Nurse1 2018
Nurse1 2018
Nurse1 2018
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8. Have you previously applied for New York State licensure in any profession? Yes No
If "yes", in what profession(s)?
9. Have you ever been found guilty after trial, or pleaded guilty, no contest, or nolo contendere to a crime Yes No
(felony or misdemeanor) in any court?
10. Are criminal charges pending against you in any court? Yes No
11. Has any licensing or disciplinary authority refused to issue you a license or ever revoked, annulled, cancelled Yes No
accepted surrender of, suspended, placed on probation, refused to renew a professional license or certificate held
by you now or previously, or ever fined, censured, reprimanded or otherwise disciplined you?
12. Are charges pending against you in any jurisdiction for any sort of professional misconduct? Yes No
13. Has any hospital, licensed facility or clinical laboratory restricted or terminated your professional training, Yes No
employment, or privileges or have you ever voluntarily or involuntarily resigned or withdrawn from such association
to avoid imposition of such measures?
NOTE: If you answer "Yes" to any questions numbered 9-13, submit a letter giving a complete detailed explanation. Include copies of any court
records including a Certificate of Disposition. If there are offenses in multiple courts, please provide the same for each action. If the court can
no longer provide documentation, you must request, from the court, a letter stating why they cannot provide the documents. While your
application is pending, you must notify the Division of Professional Licensing Services if the answers to any of these questions have changed.
Nurse Form 1, Page 1 of 4, Revised 10/18
14. Do you now hold, or have you ever held, a license or certificate to practice any profession in any state or jurisdiction? Yes No
If yes, you must list all licenses/certificates, state or jurisdiction and provide appropriate information in the columns below or
your application will be delayed. A Form 3 or Nursys license verification (for states reporting to Nursys) must be submitted for
each professional license/certificate listed unless it is a license/certificate issued by the New York State Education Department.
See the Applicant instructions on Form 3 for specific information about completing and submitting the form.
15. You must complete all information for all schools/colleges/universities attended or your application will be considered
incomplete. Note: If you are applying for licensure as a licensed practical nurse and you did not graduate from a New York State
approved nursing program, you must submit a copy of your high school or secondary school diploma or transcript in the original language
with your Form 1. If you were educated outside the U.S. or a Canadian province other than Quebec with a BN, BSN or BScN after
January 1, 2015), submit a copy of your nursing diploma in the original language.
Elementary or Primary School - Please complete the section below with details about your elementary or primary school. Attach
additional sheets if you attended multiple schools. Any missing information will be considered an incomplete application.
Name of School
Name of School
Name of School
State or Territory Profession Exam Name Exam Date License Number if Granted
State or Territory Profession Exam Name Exam Date License Number if Granted
*If you took the NCLEX or SBTP Examination, send Form 3 to the state in which you passed the licensing examination or request
verification from Nursys.
17. Child Support Obligation
Everyone applying for a professional license, permit, or registration, or any renewal thereof, must file a written statement that, as of the
date of the filing, she or he is, or is not, under an obligation to pay child support*. Individuals who are four months or more in arrears
in child support or who have failed to comply with a summons, subpoena or warrant relating to a paternity or child support
proceeding may be subject to suspension of their business, professional, drivers and/or recreational licenses and permits. The
intentional submission of false written statements for the purpose of frustrating or defeating the lawful enforcement of support obligations
is punishable under section 175.35 of the Penal Law.
You must complete this section before we can issue the credential for which you have applied. Individuals who are not in compliance with
their obligation to pay child support can be issued a credential for no more than six months in order to comply with their child support
CHECK ONLY A OR B BELOW. If you check B, you must check one of the five statements listed below it.
A I am not under an obligation to pay child support;
B I am under an obligation to pay child support and (please check only one of the following)
I am current and am not four months or more in arrears in the payment of child support; or,
I am making payments by income execution or by court agreed payment plan or by a plan agreed to by the parties; or,
The child support obligation is the subject of a pending court proceeding; or,
I am receiving public assistance or supplemental security income; or,
None of the above four statements apply.
*New York State General Obligations Law, section 3-503
Nurse Form 1, Page 3 of 4, Revised 10/18
19. Child Abuse Identification and Reporting Coursework Requirement (check one) - RN Applicants Only
I graduated from a NYS registered program and completed the child abuse identification training as part of my studies.
I completed the child abuse coursework and have enclosed a certificate of completion from an approved provider
I completed the child abuse coursework online and the approved provider will report that to you electronically.
I am filing for an exemption to the requirement and have enclosed the Certification of Exemption (Form 1CE*).
21. Reasonable Testing Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities. (check if applicable)
I have been diagnosed as having a disability and require special testing accommodations and am submitting the Request for Reasonable Testing
Accommodations form. I understand that I will not be able to test until I submit the appropriate documentation and am approved to test with
accommodations. (Visit the Office of the Professions' website for information on obtaining the form.)
State of County of
On the day of in the year before me, the above signed,
personally appeared , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis
Applicant name
of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to this application and acknowledged to me that he/she executed
the application and swore that the statements made by him/her in the application and all supporting materials are true, complete, and