Guidelines - Virtual CSP

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2nd Floor Room 204 Sunrise Centre Building,

#488 Pablo Ocampo Sr. Street, Brgy. 719 Malate, Manila
Email: [email protected]/[email protected]
Telephone No.: 8521-12-79


● Kindly read, understand, and sign each page of this Virtual CSP Review Program guidelines
and submit it to us through email upon reservation.

The Virtual CSP Review Program Guidelines:


1. Must have submitted the signed guidelines (no guidelines, no reservation).

2. Must have an active email address (preferably Gmail or Yahoo).
3. For smartphone users, you must download Google Meet.
4. Must have a desktop with camera, smartphone, or tablet.
5. Must have a stable internet connection.
6. Must have headphones/earphones if necessary.
7. Must be in smart casual throughout the class.

8.1. Must have sent the deposit slip before the start of the class.
8.2. Must always keep a copy of the deposit slip/official receipt.

Disclaimer: PSIS will not be held liable for any internet connection problem that may occur
during the class. Ensure stability of your connection beforehand.

PSIS will provide:

1. The username and password for the online class registration.

2. The schedule for the whole week will be provided via email.
3. The review materials such as reviewer manual, Security Management Book, The Process of
Investigation Book, and seminar bag (to be booked & delivered by your preferred courier and
payment to be shouldered by the participant).
4. The certificates such as completion, membership, membership pledge & CSP certification,
membership ID and membership pin upon completing the requirements needed.

Before the start of the CSP Review Program:

1. Full payment MUST BE SETTLED.

1.1. If cash payment, please keep the receipt as it is needed in the online registration.
1.2. If payment was deposited in our bank account, send us the deposit slip via email
and take a picture of it as it is also needed in the online registration.

2. Must submit the PSIS Membership Application Form with 1 2x2 picture.
3. Must read, sign, and submit the CSP Undertaking.
During the review:

1. The participant’s video must always be on.

2. If the participant missed 1 subject, the participant would have to study on his own.
3. If the participant missed 4 subjects equivalent to 1 day, he/she will no longer be allowed to
take the exam. Please take note that tuition fee is non-refundable.

During the examination:

1. Once caught cheating, your grade will automatically be zero and the system will
automatically shut down.
2. You have 2 hours to finish the exam.
3. The passing grade is 165.
4. At the end of examination, you will know your score and/or if you will take a retake
5. Retake examination will have a minimal fee and by schedule.

During the defense:

1. The class will be divided into 3 groups, 1 representative from each group will present their
security survey.
2. Individual questions will be answered once your name is called.

During the graduation:

1. If there are any misspelled certificates or membership ID, kindly inform the secretariat to
have it corrected.

Note: Details regarding your graduation is still subject for change.

I have read, understand, and accept these guidelines for taking the Virtual Certified
Security Professional Review Program.

____________________________________ _______________________
Signature over Printed Name Date

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