 27.5 34

Sand grains angular 33 45

Sandy gravel 35 50

Silty sand 27-33 30-34

Inorganic silt 27-30 30-35


Cohesion , C =

Angle of internal friction,Ф =


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Page | 70

To determine the free swell index of soil to identify the potential of a soil to swell.


1. 425 micron I.S Sieve

2. Glass graduated cylinders – two, 100 ml capacity

3. Balance of capacity 500g and sensitivity 0.01g


Free swell index is the increase in volume of a soil without any external constraints on
submergence in water. The possibility of damage to structures by due to swelling of
expansive clays needs to be identified by an investigation those soils likely to possess
undesirable expansive characteristics.


1. Take two representative oven dried soil sample each of 10g passing through 425 micron
I.S Sieve

2. Pour each soil sample into each of the two glass graduated cylinders of 100ml capacity

3. Fill one cylinder with kerosene and the other with distilled water upto the 100ml mark

4. Remove the entrapped air in the cylinder by gentle shaking and stirring with a glass rod

5. Allow the samples to settle in both the cylinders

6. Sufficient time not less than 24 hours shall be allowed for soil sample to attain equilibrium
state of volume without any further change in the volume of soils

7. Record the final volume of soils in each of the cylinders

8. The level of soil in the kerosene graduated cylinder may be read as the original volume of
soil sample and the level of soil in the distilled water cylinder shall be read as the free swell
Page | 71
9. The free swell index shall be calculated as

Free swell index (%) = [(Vd – Vk)/ Vk] x 100

Where Vd = Volume of soil sample read from the graduated cylinder containing distilled

Vk = Volume of soil sample read from the graduated cylinder containing kerosene


Volume of soil sample read from the graduated cylinder containing distilled water, Vd =

Volume of soil sample read from the graduated cylinder containing kerosene, V k =
𝑉𝑑 −𝑉𝑘
Free swell index (%) = 𝑥 100


Free swell index = %

Page | 72

To obtain the following information from the tests on undisturbed or disturbed samples of
soil brought from the field.

1. Pressure-void ratio curves.

2. Compression index, Cc.

3. Coefficient of consolidation, Cv.


The following equations are necessary for the computation.

(ℎ− ℎ𝑠 )
a) 𝐸 = ℎ𝑠

b) 𝐻𝑠 = 𝐺 𝐴 𝑠𝜌

c) 𝐶𝑐 = 𝑃
log ( )

d) Cv = 0.197x(h²50/ t 50)

For the log of time fitting method Cv = 0.848x(h²90/ t 90)

For the square root fitting method.
where, hs = height of solids in the ring.

h = thickness of the sample at any stage of the best.

E = void ratio of the sample at any stage of the test.
Ms = dry mass of the solids in the ring.
A = internal sectional area of the ring.
The other information required in the analysis of the test results are

a) The thickness of the ring and the area A of the ring.

b) The specific gravity G of the solids.

Page | 73

A fixed ring consolidometer as shown in the figure and other accessories.


1. Determine mass of the consolidation ring (M1)

10. Transfer the soil sample (disturbed or undisturbed) into the ring and level the surface with
a straight edge. Use the standard practice for making a compact sample from disturbed soil.
In all the cases the ring is pressed into the sample. Find the mass of wet sample with the
ring (M2). A small sample of this soil is taken for water content determination.

11. Place the ring in the consolidometer, set the loading device and arrange the dial gauge for
taking readings. Before setting the ring, the porous stones should be saturated in advance.

12. Apply a setting load of 5 kN/m² and take the initial reading. Allow the load to remain for 24

13. Apply the load increment of 10 kN/m² and take dial gauge readings (DR) at elapsed times
of ¼, ½,1,2,4,8,15,30,60,120,240,480, and 1140 minutes. Follow the same procedures for
the next successive loadings of 20,50,100,200,400 and 800 kN/m².

14. After the completion of the final loading, unload the specimen in steps.

15. First reduce to half of the final load and allow it to remain for 24 hours and take the DR.

16. Dismantle the setup, remove the ring from its position and find its mass (M3) after removing
the excess water remaining on the surface by blotting it.

17. Dry the soil with the ring in an oven cool it finds its mass (M4).

18. Now e-log p curve can be plotted by use of the load applied P and the void ratio compression
index Cc can be obtained from the curve.

19. Curves giving the relationships between the dial readings (DR) and log t or t can be drawn
and the coefficient of consolidation, Cv can be obtained from these curves.

Page | 74

➢ Tabulating test dial readings

Empty mass of the ring (M1) =
Diameter of the ring (d) =
Thickness of the ring (h) =

Elapsed Time t Time √t Dial gauge reading Dial gauge reading (x

(min) (min) (div) 0.002mm)







Page | 75

(a) By logarithm of time method

Initial compression ratio = (Ro-Rc)/(Ro-Rf)

Primary compression ratio = (Rc-R100)/(Ro-Rf)
Secondary compression ratio = (R100-Rf)/(Ro-Rf)
Coefficient of consolidation, Cv = Tv50 x d2 /t50
(b) By square root of time method Cv = Tv90 x d2 /t90

Page | 76

1. Initial compression ratio =

2. Primary compression ratio =

3. Secondary compression ratio =

4. By logarithm of time method, Cv=

5. By square root of time method, Cv=

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Page | 82

To determine the unconfined compressive strength of cohesive soil specimen


1. Unconfined compression apparatus

2. Proving ring

3. Dial gauge

4. Sample extractor


The unconfined compressive strength (qu) is the load per unit area at which the
cylindrical specimen of the cohesive soil fails in compression.

qu = P/A

where P = Axial load at failure

A = Corrected area = A0/(1 – ε)

Where A0 = initial area of specimen

ε = Axial strain = change in length/ original length

The undrained shear strength of the soil is equal to half the unconfined compressive
strength given as

S = qu/ 2


1. Prepare the soil specimen at the desired water content and density in the split mould

2. Extrude the sample out of the split mould using a sample extractor

3. Measure the length and diameter of the specimen and place it on the bottom plate of
the compression machine

4. Adjust the upper plate to make it in contact with the specimen

5. Adjust the dial gauge and proving ring to zero reading

Page | 83
6. Apply compressive load to cause an axial strain at the rate of half to two percentage

7. Record the dial gauge and proving ring readings at failure


Soil type Cohesion (kN/m2)

Very soft clay <12

Soft to medium clay 12-25

Stiff clay 50-100

Very stiff clay 100-200

Hard >200


Height of the specimen =

Diameter of the specimen =

Area of the specimen =

Page | 84
Deformation ΔH
Proving ring reading Axial load P in N Dial gauge reading
(div x 0.01)
(div) (2.216xdiv) (div)


Page | 85

Undrained shear strength =


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Page | 89

California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test was developed by California Division of

Highways as a method of classifying and evaluating. Soil subgrade and base
course materials for flexible pavements. CBR is a measure of resistance of a
material to penetration of standard plunger under controlled density and moisture
conditions. CBR is calculated in remoulded and undisturbed sample. Test consists
of causing cylindrical plunger of diameter of 50mm to penetrate a pavement
material at 1.25 mm per minute. Loads for 2.5 mm, 5 mm are recorded. This load
is expressed as a percentage of standard load value at a respective deformation
level to obtain CBR value.


To determine California Bearing Ratio of soil.


1. Loading machine,

2. Cylindrical mould,

3. Compaction hammer,

4. IS sieve 20mm,

5. Coarse filter paper,

6. Balance


1. Sieve the sample through 20 mm IS sieve and take 5 Kg of the sample of soil.

2. Add water to soil with a quantity such that optimum moisture content is reached

3. Spacer disc is placed over the base plate at the bottom of the mould and over it a
coarse filter paper is placed.

4. Soil water mix is divided into five

5. Mould is cleaned and oil is applied

Page | 90
6. Fill 1/5th of the mould with soil and compacted by 56 blows

7. Top layer is scratched

8. After fifth layer is filled, collar is removed and excess is struck is off

9. Remove the base plate and insert the mould and then tamped to base plate

10. Weights (2.5 kg) is placed on top surface of soil

11. Mould is placed in the testing machine

12. Penetration plunger is brought in contact with the soil and a load of 4 Kg is applied
to that contact

13. Dial reading are adjusted to zero load such that penetration rate is 1.25 mm per

14. Load at penetration of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0 and 12.5 mm are

Standard Load Values

Penetration (mm) Standard Load (kg) Unit Standard Load (kg/cm2)

2.5 1370 70

5 2055 105

7.5 2630 134

10 3180 162

12.5 3600 183

Page | 91
Figure 13.1: Plot- A load penetration curve of CBR test result

Page | 92
Page | 93

Sl No Penetration (mm) Load Cell Unit Load (Kg/cm2)

Reading 𝐿𝑜𝑎𝑑
(kN) 9.812 ∗ 𝜋 ∗ 2.52

1 0.5

2 1.0

3 1.5

4 2.0

5 2.5

6 3.0

7 4.0

8 5.0

9 7.5

10 10.5

11 12.5

Page | 94


California Bearing Ratio at 2.5 mm penetration =

California Bearing Ratio at 5.0 mm penetration =

California Bearing Ratio for subgrade soil =


Page | 95
Page | 96

To find the shear of the soil by Undrained Triaxial Test.


The standard consolidated undrained test is compression test, in which the soil
specimen is first consolidated under all round pressure in the triaxial cell before
failure is brought about by increasing the major principal stress.

It may be performed with or without measurement of pore pressure although for

most applications the measurement of pore pressure is desirable.

Knowledge of Equipment

A constant rate of strain compression machine of which the following is a brief

description of one is in common use.

1. A loading frame in which the load is applied by a yoke acting through load cell with
electronic display. The frame is operated at a constant rate by a geared electric motor
for providing constant strain.

2. A hydraulic pressure apparatus including an air compressor and water reservoir in

which air under pressure acting on the water raises it to the required pressure,
together with the necessary control valves and pressure dials.

A triaxial cell to take 3.8 cm dia and 7.6 cm long samples, in which the
sample can be subjected to an all-round hydrostatic pressure, together with a
vertical compression load acting through a piston. The vertical load from the piston
acts on a pressure cap. The cell is usually designed with a non-ferrous metal top
and base connected by tension rods and with walls formed of Perspex.

Apparatus for preparation of the sample

a. 3.8 cm internal diameter 12.5 cm long sample tubes.

b. Rubber ring.

c. An open-ended cylindrical section former, 3.8 cm inside dia, fitted with a small rubber
tube in its side.

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d. Stop clock.

e. Moisture content test apparatus.

f. A balance of 250 gm capacity and accurate to 0.01 g.

Experimental Procedure

1. The sample is placed in the compression machine and a pressure plate is placed on the top.
Care must be taken to prevent any part of the machine or cell from jogging the sample while
it is being setup, for example, by knocking against this bottom of the loading piston. The
probable strength of the sample is estimated and a suitable proving ring selected and fitted
to the machine.

2. The cell must be properly set up and uniformly clamped down to prevent leakage of pressure
during the test, making sure first that the sample is properly sealed with its end caps and
rings (rubber) in position and that the sealing rings for the cell are also correctly placed.

3. When the sample is setup water is admitted and the cell is fitted under water escapes from
the beed valve, at the top, which is closed. If the sample is to be tested at zero lateral
pressure water is not required.

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4. Confining pressure is applied using an Advanced Pressure Volume Controller to the
required value.

5. A rate of axial compression is selected such that failure is produced within a period of
approximately 5 to 15 minutes.

6. The test shall be commenced, a sufficient number of simultaneous readings of the load and
compression readings taken to define the stress – strain curve.

7. The test shall be continued till maximum value of stress has been arrived of until an axial
strain of 20% has been reached.

8. The cell shall be drained of fluid and dismantled and the specimen taken out.

9. The rubber membrane shall be removed from the specimen and the mode of failure shall be


1. The area A of the specimen normal to its axis at any stage of the test shall be computed on
the assumption that the smaple deforms as a right cylinder. The area at any strain rate e is
given by 𝐴 = ,

Where, A0 = initial area of the specimen normal to the axis and

𝐿0 −𝐿
e= 𝐿0

L0 = initial length of the specimen.

L = length of the specimen at the stage of the test at which area A is to be determined.


Initial length of the specimen =

Cell pressure =

Bulk density =

Moisture Content =

Confining pressure (σ3) =

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Load Deformation Strain Corrected Load/Deviatoric
Cell of Sample area stress
reading σd

Plot stress versus strain to find the maximum σd at failure

Major Principal Stress, σ1 = σ1 + σd

Repeat the test for different confining pressures.

Plot a Mohr’s circle with σ1 and σ3 to obtain C and ɸ values.

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