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Goodwill in World Goodwill

World Affairs
Issue 3

In Search of a New Culture

This year’s World Goodwill Seminar was a celebration the light of love
of the countless opportunities faced today by groups
across the planet, across nations, and across fields a new culture
and disciplines as they strive to participate in a great a new civilisation
transformation of our global culture during this
transitory phase in our planetary life. The fluidity of creativity – a pathway
change, no doubt introduces difficulty and discomfort. to connection and
Nevertheless, it also serves to “soften” mental rigidity wholeness
and existing structures, thus priming the soil of
human experience for new approaches and for new moment of truth.
adventures. regenerative
Hailing from diverse backgrounds, the seminar
speakers examined the question of “a new culture” how an emergent
from numerous angles, creating what we hope is, a unitive narrative
wholesome approach to this most vibrant issue. can heal our past and
transform our future
This Newsletter seeks to inspire
further research and prompt creative on radical imagination
thought around the theme and,
hopefully, encourage right action in a the creative
spirit of Goodwill. § experience
The Light of Love
Abdoullah Cisse

Dr. Abdoullah Cisse (Dakar, Senegal) Divine matrix - The Light of Love can
law professor, lawyer and coach initiated be seen as:
to enneagram and systemic analysis,
• “Dark matter”: creation of life
which enlighten his view on universal
phenomena. He is interested in Life
from what is called ‘nothingness’,
as an Experience of Being in Existence but which refers to emptiness full
from an African and Sufi perspective. of all possibilities;
The light of Love appears to him as the • “black light”: illuminates the
origin, the itinerary and the terminus of invisible and the possible without
this experience. which the very notion of life
cannot be apprehended;
In Sufi spiritual practice, meditation • “black hole”: sucks in what exists
rituals are consecrated to the and constantly renews it in a
invocation of the “Beautiful Divine mysterious alchemy lying beyond
Names”. Among the homogeneous the mind.
set of 99 Names, two have always
fascinated me: Light (An-Nour) and Pure Consciousness - The Light of Love
Love (Al-Wadoud). With time and is the light of Consciousness allowing
experience, I understood that the Love the Being to Experience himself
of Light allows us to see, with the eye in Existence to access fulfilment.
of the heart, the Light of Love. Three autonomous interdependent
dimensions are respectively Spirit, Soul
The Light of Love is a true mystery, of and Body.
which only certain aspects are revealed
by those who have experienced As observer-witness the Light of Love
fulfilment throughout the evolution of appears under three complementary
humanity. realities: form, norm and dogma.
There are three dimensions that can
be used to illustrate the mystery of the I. Form: The universe is the
Light of Love: manifested consciousness of the Light
of Love
Quantum - The Light of Love is a
quantum, subtle, mysterious light. One The Light of Love is the source of
cannot perceive it with the normal eye; infinite consciousness even though we
it can only be apprehended by an open see only a reflection of it. Existence is a
heart. The use of parables is almost pale reflection of Being.
unavoidable, as the Koran does in the
verse of the Light. All traditions and II. Norm: The Light of Love is the Law
civilisations of the world have been of Existence
inspired with a recipe for connecting to
this Light of Love. The cosmic order of the universe, in
all that is visible and invisible, past and

2 Goodwill in World Affairs 2022 #3

future, above and below, shadow and
light, in all that is the “I”, the “Self”
and the “King”.

III. Dogma: Existence is an experience

of the Light of Love

To realise oneself is to become

sovereign over this body-universe
which symbolises the whole of
Existence. Our personality serves as
an anchor for our consciousness. Its
path allows one to emerge from the
darkness to the Light of Love from
which it springs, from duality to unity. accomplished. Flourishing understood
The origin, the terminus and the as meaning, as direction and as a
journey are all One, the Light of Love feeling of fullness, inseparable from
being only the hidden face of the the experience of the Light of Love of
ONE and the flourishing its visible which it is the ultimate outcome. §
face. When the Light of Love meets
the Light reflected by the eyes of Video footage and transcript available at:
Man, then flourishing (fulfilment) is bit.ly/3Wsj7nb

A New Culture, a New Civilisation: Building the Bridge between

the Evolutionary Plan and the Human Response
Franco Anesi

Franco Anesi, freelance architect, is a

This New Culture is actually the
senior member of the Community of restoration of an ancient Culture,
Living Ethics (CLE), Italy. He is a teacher coming from the Ancient Wisdom from
in the School of Creative Meditation and which Humanity has progressively
Academy of Psychoenergetics of CLE. moved away. This new, and at the
He participated in the design of CLE’s same time eternal Culture, is the sum
activity centers. Since 2017, he oversees
total of the best thoughts, feelings,
the “Good News Agency,” an online
bulletin for the spreading of good news actions that over the centuries humans
and a culture of peace through Goodwill have been able to express in the
in action. progress of human and planetary life,
inspired by the Wisdom Teachings.
Approaching the theme of a New Nicholas Roerich linked Culture in an
Culture, capable of generating a inseparable pair with peace:
new human civilisation, has become “Where there is Culture there is Peace,
decisive today, marking a turning point where there is Peace there is Culture.”
in the course of human affairs and the
life of the Planet. This Culture can be conceived as
a design, a project, an inner intent u

2022 #3 Goodwill in World Affairs 3

which we call a Plan. The Plan is not a 2. How to convey it.
set of rules and precepts, but a living 3. What values and what steps to
mental substance of a higher quality, take.
made available to human minds/
consciousness willing to be permeated How can we understand the Plan,
by it and to transform their lives which is living substance made
according to the “will of this higher available by the spiritual Hierarchy
energy.” We will consider: for men and women of good will?
According to Enzio Savoini, a great
1. The existence of the evolutionary Italian thinker, seven goals can be
Plan. defined as:

Goal Key Doorway

Restoration of the Sense of the Finding our way back to the sacred mystery of all life
Mysteries sacred

The Return og the Christ Guiding principle Recognising and connecting love at the centre of all
(New Kingdom of Souls) human hearts

Group Initiation Common good Building the network of human cooperation through
and cooperation group activity

Initiation of the Hierarchy New art of living Living life on Earth through balanced and harmonious

New Culture New Unity in diversity Building the bridges between different/unique
Civilisation expressions and the essential unity underlying all life

New World Religion Inner essence Building the new religion based on essential and
and divinity universal dignity

Order Restoration of the Return to Re-connecting with the rhythm and nature of the
Plan (New World Order) nature Planet, the Universe and the Plann

Having built this ideal bridge between laws of balance, harmony and higher
seven goals of the Plan, there remain psycho-geometry to guide human laws
some steps to be taken in conscience, and behaviour.
individually and collectively:
A third step will be a sense of continuity
The first step concerns commitment. and of the future. Men and women will
have to learn to cooperate with the
A second step in terms of evolutionary plan, even before knowing
consciousness will be the opening to it fully. §
Heaven and Infinity, to Space, not in
terms of the conquests of knowledge Video footage and transcript available at:
but as the ability to put the universal bit.ly/3Wsj7nb

4 Goodwill in World Affairs 2022 #3

Creativity – a Pathway to Connection and Wholeness
Janice Garrett

Janice Garrett, an award-winning who, much like the traditional Greek

choreographer and dance educator, chorus, form a unified collective body
is founder and Co-Artistic Director that comments upon and amplifies
of Garrett + Moulton Productions
whose programs promote the capacity of
the action in the choreographic work.
the creative arts to transform individual It reflects a sense of shared human
and collective experience. Her work seeks experience that embodies both the
to confirm the unity of the human family earthly and the ethereal, and it can
and celebrate our shared humanity. convey a wide spectrum of experience
ranging from a very grounded physical
Informing this presentation is my sense of community to the invisible
understanding that as human beings, forces that penetrate and move our
we are all creators and carry within lives.
us an unbounded capacity to create,
to give birth to ideas and impulses [Two videos were shared.] The first is
that flow from our spirits through our from an evening-length piece set to
imaginations. The life force that flows Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater. We chose this
through us is, by its nature, boundlessly music because of its overwhelmingly
creative and we are each given the beautiful articulation of sorrow
extraordinary gift of being able to bring and grief and also the message of
this creative flow into manifestation transformation that informs and infuses
in an infinite variety of forms. At this it. The music and the choreography
particular time in our evolution, we’re convey the understanding that from
being invited to access our deepest the depths of grief and inner darkness,
reservoirs of creativity to address the there can be a resurrection of the light.
existential crises of our time through
the unitive consciousness that Jude The next excerpt is one created by my
so eloquently articulated in her collaborative partner, Charlie Moulton,
presentation. that weaves together aspects of our
movement choir work with his signature
The work that I’ll be sharing is work Ball Passing piece. Ball Passing is an
that I’ve done in collaboration with iconic postmodern dance work in which
my creative and life partner, Charles the simple act of passing a Nerf ball
Moulton, in which we seek to explore becomes a model for cooperation and
and express the oneness and the a metaphor for the interdependence
interconnectedness of the human and interconnectedness of the human
family. family. For both the participants and
the audience, it’s intended to uplift,
One of the primary modalities that unite, and inspire through the joy of
we’ve worked with is a theatrical form collective endeavor.
which we call a movement choir. The
movement choir is a group of dancers In conclusion, I believe we’re poised at u

2022 #3 Goodwill in World Affairs 5

a place in history in which we’re being These can be small, daily acts of
asked to direct our creative impulses creation, a thought, a word, a gesture
toward a higher order. As transmitters that we extend to ourselves and to the
of light, we have an infinite capacity to world that play a real role in restoring
open doorways to new paradigms and our spirits and enable us not just to
to engage in shared endeavors that survive, but to truly flourish. §
embody the beauty, the complexity,
the interdependence, and the Video footage and transcript available at:
interconnectedness of our existence. bit.ly/3jamuAu

Moment of Truth. Regenerative Economis: New Ways of Seeing,

Thinking, Being, Leading and Managing for the 21st Century
John Fullerton

John Fullerton, an unconventional deal with its flawed foundational

economist, impact investor, writer, assumptions.
and philosopher, is the architect of
Regenerative Economics. In 2001 after a The crux of the matter boils down
successful 20-year career on Wall Street to a very simple, self-evident truth,
where he was a Managing Director of which is that infinite growth of material
JP Morgan, he listened to a persistent
inner voice and walked away. In 2010
throughput on a finite planet cannot
after a deep inner search, he created the go on forever. So called “problems”
Capital Institute to explore the future of such as climate change and inequality
economics and finance. are in fact mere (but deadly) symptoms
of the system design flaw. So, we
At the end of a paper I wrote in 20081, need to change the economic system.
I quoted a sentence from Tolstoy’s The That is the core of my work. And as
Kingdom of God is Within You. It sums Monica Sharma, who spent her career
up what I’ve been trying to do ever at the United Nations, suggests, if
since I first read it. you want to change the world, you
need to change systems, and to do
“The sole meaning of life is to serve this you need to work at three levels:
humanity by contributing to the the problem solving level, the system
establishment of the kingdom of level, and the consciousness level, all
God, which can only be done by the at the same time. The real power is in
recognition and profession of the the inner work, because the system
truth by every man”. we have arises out of the level of
consciousness of the culture that it is
Neoclassical economics (which guides born into, and our problems are in fact
most economic decision making today) uniquely designed by the system that
is grounded in Newtonian physics, created them.
but while physics has been updated
by the advances of our scientific Einstein said that “It is the theory that
understanding, the “patches” made determines what we are able to see”.
to neoclassical economics do not What I think he means is that, not only

6 Goodwill in World Affairs 2022 #3

is it true that “seeing is believing” as aligns with these same patterns and
we all can relate to, but also, “believing principles.
is seeing.” In other words, our belief
systems, our ideological and theoretical Evelyn Underhill’s book, Mysticism,
belief systems, blind us to even seeing describes three types of mystics: the
things as they are. first type goes to the mountaintop in
search of God, the second falls in love
The idea of a regenerative economy with God and the third is conscious of
is premised on three important a strange spiritual seed within. As the
assumptions. First, the economy is a seed develops, the mystic who is the
living system, albeit an unhealthy one. spiritual alchemist moves to “higher
Second, there are universal patterns levels of character and consciousness”.
and principles that describe how all “Regeneration”, Underhill writes, “is
living systems that have sustained their watchword”.
themselves in the real world actually
work. That’s living systems science At this moment of profound
and it is now rigorously being studied, transformation, I have great confidence
and of course is aligned with our latest that the universe is pulling us toward
understanding of physics as well, most this idea of transformation. We all are
notably that relationships are primary, spiritual alchemists at this moment, and
not separate parts, and that everything economic transformation is “The Great
is connected to everything. And finally, Work” of our time.
premise number three, if our human
economy is to be sustainable, to be a 1. The Relevance of EF Schumacher in the 21st
living system not a system in collapse, Century, John Fullerton > bit.ly/3Pxm8QE
and more importantly to thrive and be
healthy and whole over the long run, Video footage and transcript available at:
it too will need a system design that bit.ly/3jamuAu

How an Emergent Unitive Narrative Can Heal our Past

and Transform our Future
Jude Currivan

Dr. Jude Currivan is a cosmologist, materialistic reality and the appearance

planetary healer, futurist and author. of separation. It has described an
Previously a senior international business essential universe that’s bereft of
woman, she is co-founder of WholeWorld- meaning and purpose, where evolution
View and holds advanced degrees in
is seen to be driven by random
Archaeology, Cosmology, and Quantum
Physics. She integrates leading-edge occurrences and mutations and where
science and universal wisdom teachings, immaterial mind and consciousness
aiming to serve conscious evolution. somehow and solely arise from material
brains. Today, all of this is being
Our current narrative has been completely upturned.
based on a secular science of solely u

2022 #3 Goodwill in World Affairs 7

Scientific breakthroughs are revealing a levels of complexity and diversity;
whole-world view of non-local, unified existing and evolving as a unified entity.
reality and a conscious, evolutionary,
living universe that meaningfully and We believed, we bought into this
purposefully exists and evolves. What paradigm of separation, but we’re now
we’re discovering today is a universe able to wake up to the fact that we
that embodies an innate evolutionary are inseparable. We and our planetary
impulse to evolve from simplicity to home and our entire universe are
ever greater levels of complexity and literally inseparable.
Our worldview of separation in many
Our universe began nearly 14 billion ways has driven a world of suffering,
years ago, but not in the implied whereas a wholeworld-view of
chaos of a “big bang.” We now know unified reality and its unity expressed
that it was extremely fine-tuned and in diversity supports a world where
incredibly ordered, and the simplest peace is a natural outcome rather than
it would ever be. And from that first conflict, where justice and fairness and
moment, an ongoing big breath, a inclusion are natural outcomes and
space has expanded and time has behaviors.
flowed forwards. We are now finding
that our universe is innately informed The question for us today and ongoing
with meaningful in-formation being is what do we choose now? This
its fundamental stuff, and that its understanding and its new and unitive
appearance of energy-matter and narrative, is helping us (because of
space-time, emerges from deeper non- the scientific evidence) to naturalize
physical realms of cosmic intelligence multidimensional mystical experiences,
and causation – and vitally it is archetypal realities, and coherent group
conscious and living. Space expands consciousness. It is showing us the
and time flows for it to embody, to empowerment of coming together in
experience, to evolve to ever greater love. When we begin to think and feel
and speak from that place of
love, of unity in diversity, we
come to experience our group
consciousness and the reality
that we are inseparable.

To paraphrase Teilhard de
Chardin, “Someday we shall
harness the energies of love,
and then, for the second time
in the history of the world,
humanity will have discovered
fire.” That someday is here
and now. As we wake up to
the radical reality of a unitive
narrative and the wholeworld-
view evidence that underpins

8 Goodwill in World Affairs 2022 #3

it, it can inspire our service to conscious we can evolve to become. §
evolution and transformational change.
Only then, we might discover and,
perhaps for the first time, who we, as Video footage and transcript available at:
a species, really and truly are, and who bit.ly/3jamuAu

On Radical Imagination
Max Haiven

Dr. Max Haiven is a writer and teacher understanding of similar processes

and Canada Research Chair in Radical in different areas. For example, the
Imagination. He’s a co-director of economic system that we live under
Lakeland University’s ReImagining shapes our imaginations; it also
Value Action Lab. His work is dedicated depends on our imaginations. It is
to helping us recognize that our society is
tempting to think that this system
the product of our collective imagination.
The radical imagination is that spark of mercilessly crushes the imagination but,
difference, desire and discontent that much more dangerously, the economy
can be fanned into the flames of social we live under actually depends on us
change. reshaping our imaginations, reshaping
how we think of ourselves and how
Imagination can be examined through we think of our ability to contribute to
its creative faculty or its psychological society. It does so in quite profound
notions but its function as a social ways.
or sociological force, namely how
the imagination shapes society and Imagination then, emerges as this kind
conversely, how society shapes our of social force, something deep at work
imaginations, is a most fascinating not only in our own individual beings,
approach. but also in the shared territories of
meaning-making and sense-making in
Working quite closely with social society at large.
movements, specifically ones that
were not particularly successful in There’s a kind of feedback loop in
changing the world, contributed to operation: on the one hand, we
understanding how people in those have an imagination of the world,
movements imagined the world could an understanding of the sublime
be different. How they came up with complexity that we encounter every
imagined alternative futures that they day. We, somehow, have to create a
were striving to move us towards and mental picture or a series of interlocking
how they were trying to spread those mental pictures about what it means
imaginative capacities to the rest of to be an agent, what it means to be a
society. subject, what it means to act in a world
that’s beyond our comprehension.
This research could enrich the That imagination of the world leads u

2022 #3 Goodwill in World Affairs 9

to various forms of action that we roots. He views the radical imagination
take in everyday life and that action as a tectonic and eternal force at work,
then contributes to the constant brewing not only within every individual
reshaping of society. Conversely, subject, but also at the core of society.
society influences and reshapes our What is then, the relationship between
imaginations in many ways. the imagination of individuals and the
imaginary structures that we create
Theories of the radical imagination are to be able to live together, the social
particularly interesting. They involve imagination or the realm of the social
the radical imagination of people imaginary? For Castoriadis, the radical
who are radicals, who believe that imagination is a magma-like substance
we can and must transform society which has the capacity, at certain
in a fundamental way. However, moments in time, to erupt and sweep
the radical imagination has a slightly away the social institutions which are
different valence as well, in the terms familiar, like a volcano erupting, and
provided by another inheritor of the replace them. §
psychoanalytic tradition, the French-
Greek theorist Cornelius Castoriadis.
Castoriadis draws on the Latin root of Video footage and transcript available at:
the word “radical” – coming from the bit.ly/3HFxrEw

The Creative Experience

Jan Karlin

Grammy Award-winner Jan Karlin

is a violist, producer, educator and
Creativity is at the root of human
cultural entrepreneur. Ms Karlin is achievement and although most, often
the founding executive director of the experience it through the arts, creativity
L.A. International New Music Festival, touches every area of our lives. Surveys
Summer Festival at The Huntingdon, of the technology and business, and
and Southwest Chamber Music. She has cultural sectors indicated that creativity
produced the largest cultural exchange
is the most essential skill for navigating
and music festival in history between the
U.S. and Vietnam in 2010, supported by an increasingly complex world. Our
the U.S. Department of State. greatest innovators agree about the
importance of creativity.
One of the many things that becomes
clear after extensive travelling, and In 1996, Steve Jobs explained that
living and working in Asia for years, Creativity is connecting things. Creative
is that you cannot understand the people just see something, and it
teachings of Confucius without a seems obvious to them after a while.
thorough knowledge of the many They are able to link their experiences
unique Asian cultures that he and synthesise new things. The broader
influenced. Similar to learning about the one’s understanding of the human
teachings of Confucius, one must learn experience, the better the design they
about and experience creativity. will produce.

10 Goodwill in World Affairs 2022 #3

Creativity is defined as the ability to thorough knowledge of their field
transcend traditional ideas, rules or as the cornerstone of their creative
patterns, and to create meaningful new process. A creative person pushes the
ideas, forms, methods, as originality envelope, tries new things and figures
or imagination. It is currently the out their own personal puzzle. Picasso
buzzword in offices or on campuses, sketched daily to find solutions for his
in academic courses and in arts paintings; Beethoven explored different
institution boardrooms, and at the solutions through piano sonatas and
root of scientific studies, beautiful string quartets, and Monet painted the
artworks, trips to Mars, and Hollywood same cathedral in Rouen numerous
blockbusters! However, today, the times, to capture every shade of light.
lines between art and entertainment, They all needed extensive technique to
both of which rely on creativity as their build their creative skills.
inspiration, have been blurred. Whereas
art makes you think, entertainment A shared trait of creative people is
keeps you from thinking. curiosity and interest in new ideas.
An analogy could be drawn between
A major factor in steering one meditation and how one develops
away from artistic experiences and new skills overtime. When learning
contributing to the decline in the to meditate, at the beginning one is
audience’s ability to identify the concerned with posture, right frame of
quality of creative ideas driven by mind and maintaining focus. As one’s
more than profit, is marketing. Art practise develops overtime, it becomes
and entertainment are both needed easier. After trying to sit for five
but one should be able to distinguish minutes at the beginning, one suddenly
between the two. However developing becomes aware that 20 minutes is
creative skills or the aforementioned passed, and a one-hour meditation is
discernments is difficult in educational possible. As with all challenges in life
environments that mostly stress the practise makes better, not perfect, but
bottom line and graduation rates. We the lasting effort to improve is worth
study the results but not the process. it. §

A creative thinker is concerned with Video footage and transcript available at:
new ideas but needs inspiration and bit.ly/3HFxrEw


• Lucis Trust Bi-Annual Letter, for a world of intermingling cultures

In Search of a New Culture: >> bit.ly/3uXLSfK
Perspectives on Human Flourishing • Lucis Trust Autumn Booklet,
>> bit.ly/3YxEfu6 Reflections on a Culture of Human
• World Goodwill Blog, Culture and Flourishing >> bit.ly/3WpnuiM
Development: A Bridge to the • World Goodwill Blog, Sustainable
Future >> bit.ly/3WepCK6 Development Goals – Planning for
• World Goodwill Newsletter 2011 #3, a Culture of Goodwill
Cultural Sensitives – a new vocation >> bit.ly/3ja7K4Q u

2022 #3 Goodwill in World Affairs 11

Helping to build
right human relations

World Goodwill is an international movement World Goodwill relies solely on donations to

helping to mobilise the energy of goodwill and continue its work. The newsletter is distributed
to build right human relations. It was established free of charge to be as widely available as
in 1932 as a service activity of the Lucis Trust. possible, but donations are always needed for
The Lucis Trust is a registered educational this service, and are much appreciated.
charity in the United Kindgom. In the USA it is a
non-profit tax-exempt educational corporation,
and in Switzerland it is registered as a non-profit This newsletter is available at
association. World Goodwill is recognised by www.worldgoodwill.org
the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Editor: Evangelia Tsavdari; ISSN 0818-4984
Organisation and is represented at regular
briefing sessions at UN Headquarters. Suite 54, 3 Whitehall Court,
London SW1A 2EF, UK
The Lucis Trust is on the Roster of the [email protected]
United Nations Economic and Social Council.
The World Goodwill Newsletter is published Rue du Stand 40,
three times a year. Unless otherwise indicated, 1204 Geneva, SWITZERLAND
all articles are prepared by the World Goodwill [email protected]
HQ group. Multiple copies for distribution are
available on request. The newsletter is also 866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 482,
available in: French, Greek, Spanish, German, New York NY 10017, USA
Dutch, Italian, Portuguese (online), Russian, and [email protected]

The Great Invocation Adapted Version

From the point of Light within the Mind of God From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men. Let light stream forth into human minds.
Let Light descend on Earth. Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men. Let love stream forth into human hearts.
May Christ* return to Earth. May the Coming One* return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men – Let purpose guide all little human wills –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve. The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of men From the centre which we call the human race
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells. And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power Let Light and Love and Power
restore the Plan on Earth. restore the Plan on Earth.

*Many religions believe in a World Teacher Who is to

come in the future (hence ‘Coming One’), knowing
Him under such names as the Lord Maitreya, the Imam
Mahdi, the Kalki avatar etc. These terms are sometimes
used in versions of the Great Invocation for people of
specific faiths.

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