World Affairs
Issue 3
Dr. Abdoullah Cisse (Dakar, Senegal) Divine matrix - The Light of Love can
law professor, lawyer and coach initiated be seen as:
to enneagram and systemic analysis,
• “Dark matter”: creation of life
which enlighten his view on universal
phenomena. He is interested in Life
from what is called ‘nothingness’,
as an Experience of Being in Existence but which refers to emptiness full
from an African and Sufi perspective. of all possibilities;
The light of Love appears to him as the • “black light”: illuminates the
origin, the itinerary and the terminus of invisible and the possible without
this experience. which the very notion of life
cannot be apprehended;
In Sufi spiritual practice, meditation • “black hole”: sucks in what exists
rituals are consecrated to the and constantly renews it in a
invocation of the “Beautiful Divine mysterious alchemy lying beyond
Names”. Among the homogeneous the mind.
set of 99 Names, two have always
fascinated me: Light (An-Nour) and Pure Consciousness - The Light of Love
Love (Al-Wadoud). With time and is the light of Consciousness allowing
experience, I understood that the Love the Being to Experience himself
of Light allows us to see, with the eye in Existence to access fulfilment.
of the heart, the Light of Love. Three autonomous interdependent
dimensions are respectively Spirit, Soul
The Light of Love is a true mystery, of and Body.
which only certain aspects are revealed
by those who have experienced As observer-witness the Light of Love
fulfilment throughout the evolution of appears under three complementary
humanity. realities: form, norm and dogma.
There are three dimensions that can
be used to illustrate the mystery of the I. Form: The universe is the
Light of Love: manifested consciousness of the Light
of Love
Quantum - The Light of Love is a
quantum, subtle, mysterious light. One The Light of Love is the source of
cannot perceive it with the normal eye; infinite consciousness even though we
it can only be apprehended by an open see only a reflection of it. Existence is a
heart. The use of parables is almost pale reflection of Being.
unavoidable, as the Koran does in the
verse of the Light. All traditions and II. Norm: The Light of Love is the Law
civilisations of the world have been of Existence
inspired with a recipe for connecting to
this Light of Love. The cosmic order of the universe, in
all that is visible and invisible, past and
Restoration of the Sense of the Finding our way back to the sacred mystery of all life
Mysteries sacred
The Return og the Christ Guiding principle Recognising and connecting love at the centre of all
(New Kingdom of Souls) human hearts
Group Initiation Common good Building the network of human cooperation through
and cooperation group activity
Initiation of the Hierarchy New art of living Living life on Earth through balanced and harmonious
New Culture New Unity in diversity Building the bridges between different/unique
Civilisation expressions and the essential unity underlying all life
New World Religion Inner essence Building the new religion based on essential and
and divinity universal dignity
Order Restoration of the Return to Re-connecting with the rhythm and nature of the
Plan (New World Order) nature Planet, the Universe and the Plann
Having built this ideal bridge between laws of balance, harmony and higher
seven goals of the Plan, there remain psycho-geometry to guide human laws
some steps to be taken in conscience, and behaviour.
individually and collectively:
A third step will be a sense of continuity
The first step concerns commitment. and of the future. Men and women will
have to learn to cooperate with the
A second step in terms of evolutionary plan, even before knowing
consciousness will be the opening to it fully. §
Heaven and Infinity, to Space, not in
terms of the conquests of knowledge Video footage and transcript available at:
but as the ability to put the universal bit.ly/3Wsj7nb
To paraphrase Teilhard de
Chardin, “Someday we shall
harness the energies of love,
and then, for the second time
in the history of the world,
humanity will have discovered
fire.” That someday is here
and now. As we wake up to
the radical reality of a unitive
narrative and the wholeworld-
view evidence that underpins
On Radical Imagination
Max Haiven
A creative thinker is concerned with Video footage and transcript available at:
new ideas but needs inspiration and bit.ly/3HFxrEw
From the point of Love within the Heart of God From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men. Let love stream forth into human hearts.
May Christ* return to Earth. May the Coming One* return to Earth.
From the centre where the Will of God is known From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men – Let purpose guide all little human wills –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve. The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the centre which we call the race of men From the centre which we call the human race
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells. And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power Let Light and Love and Power
restore the Plan on Earth. restore the Plan on Earth.