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Emerging Forms - Lidaem

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Wri�en By Rodney W. West

Illustrated By Gillian M. Pearce
Layout and Design By Rodney W. West

Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons® Third Edition Core Books, and
the Psionics Handbook published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
This product utilizes updated material from the v.3.5 revision.

Visit www.primalurgegames.com for supplemental material.

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Wizards of the Coast®are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used with permission.
Primal Urge Games and the Primal Urge Games logo are a trademarks of Rodney W. West. All Rights Reserved. Artwork ©2004-2005
Gillian M. Pearce. All other content is ©2004-2005 Rodney W. West. All rights reserved. The mention of or reference to any company or
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Designation of Open Game Content: Subject to the Product Identity designation above, the following portions of Emerging Forms - Lidaem are desig-
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This document is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental.

Physical Description............................................4
Relations with Other Races..................................5
RACIAL TRAITS......................................................8
CLASS LEVELS........................................................9
MONSTROUS STATISTICS...............................10
VITAL STATISTICS..............................................13

Random Starting Ages......................................13
Aging Effects.......................................................13
Random Height and Weight.............................13
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL.........................14
New Feats............................................................14
Blinding Neural Charge................................14
Deafening Neural Charge.............................14
Dual Neural Charge.......................................14
Exhausting Neural Charge...........................14
Extend Neural Charge...................................14
Extra Neural Charge....................................14
Fatiguing Neural Charge..............................14
Frightening Neural Charge...........................14
Nauseating Neural Charge...........................15
Paralyzing Neural Charge............................15
Stunning Neural Charge..............................15
Terrifying Neural Charge.............................15
OPEN GAME LICENSE........................................16


Emerging Forms is an ongoing series which presents flavorful, alternative player races. These races are
intended to be a breath of fresh air from the common elves, dwarves and orcs that are the genre norm.
Each racial entry will give a detailed enough snapshot of the race to create a solid foundation for character

Entries in each volume of Emerging forms will follow a standard format.

• Name: The name by which the race refers to itself.
• Overview: A brief introduction to the race.
• Personality: The personality traits and outlook of standard members of the race.
• Physical Description: Physical traits which are common to members of the race.
• Society: A brief overview of the society.
• Relations with Other Races: How members of the race interact with other races.
• Lands: Common regions inhabited by the race and standard architectural practices.
•Alignment: The dominant alignment exhibited by members of the race.

• Language: The native language of the race, and other languages commonly spoken by the race.
• Names: Naming conventions followed by the race.
• Adventurers: The most common reason members of the race take to adventuring, and common class
• Racial Traits: Game mechanics specific to the race.
• Class Levels: Optional class levels taken to advance racial characteristics. This is divided into:
• Hit Die: Hit Die gained at each level
• Class Skills: Class specific skills
• Skill Points at 1st Character Level: If the character takes a level in the racial class as their first character
level, this is the number of skill points gained.
• Skill Points at Higher Levels: number of skill points gained at each character level beyond first.
• Class Features: Different abilities gained by advancing in the class.
• Monstrous Statistics: A statistics block and combat notes to be used by the game master for using
characters of the race as monsters.
• Vital Statistics: Standard age, height and weight tables with humans as a comparison.
• Supplementary Material: Race specific spells, powers, weapons, poisons, or whatever else fits the

Forums for discussing the series are available at www.primalurgegames.com. You can contact Primal
Urge Games at [email protected]. We welcome your feedback, and look forward to hearing
from you.



Overview allegiances to adopted cultures. Lidaem closely
guard the secrets of their culture and Acobil. This
The subtle touch of their political guidance is all hidden culture is maintained in small covens of
but undetectable in desert cities. They mix freely traveling lidaem. Wherever one lidaem treads, so
with the social elite, the true extent of their influence to does their culture.
going undetected by their peers. The exotic lidaem
are both dependent on and separate from other Personality
desert cultures.
Alluring and exotic, lidaem are masters of political
The lidaem are a race of female humanoids that maneuvering. From the time they are born, lidaem
become ingrained fixtures of desert cultures. An are taught how to direct any situation to their benefit.
obvious comparison of the lidaem is made with This is not due to any drive for conquest, instead
amazons. Beyond the fact that both groups are being a mechanism for racial survival. The lidaem
composed entirely of females, there is li�le similarity need for males of other races in breeding requires
between the two. Amazons are sub-races of other acceptance by other cultures. Over the centuries,
races. The lidaem are a proper race. Lidaem require lidaem have come to realize that the best method
males from other humanoid races to propagate the for guaranteeing this goal is to travel in the circles of
species, but always produce pureblooded lidaem. the ruling elite among other cultures.
Lidaem shy away from the physical pursuits
preferred by amazons, preferring to develop their Though the goals of their own race always come
psionic and social skills. first, lidaem can be a compassionate people. They
view their adopted cultures in much the same way
Yet, like amazons, lidaem possess a distinct culture. as another race would view a prized pet. Lidaem
The home of the lidaem, Acobil, exists on a plane are most o�en jovial and supportive, making their
separate from the cultures they adopt. Acobil and company actively sought.
the lidaem race are the priorities of the race, not


However, a lidaem’s primary loyalty is to her the appearance of jewelry woven into their hair.
coven and her race. Lidaem are secretive about
their covens and their race. Those sharing a city There are no male lidaem. Lidaem are able to mate
with lidaem are seldom aware of the presence of with any male humanoid, being wholly dependent
these covens. Threats to lidaem covens are dealt on other races for the propagation of their species.
with swi�ly and quietly. Local thieves guilds and Lidaem always breed true, never producing half-
magistrates quickly learn to turn a blind eye to the blooded lidaem. Despite this, a lidaem may inherit
actions of a lidaem coven. sorcerous potential from a male progenitor with a
sorcerous bloodline, though they won’t inherit any
When among themselves, the lidaem political other traits.
façade falls away. Their society is egalitarian, and
there is no need for political maneuvering. There Lidaem cover their bodies with runic ta�oos, both
is also li�le room for mirth in lidaem inter-personal mundane and psionic. From a young age, lidaem
relationships, with most lidaem reverting to an are taught how to create intricate pa�erns. A unique
austere countenance. They freely share experiences aspect of a lidaem’s skin makes the application of
and skills in an instructive style. ta�oos a lifelong process. Unless a ta�oo possesses a
special quality, such as an arcane or psionic creation
Physical Description process, it will fade within months of application.
Lidaem know special methods of making the ta�oos
Lidaem are a lithe humanoid race composed entirely permanent, but these are reserved for ritualistic use.
The rapid rate of dermal renewal that continually

of females. They stand as tall as an average human

male, but weigh slightly less than the average erases ta�oos also prevents permanent scarring.
human female. They stand 5 to 6 feet tall, weighing
85 to 135 pounds. The clothing choices made by a lidaem are a close
approximation of regional nobility of political elite
Lidaem mature quickly, reaching adulthood a�er styles. They prefer styles that are loose fi�ing, and
only 15 years. Their lives are short. Lidaem reach that show off their body art. A lidaem will modify her
middle age a�er 30 years, rarely surviving beyond clothing enough to stay within acceptable bounds of
60 years. Most adventuring lidaem return to the those she is trying to impress while presenting an air
lidaem home city of Acobil within 5 years of reaching of the exotic. Lidaem accent their clothing choices
their 35th year. with gemstones of exceptional quality.

A lidaem’s physical features are not traceable to any Society

specific humanoid race, but are closest to humans.
Their skin color is normally a golden brown hue Despite their reliance on other races for survival,
reminiscent of honey, with a rare occurrence of lidaem maintain their own distinct culture. On
porcelain-white or ashen-gray. Most lidaem have their home plane, the culture is organized into an
blood red, firelight orange, or golden yellow hair, egalitarian state with all adult lidaem possessing
though a platinum hue is sometimes seen. The color equal rights and status. The plane is called by the
of a lidaem’s eyes always matches the color of her same name as the lidaem home city, Acobil. Lidaem
hair. do not differentiate between the two. When traveling
among other races, lidaem form small covens.
The presence of antennae sets the lidaem apart from
most humanoids. Lidaem have a pair of antennae Lidaem covens are small groups, composed of
growing from their scalp just a�er the beginning of at most 6 adult lidaem, and a number of lidaem
the hairline. A lidaem is able to move her antennae children. The covens do not form based on religious
just as she would any other appendage. The purpose or ideological lines. The reality is that most covens
of the antennae is unknown, and they do not convey contain a marked contrast among the members.
any special abilities. Whenever a lidaem manifests The coven of a lidaem’s youth normally dictates her
a psionic power with a visual display, her antennae, choice in coven mates later in life, o�en drawn from
not her eyes, glow. However, even if a lidaem loses her youthful compatriots.
both her antennae, she is still able to manifest psionic
powers normally. When in the presence of non- All adult members of a coven are equals, and all
lidaem, lidaem sweep their antennae back, giving


share responsibility in the raising and education of those civilizations dominated by easily manipulated
the young. The relationship with coven members males.
is such an intrinsic part of lidaem culture that a
lidaem without a coven is considered aberrant. A Lands
lidaem who has lost her coven has a natural instinct
to return to Acobil, where she may become part of Lidaem prefer warm, arid regions. They are found
a new coven. in urban regions that form deep within or on the
fringes of large deserts. Lidaem are drawn to
Lidaem young are born into the coven of their cities filled with a complex political structure and
mother, but this may change. Lidaem exchange potential mates. They never form their own towns
daughters between covens in the interests of or cities, instead living in the cities of other races.
educating the young. The effects of this practice are Lidaem never consider these cities home, however.
twofold. Young lidaem garner greater experience That honor is reserved for Acobil.
and education. Additionally, the young form the
a�achment and loyalty normally reserved for Acobil is located in a demiplane of the same name.
parents with the race as a whole. Sages do not know how the plane was formed, but
most agree that this is where the lidaem originated.
Once a lidaem reaches adulthood, she must leave The city floats on an island-sized mass of desert sand
her childhood coven. At this time, she may join any and rock. The only other celestial objects in the realm
coven that will take her. A lidaem is free to change are twin suns that continually bathe the surface in
covens at any time in her life. However, most adults

intense pale yellow light. Winds constantly whip
remain with their covens for the remainder of their through the desert dunes, reshaping the surface
days. If a lidaem dies, it is the responsibility of her features on a daily basis. Perpetual sandstorms and
coven mates to return her body to Acobil for burial. fierce beasts scour the land.
Once every 10 years, all lidaem make a pilgrimage In contrast, the city is a bastion against natural perils.
to Acobil. It is during this time that young lidaem The stones from which the city is built have been
normally form covens, and older lidaem change mined from hundreds of worlds. The architecture
covens. A portion of the population o�en chooses incorporates the most innovative aspects brought
to remain in the city at this time, but most lidaem back by lidaem covens. Just as the dunes are
leave the city a�er the rituals are performed. constantly being reshaped, so too is the face of the
city. The most opulent and modern pleasures can be
Relations with Other Races found within its walls.

Due to their unique reproductive requirements, The city is the ancestral refuge of the lidaem people.
lidaem are dependent on other races. They prefer The streets are populated almost entirely by lidaem,
to avoid races that are warlike, or possessing a low though creatures from the Elemental Plane of Air
level of cultural advancement. Lidaem are most are common visitors. Avatars of the lidaem deities
comfortable among humanoid races with advanced freely walk the streets. Those not from these groups
political structures and well-developed resources, are rare in the city, and must always be accompanied
as well as a large supply of males. Lidaem have a by powerful lidaem guards. All lidaem can freely
special relationship with races from the Elemental enter and exit the city through a network of heavily
Plane of Air. These races are viewed as allies, and guarded planar gates.
are allowed to travel freely within Acobil.
Humanoid males generally view the exotic lidaem
with great favor. This feeling is not shared by Lidaem have an intrinsic understanding of the laws
humanoid females. Humanoid females may treat governing political processes. To outside observers,
lidaem females with an instinctual suspicion or it is not clearly apparent that the race abides by its
outright hostility. Because of this sentiment, lidaem own set of complex laws. Even with the degree of
avoid cultures where the balance of power is tipped personal exploration allowed by lidaem culture, a
heavily in the favor of females. Lidaem will remain rich set of laws governs all actions partaken by a
in cultures where there is gender equality, but prefer lidaem.


Though not normally malicious creatures, lidaem prefer to rely on skillful language rather than force
would not be considered altruistic. Members of to resolve conflict.
the race may perform actions that are in the good
of others, but they will not go to great lengths to All lidaem are able to speak Common, as this is
perform such deeds. Lidaem are first concerned most o�en used as a primary intermediary language
with the good of their race, then with their individual between cultures. Lidaem also learn the dominant
good, and finally with the good of society. Lidaem languages in their particular region, with special
generally view the good of non-lidaem individuals emphasis on the native languages of the ruling
as an ancillary concern. elite. At the other end of the spectrum, lidaem
commonly learn the secret speech favored by less
Religion savory elements of the population. This is due to
understanding the occasional usefulness of methods
Deities from the lidaem pantheon maintain closer deemed criminal.
physical relationships with their worshipers than
deities found in most other pantheons. At least 1 An aspect of linguistic maturity li�le known by non-
avatar from the pantheon can be found wandering lidaem is the learning of Auran speech and writing.
the streets of Acobil at any time. Though less From their earliest days, lidaem young are taught
common, it is not unheard of for the avatars of to communicate in Auran. In public, they normally
lidaem deities to visit covens outside of Acobil. speak Common, or a comparable native language.
The deities are concerned primarily with aspects In private, however, all Lidaem use Auran as the
primary form of verbal communication.

of beauty and intrigue, with few concerned with

aspects of the natural world. The pantheon ranges
the gamut of alignments. More closely guarded than the usage of Auran is the
existence of a native lidaem language. This language
In a culture with the lidaem’s exposure to does not contain a verbal component, instead being
manifestations of deities, one might expect to find restricted to a complex set of glyphs. These glyphs
religious zeal. This is not the case, however. Most convey concepts that are nigh impossible to express
lidaem pay homage to a specific deity, but few in traditional speech. The glyphs were originally
possess the religious conviction required to become handed down to the lidaem by the avatars of
clerics. For their part, the deities show li�le concern their deities, modified over the centuries through
for the lack of devout worshipers. Unlike deities of continued usage. Many of the ta�oos covering a
other pantheons, lidaem deities exhibit li�le interest lidaem’s body are drawn from this language.
in expanding their base of worshipers, and no
interest in converting other races to their worship. Names
They do require temples in Acobil, however.
At birth, lidaem are named following the naming
The unusual behavior of the lidaem pantheon convention of their father’s culture. This leads to
puzzles religious scholars. Deities by their nature a wide variety of names in young lidaem. This
require the devotion of worshipers to maintain their name has no real significance in lidaem culture,
existence. Many theories have circulated on exactly seen as nothing more than a tool. This name may be
how the lidaem deities maintain their power. changed if the coven moves to another culture that
Though sages may disagree on the exact nature of follows a different naming convention.
the relationship of the deities with the lidaem, most
agree that the deities must be drawing power from Of more importance is the ta�oo etched into the
another source, possibly from unknown non-lidaem skin of the newborn. This ta�oo is a word from the
worshipers. lidaem language. The word is given to the mother
by a cleric from her religion, coming directly from
Language a lidaem deity. The mother is the one who scribes
the ta�oo. Though the lidaem may change patron
In the political machinations of the Lidaem, de� deities during her lifetime, this birth name is never
usage of language is an indispensable skill. Lidaem changed.
take pride in their ability to cra� writing and speech
able to bend and refocus the efforts of others. They A lidaem gains a spoken name on her first pilgrimage


to Acobil. In a ritual of naming, the members of beyond the boundaries of large cities, instead
her coven choose a name based on traits they have choosing to build up a loyal following. Lidaem
observed during her childhood. As with the scribed view the skills of a rogue as useful tools in their
name, this name remains with her for the rest of her political dealings, though they are seldom members
life. This name is drawn from the Auran language. of actual guilds. Where this might be a problem for
independent rogues, the political base of a lidaem
Lidaem Names: Giira, Uraeli, Shaelyrn coven is usually seen and respected by local thieves
guilds, that o�en turn a blind eye to the lidaem
Adventurers rogue’s activities.

her cultures, few lidaem become adventurers. All Very few lidaem become fighters. They lack the
lidaem explore a degree of their psionic or arcane strength to wear the heavy armors and utilize the
potential, but this is normally done within the heavy shields and weapons o�en dictated by a
structure of their adopted culture. Those who decide fighter’s role. Those lidaem who do choose this
to become adventurers provide the leadership for path focus on ranged weapons, fast weapons, and
adventuring bands. These lidaem are rarely front- light armors. Lidaem monks are also uncommon.
line combatants, instead choosing to a�ack from a Lidaem never join monastic orders outside of their
defensive position and provide a support role. This own culture. Within Acobil, the monastic orders are
is not to say that lidaem are incapable of defending tied to the psionic training schools. Least common
themselves, as those who have forced the situation among martial lidaem are rangers. The organization
of covens precludes the solitary lifestyle favored by

have painfully discovered.
rangers. The few rangers who exist devote their
Lidaem adventurers are commonly wilders, choosing energies to tracking down fugitives for their allies
an unstructured path in the development of their on the Elemental Plane of Air. Consequently, these
psionic powers. Even lidaem who choose another rangers tend to choose elemental or outsiders with
adventuring class possess a couple of levels in the the air subtype as favored enemies. The unique
wilder class. Their powers are most pronounced nature of lidaem culture precludes the existence
in the telepathy and clairsentient disciplines. of barbarian tribes. Likewise, solitary lidaem who
Lidaem seldom follow the path of the pure psion. might otherwise be taken in by a barbaric tribe are
An exception to this is in Acobil. Young lidaem retrieved by lidaem covens.
with an exceptionally strong gi� for psionics o�en
remain here to engage in intense psionic training. Lidaem do not exhibit strong concern for nature,
This training is in part used to strengthen the instead focusing on urban environments. This has
defenses of the city, and these lidaem possess some resulted in no known lidaem druids. Lidaem who
of the most frighteningly powerful offensive and choose to follow divine paths become clerics. Given
defensive psionic powers exhibited by any creature. the insular nature of the pantheon, lidaem clerics
Their numbers are bolstered by lidaem psychic have no interest in spreading the worship of their
warriors, who rarely venture beyond the borders of deities beyond their own people. These clerics do
the city. However, adventuring soulknives are not not carry the holy symbols common to other clerics,
uncommon among lidaem adventurers. instead possessing a special ta�oo that acts as a
holy symbol. The occasional paladin devoted to a
The reliance on males from other races for procreation lidaem deity remains in Acobil except in cases of
sometimes leads to a sorcerous bloodline among direst need.
the lidaem. Those showing innate arcane might
normally develop such power in tandem with
psionic development. More commonly, lidaem
pursue arcane power through wizardly research,
focusing on enchantments, divinations and
conjurations. They are particularly adept at calling
magic drawing from the Elemental Plane of Air.

With their natural charm, lidaem are o�en found

among a city’s bards. These lidaem seldom travel


RACIAL TRAITS • Automatic Languages: Auran, Common and

• +2 Charisma, -2 Strength: Lidaem are naturally
alluring creatures, but their lithe frames are not • Bonus Languages: Any humanoid.
very strong.
• Favored Class: Wilder. A multiclass lidaem’s
• Humanoid (Lidaem). wilder class does not count when determining
whether he takes an experience point penalty
• Medium: As Medium creatures, lidaems have no when multiclassing.
special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Level Adjustment: +0.
• Lidaem base land speed is 30 feet.

• Naturally Psionic: A lidaem gains 1 bonus power

point at 1st level. This benefit does not grant the
ability to manifest powers unless she gains the
ability through another source, such as levels in
a psionic class.

• Neural Charge (Su): Once per day, a lidaem


can imbue a piercing weapon with a powerful

neural charge. The charge is released on her
next successful a�ack by with the weapon. The
creature struck must make a successful Fortitude
save. On a failed save, intense pain wracks the
affected creature’s body. The creature is shaken
for a number of rounds equal to 1d4 + lidaem
character level. The creature suffers a -2 penalty
on a�ack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and
ability checks. The effects of multiple neural
charges stack. The DC is equal to 10 + lidaem
character level + Charisma modifier.

• Piercing Shriek (Su): Once per day, a lidaem is

able to u�er a shriek so piercing that it affects
the concentration of all nearby creatures. All
creatures within a 15-foot radius able to hear
the shriek must make a successful Will save. If a
creature fails its save, it incurs a penalty equal to
the lidaem’s character level + Charisma modifier
(minimum 1) on its next a�ack roll, skill check,
save, or ability check. The DC is equal to 5 + ½
lidaem character level + Charisma modifier. The
effect lasts for 1 minute.

• Expert Forger (Ex): Lidaem learn to scribe complex

shapes from the time they are born. As a result,
all lidaem receive a +2 bonus on Forgery checks.

• Natural Diplomat (Ex): Lidaem are indoctrinated

in the manipulation of political systems from birth.
This gives all lidaem a +2 bonus on Diplomacy



A�ack Fortitude Reflex Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Charm male +1, extra neural charge
2 +1 +0 +0 +3 +2 Charisma, charm male +2, extra neural charge, lidaem neural charge feat
3 +2 +1 +1 +3 Charm male +3, confusing neural charge, extra neural charge

A lidaem may choose to take up to three levels in the same as for a lidaem’s normal neural charge a�ack.
lidaem class in place of normal class advancement.
Extra Neural Charge (Ex): At 1st level, a lidaem
Hit Die: 1d8 gains the Extra Neural Charge feat for free. At 2nd
Class Skills: The lidaem’s class skills (and the key level, she gains another instance of the Extra Neural
ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy Charge feat for free. At 3rd level, she gains another
(Cha), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), instance of the Extra Neural Charge feat for free.
Intimidate (Cha), and Sense Motive (Wis)
Skill Points at 1st Character Level: (2 + Int modifier) Lidaem Feat (Ex): At 2nd level, a lidaem gains a
x4 bonus lidaem neural charge feat. She must possess

Skill Points at Higher Levels: 2 + Int modifier the prerequisites for any feat taken.

All of the following are lidaem class features.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Lidaems are

proficient with all simple weapons and with all
types of light armor.

Charm Male (Sp): At 1st level, a lidaem gains the

ability to charm a single humanoid male once per
day. This ability is similar to the charm, psionic
power. Only humanoid males can be affected by
this ability. Manifester level is equal to 1/2 Hit Dice.
The save DC is Charisma-based.

At 2nd level, the lidaem gains greater control over

her ability to charm males, and is now able to
affect male animals, fey, giants, magical beasts, and
monstrous humanoids. She is still only able to use
the ability once per day.

At 3rd level, the lidaem’s mastery of charming males

once again increases. She is now able to charm male
aberrations, dragons, elementals, or outsiders. She
is still only able to use the ability once per day.

Confusing Neural Charge (Su): At 3rd level, a

lidaem can use her neural charge to cause confusion
in a creature. On a successful neural charge a�ack,
the creature suffers from the confusion effect. This
takes place of the normal shaken effect caused by a
lidaem’s neural charge. The save and duration is the


Lidaem, 1st-Level Warrior Lidaem, 1st-Level Wilder
Medium Humanoid (Lidaem) Medium Humanoid (Lidaem)
Hit Dice: 1d8+1 (5 hp) 1d6 (6 hp)
Initiative: +0 +0
Speed: 30 �. (6 squares) 40 �. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (+3 studded leather, +1 light 13 (+3 studded leather), touch 10, flat-
shield), touch 10, flat-footed 14 footed 13
Base A�ack/Grapple: +1/+1 +0/+0
A�ack: Rapier +2 melee (1d6/18-20) or dagger +0 melee (1d4/19-20) or light
dagger +1 melee (1d4/19-20) or light crossbow +0 ranged (1d8/19-20)
crossbow +1 ranged (1d8/19-20)

Full A�ack: Rapier +2 melee (1d6/18-20) or dagger +0 melee (1d4/19-20) or light

dagger +1 melee (1d4/19-20) or light crossbow +0 ranged (1d8/19-20)
crossbow +1 ranged (1d8/19-20)
Space/Reach: 5 �./5 �. 5 �./5 �.
Special A�acks: Neural charge, piercing shriek Neural charge, piercing shriek, Psionic
powers, wild surge +1
Special Qualities: Naturally psionic Naturally psionic, psychic enervation
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +0, Will -1 Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +1
Abilities: Str 11, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Str 10, Dex 11, Con 10, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha
Cha 10 15
Skills: Climb +4, Diplomacy +2, Forgery +2, Autohypnosis +4, Bluff +4, Diplomacy
Jump +4 +2, Forgery +2, Intimidate +4
Feats: Weapon Focus (rapier) Speed of Thought
Environment: Desert Desert
Organization: Solitary or Coven (2-4) Solitary or Coven (2-4)
Challenge Rating: /2

Treasure: Standard Standard

Alignment: Usually lawful good Usually lawful good
Advancement: By character class By character class
Level Adjustment: +0 +0
The exotic features of the tall, yet remarkably thin female humans. Their skin is normally a honey-gold color,
humanoid are alluring. Her noble a�ire exposes honey- though it may be porcelain-white or ashen-gray.
gold skin covered in dimly glowing ta�oos. Silken hair Their skin is covered in ta�oos and runes, both
the vibrant color of fresh blood, mirrored by engaging mundane and psionic. A lidaem’s hair may be red,
eyes, drapes over her shoulders. Two antennae rise from orange, golden, or, rarely, platinum in hue. Her
her hair and begin to glow faintly. eyes always match her natural hair color. Lidaem
prefer to dress in the clothing of the local nobility
The lidaem are a race of female humanoids entirely or political elite, choosing styles that display their
dependent on males from other races to survive. ta�oos.
They are highly political creatures who use their
natural allure to a�ract potential mates and increase Lidaem speak Auran, Common, and write Lidaem.
the status of their individual covens. They may also speak any other dominant language
from their adopted region.
Lidaem are tall, lithe humanoids standing as tall as
male humans, while weighing the same as female


Lidaem encountered may be warriors; half of the powers to remove other opponents from combat.
information in the statistics block is for a warrior of
1st level. Psionic Powers: The lidaem described here is a 1st-
level wilder.

COMBAT Typical Wilder Powers (power points 5; save DC 12

+ power level): 1st – a�raction (DC 13). Manifester
Lidaem warriors prefer to a�ack from a distance. level 1st. The save DCs are Charisma-based.
They rely on ranged and melee piercing weapons
that can be used to deliver their neural charge. A Wild Surge (Su): A wilder can let her passion and
lidaem warrior a�acks from a distance, retreating emotion rise to the surface in a wild surge when she
to continue the ranged a�ack whenever possible. manifests a power. During a wild surge, a wilder
If forced into melee combat, a lidaem will use her gains phenomenal psionic strength, but may harm
neural charge to a�ack the closest enemy. She will herself by the reckless use of her power (see Psychic
conserve the use of her piercing shriek for emergency Enervation, below).

A wilder can choose to invoke a wild surge whenever
Neural Charge (Su): Once per day, a lidaem can she manifests a power. When she does so, she gains
imbue a piercing weapon with a damaging charge. +1 to her manifester level with that manifestation
The next creature struck by the weapon must make a of the power. The manifester level boost gives
successful Fortitude save or be shaken for a number her the ability to augment her powers to a higher
of rounds equal to 1d4 + lidaem character level + degree than she otherwise could; however, she pays
Charisma modifier. no extra power point for this wild surge. Instead,
the additional 1 power point that would normally
Piercing Shriek (Su): Once per day, a lidaem can be required to augment the power is effectively
issue a piercing shriek that unse�les all creatures in supplied by the wild surge.
a 15-foot radius. All creatures in this range must Level-dependent power effects are also improved,
make a successful Will save. Creatures that fail their depending on the power a wilder manifests with
save incur a penalty equal to the lidaem’s character her wild surge.
level + Charisma modifier (minimum 1) on their
next a�ack roll, skill check, save, or ability check. This improvement in manifester level does not
The DC is equal to 5 + ½ lidaem character level + grant her any other benefits (psicrystal abilities do
Charisma modifier. The effect lasts for 1 minute. not advance, she does not gain higher-level class
abilities, and so on).
The lidaem warrior presented here had the following
ability scores before racial adjustments: Str 13, Dex She cannot use the Overchannel psionic feat and
11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8. invoke her wild surge at the same time.
At 3rd level, a wilder can choose to boost her
1st-Level Wilder manifester level by two instead of one. At 7th level,
she can boost her manifester level by up to three; at
11th level, by up to four; at 15th level, by up to five;
All lidaem possess a degree of psionic power. and at 19th level, by up to six.
Most develop this power without formal training,
following the path of the wilder; half of the In all cases, the wild surge effectively pays the
information in the statistics block is for a wilder of extra power point cost that is normally required to
1st level. augment the power; only the unaugmented power
point cost is subtracted from the wilder’s power
COMBAT point reserve.

Lidaem wilders tend to be more aggressive in Psychic Enervation (Ex): Pushing oneself by
combat than other lidaem. A lidaem wilder will invoking a wild surge is dangerous. Immediately
quickly close on her enemies, immediately using following each wild surge, a wilder may be overcome
her neural charge on the greatest perceived threat. by the strain of her effort. The chance of suffering
This is coupled with an a�empt to use her psionic psychic enervation is equal to 5% per manifester


level added with the wild surge.

A wilder who is overcome by psychic enervation

is dazed until the end of her next turn and loses a
number of power points equal to her wilder level.

The lidaem wilder presented here had the following

ability scores before racial adjustments: Str 12, Dex
11, Con 10, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 13.

Lidaem characters possess the following racial

- +2 Charisma, -2 Strength.
- Medium size.
- Lidaem base land speed is 30 feet.
- Naturally Psionic: Lidaem gain 1 bonus power
point at 1st level.
- Special Qualities (see above): Neural charge,
piercing shriek.
- Racial Skills: Lidaem receive a +2 racial bonus on
Diplomacy and Forgery checks.
- Automatic Languages: Auran, Common, and
Lidaem. Bonus Languages: Any humanoid.
- Favored Class: Wilder
- Level Adjustment: +0



Barbarian Bard Cleric
Rogue Fighter Druid
Sorcerer Paladin Monk
Soulknife Ranger Psion
Race Adulthood Wilder Psychic Warrior Wizard
Human 15 years +1d4 +1d6 +2d6
Lidaem 15 years +1d4 +1d6 +1d8

Middle Maximum
Race Age1 Old2 Venerable3 Age
Human 35 years 53 years 70 years +2d20 years

Lidaem 30 years 45 years 60 years +2d20 years

1 -1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.

2 -2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
3 -3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.


Base Height Base Weight
Race Height Modifier Weight Modifier
Human, male 4’10” +2d10 120 lb. x (2d4) lb.
Human, female 4’5” +2d10 85 lb. x (2d4) lb.
Lidaem, female 4’10” +2d6 85 lb. x (1d6) lb.


New Feats Extend Neural Charge [Lidaem]

Prerequisite: Lidaem
Blinding Neural Charge [Lidaem] The duration of the effect caused by a lidaem’s
Prerequisite: Lidaem neural charge effect is doubled.
A creature failing a save versus the lidaem’s neural Normal:
charge becomes blind instead of shaken. The Without this feat, the duration of the effect caused
creature incurs -2 penalty to AC, and loses any by a lidaem’s neural charge a�ack is equal to 1d4 +
Dexterity bonus to AC. The creature moves at half lidaem character level.
speed. The creature incurs -4 penalty on Search,
Strength and Dexterity skill checks. All skills reliant Special:
on vision fail. Opponents have total concealment. This feat may be taken multiple times. Each time

the feat is taken, the duration of the effect increases

Deafening Neural Charge [Lidaem] by 1d4 + lidaem character level.
Prerequisite: Lidaem
Benefit: Extra Neural Charge [Lidaem]
A creature failing a save versus the lidaem’s neural Prerequisite: Lidaem
charge becomes deaf instead of shaken. The creature Benefit:
incurs a -4 penalty on initiative checks. The creature With this feat, a lidaem can use her neural charge
suffers a 20% chance of spell failure when casting ability an additional time each day.
spells with verbal components.
Dual Neural Charge [Lidaem] Without this feat, a lidaem can only use her neural
Prerequisite: Lidaem charge ability once per day.
The lidaem is able to apply multiple neural charge Special:
effects to a single a�ack. A creature struck by the A lidaem can take this feat multiple times. Each
lidaem’s neural charge a�ack is affected by either time she takes this feat, she gains one additional use
two distinct neural charge feats, or is shaken and of her neural charge per day.
suffers the effect of a second neural charge feat.
Fatiguing Neural Charge [Lidaem]
Normal: Prerequisite: Lidaem
Without this feat, only a single effect can be applied Benefit:
to a neural charge a�ack. A creature failing a save versus the lidaem’s neural
charge becomes fatigued instead of shaken. The
Special: creature is not able to run or charge, and takes a -
A lidaem can take this feat multiple times. Each 2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. Unlike with
time the feat is taken, an additional neural charge normal fatigue, the effect ends as soon as the neural
feat can be applied to a single a�ack. charge’s duration ends.

Exhausting Neural Charge [Lidaem] Frightening Neural Charge [Lidaem]

Prerequisite: Lidaem, Fatiguing Neural Charge Prerequisite: Lidaem
Benefit: Benefit:
A creature failing a save versus the lidaem’s neural A creature failing a save versus the lidaem’s neural
charge becomes exhausted instead of shaken. The charge becomes frightened instead of shaken. The
creature moves at half speed, and takes a -6 penalty creature must flee from the lidaem as best it can.
to Strength and Dexterity. Unlike with normal The creature takes a -2 penalty on all a�ack rolls,
exhaustion, the effect ends as soon as the neural saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. The
charge’s duration ends. creature can use special abilities, including spells,
to flee; indeed, the creature must use such means
if they are the only way to escape. If the creature is
unable to flee, it may fight.


Nauseating Neural Charge [Lidaem]

Prerequisite: Lidaem
A creature failing a save versus the lidaem’s neural
charge becomes nauseated instead of shaken. The
creature is unable to a�ack, cast spells, concentrate
on spells, or do anything requiring a�ention. The
only action the creature can take is a single move

Paralyzing Neural Charge [Lidaem]

Prerequisite: Lidaem, Exhausting Neural Charge

A creature failing a save versus the lidaem’s neural
charge becomes paralyzed instead of shaken.
The creature is unable to move or act. They have
effective Strength and Dexterity scores of 0. They
are helpless, but can take purely mental actions.

Stunning Neural Charge [Lidaem]

Prerequisite: Lidaem
A creature failing a save versus the lidaem’s neural
charge becomes stunned instead of shaken. The
creature drops everything held, and cannot take
actions. The creature incurs a -2 penalty to AC and
loses any Dexterity bonus to AC.

Terrifying Neural Charge [Lidaem]

Prerequisite: Lidaem, Frightening Neural Charge
A creature failing a save versus the lidaem’s neural
charge becomes panicked instead of shaken. The
creature must drop anything it is holding and flee
at top speed from the source of its lidaem, as well
as any other dangers it encounters, along a random
path. It cannot take any other actions. The creature
also takes a -2 penalty on all saving throws, skill
checks, and ability checks. If cornered, the creature
cowers and does not a�ack, typically using the
total defense action in combat. The creature can use
special abilities, including spells, to flee; indeed, the
creature must use such means if they are the only
way to escape.


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