Aviary Roof - CWP&CDP Application
Aviary Roof - CWP&CDP Application
Aviary Roof - CWP&CDP Application
[email protected]
Summary Table
Weight of Pipe
Pipe size Filled with Insulation Thickness Aera Aera Insulation Weight Insulation Weight Total Weight Spacing Total Length Point Load
Case Type of Pipe Water S.F.
in mm kg (mm) (m^2) (kg/m^3) (kg/m) (kg/m) (m) (m) (kN) (kN)
CWP S 1-1/4" 32 1.5 35 804 0.00080 110 0.09 1.59 2.7 200% 0.002 0.09
1 CHW R 1-1/4" 32 1.5 35 804 0.00080 110 0.09 1.59 2.7 49 200% 0.002 0.09
CDP 1-1/4" 32 1.5 35 804 0.00080 110 0.09 1.59 2.7 200% 0.002 0.09
CHW S 2" 50 3 35 1963 0.00196 110 0.22 3.22 2.7 200% 0.004 0.17
2 CHW R 2" 50 3 35 1963 0.00196 110 0.22 3.22 2.7 0.84 200% 0.004 0.17
CDP 1-1/4" 32 1.5 35 804 0.00080 110 0.09 1.59 2.7 200% 0.002 0.09
CHW S 1-1/2" 40 2 35 1256 0.00126 110 0.14 2.14 2.7 200% 0.003 0.12
3 CHW R 1-1/2" 40 2 35 1256 0.00126 110 0.14 2.14 2.7 60 200% 0.003 0.12
CDP 1-1/4" 32 1.5 35 804 0.00080 110 0.09 1.59 2.7 200% 0.002 0.09
CHW S 1-1/2" 40 2 35 1256 0.00126 110 0.14 2.14 2.7 200% 0.003 0.12
4 41
CHW R 1-1/2" 40 2 35 1256 0.00126 110 0.14 2.14 2.7 200% 0.003 0.12
CHW S 2" 50 3 35 1963 0.00196 110 0.22 3.22 2.7 200% 0.004 0.17
5 38.25
CHW R 2" 50 3 35 1963 0.00196 110 0.22 3.22 2.7 200% 0.004 0.17
CHW S 1-1/2" 40 2 35 1256 0.00126 110 0.14 2.14 2.7 200% 0.003 0.12
6 CHW R 1-1/2" 40 2 35 1256 0.00126 110 0.14 2.14 2.7 33.5 200% 0.003 0.12
CDP 1-1/4" 32 1.5 35 804 0.00080 110 0.09 1.59 2.7 200% 0.002 0.09
CHW S 2" 50 3 35 1963 0.00196 110 0.22 3.22 2.7 200% 0.004 0.17
7 56
CHW R 2" 50 3 35 1963 0.00196 110 0.22 3.22 2.7 200% 0.004 0.17
8 CDP 1-1/4" 32 1.5 35 804 0.00080 110 0.09 1.59 2.7 33.5 200% 0.002 0.09
Summary Table
Case 1 Case 2 Case 3
Case 7 Case 8
Case 1 -
Submitted by:
Date: 14/02/2024
Table of content
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 2 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Support Details
Modular Support Spacing [mm] Undefined
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 3 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
1.2 Nodes
No. No. Connector name Connector variant
[mm] [mm] [mm]
1 1 -380.32 0.00 -3.01 MT-B-T OC MT-B-T OC (E)
2 - -380.32 0.00 286.99 MT-C-T/2 OC MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
3 - 419.68 -0.00 286.98 MT-C-T/2 OC MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
4 2 419.68 0.00 -3.01 MT-B-T OC MT-B-T OC (E)
1.3 Members
Spring Constants
Member Translational Rotational
No. Cu,x Cu,y Cu,z Cφx Cφy Cφz
Ux Uy Uz φx φy φz
[kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/Rad] [kNm/Rad] [kNm/Rad]
1 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
3 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
3 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
1.6 Gliders
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 4 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
2 Part list
2.1 Members
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
4 2272092 2-hole Baseplate MT-B-T OC 2 1.13
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
8 2272055 Connector MT-C-T/2 OC transversal 2 1.57
2.4 Other
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
5 2272082 Twist-Lock MT-TL M10 OC 12 0.42
6 2273256 Hexagon bolt MT-TLB OC 12 0.30
7 2105870 Stud anchor HST3-R M12x115 40/20 4 0.41
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 5 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
3 Load Types
3. Loads
Custom loads
Position Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Load No. Load Type Members
[mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
1 Pipe 2 644.23 0.00 0.00 -0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Pipe 2 381.16 0.00 0.00 -0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Pipe 2 117.61 0.00 0.00 -0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 Seismic (+x) 2 412.90 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 Seismic (-x) 2 412.90 -0.05 -0.05 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00
6 Self Weight Support 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 Self Weight Support 1 290.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
8 Self Weight Support 2 800.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
9 Self Weight Support 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 6 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Start End
Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Load No. Load Type Members Position Position
[kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m]
[mm] [mm]
10 Self Weight Support 1 0.00 290.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
11 Self Weight Support 2 0.00 800.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
12 Self Weight Support 3 0.00 289.99 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Pipe Permanent ☑
1 Self Weight Support Permanent ☑
☑All loads in these load cases are converted to seismic in +/-X, +/-Y and +/-Z
☐Loads not considered for seismic load conversion
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 7 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
4 Load Combinations
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 8 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5 Results
5.1.3 Members
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 9 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5.2 Members
Iω M Wy Wz Wy
[mm⁶] [kg/m] [mm³] [mm³] [mm³]
38410000.00 2.04 -2652.65 -3099.95 -2652.65 Overview
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 10 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
*027b-ULS: SW + Seismic (-x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC14
*002b-ULS: SW_sup Support + Media. Respective Combination Equation: 1.35 * LC1 + 1.35 * LC2
*027a-ULS: SW + Seismic (+x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC13
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 11 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Beam No. 1
Beam No. 2
Beam No. 3
*027b-ULS: SW + Seismic (-x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC14
*002b-ULS: SW_sup Support + Media. Respective Combination Equation: 1.35 * LC1 + 1.35 * LC2
*027a-ULS: SW + Seismic (+x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC13
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 12 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Normal load
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 13 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Torsion around X
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 14 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Moment around Y
Moment around Z
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 15 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Buckling ratio
☑Maximum Allowable Deflection (Beam) L/200
☑Maximum Allowable Deflection (Cantilever)L/150
- Maximum Deflection (Absolute) -
☑No Deflection checks calculated for 1.50mm
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 16 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Member Max deflection Utilization
Load Combination number* Governing criteria Length Limit
No. [mm] [%]
1 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 290.00 L/200 -0.00 0.00
2 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 800.00 L/200 0.00 0.00
3 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 289.99 L/200 -0.00 0.00
*002-SLS: SW Support + Media Objects. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 + 1.00 * LC2
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 17 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 18 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5.3 Connectors
5.3.1 Overview
Connector: MT-C-T/2 OC
Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Connector variant: MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
Node No. : 2
Local Forces: -0.16 0.05 0.05 -0.01 -0.00 -0.00
Resistance: 8.66 1.56 8.96 0.06 0.09 0.04
Utilization: 21.34 % OK
Governing Load
1.00 * LC1 + 1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC14
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 19 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5.4 Bases
5.4.1 Overview
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 20 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and based on the principles, formulas and security
regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by
the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product.
The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole
responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for
having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior
to using them for your specific facility. The Software servers only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of
errors, the correctness and relevance ot the results or suitability for a specific application.
You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular
backup of programs and, if applicable, carry out the updates of that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case
by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or
programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you.
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 21 / 21
Case 2 -
Submitted by:
Date: 14/02/2024
Table of content
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 2 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Support Details
Modular Support Spacing [mm] Undefined
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 3 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
1.2 Nodes
No. No. Connector name Connector variant
[mm] [mm] [mm]
1 1 -380.32 0.00 -3.01 MT-B-T OC MT-B-T OC (E)
2 - -380.32 0.00 286.99 MT-C-T/2 OC MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
3 - 419.68 -0.00 286.98 MT-C-T/2 OC MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
4 2 419.68 0.00 -3.01 MT-B-T OC MT-B-T OC (E)
1.3 Members
Spring Constants
Member Translational Rotational
No. Cu,x Cu,y Cu,z Cφx Cφy Cφz
Ux Uy Uz φx φy φz
[kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/Rad] [kNm/Rad] [kNm/Rad]
1 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
3 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
3 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
1.6 Gliders
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 4 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
2 Part list
2.1 Members
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
4 2272092 2-hole Baseplate MT-B-T OC 2 1.13
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
8 2272055 Connector MT-C-T/2 OC transversal 2 1.57
2.4 Other
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
5 2272082 Twist-Lock MT-TL M10 OC 12 0.42
6 2273256 Hexagon bolt MT-TLB OC 12 0.30
7 2105870 Stud anchor HST3-R M12x115 40/20 4 0.41
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 5 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
3 Load Types
3. Loads
Custom loads
Position Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Load No. Load Type Members
[mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
1 Pipe 2 644.23 0.00 0.00 -0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Pipe 2 381.16 0.00 0.00 -0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Pipe 2 117.61 0.00 0.00 -0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 Seismic (+x) 2 412.90 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 Seismic (-x) 2 412.90 -0.05 -0.05 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00
6 Self Weight Support 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 Self Weight Support 1 290.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
8 Self Weight Support 2 800.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
9 Self Weight Support 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 6 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Start End
Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Load No. Load Type Members Position Position
[kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m]
[mm] [mm]
10 Self Weight Support 1 0.00 290.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
11 Self Weight Support 2 0.00 800.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
12 Self Weight Support 3 0.00 289.99 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Pipe Permanent ☑
1 Self Weight Support Permanent ☑
☑All loads in these load cases are converted to seismic in +/-X, +/-Y and +/-Z
☐Loads not considered for seismic load conversion
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 7 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
4 Load Combinations
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 8 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5 Results
5.1.3 Members
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 9 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5.2 Members
Iω M Wy Wz Wy
[mm⁶] [kg/m] [mm³] [mm³] [mm³]
38410000.00 2.04 -2652.65 -3099.95 -2652.65 Overview
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 10 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
*027b-ULS: SW + Seismic (-x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC14
*002b-ULS: SW_sup Support + Media. Respective Combination Equation: 1.35 * LC1 + 1.35 * LC2
*027a-ULS: SW + Seismic (+x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC13
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 11 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Beam No. 1
Beam No. 2
Beam No. 3
*027b-ULS: SW + Seismic (-x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC14
*002b-ULS: SW_sup Support + Media. Respective Combination Equation: 1.35 * LC1 + 1.35 * LC2
*027a-ULS: SW + Seismic (+x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC13
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 12 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Normal load
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 13 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Torsion around X
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 14 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Moment around Y
Moment around Z
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 15 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Buckling ratio
☑Maximum Allowable Deflection (Beam) L/200
☑Maximum Allowable Deflection (Cantilever)L/150
- Maximum Deflection (Absolute) -
☑No Deflection checks calculated for 1.50mm
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 16 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Member Max deflection Utilization
Load Combination number* Governing criteria Length Limit
No. [mm] [%]
1 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 290.00 L/200 -0.00 0.00
2 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 800.00 L/200 0.00 0.00
3 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 289.99 L/200 -0.00 0.00
*002-SLS: SW Support + Media Objects. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 + 1.00 * LC2
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 17 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 18 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5.3 Connectors
5.3.1 Overview
Connector: MT-C-T/2 OC
Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Connector variant: MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
Node No. : 2
Local Forces: -0.21 0.05 0.05 -0.01 -0.00 -0.00
Resistance: 8.66 1.56 8.96 0.06 0.09 0.04
Utilization: 22.00 % OK
Governing Load
1.00 * LC1 + 1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC14
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 19 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5.4 Bases
5.4.1 Overview
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 20 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and based on the principles, formulas and security
regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by
the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product.
The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole
responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for
having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior
to using them for your specific facility. The Software servers only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of
errors, the correctness and relevance ot the results or suitability for a specific application.
You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular
backup of programs and, if applicable, carry out the updates of that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case
by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or
programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you.
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 21 / 21
Case 3 -
Submitted by:
Date: 14/02/2024
Table of content
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 2 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Support Details
Modular Support Spacing [mm] Undefined
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 3 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
1.2 Nodes
No. No. Connector name Connector variant
[mm] [mm] [mm]
1 1 -380.32 0.00 -3.01 MT-B-T OC MT-B-T OC (E)
2 - -380.32 0.00 286.99 MT-C-T/2 OC MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
3 - 419.68 -0.00 286.98 MT-C-T/2 OC MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
4 2 419.68 0.00 -3.01 MT-B-T OC MT-B-T OC (E)
1.3 Members
Spring Constants
Member Translational Rotational
No. Cu,x Cu,y Cu,z Cφx Cφy Cφz
Ux Uy Uz φx φy φz
[kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/Rad] [kNm/Rad] [kNm/Rad]
1 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
3 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
3 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
1.6 Gliders
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 4 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
2 Part list
2.1 Members
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
4 2272092 2-hole Baseplate MT-B-T OC 2 1.13
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
8 2272055 Connector MT-C-T/2 OC transversal 2 1.57
2.4 Other
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
5 2272082 Twist-Lock MT-TL M10 OC 12 0.42
6 2273256 Hexagon bolt MT-TLB OC 12 0.30
7 2105870 Stud anchor HST3-R M12x115 40/20 4 0.41
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 5 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
3 Load Types
3. Loads
Custom loads
Position Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Load No. Load Type Members
[mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
1 Pipe 2 644.23 0.00 0.00 -0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Pipe 2 381.16 0.00 0.00 -0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Pipe 2 117.61 0.00 0.00 -0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 Seismic (+x) 2 412.90 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 Seismic (-x) 2 412.90 -0.05 -0.05 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00
6 Self Weight Support 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 Self Weight Support 1 290.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
8 Self Weight Support 2 800.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
9 Self Weight Support 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 6 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Start End
Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Load No. Load Type Members Position Position
[kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m]
[mm] [mm]
10 Self Weight Support 1 0.00 290.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
11 Self Weight Support 2 0.00 800.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
12 Self Weight Support 3 0.00 289.99 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Pipe Permanent ☑
1 Self Weight Support Permanent ☑
☑All loads in these load cases are converted to seismic in +/-X, +/-Y and +/-Z
☐Loads not considered for seismic load conversion
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 7 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
4 Load Combinations
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 8 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5 Results
5.1.3 Members
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 9 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5.2 Members
Iω M Wy Wz Wy
[mm⁶] [kg/m] [mm³] [mm³] [mm³]
38410000.00 2.04 -2652.65 -3099.95 -2652.65 Overview
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 10 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
*027b-ULS: SW + Seismic (-x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC14
*002b-ULS: SW_sup Support + Media. Respective Combination Equation: 1.35 * LC1 + 1.35 * LC2
*027a-ULS: SW + Seismic (+x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC13
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 11 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Beam No. 1
Beam No. 2
Beam No. 3
*027b-ULS: SW + Seismic (-x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC14
*002b-ULS: SW_sup Support + Media. Respective Combination Equation: 1.35 * LC1 + 1.35 * LC2
*027a-ULS: SW + Seismic (+x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC13
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 12 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Normal load
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 13 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Torsion around X
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 14 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Moment around Y
Moment around Z
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 15 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Buckling ratio
☑Maximum Allowable Deflection (Beam) L/200
☑Maximum Allowable Deflection (Cantilever)L/150
- Maximum Deflection (Absolute) -
☑No Deflection checks calculated for 1.50mm
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 16 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Member Max deflection Utilization
Load Combination number* Governing criteria Length Limit
No. [mm] [%]
1 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 290.00 L/200 -0.00 0.00
2 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 800.00 L/200 0.00 0.00
3 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 289.99 L/200 -0.00 0.00
*002-SLS: SW Support + Media Objects. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 + 1.00 * LC2
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 17 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 18 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5.3 Connectors
5.3.1 Overview
Connector: MT-C-T/2 OC
Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Connector variant: MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
Node No. : 2
Local Forces: -0.18 0.05 0.05 -0.01 -0.00 -0.00
Resistance: 8.66 1.56 8.96 0.06 0.09 0.04
Utilization: 21.58 % OK
Governing Load
1.00 * LC1 + 1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC14
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 19 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5.4 Bases
5.4.1 Overview
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 20 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and based on the principles, formulas and security
regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by
the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product.
The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole
responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for
having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior
to using them for your specific facility. The Software servers only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of
errors, the correctness and relevance ot the results or suitability for a specific application.
You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular
backup of programs and, if applicable, carry out the updates of that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case
by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or
programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you.
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 21 / 21
Case 4 - CWPS40MM&CWPR40MM
Submitted by:
Date: 14/02/2024
Table of content
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 2 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Support Details
Modular Support Spacing [mm] Undefined
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 3 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
1.2 Nodes
No. No. Connector name Connector variant
[mm] [mm] [mm]
1 1 -380.32 0.00 -3.01 MT-B-T OC MT-B-T OC (E)
2 - -380.32 0.00 286.99 MT-C-T/2 OC MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
3 - 419.68 -0.00 286.98 MT-C-T/2 OC MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
4 2 419.68 0.00 -3.01 MT-B-T OC MT-B-T OC (E)
1.3 Members
Spring Constants
Member Translational Rotational
No. Cu,x Cu,y Cu,z Cφx Cφy Cφz
Ux Uy Uz φx φy φz
[kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/Rad] [kNm/Rad] [kNm/Rad]
1 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
3 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
3 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
1.6 Gliders
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 4 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
2 Part list
2.1 Members
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
4 2272092 2-hole Baseplate MT-B-T OC 2 1.13
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
8 2272055 Connector MT-C-T/2 OC transversal 2 1.57
2.4 Other
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
5 2272082 Twist-Lock MT-TL M10 OC 12 0.42
6 2273256 Hexagon bolt MT-TLB OC 12 0.30
7 2105870 Stud anchor HST3-R M12x115 40/20 4 0.41
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 5 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
3 Load Types
3. Loads
Custom loads
Position Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Load No. Load Type Members
[mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
1 Pipe 2 644.23 0.00 0.00 -0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Pipe 2 381.16 0.00 0.00 -0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 Seismic (+x) 2 412.90 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 Seismic (-x) 2 412.90 -0.05 -0.05 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00
6 Self Weight Support 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 Self Weight Support 1 290.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
8 Self Weight Support 2 800.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
9 Self Weight Support 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 6 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Start End
Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Load No. Load Type Members Position Position
[kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m]
[mm] [mm]
10 Self Weight Support 1 0.00 290.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
11 Self Weight Support 2 0.00 800.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
12 Self Weight Support 3 0.00 289.99 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Pipe Permanent ☑
1 Self Weight Support Permanent ☑
☑All loads in these load cases are converted to seismic in +/-X, +/-Y and +/-Z
☐Loads not considered for seismic load conversion
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 7 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
4 Load Combinations
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 8 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5 Results
5.1.3 Members
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 9 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5.2 Members
Iω M Wy Wz Wy
[mm⁶] [kg/m] [mm³] [mm³] [mm³]
38410000.00 2.04 -2652.65 -3099.95 -2652.65 Overview
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 10 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
*027b-ULS: SW + Seismic (-x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC14
*002b-ULS: SW_sup Support + Media. Respective Combination Equation: 1.35 * LC1 + 1.35 * LC2
*027a-ULS: SW + Seismic (+x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC13
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 11 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Beam No. 1
Beam No. 2
Beam No. 3
*027b-ULS: SW + Seismic (-x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC14
*002b-ULS: SW_sup Support + Media. Respective Combination Equation: 1.35 * LC1 + 1.35 * LC2
*027a-ULS: SW + Seismic (+x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC13
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 12 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Normal load
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 13 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Torsion around X
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 14 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Moment around Y
Moment around Z
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 15 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Buckling ratio
☑Maximum Allowable Deflection (Beam) L/200
☑Maximum Allowable Deflection (Cantilever)L/150
- Maximum Deflection (Absolute) -
☑No Deflection checks calculated for 1.50mm
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 16 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Member Max deflection Utilization
Load Combination number* Governing criteria Length Limit
No. [mm] [%]
1 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 290.00 L/200 -0.00 0.00
2 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 800.00 L/200 0.00 0.00
3 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 289.99 L/200 -0.00 0.00
*002-SLS: SW Support + Media Objects. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 + 1.00 * LC2
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 17 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 18 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5.3 Connectors
5.3.1 Overview
Connector: MT-C-T/2 OC
Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Connector variant: MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
Node No. : 2
Local Forces: -0.10 0.05 0.05 -0.01 -0.00 -0.00
Resistance: 8.66 1.56 8.96 0.06 0.09 0.04
Utilization: 20.71 % OK
Governing Load
1.00 * LC1 + 1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC14
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 19 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5.4 Bases
5.4.1 Overview
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 20 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and based on the principles, formulas and security
regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by
the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product.
The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole
responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for
having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior
to using them for your specific facility. The Software servers only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of
errors, the correctness and relevance ot the results or suitability for a specific application.
You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular
backup of programs and, if applicable, carry out the updates of that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case
by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or
programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you.
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 21 / 21
Case 5 - CWPS50MM&CWPR50MM
Submitted by:
Date: 14/02/2024
Table of content
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 2 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Support Details
Modular Support Spacing [mm] Undefined
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 3 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
1.2 Nodes
No. No. Connector name Connector variant
[mm] [mm] [mm]
1 1 -380.32 0.00 -3.01 MT-B-T OC MT-B-T OC (E)
2 - -380.32 0.00 286.99 MT-C-T/2 OC MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
3 - 419.68 -0.00 286.98 MT-C-T/2 OC MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
4 2 419.68 0.00 -3.01 MT-B-T OC MT-B-T OC (E)
1.3 Members
Spring Constants
Member Translational Rotational
No. Cu,x Cu,y Cu,z Cφx Cφy Cφz
Ux Uy Uz φx φy φz
[kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/Rad] [kNm/Rad] [kNm/Rad]
1 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
3 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
3 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
1.6 Gliders
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 4 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
2 Part list
2.1 Members
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
4 2272092 2-hole Baseplate MT-B-T OC 2 1.13
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
8 2272055 Connector MT-C-T/2 OC transversal 2 1.57
2.4 Other
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
5 2272082 Twist-Lock MT-TL M10 OC 12 0.42
6 2273256 Hexagon bolt MT-TLB OC 12 0.30
7 2105870 Stud anchor HST3-R M12x115 40/20 4 0.41
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 5 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
3 Load Types
3. Loads
Custom loads
Position Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Load No. Load Type Members
[mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
1 Pipe 2 644.23 0.00 0.00 -0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Pipe 2 381.16 0.00 0.00 -0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 Seismic (+x) 2 412.90 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 Seismic (-x) 2 412.90 -0.05 -0.05 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00
6 Self Weight Support 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 Self Weight Support 1 290.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
8 Self Weight Support 2 800.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
9 Self Weight Support 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 6 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Start End
Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Load No. Load Type Members Position Position
[kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m]
[mm] [mm]
10 Self Weight Support 1 0.00 290.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
11 Self Weight Support 2 0.00 800.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
12 Self Weight Support 3 0.00 289.99 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Pipe Permanent ☑
1 Self Weight Support Permanent ☑
☑All loads in these load cases are converted to seismic in +/-X, +/-Y and +/-Z
☐Loads not considered for seismic load conversion
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 7 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
4 Load Combinations
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 8 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5 Results
5.1.3 Members
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 9 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5.2 Members
Iω M Wy Wz Wy
[mm⁶] [kg/m] [mm³] [mm³] [mm³]
38410000.00 2.04 -2652.65 -3099.95 -2652.65 Overview
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 10 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
*027b-ULS: SW + Seismic (-x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC14
*002b-ULS: SW_sup Support + Media. Respective Combination Equation: 1.35 * LC1 + 1.35 * LC2
*027a-ULS: SW + Seismic (+x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC13
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 11 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Beam No. 1
Beam No. 2
Beam No. 3
*027b-ULS: SW + Seismic (-x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC14
*002b-ULS: SW_sup Support + Media. Respective Combination Equation: 1.35 * LC1 + 1.35 * LC2
*027a-ULS: SW + Seismic (+x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC13
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 12 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Normal load
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 13 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Torsion around X
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 14 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Moment around Y
Moment around Z
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 15 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Buckling ratio
☑Maximum Allowable Deflection (Beam) L/200
☑Maximum Allowable Deflection (Cantilever)L/150
- Maximum Deflection (Absolute) -
☑No Deflection checks calculated for 1.50mm
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 16 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Member Max deflection Utilization
Load Combination number* Governing criteria Length Limit
No. [mm] [%]
1 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 290.00 L/200 -0.00 0.00
2 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 800.00 L/200 0.00 0.00
3 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 289.99 L/200 -0.00 0.00
*002-SLS: SW Support + Media Objects. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 + 1.00 * LC2
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 17 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 18 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5.3 Connectors
5.3.1 Overview
Connector: MT-C-T/2 OC
Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Connector variant: MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
Node No. : 2
Local Forces: -0.14 0.05 0.05 -0.01 -0.00 -0.00
Resistance: 8.66 1.56 8.96 0.06 0.09 0.04
Utilization: 21.12 % OK
Governing Load
1.00 * LC1 + 1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC14
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 19 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5.4 Bases
5.4.1 Overview
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 20 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and based on the principles, formulas and security
regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by
the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product.
The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole
responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for
having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior
to using them for your specific facility. The Software servers only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of
errors, the correctness and relevance ot the results or suitability for a specific application.
You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular
backup of programs and, if applicable, carry out the updates of that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case
by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or
programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you.
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 21 / 21
Case 6 -
Submitted by:
Date: 14/02/2024
Table of content
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 2 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Support Details
Modular Support Spacing [mm] Undefined
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 3 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
1.2 Nodes
No. No. Connector name Connector variant
[mm] [mm] [mm]
1 1 -380.32 0.00 -3.01 MT-B-T OC MT-B-T OC (E)
2 - -380.32 0.00 286.99 MT-C-T/2 OC MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
3 - 419.68 -0.00 286.98 MT-C-T/2 OC MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
4 2 419.68 0.00 -3.01 MT-B-T OC MT-B-T OC (E)
1.3 Members
Spring Constants
Member Translational Rotational
No. Cu,x Cu,y Cu,z Cφx Cφy Cφz
Ux Uy Uz φx φy φz
[kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/Rad] [kNm/Rad] [kNm/Rad]
1 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
3 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
3 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
1.6 Gliders
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 4 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
2 Part list
2.1 Members
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
4 2272092 2-hole Baseplate MT-B-T OC 2 1.13
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
8 2272055 Connector MT-C-T/2 OC transversal 2 1.57
2.4 Other
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
5 2272082 Twist-Lock MT-TL M10 OC 12 0.42
6 2273256 Hexagon bolt MT-TLB OC 12 0.30
7 2105870 Stud anchor HST3-R M12x115 40/20 4 0.41
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 5 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
3 Load Types
3. Loads
Custom loads
Position Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Load No. Load Type Members
[mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
1 Pipe 2 644.23 0.00 0.00 -0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Pipe 2 381.16 0.00 0.00 -0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 Seismic (+x) 2 412.90 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 Seismic (-x) 2 412.90 -0.05 -0.05 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00
6 Pipe 2 118.27 0.00 0.00 -0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 Self Weight Support 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
8 Self Weight Support 1 290.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
9 Self Weight Support 2 800.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
10 Self Weight Support 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 6 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Start End
Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Load No. Load Type Members Position Position
[kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m]
[mm] [mm]
11 Self Weight Support 1 0.00 290.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
12 Self Weight Support 2 0.00 800.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
13 Self Weight Support 3 0.00 289.99 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Pipe Permanent ☑
1 Self Weight Support Permanent ☑
☑All loads in these load cases are converted to seismic in +/-X, +/-Y and +/-Z
☐Loads not considered for seismic load conversion
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 7 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
4 Load Combinations
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 8 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5 Results
5.1.3 Members
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 9 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5.2 Members
Iω M Wy Wz Wy
[mm⁶] [kg/m] [mm³] [mm³] [mm³]
38410000.00 2.04 -2652.65 -3099.95 -2652.65 Overview
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 10 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
*027b-ULS: SW + Seismic (-x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC14
*002b-ULS: SW_sup Support + Media. Respective Combination Equation: 1.35 * LC1 + 1.35 * LC2
*027a-ULS: SW + Seismic (+x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC13
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 11 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Beam No. 1
Beam No. 2
Beam No. 3
*027b-ULS: SW + Seismic (-x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC14
*002b-ULS: SW_sup Support + Media. Respective Combination Equation: 1.35 * LC1 + 1.35 * LC2
*027a-ULS: SW + Seismic (+x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC13
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 12 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Normal load
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 13 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Torsion around X
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 14 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Moment around Y
Moment around Z
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 15 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Buckling ratio
☑Maximum Allowable Deflection (Beam) L/200
☑Maximum Allowable Deflection (Cantilever)L/150
- Maximum Deflection (Absolute) -
☑No Deflection checks calculated for 1.50mm
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 16 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Member Max deflection Utilization
Load Combination number* Governing criteria Length Limit
No. [mm] [%]
1 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 290.00 L/200 -0.00 0.00
2 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 800.00 L/200 0.00 0.00
3 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 289.99 L/200 -0.00 0.00
*002-SLS: SW Support + Media Objects. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 + 1.00 * LC2
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 17 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 18 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5.3 Connectors
5.3.1 Overview
Connector: MT-C-T/2 OC
Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Connector variant: MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
Node No. : 2
Local Forces: -0.18 0.05 0.05 -0.01 -0.00 -0.00
Resistance: 8.66 1.56 8.96 0.06 0.09 0.04
Utilization: 21.58 % OK
Governing Load
1.00 * LC1 + 1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC14
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 19 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5.4 Bases
5.4.1 Overview
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 20 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and based on the principles, formulas and security
regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by
the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product.
The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole
responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for
having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior
to using them for your specific facility. The Software servers only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of
errors, the correctness and relevance ot the results or suitability for a specific application.
You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular
backup of programs and, if applicable, carry out the updates of that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case
by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or
programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you.
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 21 / 21
Case 7 - CWPS50MM&CWPR50MM
Submitted by:
Date: 14/02/2024
Table of content
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 2 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Support Details
Modular Support Spacing [mm] Undefined
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 3 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
1.2 Nodes
No. No. Connector name Connector variant
[mm] [mm] [mm]
1 1 -380.32 0.00 -3.01 MT-B-T OC MT-B-T OC (E)
2 - -380.32 0.00 286.99 MT-C-T/2 OC MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
3 - 419.68 -0.00 286.98 MT-C-T/2 OC MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
4 2 419.68 0.00 -3.01 MT-B-T OC MT-B-T OC (E)
1.3 Members
Spring Constants
Member Translational Rotational
No. Cu,x Cu,y Cu,z Cφx Cφy Cφz
Ux Uy Uz φx φy φz
[kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/Rad] [kNm/Rad] [kNm/Rad]
1 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
3 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
3 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
1.6 Gliders
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 4 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
2 Part list
2.1 Members
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
4 2272092 2-hole Baseplate MT-B-T OC 2 1.13
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
8 2272055 Connector MT-C-T/2 OC transversal 2 1.57
2.4 Other
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
5 2272082 Twist-Lock MT-TL M10 OC 12 0.42
6 2273256 Hexagon bolt MT-TLB OC 12 0.30
7 2105870 Stud anchor HST3-R M12x115 40/20 4 0.41
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 5 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
3 Load Types
3. Loads
Custom loads
Position Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Load No. Load Type Members
[mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
1 Pipe 2 644.23 0.00 0.00 -0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Pipe 2 381.16 0.00 0.00 -0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 Seismic (+x) 2 412.90 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 Seismic (-x) 2 412.90 -0.05 -0.05 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00
6 Self Weight Support 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 Self Weight Support 1 290.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
8 Self Weight Support 2 800.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
9 Self Weight Support 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 6 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Start End
Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Load No. Load Type Members Position Position
[kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m]
[mm] [mm]
10 Self Weight Support 1 0.00 290.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
11 Self Weight Support 2 0.00 800.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
12 Self Weight Support 3 0.00 289.99 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Pipe Permanent ☑
1 Self Weight Support Permanent ☑
☑All loads in these load cases are converted to seismic in +/-X, +/-Y and +/-Z
☐Loads not considered for seismic load conversion
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 7 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
4 Load Combinations
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 8 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5 Results
5.1.3 Members
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 9 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5.2 Members
Iω M Wy Wz Wy
[mm⁶] [kg/m] [mm³] [mm³] [mm³]
38410000.00 2.04 -2652.65 -3099.95 -2652.65 Overview
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 10 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
*027b-ULS: SW + Seismic (-x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC14
*002b-ULS: SW_sup Support + Media. Respective Combination Equation: 1.35 * LC1 + 1.35 * LC2
*027a-ULS: SW + Seismic (+x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC13
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 11 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Beam No. 1
Beam No. 2
Beam No. 3
*027b-ULS: SW + Seismic (-x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC14
*002b-ULS: SW_sup Support + Media. Respective Combination Equation: 1.35 * LC1 + 1.35 * LC2
*027a-ULS: SW + Seismic (+x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC13
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 12 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Normal load
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 13 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Torsion around X
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 14 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Moment around Y
Moment around Z
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 15 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Buckling ratio
☑Maximum Allowable Deflection (Beam) L/200
☑Maximum Allowable Deflection (Cantilever)L/150
- Maximum Deflection (Absolute) -
☑No Deflection checks calculated for 1.50mm
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 16 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Member Max deflection Utilization
Load Combination number* Governing criteria Length Limit
No. [mm] [%]
1 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 290.00 L/200 -0.00 0.00
2 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 800.00 L/200 0.00 0.00
3 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 289.99 L/200 -0.00 0.00
*002-SLS: SW Support + Media Objects. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 + 1.00 * LC2
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 17 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 18 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5.3 Connectors
5.3.1 Overview
Connector: MT-C-T/2 OC
Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Connector variant: MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
Node No. : 2
Local Forces: -0.14 0.05 0.05 -0.01 -0.00 -0.00
Resistance: 8.66 1.56 8.96 0.06 0.09 0.04
Utilization: 21.12 % OK
Governing Load
1.00 * LC1 + 1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC14
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 19 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
5.4 Bases
5.4.1 Overview
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 20 / 21
Version: 1.13.0
Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and based on the principles, formulas and security
regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by
the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product.
The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole
responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for
having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior
to using them for your specific facility. The Software servers only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of
errors, the correctness and relevance ot the results or suitability for a specific application.
You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular
backup of programs and, if applicable, carry out the updates of that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case
by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or
programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you.
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 21 / 21
Case 8 - CDP32MM
Submitted by:
Date: 14/02/2024
Table of content
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 2 / 20
Version: 1.13.0
Support Details
Modular Support Spacing [mm] Undefined
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 3 / 20
Version: 1.13.0
1.2 Nodes
No. No. Connector name Connector variant
[mm] [mm] [mm]
1 1 -380.32 0.00 -3.01 MT-B-T OC MT-B-T OC (E)
2 - -380.32 0.00 286.99 MT-C-T/2 OC MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
3 - 119.68 0.00 286.98 MT-C-T/2 OC MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
4 2 119.68 0.00 -3.01 MT-B-T OC MT-B-T OC (E)
1.3 Members
Spring Constants
Member Translational Rotational
No. Cu,x Cu,y Cu,z Cφx Cφy Cφz
Ux Uy Uz φx φy φz
[kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/Rad] [kNm/Rad] [kNm/Rad]
1 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
3 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
3 no no no no yes yes - - - - 0.001 0.001
1.6 Gliders
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Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 4 / 20
Version: 1.13.0
2 Part list
2.1 Members
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
4 2272092 2-hole Baseplate MT-B-T OC 2 1.13
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
8 2272055 Connector MT-C-T/2 OC transversal 2 1.57
2.4 Other
Quantity Weight
Position Item Number Description
[-] [kg]
5 2272082 Twist-Lock MT-TL M10 OC 12 0.42
6 2273256 Hexagon bolt MT-TLB OC 12 0.30
7 2105870 Stud anchor HST3-R M12x115 40/20 4 0.41
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 5 / 20
Version: 1.13.0
3 Load Types
3. Loads
Custom loads
Position Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Load No. Load Type Members
[mm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
2 Pipe 2 250.00 0.00 0.00 -0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 Seismic (+x) 2 250.00 0.05 0.05 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00
5 Seismic (-x) 2 250.00 -0.05 -0.05 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00 -0.00
6 Self Weight Support 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
7 Self Weight Support 1 290.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
8 Self Weight Support 2 500.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
9 Self Weight Support 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 6 / 20
Version: 1.13.0
Start End
Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Load No. Load Type Members Position Position
[kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m] [kNm/m]
[mm] [mm]
10 Self Weight Support 1 0.00 290.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
11 Self Weight Support 2 0.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
12 Self Weight Support 3 0.00 289.99 0.00 0.00 -0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Pipe Permanent ☑
1 Self Weight Support Permanent ☑
☑All loads in these load cases are converted to seismic in +/-X, +/-Y and +/-Z
☐Loads not considered for seismic load conversion
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Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 7 / 20
Version: 1.13.0
4 Load Combinations
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 8 / 20
Version: 1.13.0
5 Results
5.1.3 Members
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 9 / 20
Version: 1.13.0
5.2 Members
Iω M Wy Wz Wy
[mm⁶] [kg/m] [mm³] [mm³] [mm³]
38410000.00 2.04 -2652.65 -3099.95 -2652.65 Overview
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 10 / 20
Version: 1.13.0
*027b-ULS: SW + Seismic (-x) + Seismic (+y) + Seismic (-z) + Live + Snow. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 +
1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC14
Beam No. 1
Beam No. 2
Beam No. 3
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 11 / 20
Version: 1.13.0
Normal load
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 12 / 20
Version: 1.13.0
Torsion around X
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 13 / 20
Version: 1.13.0
Moment around Y
Moment around Z
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Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 14 / 20
Version: 1.13.0
Buckling ratio
☑Maximum Allowable Deflection (Beam) L/200
☑Maximum Allowable Deflection (Cantilever)L/150
- Maximum Deflection (Absolute) -
☑No Deflection checks calculated for 1.50mm
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Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 15 / 20
Version: 1.13.0
Member Max deflection Utilization
Load Combination number* Governing criteria Length Limit
No. [mm] [%]
1 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 290.00 L/200 -0.00 0.00
2 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 500.00 L/200 0.00 0.00
3 002-SLS Relative (Beam) 289.99 L/200 -0.00 0.00
*002-SLS: SW Support + Media Objects. Respective Combination Equation: 1.00 * LC1 + 1.00 * LC2
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Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 16 / 20
Version: 1.13.0
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 17 / 20
Version: 1.13.0
5.3 Connectors
5.3.1 Overview
Connector: MT-C-T/2 OC
Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
Connector variant: MT-C-T/2 OC (2)
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kNm]
Node No. : 2
Local Forces: -0.06 -0.05 -0.05 0.01 0.00 0.00
Resistance: 8.66 1.56 8.96 0.06 0.09 0.04
Utilization: 14.98 % OK
Governing Load
1.00 * LC1 + 1.00 * LC2 + 1.00 * LC13
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 18 / 20
Version: 1.13.0
5.4 Bases
5.4.1 Overview
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 19 / 20
Version: 1.13.0
Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and based on the principles, formulas and security
regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by
the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product.
The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole
responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for
having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior
to using them for your specific facility. The Software servers only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of
errors, the correctness and relevance ot the results or suitability for a specific application.
You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular
backup of programs and, if applicable, carry out the updates of that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case
by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or
programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you.
Data and results must be checked for agreement with existing conditions and for plausibility. Changes may be necessary.
Copyright (c) Hilti AG 2010, FL-9494 Schaan 20 / 20