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Drug Equianalgesic Doses Equianalgesic Parenteral Oral Usual

Parenteral (IV, IM, SQ) Doses - Oral Onset Peak Duration Onset Peak Duration dosing
(min) (min) (hours) (min) (min) (hours) Interval
Morphine 10 mg 30 mg <5 SQ: 3-6 15-60 30-60 3-6 3-4
IV: 20
Codeine 75-120 mg 130-200 mg 10-30 30-60 4-6 30-60 30-60 4-6 3-4
Fentanyl 0.1 mg Transdermal 25 IM: 7- ND 1-2 IV: 1
15 (TD: 48-72) TD: 72
45 mg of oral
sustained release IV: <1
Hydrocodone 30 mg ND ND 4-8 3-4
Hydromorphone 1.5 mg 7.5 mg ND 30-60 4-6 15-30 30-60 4-6 3-4
Levorphanol 2 mg 4 mg ND 30-60 4-8 10-60. 30-60 4-8 6-8
Meperidine 100 mg 300 mg <5 30-60 2-4 10-15 30-60 2-4 2-3
Methadone 10 mg++ 7.5 mg++ 10-20 30-60 4-8 30-60 30-60 4-8 6-8
Oxycodone ND 20 mg <5 60 4 10-15 120- 4-6 4
Oxymorphone 1 mg 10 mg 5-15 30-60 3-6 10-15 30 4-6 3-6
Tapentadol 100mg ND 1.25 hr 4-6 4-6

Buprenorphine 0.4 mg ND 15 60 4-8 ~15 40-210 6-8
SL admin SL admin
Butorphanol 2 mg Not available IM: 30- 30-60 3-5 3-4
IV: 4-5
Nalbuphine 10 mg Not available IM: 30 60 3-6 3-4
IV: 1-3
Pentazocine 60 mg 150 mg IV: 2-3 ~15 2-3 15-30 ~60 4-5 3-4

Prepared by: Ruth Perkins, B.S., M.A., Pharm.D., BCPS

Rev 04/2011
++ The ratio of PO morphine:PO methadone is dependent on the dose of morphine prior to switching to methadone. With low doses of morphine (<90 mg/day), the ratio is approximately 4:1
(morphine:methadone). With higher doses of morphine, i.e. > 300 mg/day, the ratio of PO morphine: PO methadone approaches 12:1. Inbetween, a ratio of 8:1 has been studied. (Davis,2001)
ND – not determined

The opiate analgesic comparison chart is meant to act as a guideline when switching patients from one opioid to another. It is important
to recognize that there is a wide variation in response to opiates between individuals. Therefore, all doses should be titrated to effect for
individual patients. (Foley, 1985 and Pereira, 2000)

Pereira, J; Lawlor , P; Vigano, A; et al. Equianalgesic Dose Ratios for Opioids: A Critical Review and Proposals for Long-Term
Dosing. J Pain Symptom Manage 2001;22:672-687

Davis, MP and Walsh, D. Methadone for relief of cancer pain: a review of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, drug interactions and
protocols of administration. Support Care Cancer 2001;9:73-83.

Foley, K. The treatment of cancer pain. NEJM 1985; 313: 84-95.

Prepared by: Ruth Perkins, B.S., M.A., Pharm.D., BCPS

Rev 04/2011

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