Ihub 2024
Ihub 2024
Ihub 2024
Subject:Nominating facultios and students for lnnovation ecosystem orientation visit at i-Hub Ahmodabad.
Reference: Email Irom CEO, i-hub dated 26/02/24
Healthcare innovation and start-ups are emerging as an important approach for solving various healthcare problems and imprcving medical
care as well as healthcare delivery.
i-Hub is a vibrant incubation setup ostablished under SSIP by the Education Department, Government of Gujaral. As part of our ongoing
efforts to toster innovation and entrepreneurship in the medical community, an Innovalion ecosysterm orientation visit curated for buddina
Medical doctors is being organized al i-Hub. The visit will include a 2-hour sensitization session locusing on understandingabout healthcare
innovation and the start-up ecosystem of Gujarat. Also this will provide insight how they can use this scheme for innovation in medical
sciences and their professional life. Paticipants will have the opporlun1ty to learn about various schemes and programs available to support
start-ups, with the potential tor students lo receive tinancial benefils trom i-tHub.
The visit is scheduled as tollaws:
Date: 11/3/2024
Time: 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm (Followed by Dinner)
Venue: New building, iHub Ahmedabad Campus, Pragna Puram Gampus, opposile PRL, Belween Govt. Girls Polylechnic and L.D
College of Engineering. Navrangpura. Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380015
Kindly nominate 20-25 inlerested participanis: 4-5 laculy members and 15-20 stucdents trom your nstilution) lor the visl. This visl will prov1de
valuable insights and opportunities for the students and faculty mombers of medical colleges.
In case of any additionalinformation or assistance contact Yash Pandya (lncubätion Manager- iHub) 9427509909.
Additional Director
The Dcan
B.J.Medical College. Ahmedabad
. GMERS Medical College, Sola, Ahmedabad
GMERS MedicalCollege, Gandhinagar
. Smt. N.H.L. Municipal Medical College and SVP Hospilal. Ahmedabad
. A.M.C, M.E.T. Medical College, Ahmedabad
GCS Medical College and Research Center, Ahmedabad
. Dr, M.K. Shah Medical College &Research Centre, Ahmedabad
" Swaminarayan Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Kalol
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. Executive Director, SHSRC Gujarat
" CEO, ¡Hub
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