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2, August 2020, Page 131-145



Nadirah1, Andi Asrifan2, K.J. Vargheese3, Haedar4

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidenreng Rappang, Indonesia
Christ College Autonomous (Irinjalakuda) Kerala, India
Email: [email protected]

E-ISSN : 2615-3092 P-ISSN : 2615-3084

Abstract. The objectives of the research were to find out: (1) whether or not the use of interactive multimedia improve
students reading comprehension in the Eighth-Grade of SMP Negeri 4 Panca Rijang and (2) whether or not the use of
interactive multimedia interest students’ in learning reading comprehension in the Eighth-Grade of SMP Negeri 4
Panca Rijang. This research employed mixed method design that applied experimental and control group. The
population of the research was the Eighth-Grade students of SMP Negeri 4 Panca Rijang. The result of data analysis
showed that there was significant difference between achievement of the students who used interactive multimedia
and those who did not use interactive multimedia (conventional technique) in reading comprehension. It was proved
by the mean score of experimental group was higher than control group in post-test (59.35 > 46.75). Furthermore, the
result of the t-test value (3.581) was greater than t-table (α = 0.05; df = 38; t-table = 2.021) which means that H1 was
accepted. The data analysis of questionnaire showed that the students had high interest toward the use of interactive
multimedia in reading comprehension. It was supported by 4 students (20%) who were strongly interested, 14 students
(70%) who were interested and 2 students (10%) who were moderate. The mean score of students’ answers in
questionnaire (79.55) was classified as interested category. Based on the data analysis, the researcher concluded that:
(1) the application of interactive multimedia enhanced the students’ ability in reading comprehension; (2) the
application of interactive multimedia strategy in reading comprehension was interesting for the students.

Keywords: Reading Comprehension, Interactive and Multimedia

data are given by the author in the composed frame.

In this case, reading can be said as an intelligently
Nowadays, development science and handle, checks, and inquire questions
technology require people to increase their approximately what the content is almost. Leonard
knowledge and experience. One way to increase (1961) states that reading includes nothing more
their knowledge is must read an update information. than relating sound picture, that is ”spelling” while
Reading is one step to study more effectively. By Robert Karim (1980) characterizes that reading is a
read many textbooks, article, short story and a handle direction the thoughts of the creators.
novel, it can develop our memory, comprehension, Reading comprehension is not just reading
and more knowledge. Reading is a good way to with a loud voice, but reading is established to
increase our science and own knowledge. Reading understand the meaning of the word, sentences, and
activity for many purposes, sometimes we read, for paragraph sense relationship among ideas as it is. If
instance, to gain information and existing a student just reads loudly but can’t understand the
knowledge, to critique a writing style and writer’s content of the text, it means that he fails in
ideas or another. comprehending the passage. (Simanjuntak 1998:4)
Reading is one of the basic communicative The hypothesis of comprehension expects
skill, but it has a very complex process. Reading that compelling understanding is a work of the
comprehension is a movement to know what the relationship between show data and dynamic
Interactive Multimedia in EFL Classroom (Nadirah et al.) 132

information and that persuasive communication, reader. Some previous studies indicated that the
subsequently, depends on the degree to which good educator must make an improvement to their
audience and speakers share a common semantic methods or technique so the student easy to
“field.”(Buhler,1908). When planning understudies understand what the teacher teach to them, and it
for a reading action, we can offer assistance them will affect positively to the student’s performance
gotten to be mindful of relevant earlier information, (Mantasiah et al., 2018; Mantasiah et al., 2020,
while we judge whether or not that information is Yusri et al., 2018; 2018, Romadloni et al., 2017).
adequate for comprehension of the content. Related to the statements above, the
Moreover, that point we will be able to make researcher does an observation on the Eighth-Grade
knowledgeable decisions about reading students of SMP Negeri 4 Panca Rijang. The
assignments and instruction and related concepts, researcher found many problems in teaching
(Langer, 1981:153) learning English. The crucial problem is the
Related the information above we can students’ comprehension. The problem is, the
conclude that reading comprehension is an activity students felt bored to read a text because it is
to find the main idea of the text and then we can uninteresting. The students did not know the
know what is the message that writer will give to structure of the sentence, it makes the students work
the reader. Reading comprehension also can say hard to translate the word in sentence the next.
that we are trying to see how the writer sees Based on the statement above the
something that they ever do or just in their fantasy. researcher try to use a strategy in teaching, that is
We can also say that reading is about understanding using interactive multimedia. A technique can help
the words, sentence, and paragraph and make an students because of a learning strategy for students
interpretation of the text. more effective than without technique. Because of
Educating reading comprehension for teaching by a technique the students more effective
junior high school understudies must be diverse in learning. It is suitable with that Al-A'ny said that
from children in rudimentary school since of their to improve the educational productivity, some of
diverse characteristic of a mental foundation. Peer the teaching staff sought to a mainstream
endorsements may be impressively more vital for technology in education, developing traditional
the understudy than the consideration of the techniques and using new educational methods (Al-
instructor which, for more active children is so A'ny, 2000).
significant. It is critical for considering their Based on the problems discussed
classmates as the inspiration for profound learning previously, the researcher is inspired to apply this
of making strides the teaching-learning prepare of technique in teaching English reading and takes a
perusing. Understudies must be empowered to reply title of this proposal “Increasing Students' Reading
the content and circumstance with their Comprehension by Using Interactive Multimedia in
contemplations and involvement, Or maybe than the Eighth-Grade of SMP Negeri 4 Panca Rijang.”
fair replying the address and doing theoretical
exercises. English educator must deliver them
assignments which they can do, Or perhaps than Definition of Reading
mortifying chance. Reading is one of the four skills that are
As we know most of the teacher only use taught in schools. Reading is complicated act that
conventional teaching in the class, so the researcher involves much more than decoding symbols as
has an idea to apply a new technique to teach quoted in Eyres’s opinion that says reading is a
student reading comprehension, because a new complex process in which the readers actively
technique can attract student interest. A technique construct meaning from the text, or not just a
can bring the students easy to comprehend the passive process of receiving information (Eyres,
lesson. The technique of teaching reading is very 2007). This opinion shows the nature of reading,
important to influence the student to be a good meaning that when someone looks at written or
133 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGLISH STUDIES, Vol. 3, No.2, August 2020, Page 131-145

printed words, she/he will try to understand the 7) Good readers attempt to decide the meaning of
meaning of those words. Reading is called as a new words and concepts in the content, and
thinking process involving word recognition, literal they bargain with irregularities or holes as
comprehension, interpretation and critical/creative required.
thinking skills. Reading is the process constructing 8) They draw a shape, compare, and coordinated
meaning from written texts. It is a complex skill their earlier information with fabric in the
requiring the coordination of some interrelated content.
sources of information (Anderson et al., 1984). 9) They think around the creators of the material,
Reading is the handle defining the meaning their fashion, convictions, eagerly, chronicled
of the content through the dynamic interaction. For milieu, and so on.
case, (1) the reader’s information; (2) the data 10) They screen their understanding of the content,
recommended by the material; and (3) the setting of making alterations in their reading as
the reading circumstance (Wixson, Diminishes, fundamental.
Weber, & Roeber, 1987, citing the excellent 11) They assess the text’s quality and esteem, and
definition of reading for Michigan). respond to the material in a run of ways, both
According to Walter R. Slope (1979) learned people and candidly. Great readers
“Reading is what he reader dosage to get the quickly studied distinctive sorts of content.
meaning he needs from printed sources”. In the 12) When reading an account, great readers go to
meantime, Fellow L. Bond and Eva Bond Wagner carefully to the setting and characters.
(1969), clarified the meaning of perusing as “the 13) When reading the interpretive material, these
prepare of obtaining an author’s meaning and of readers habitually build and reexamine
translating, assessing, and affecting upon in this outlines of what they have learned.
way implications. 14) For great readers, content preparing happens
F. Dubin (1986) clarified the meaning of not as it were amid “reading” as we have
reading as “reading is fundamentally a cognitive customarily characterized it, but too amid brief
handle, which implies that the brain does most of breaks taken amid reading, indeed after the
the work. “reading” itself has commenced, indeed after
We know an extraordinary bargain almost the “reading” has ceased.
what great readers did when they studied (Pressley 15) Comprehension is an expanding, nonstop, and
& Afflebach, 1995): complicated action, but one that, for great
1) Good readers are active readers. perusers, is both fulfilling and beneficial.
2) From the start, they have clear objectives in Aims of Reading
intellect for their reading. According to Paul S. Anderson in
3) Good readers regularly see over the material Wiryacahtara (1992), there are seven points of
some time recently they examined, noting such reading, reading for points of interest and reality,
things as the structure of the content and reading for first thoughts, reading for grouping or
content segments that might be most pertinent organization, reading for induction, reading for
their reading objectives. classifying, reading for assessing and reading for
4) As they read, great readers habitually make comparing of a challenge. Meanwhile, Lester and
forecasts approximately what is to come. Alice Crow (1976) classified two general purposes.
5) They studied explicitly, persistently making These purposes includes; Leisure-time reading and
choices around their reading – what to read more serious reading.
carefully, what to examined rapidly, what not 1) Leisure-time reading. It is reading delight
to discuss, what to rehash, and so on. which may shift in to take after your favorite
6) Good readers develop, change, and address the wear, comedian, article, and motion picture
meaning they make as they read. program.
Interactive Multimedia in EFL Classroom (Nadirah et al.) 134

2) More accurate reading. It is reading to ponder in any case, accept that teaching oral reading is the
for an object such as to get reliable data and most excellent approach to instruct reading.
unravel problems.
Types of Reading Principles of Teaching Reading
Depending on the purposes of reading it According to Nunan (2003), there are some
moreover can be classified into two sorts of principles that must be applied in teaching
exercises, seriously and broad reading (Christine reading.Those are:
Natal, 1982) 1) Exploit the reader’s background knowledge
1) Intensive reading: 2) Build a strong vocabulary base
Intensive reading implies reading shorter 3) Teach for comprehension
writings to extricate particular data. This movement 4) Work on increasing reading rate
is likely more the precision movement including 5) Teach reading strategies
learning the detail. The prepare of filtering takes a 6) Encourage readers to transform strategies into
more conspicuous part here than skimming. The skills
reader is attempting to assimilate all the data given, 7) Build assessment and evaluation into your
illustration: Reading dose instruction for medicine. teaching
2) Extensive reading: 8) Strive for nonstop enhancement as a reading
Francoise Grellet (1981) characterizes that teacher
“skimming is rapidly running one’s eyes over Other principles of learning to reading are:
content to get the significance of it. While 1) The student must have purpose and motivation
“scanning is rapidly going through content to to learn.
discover a specific piece of information”. So if an 2) Learning must have meaning for the learner.
individual needs to get an address, phone number, a 3) A background experience and knowledge is
date in a book over a section in arrange to find an necessary for learning
original piece o data, which exercises are called 4) The learner must be active in his learning
“scanning.” 5) Learning requires the forming of habits
Teaching Reading 6) Much learning by association
Reading may allude to “a familiar prepare 7) Learning requires the practice
of perusers combining data from a content and their 8) Favorable attitudes toward learning foster
possess foundation information to construct effective learning
meaning” (Nunan, 2003: 68). Besides he includes 9) Students learn at distinctive rates and in
that the objective of reading is comprehension. various strategy.
There are slightest two viewpoints of instructing 10) Learning is more effective if the learner knows
reading that require considering. To begin with is for what he is learning
whether the learners learn reading to start with time, (Sharpen in Simanjuntak, 1998:16)
and the moment is whether the learners as of now Reading Comprehension
have reading aptitudes in the begin with dialect The main goal of reading is comprehension
(Nunan, 2003). In expansion he accentuation that of what is being read. The comprehension is an
on the off chance that the learners are as of now able interactive process. Anderson (2003) says that
to read in their L1, what they require to memorize reading comprehension is a prepare that includes
encourage is how to exchange the perusing abilities the important development of an author’s message
to the “an unused reading setting and a modern by the utilize of earlier information, especially the
language”. Reading is a noiseless movement. knowledge of language. It means that reading
Hence, classroom approaches, Nunan says (2003), comprehension as a process of negotiating,
require underlining “the quiet nature of reading understanding between the reader and the writer. In
aptitude and maintain a strategic distance from the most of cases, especially in academic setting, a
overemphasis on verbal reading”. A few instructors, reader expects a text to make sense.
135 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGLISH STUDIES, Vol. 3, No.2, August 2020, Page 131-145

To support this idea, Harris (1969) explains Types of Genre in Reading Comprehension
reading comprehension can be gained from several Gerot and Wigell (1995) compile kinds of
skills. They are: genre in a different form namely, exposition
1) If the students have a large amount of (analytical), anecdote, report, exposition, narrative,
vocabulary discussion, news item, procedure, explanation, and
2) If the students have skill in identifying description. Then they divide those types into
unfamiliar words technical and humanities. The technical texts such
3) If the students have proper habits of posture, as argument: metal work, report, and so on which
holding books, etc related to technical work or workshop. The
4) If the students have a good eye-movement descriptions of each genre are as follows:
habits 1) Narrative
5) If the students have speed and fluency in silent The function of this text is to amuse,
reading entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious
6) If the students can develop oral reading skill; experience in different ways or as a reconstruction
phrasing, expression, pitches. of event (Gerot and Wignell, 1995:204).
Reading with comprehension implies to get it 2) Anecdotes
what has been read Dorothy Rubin (1982) states The social function of anecdotes is to share
that reading comprehension is a complex mental an account of an unusual or amusing incident (Gerot
prepare including some capacities. The two major and Wignell, 1995:202)
capacities concern word implications and thinking 3) Descriptive
with verbal concepts. The genre is aimed at describing a
English has been instructed as a remote particular person, place or thing
dialect in our nation, be that as it may, it does not 4) Analytical exposition
cruel that result of instructing English in our school This kind is used to persuade the readers
is palatable, in spite of the truth that it is instructed that something is an important matter (Gerot and
persistently for six a long time at the tall school, Wignell, 1995:197)
three a long time at SMP, and three a long time at 5) Hortatory exposition
SMA. Ramelan (1992) says that most SMA Gerot and Wignell (1995:209) argue that
graduates are still exceptionally destitute in their hortatory exposition is kind of text that is used to
reading comprehension since they cannot ordinarily persuade the readers that something should or
study or get it articles in English dailies. should not be the case.
There are different lists of skills that they 1) Discussion content is the content which
feel are basic to understanding. The skills usually presents a risky talk.
listed are as follows (Dorothy Rubin, 1982): 2) Explanation text is which tells process relating
1) React to the sensory images (visual, to forming of natural, social, scientific and
kinesthetic, taste, smell) suggested by words. cultural phenomena.
2) Interpret verbal connotations and denotations. 3) News thing content is a real content which
3) Recognize and understand the writer’s advises reader or every day daily papers
purpose. around occasions of the day which are
4) Determine whether the content certifies, respected as news worth or vital.
denies, or comes up short to express a 4) Procedure text is the text that functions to help
conclusion almost a gathered reality or us to do a task or make something.
condition. 5) Recount text is telling the reader what
5) Identify the predecessors of such words like happened.
who, a few, or they. 6) Report is essentially a description that
classifies and describes things in general and
specific terms.
Interactive Multimedia in EFL Classroom (Nadirah et al.) 136

7) Spoof is text which tells factual story, completed, the medium itself proceeds to actuated
happened in the past time with and funny interaction when another individual is affected,
endings. Its social function is to entertain and motivated or moved by that portray. This may result
share the story. into a physical response communicated by the
8) Review is one of the text genres. Some text encourage to capture the picture or buy a duplicate
which has been explained deviously, or the real craftsmanship, which may at that point
researcher takes text types of narrative. be a client as the beginning point for modern
intelligent behavior. Additionally, in Modern
The Concept of Interactive Multimedia Media Expressions, this intuitively prepare
Agreeing to Modern Oxford American frequently includes different media.
Lexicon, the term “Multimedia” when it alludes to The term “Interactive Multimedia” may be
computer applications, they are implied to utilized to portray a real or advanced framework
“incorporate sound and video, particularly where different media or individuals have an impact
interactively”, while when interactive media alludes on each other through their intelligent behavior.
to craftsmanship or instruction frameworks at that When “Interactive Multimedia” is utilized in fields
point it is inferred that they are “using more than such as craftsmanship or instruction it infers the
one medium of expression or communication”. utilize of different media utilized for expression or
Interpretation of the word “Expression” and communication and the presence of an energetic
“Communication” used in the definition, signifies user-state or content-altering capability.
implicitly the existence of interactive processes. Other Values and Benefits of Interactive
Communication in that respect may be considered Multimedia
as an interactive process between two parties that Instructive Benefits of Mixed media
exchange information and evolve or change as a apparatuses (from an Educator's Point of view) :
result. Today, multimedia is used to define an 1) Provide students with openings to speak to and
extremely wide area that includes the fields of express their prior knowledge.
informatics, telecommunications, the audio-visual 2) "Allow students to operate as architects,
production sector, cinema and digital media. In that utilizing devices for analyzing the world,
respect, the term “interactive multimedia” is used to getting to and translating data, organizing their
describe a scientific and creative research field individual information, and speaking to what
within “multimedia” that supports expression or they know to others."
communication through multiple media with the 3) Multimedia applications lock in students and
ability to influence and alter their content and give profitable learning opportunities.
context. 4) Empower students to make and plan Or maybe
The same dictionary states that when the then "retaining representations made by
term “Interactive” is used in conjunction to two others."
people or things, it means they have an effect or 5) Encourages deep intelligent thinking.
influence each other. To extend the interactive 6) Create important learning opportunities.
definition further, this effect may be identified in Instructive Benefits of Mixed media
the physical world, i.e. an action that may trigger a devices (from the Student's Viewpoint):
reaction, or a change of the user’s mental state and 1) Giving students an opportunity to create
condition. Both conditions may also co-exist, records of their claim gives a few instructive
particularly when the process is temporally preferences.
examined. Take for example a painter who in order 2) Students that involvement the specific steps
to create a painting interacts both mentally and required to create compelling interactive
physically when using the canvas, palette of color media reports ended up way better customers
and the fitting devices. Despite the fact that these of mixed media archives created by others.
forms halt for the craftsman when the portray is
137 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGLISH STUDIES, Vol. 3, No.2, August 2020, Page 131-145

3) Students demonstrate they learn the fabric Hidi and Renninger (2006:112) defined
included in their introduction to a much more “interest as a motivational variable refers to the
prominent profundity than in conventional psychological state of engaging or the
composting ventures. predisposition to reengage with particular classes of
4) Students work with the same data from four objects, events, or ideas over time.” When someone
points of view: 1) as research, they must find is interesting, it is likely to have a positive feeling
and select the data required to get it the chosen about that topic, continue to have interest in it, and
subject; 2) as creators, they must consider their as a result learn (more) about it. Based on the
expecting group of onlookers and choose what definitions above, the researcher can conclude that
sum of data is required to allow their perusers interest is a feeling or attitude toward an object that
an understanding of the point; 3) as originators, will determine someone’s activity, motivation and
they must select the suitable media to share the behavior.
concepts chosen; and4) as journalists, they There are two factors that can influence the
must discover a way to fit the data to the holder students’ motivation as well as their interest in
counting the way of connecting the data for learning; they are internal and external factors.
others to recover (Smith, 1993). All of these Internal factors such as the students’ attitude
contribute to understudy learning and offer towards a subject and the students aptitude or
assistance to clarify the progressed understudy linguistic ability. External factors as school factor,
learning that is frequently related with IT- which may involve the teachers, the students, and
assisted PBL the lesson material; Family factors such as mental
Okolo and Ferretti (1998) Appeared that support; and social environmental factors.
understudy composition speaking to thoughts at the
same time through content and sound, video and
sound expanded the probability that students will This research would apply mixed method
procure an understanding of complex data. It is a design. Mixed method research is an approach to
sensible guess that utilizing an indeed more inquiry that combines or associated both qualitative
extensive extent of media will amplify this impact. quantitative forms of research. The researcher used
The same think about too famous that students with both qualitative and quantitative method. Creswell
an extensive run of capacities "promptly aced these divides the combination method into two main
instruments and were exceedingly persuaded by the models: sequential model (sequential explanatory
opportunity to expand their composting with other (quantitative-qualitative) and sequential
media." That is, this expanded assortment of exploratory (quantitative-quantitative), and
expression improved states of mind as well. concurrent model (concatenation mix) which
Beichner (1994) A fundamentally includes concurrent embedded and concurrent
subjective, observational examination was triangulation (balanced mixture). Based on this,
conducted over a two-year period while the students researchers are interested to use research methods
worked agreeably to make intuitively shows for a with the model of Sequential Explanatory (a
touch-sensitive interactive media booth for the zoo. sequential combination from quantitative to
The Concept of Interest qualitative).
Interest is a feeling that a accompany or According to Creswell explanatory strategy
causes special attention to objects or readiness to in mixed methods research is characterized by the
attend and to stir by certain class of objects in other collection and analysis of quantitative data in a first
word, interest is to engage the attention of, to phase followed by the collection and analysis of
awaken interest in; to excite emotion or passion in initial qualitative data in a second phase that build
behalf of a person or thing; to interest someone in on the result of initial quantitative result”
charitable work. The population of this research is the
Eighth-Grade students of SMP Negeri 4 Panca
Interactive Multimedia in EFL Classroom (Nadirah et al.) 138

Rijang. The students are spread in four classes. The of 21 students, VIII.C consist of 20 students, and
classes are classified based on the students’ VIII.C consist of 20 students. The number of
registration number when they register to enter the population is 81 students.
school. VIII.A consist of 21 students, VIII.B consist

Table 1.
Population Eight-Grade SMP Negeri 4 Panca Rijang

No. Class Population

1 VIII.A 21
2 VIII.B 21
3 VIII.C 20
4 VIII.D 20
SUM 82

In this research, the sample is taken by students as the experimental group and VIII.D
using cluster sampling technique. The researcher consist of 20 students as the control group. The
would choose two classes of fourclasses of ability of these classes is varying. That is why
Eighth-Grade students of SMP Negeri 4 Panca they are considered representative for all Eighth-
Rijang. The researcher select VIII.C consisted 20 Grade students.

Table 2.
Sample Eight-Grade SMP Negeri 4 Panca Rijang

No. Class Population

1 VIII.C 20
2 VIII.D 20
SUM 40

The researcher would use a reading test Questionnaire was used to obtain
as the instrument to collect the data. The students information about students’ interest toward the
would be asked to read a text. This test would be using of interactive multimedia in reading
administered to the students twice namely pre- comprehension. The questionnaire consisted of
test and post-test. The pre-test would be given 20 items, 10 items positive statements and 10
before treatment to get students’ prior knowledge items negative statements. The researcher gave
in reading. The post-test would be conducted to optional those are: (1) Strongly agree, (2) Agree,
find out the students’ reading comprehension (3) Undecided, (4) Disagree, (5) Strongly
after treatment is give (using interactive disagree. The questionnaire would be distributed
multimedia and without interactive multimedia). to the students of experimental group in post-test,
after the treatment is given.
139 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGLISH STUDIES, Vol. 3, No.2, August 2020, Page 131-145


The Students’ Reading Comprehension

Table 3.
The Classification of Students’ Score for Experimental Group and Control Group on Pre-test
Classification Score Experimental Control Group
F % F %
Very Good 86-100 0 0 0 0
Good 71-85 0 0 0 0
Average 56-70 2 10 4 20
Poor 41-55 11 55 9 45
Very Poor 0-40 7 35 7 35
Total 20 100.0 20 100.0

Based on the table 3, it is known that the On the other side, most of students’ pre-test
students’ score in pre-test result of experimental score of control group were categorized in poor
group, most of them were in poor category, 2 (10%) classification too, 4 (20%) students were classified
students were classified into average, 11 (55%) into average, 5 (25%) students were classified into
students were classified into poor, and 7 (35%) poor, and 11 (55%) students were classified into
student was classified into very poor. very poor.

Table 4.
The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of pre-test for Experimental Group and Control Group
Class Mean Score Standard Deviation
Experimental Group 44 7.04
Control Group 43.80 12.56

Table 4 shows that the mean score of pre- the control group. It means that there was no
test of experimental group and control group were significant difference between the students’ reading
categorized in average level. Therefore, the comprehension between experimental and control
researcher concluded that the students’ mean score groups before treatment.
of experimental group was relatively similar with

Table 5.
The Classification of Students’ Score for Experimental Group and Control Group on Post-test
Classification Score Experimental Control Group
F % F %
Very Good 86-100 0 0 0 0
Good 71-85 1 5 1 5
Average 56-70 12 60 4 20
Interactive Multimedia in EFL Classroom (Nadirah et al.) 140

Poor 41-55 6 30 7 35
Very Poor 0-40 1 5 8 40
Total 20 100.0 20 100.0

From the table above, it can be seen that Meanwhile, in the control group, only 1
most of the students in experimental group were (5%) student was in good classification, 4 (20%)
classified into average category, 1 (5%) students students were in average classification, 7 (58.33%)
were in good classification, 12 (60%) were in students were in poor classification, and 8 (40%)
average classification, 6 (30%) were in poor students were in very poor classification.
classification, and 1 (5%) were in very poor

Table 6.
The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Post-test for Experimental Group and Control Group
Class Mean Score Standard Deviation
Experimental Group 59.35 9.37
Control Group 46.75 12.64

The table above shows that the mean score 43.80 to 46.75. Both of the mean scores were
of both groups are different after being given classified into poor level. Even though it was
treatment. The mean score of experimental group in increased, but the score was not significantly
post-test was increased from 44 to 59.35. It means different. It proved that reading comprehension of
that the mean score was increased from poor level the students who used interactive multimedia is
to average level. On the other hand, in control group better than did not use interactive multimedia.
the mean score of post-test was increased from

Test Of Significance (T-Test) difference between the result of students’ mean

The hypothesis stated earlier was tested by score on experimental group and control group is
using inferential analysis. In this case, the statically significant at the level of significant α =
researcher applied independent t-test analysis using 0.05 or non independent sample, degree of freedom
SPSS 21.0 program for Windows evaluation (N1 + N2 - 2) = 38. The result of calculation is
version. The purpose is to know whether or not the shown as follow:

Table 7.
The T-test Value of The Students’ Reading Comprehension on Experimental Group and Control Group
Variables T-test Value T-test Table
Pre-test 0.062 2.021
Post-test 3.581 2.021

Based on the students’ result obtained and 2.021). It means that H0 is accepted and H1 is
stated in findings above, the researcher used t-test rejected. While in relation to the finding of post-
in inferential statistic through SPSS 21.0 program test, the t-test value was higher than the t-table
for Windows evaluation version to test the (3.581> 2.021). This means that H0 is rejected and
hypothesis. In pre-test, the researcher found that the H1 is accepted, on significant level of α = 0.05. It
t-test value was lower than the t-table (0.062 < means that the use of interactive multimedia
141 JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGLISH STUDIES, Vol. 3, No.2, August 2020, Page 131-145

increase students’ reading comprehension in the distributed to the students of VIII.C (experimental
Eighth-Grade students of SMP Negeri 4 Panca group) after given a post-test.
Rijang. The questionnaire was answered
The Students’ Interest individually based on the students’ opinion after the
The main aim to distribute the treatment was conducted in applying interactive
questionnaire to the students in this research is to multimedia. The data was analyzed by using Likert
know about students’ interest toward the Scale. The results show that the students were
application of listen-read-discuss strategy in interested in the application of clustering technique
reading comprehension. The questionnaire was in writing analytical exposition text. These results
can be seen in the table below.

Table 8.
The Rate Percentage of Students’ Interest
Category Interval Score Frequency Percentage
Strongly Interested 85 – 100 4 20
Interested 69 – 84 14 70
Moderate 52 – 68 2 10
Uninterested 36 – 51 0 0
Strongly Uninterested 20 – 35 0 0
Total 20 100.0

In relation to the percentage analysis of interested in interval 69-84, and 2 students (10%)
students’ interest on the table 4.6 above, the were moderate in interval 52-68. The table above
analysis showed that there were no students who indicates the students were strongly interested in the
state negative statement to the application of application of interactive multimedia in reading
interactive multimedia in reading comprehension, 4 comprehension. This is supported by the following
students (20%) were strongly interested who got table.
score in interval 85-100, 14 students (70%) were

Table 9.
The Mean Score of Students’ Interest
Total Respondent Total of Students’ Score Mean Score
24 1591 79.55

The table 9 shows that the mean score of

students’ interest was 79.55 which was categorized
as interested. Then, it can be concluded that the The Students’ Reading Comprehension By
application of interactive multimedia in reading Using Interactive Multimedia
comprehension is interesting.
The description of the collected data through the
test as explained in the previous section showed that
the students’ reading comprehension was improved
after the treatment by using interactive multimedia
especially for experimental group. It was proved by
the mean score of post-test for experimental group
Interactive Multimedia in EFL Classroom (Nadirah et al.) 142

was higher than the mean score of pre-test for Based on the statistic test in asymptotic
experimental group (59.35> 44). It became average significant (2-tailed) column, in pre-test of
level from poor level. experimental group and control group, the
Besides that, based on the data in previous researcher found that the t-test was lower than t-
section, the reading comprehension of students in table (0.062 < 2.021). It means that H0 was
experimental group and control group after the accepted and H1 was rejected. It is concluded that
treatment is significantly different, where the there was no significant difference in pre-test
students who used interactive multimedia had between experimental group and control group.
higher score than the students in control group who While on statistic post-test result for both groups, it
did not use interactive multimedia in reading showed that the t-test value was higher than t-table
comprehension. It was supported by the difference (3.581> 2.021). It means that H1 was accepted and
between the mean score of post-test in experimental H0 was rejected. It is concluded that there was a
group (59.33) was higher than the control group significant difference between reading
(46.75). comprehension of the students who used interactive
This research data indicated that the use multimedia and whom did not use interactive
interactive multimedia significantly improved the multimedia (conventional technique). In other
students’ reading comprehension. Even though both words, there was an improvement on the reading
using interactive multimedia and conventional comprehension after using interactive multimedia
technique (without using interactive multimedia) in the Eighth-Grade students of SMP Negeri 4
could improve the students’ reading Panca Rijang
comprehension, however, the use of interactive The Students’ Interest Toward The Using
multimedia in reading comprehension gave better Interactive Multimedia In Reading
effect than the use of conventional technique. This Comprehension
result goes in line with this opinion is in the line The result of the findings showed that the
with Anderson (2003). He said that reading Eighth-Grade students of SMP Negeri 4 Panca
comprehension is a process that involves Rijang had high interest on the using interactive
meaningful construction of an author’s message by multimedia in reading comprehension. It was
the use of prior knowledge, especially the proved by the mean score of the questionnaire was
knowledge of the language. Therefore, classroom 79.55 which was classified into interested category.
approaches, Nunan said (2003), need to underline In this research, the interest of students was
“the silent nature of reading skill and avoid considered as output because they were expected to
overemphasis on oral reading”. Some teachers, have interest toward the using of interactive
however, believe that teaching oral reading is the multimedia. The students gave responses that by
best approach to teach reading. Furthermore, the applying interactive multimedia, they became
result of the research also supports the statement of interested in reading comprehension. It helped the
R. Lehrer - Studies support distinctive differences students to enjoy the reading comprehension and
in ways students retain information gathered and grow more confident and comfortable expressing
applied using multimedia versus traditional modes their own thoughts in reading comprehension. Hidi
of instruction. In a study conducted with eighth and Renninger (2006:112) defined “interest as a
graders, R. Lehrer, found that students who learned motivational variable refers to the psychological
about the civil war using multimedia had made long state of engaging or the predisposition to reengage
lasting connections with the materials while with particular classes of objects, events, or ideas
students who learned traditionally had little to no over time.” When someone is interesting, it is likely
retention of the material on year later. It was also to have a positive feeling about that topic, continue
noted that the level of student engagement was to have interest in it, and as a result learn (more)
significantly higher amongst students with both about it.
high and low abilities.
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