The Joy of Sweave: A Beginner's Guide To Reproducible Research With Sweave

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The Joy of Sweave:

A Beginners Guide to Reproducible Research with Sweave

Mario Pineda-Krch Centre for Mathematical Biology, University of Alberta January 17, 2011

The Joy of Sweave: A Beginners Guide to Reproducible Research with Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Reproducible Research
article about computational science in a scientic publication is not the scholarship itself, An it is merely advertising of the scholarship. The actual scholarship is the complete software development environment and the complete set of instructions which generated the gures. Jon Claerbout

Reproducibility is one of the cornerstones of the modern scientic method Traditionally papers publishing experimental and mathematical results contain sucient information to reproduce the results, e.g. empirical methods or mathematical proofs Reproducible Research in computational sciences is about reproducible computational results, e.g. simulation and analysis results (not reproducing experimental results), using the same methods (algorithms, seed) as in the paper The majority of computational research is not easily reproducible because Algorithms are typically not described in published papers
The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch

Journals do not require computer code to be deposited in a repository (see e.g. Dryad (, KNB (, and GenBank ( The code/documentation mismatch fallacy Sweave provides a solution to this problem

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch

Online resources for RR

Wave lab at Stanford ( Real world RR using MatLab Reproducible Research ( web site is intended to collect information and useful links about reproducible research

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch

Coombs et al. 2007. Nature Medicine 13:1276-1277

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch

Baggerly et al. 2005. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 97:307-309

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch

Waxman & Gavrilets. 2005. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 18:1139-1154

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch

Dont do stats or simulations? No problem!

Mathematical biologists doing numerics are not out of the woodwork Numerics also needs to be reproducible

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch

A What is LTEX?

LTEX hard to use? Its easy to use if youre one of the 2% of the population who thinks Is A logically and can read an instructional manual. The other 98% of the population would nd it very hard or impossible to use. Leslie Lamport

A document preparation system for high-quality typesetting. First developed in 1985 by Leslie Lamport and based on Donald E. Knuths TeX typesetting language. Designed for the production of technical and scientic documentation. Based on the idea that it is better to leave document design to document designers, and to let authors get on with writing documents. Automatic generation of bibliographies and indexes. Pronounced Lah-tech or Lay-tech .
The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


A Online resources for LTEX

The Comprehensive TEX Archive Network aka CTAN: the authoritative collection of materials related to the TeX typesetting system. (
A The Not So Short Introduction to LTEX2 : The unocial manual. ( org/tex-archive/info/lshort/english/lshort.pdf) A A LTEX at Wikibooks: wiki guide to the LTEX

markup language.


A The comprehensive LTEX symbol list: lists 2826 symbols and the corresponding A LTEXcommands and packages necessary to produce them. (

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


A A rst LTEX example

\ documentclass [12 pt ]{ article } \ newcommand {\ dsfrac }[2]{\ frac {\ displaystyle #1}{\ displaystyle #2}} \ author { Mario Pineda - Krch } \ title { Just another tritrophic model } \ begin { document } \ maketitle \ section { The Hastings \& Powell model } The non - dimensional version of the Hastings \& Powell (1991) model is given by , \ begin { equation } \ begin { array }{ lcl } \ dsfrac { dx }{ dt } & = & x (1 - x ) - \ dsfrac { a_1 x }{1+ b_1 x } y \\ \\ \ dsfrac { dy }{ dt } & = & \ dsfrac { a_1 x }{1+ b_1 x } y - \ dsfrac { a_2 y }{1+ b_2 y } z - d_1 y \\ \\ \ dsfrac { dz }{ dt } & = & \ dsfrac { a_2 y }{1+ b_2 y } z - d_2 z \ end { array } \ end { equation } \ end { document }

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


Just another tritrophic model

Mario Pineda-Krch January 15, 2011

The Hastings & Powell model

The non-dimensional version of the Hastings & Powell (1991) model is given by, dx = x(1 x) a1 x y dt 1 + b1 x dy dt dz dt ay ax = 1 +1b x y 1 +2b y z d1 y 1 2 ay = 1 +2b y z d2 z 2 (1)

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


What is R?
is a language and environment for statistical computing computational research and R graphics. Freely adapted from

Highly extensible via user-developed packages; 2751 of packages (only at CRAN) and counting. Much of R is written in R. Command line interface and scriptable. Easily integrates with low-level languages (e.g. C/C++ and Fortran). Source code freely available allowing for algorithm transparency and modication. Free as in freedom and priceless. Compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms and similar systems (including FreeBSD and Linux), Windows and MacOS.
The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


Online resources for R

The Comprehensive R Archive Network aka CRAN ( a network of ftp and web servers around the world that store identical, up-to-date, versions of code and documentation for R R-blogger ( counting) R bloggers R news contributed by (147, and

R-Forge ( central platform for the development of R packages, R-related software and further projects. Stack Overow ( collaboratively built and maintained programming Q&A site. Journal of Statistical Software ( publishes articles, book reviews, code snippets, and software. Lots of R stu. Open source (i.e. free access). See in particular the Special Volume on Ecology and Ecological Modelling in R (
The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


The R Journal ( peer reviewed journal focusing on introduction and review of packages, R programming tips and tricks, etc. GillespieSSA ( a package providing an interface to several stochastic simulation algorithms for generating simulated trajectories of nite population continuous-time model.

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


A rst (non-statistical) R example

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


A R + LTEX= Sweave

Sweave provides a exible framework for mixing text and S code for automatic document generation. A single source le contains both documentation text and S code, which are then woven into a nal document containing the documentation text together with the S code and/or the output of the code (text, graphs) Freidrich Leisch

A function in R
A Allows for integration of code (R) with prose (LTEX)

A simple text le consisting of a sequence of code and documentation segment, aka chunks
A Extremely simple syntax once you know R and LTEX learning Sweave is trivial

Enables the creation of dynamic documents R code is executed and the results (output, graphics) incorporated when the document is generated
The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


A Leverages LTEX typesetting capabilities and Rs computational strengths

Easy to regenerate the re-run the code and regenerate the documentation if the inout changes Can make computational research more transparent and reproducible to others and to oneself

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


Online resources for Sweave

The Sweave Homepage ( The ocial home of Sweave by its father, Freidrich Leisch Sweave: Dynamic Generation of Statistical Reports Using Literate Data Analysis (http: // Sweave Demo ( short introduction to Literate Programming, Reproducible Research and Sweave

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


(The no sweat) Sweave in 20 seconds

Create a le foo.Rnw
A A Enter your prose (LTEX) the good old fashioned LTEX way

Enclose R code chunks between <<>>= (on a line of its own) and @ (on a line of its own) To produce the documentation weave the source like so: R CMD Sweave foo.Rnw from the shell Sweave(foo.Rnw) from within R.

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


A rst Sweave example

\ documentclass [12 pt ]{ article } \ newcommand {\ dsfrac }[2]{\ frac {\ displaystyle #1}{\ displaystyle #2}} \ author { Mario Pineda - Krch } \ title { Just another tritrophic model } \ begin { document } \ maketitle \ section { The Hastings \& Powell model } The non - dimensional version of the Hastings \& Powell (1991) model is given by , \ begin { equation } \ begin { array }{ lcl } \ dsfrac { dx }{ dt } & = & x (1 - x ) - \ dsfrac { a_1 x }{1+ b_1 x } y \\ \\ \ dsfrac { dy }{ dt } & = & \ dsfrac { a_1 x }{1+ b_1 x } y - \ dsfrac { a_2 y }{1+ b_2 y } z - d_1 y \\ \\ \ dsfrac { dz }{ dt } & = & \ dsfrac { a_2 y }{1+ b_2 y } z - d_2 z \ end { array } \ end { equation } Define the nondimensional system in R , < < > >= hp = function ( time , population , parms ) {
The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


x <- population [1] y <- population [2] z <- population [3] with ( as . list ( parms ) ,{ dx = x *(1 - x ) - ( a1 * x ) /(1+ b1 * x ) * y dy = ( a1 * x ) /(1+ b1 * x ) * y - ( a2 * y ) /(1+ b2 * y ) * z - d1 * y dz = ( a2 * y ) /(1+ b2 * y ) * z - d2 * z out = c ( dx , dy , dz ) list ( out ) }) } @ I eyeballed the initial conditions from Figure 2 in HP91 . < < > >= x0 <- c ( x =0.75 , y =0.15 , z =10) @ Declare the time vector , < < > >= time <- seq (0 , 5000) @

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


Here I am using the same parameters as in Figure 2 in HP91 ( which is identical to Figure 2 in KH94 ) , < < > >= parms <- c ( a1 =5.0 , b1 =2.5 , a2 =0.1 , b2 =2.0 , d1 =0.4 , d2 =0.01) @ Solve the system numerically , < < > >= require ( deSolve ) out <- as . data . frame ( ode ( x0 , time , hp , parms ) ) @ Look at the structure of the result object , < < > >= str ( out ) @ and the beginning of the time series , < < > >= head ( out ) @

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


\ end { document }

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch



Sweave(foo.Rnw) produces the documentation

Just another tritrophic model

Mario Pineda-Krch January 17, 2011

The Hastings & Powell model

The non-dimensional version of the Hastings & Powell (1991) model is given by, dx = x(1 x) a1 x y dt 1 + b1 x dy dt ay ax = 1 +1b x y 1 +2b y z d1 y 1 2 (1)

a2 y dz = dt 1 + b2 y z d2 z Dene the nondimensional system in R, > hp = function(time, population, parms) + x <- population[1] + y <- population[2] + z <- population[3] + with(as.list(parms), { + dx = x * (1 - x) - (a1 * x)/(1 + dy = (a1 * x)/(1 + b1 * x) * y + z - d1 * y + dz = (a2 * y)/(1 + b2 * y) * z + out = c(dx, dy, dz) + list(out) + }) + } {

+ b1 * x) * y - (a2 * y)/(1 + b2 * y) * - d2 * z

I eyeballed the initial conditions from Figure 2 in HP91. 1

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


> x0 <- c(x = 0.75, y = 0.15, z = 10) Declare the time vector, > time <- seq(0, 5000) Here I am using the same parameters as in Figure 2 in HP91 (which is identical to Figure 2 in KH94), > parms <- c(a1 = 5, b1 = 2.5, a2 = 0.1, b2 = 2, d1 = 0.4, d2 = 0.01) Solve the system numerically, > require(deSolve) > out <-, time, hp, parms)) Look at the structure of the result object, > str(out) 'data.frame': $ time: num $ x : num $ y : num $ z : num 5001 obs. of 4 variables: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 0.75 0.732 0.696 0.644 0.578 ... 0.15 0.173 0.201 0.234 0.267 ... 10 10 10.1 10.1 10.2 ...

and the beginning of the time series, > head(out) time 0 1 2 3 4 5 x 0.7500000 0.7318531 0.6959543 0.6441029 0.5779474 0.5021714 y 0.1500000 0.1729883 0.2013125 0.2339504 0.2674447 0.2942321 z 10.00000 10.02179 10.05784 10.10971 10.17767 10.25963

1 2 3 4 5 6

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


Stangle(foo.Rnw) produces the R code
################################################### ### chunk number 1: ################################################### # line 19 " listing3 . Rnw " hp = function ( time , population , parms ) { x <- population [1] y <- population [2] z <- population [3] with ( as . list ( parms ) ,{ dx = x *(1 - x ) - ( a1 * x ) /(1+ b1 * x ) * y dy = ( a1 * x ) /(1+ b1 * x ) * y - ( a2 * y ) /(1+ b2 * y ) * z - d1 * y dz = ( a2 * y ) /(1+ b2 * y ) * z - d2 * z out = c ( dx , dy , dz ) list ( out ) }) }

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


### chunk number 2: ################################################### # line 35 " listing3 . Rnw " x0 <- c ( x =0.75 , y =0.15 , z =10)

################################################### ### chunk number 3: ################################################### # line 40 " listing3 . Rnw " time <- seq (0 , 5000)

################################################### ### chunk number 4: ################################################### # line 45 " listing3 . Rnw " parms <- c ( a1 =5.0 , b1 =2.5 , a2 =0.1 , b2 =2.0 , d1 =0.4 , d2 =0.01)

################################################### ### chunk number 5:

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


################################################### # line 50 " listing3 . Rnw " require ( deSolve ) out <- as . data . frame ( ode ( x0 , time , hp , parms ) )

################################################### ### chunk number 6: ################################################### # line 56 " listing3 . Rnw " str ( out )

################################################### ### chunk number 7: ################################################### # line 61 " listing3 . Rnw " head ( out )

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


Adding gures
\ begin { figure }[! h ] \ begin { center } << fig = TRUE , width =7 , height =7 > >= plot ( y ~x , data = out , cex =.5 , pch =19 , xlab = expression ( italic ( x ) ) , ylab = expression ( italic ( y ) ) ) @ \ end { center } \ caption { Phase plane plot of the resource ( $x$ ) and the predator $y$ . } \ end { figure }

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


Just another tritrophic model

Mario Pineda-Krch January 17, 2011

The Hastings & Powell model

The non-dimensional version of the Hastings & Powell (1991) model is given by, dx = x(1 x) a1 x y dt 1 + b1 x dy dt ay ax = 1 +1b x y 1 +2b y z d1 y 1 2 (1)

a2 y dz = dt 1 + b2 y z d2 z Dene the nondimensional system in R, > hp = function(time, population, parms) + x <- population[1] + y <- population[2] + z <- population[3] + with(as.list(parms), { + dx = x * (1 - x) - (a1 * x)/(1 + dy = (a1 * x)/(1 + b1 * x) * y + z - d1 * y + dz = (a2 * y)/(1 + b2 * y) * z + out = c(dx, dy, dz) + list(out) + }) + } {

+ b1 * x) * y - (a2 * y)/(1 + b2 * y) * - d2 * z

I eyeballed the initial conditions from Figure 2 in HP91. 1

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


> x0 <- c(x = 0.75, y = 0.15, z = 10) Declare the time vector, > time <- seq(0, 5000) Here I am using the same parameters as in Figure 2 in HP91 (which is identical to Figure 2 in KH94), > parms <- c(a1 = 5, b1 = 2.5, a2 = 0.1, b2 = 2, d1 = 0.4, d2 = 0.01) Solve the system numerically, > require(deSolve) > out <-, time, hp, parms)) Look at the structure of the result object, > str(out) 'data.frame': $ time: num $ x : num $ y : num $ z : num 5001 obs. of 4 variables: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 0.75 0.732 0.696 0.644 0.578 ... 0.15 0.173 0.201 0.234 0.267 ... 10 10 10.1 10.1 10.2 ...

and the beginning of the time series, > head(out) time 0 1 2 3 4 5 x 0.7500000 0.7318531 0.6959543 0.6441029 0.5779474 0.5021714 y 0.1500000 0.1729883 0.2013125 0.2339504 0.2674447 0.2942321 z 10.00000 10.02179 10.05784 10.10971 10.17767 10.25963

1 2 3 4 5 6

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


> plot(y ~ x, data = out, cex = 0.5, pch = 19, xlab = expression(italic(x)), + ylab = expression(italic(y)))


0.25 0.20

y 0.05 0.10 0.15



0.6 x




Figure 1: Phase plane plot of the resource (x) and the predator y.

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


Congratulations you have now reproduced the result in Hastings & Powell (1991)

Eh? Whats going on Alan? Try setting z = 0 (left as an exercise for the reader)

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


Inline evaluations
< < > >= a <- a @ We can print parameter values like this , $a =\ Sexpr { a } $ .

We can print parameter values like this, a = 1.

We can also evaluate expressions inline , e . g . \ Sexpr { sqrt (12) } and \ Sexpr { sd ( rnorm (100) ) }.

We can also evaluate expressions inline, e.g. 3.46410161513775 and 0.924240115054382.

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


Dealing with big data sets

R memory hungry beast (typically limited to data sets much smaller than the available RAM) The OS can only access 4GB of memory on a 32 bit system, R will give you an error message at around 2GB Packages for dealing with big data: ff and bigmemory More info at CRAN Task View: High-Performance and Parallel Computing with R (http: // Saving large data sets as .Rdata objects will often result in smaller les (compared to ASCII les)

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


Dealing with time consuming computations

A few simple approaches: Get a faster computer! Use C/C++ for the time consuming parts Cache (intermediate) data Caching data,
file . name <- " foo . data " if (! file . exists ( file . name ) ) { # Perform time consuming computations and record results in object ' out ' save ( out , file = file . name ) } else load ( file . name )

Caveat: do not forget to remove if you intend to recreate it (e.g. if the time consuming algorithm has changed).
The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


Dealing with complex projects

You must understand, young Hobbit R apprentice, it takes a long time to say anything in Old Entish Sweave. And we never say anything unless it is worth taking a long time to say. Freely adapted from Treebeard, LOTR

Avoid monolithic Sweave les split into smaller logical components Use a Makele for build a project that consists of multiple Sweave les (

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


An embarrassingly trivial Makele,
foo . pdf : foo . tex pdflatex foo . tex ; pdflatex foo . tex foo . tex : foo . Rnw R CMD Sweave foo . Rnw foo . R : foo . Rnw R CMD Stangle foo . Rnw clean : rm - rf *. eps *. pdf *. tex *. log *. aux

Why is pdflatex invoked twice? (left as an exercise for the reader)

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


make examples
To generate documentation run,
A To weave (generate LTEX source) run,

make foo . tex

To tangle (generate R code) run,

make foo . R

To remove junk run,

make clean

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


Session information
<< results = tex > >= toLatex ( sessionInfo () ) @

The Joy of Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch


Alan Hastings for pointing out the virtues of z = 0 The Lewis Research Group for feedback and discussion Thank you for your time! These slides, foo.Rnw and the associated Makefile are available at http://

The Joy of Sweave: A Beginners Guide to Reproducible Research with Sweave by Mario Pineda-Krch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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