Astm D1654-2008 - 838
Astm D1654-2008 - 838
Astm D1654-2008 - 838
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 1654 – 08
4. Significance and Use 6.1.2 Scribe the specimen by holding the tool at approxi-
4.1 This method provides a means of evaluating and com- mately a 70 to 90° angle to the surface with the upper end of
paring basic corrosion performance of the substrate, pretreat- tool holder inclined toward the operator. Position the tool so
ment, or coating system, or combination thereof, after exposure that only the tip is in contact with the surface. (See Fig. 2.) Pull
to corrosive environments. the scribing tool to obtain a uniform V-cut through the coating
that is being tested. The endpoints of the scribe shall be at least
5. Apparatus 1.25 cm (0.5 in.) from the edge of the panel. Inspect the tool
5.1 Scribing Tools: frequently, using low power magnification, for dulling, chip-
5.1.1 Lathe Tool Type—High speed tool steel or tungsten ping or wear and replace or repair as needed. The scribe should
carbide thread cutting lathe tool bit with a cutting tip having a be of sufficient length to cover the significant test area, but
60° included angle. ANSI B94.50, Style E has been found to should not contact the edge of the specimen. The scribe must
meet these requirements. (See Fig. 1.) The tool bit is typically penetrate all organic coating layers on the metal, leaving a
mounted in a holder such as a wooden file handle to facilitate uniformly bright line. The extent of scribe penetration through
the scribing operation. metal coatings, such as galvanize, should be agreed upon
5.1.2 Pencil Type—Pencil shaped device, with a high speed between the producer and user. The coil coating industry
tool steel or tungsten carbide scribing tip. Typically the typically requires scribes to penetrate all organic coating layers
gripping surface is knurled. The tip may be replaceable or but not penetrate the metal coating layers. The automotive
permanent. industry typically requires scribes to penetrate all organic and
5.1.3 Motorized Circular Blade—A motor fitted with a 1 to metal coating layers. The pencil type may be less effective than
2 mm wide circular cutting device. the lathe tool type when scribing coating systems consisting of
5.1.4 Other Types—Other types of scribing instruments multiple layers of organic coatings or coating systems includ-
which use a knife type blade such as a scalpel, razor blade, box ing metal layers. When scribing coating systems consisting of
cutter knife, or other sharp pointed tool are acceptable if agreed multiple layers of organic coatings or coating systems includ-
upon between the producer and the user. ing metal layers the depth and quality of scribe technique
5.2 Straightedge—Any straightedge of sufficient length and should be evaluated using the cross section, castable plastic
rigidity to guide the scribing tool in a straight line. mount, polishing technique described in Practice E 3. Quality
5.3 Paint Removal Materials—The following materials can of the scribe technique may also be observed with the aid of
be used to remove the coating around the scribe. low-power magnification. Note, mark, and describe defects,
5.3.1 Spatula. coding, and flaws that may affect results. If a motorized
5.3.2 Knife or similar instrument—the sharpness of blade circular blade is used, position the test specimen to allow for a
shall be agreed upon between purchaser and seller. straight, linear cut at the desired length. The blade shall be
5.3.3 Paint Stripper or strong solvent. positioned to a depth such that it is able to cut into the
5.3.4 Materials for removal by air: substrate. This type of blade will result in a rectangular cut Air Source—A source of compressed air capable of rather than a V-cut.
delivering at least 4.72 L/s (10 ft3/min) at 552 kPa (80 psi). 6.1.3 One cut may not be sufficient to cut multi-layer Air Gun—An air dusting gun and nozzle combina- protective coatings down to the metal. The use of more than
tion. The following configuration has been found to be suc- one cut must be agreed to between all concerned parties prior
cessful: to scribing, and the number of cuts must be recorded in the test
Air Consumption, Pressure, kPa Nozzle Diameter,
documentation. When multiple cuts are needed, each cut must
m3/min (ft3/min) (psi) mm (in.)
0.24 (8.4) 550 (80) 3.0 (0.12)