Yeats Overview
Yeats Overview
Yeats Overview
Dialectical Poet
Highly Symbolic
• Dialectical poetry follows a particular structure from the
thesis, to the antithesis to the synthesis. • Symbols are recurring in Yeats’ poetry
• Oppositions are held in balance and transcended. Poems are • Used symbols because they resonate with universal meaning
about change. but also because they evoke a multiplicity of meaning.
• Commonly uses symbols that represent opposite extremes. • Uses symbols because of their pluralisitic meaning
• “Contradiction, balance and contrast is central to Yeats’ • Uses symbols to explain the synthesis.
imagery.” • The symbolism is the means by which oppositions are
• Antinomy is common to Yeats’ poems transcended. Think of the “chestnut-tree”
• Yeats’ poetic dialectics are the big ideas: the spiritual • Analysis of imagery is imperative
illumination, historic insight, symmetry of life and so on.
Is Intertextual