6 2 Assignment1
6 2 Assignment1
6 2 Assignment1
What do you already know about the speed of chemical reactions? Outline your ideas in
the lines below.
●✔ Reading Check
●✔ Reading Check How does temperature
© 2008 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited Section 6.2 Factors Affecting the Rate of Chemical Reactions • MHR 113
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For the same mass, many small particles
have a greater total surface area than one
large particle. For example, steel wool has a
larger surface area than a block of steel of
the same mass. This allows oxygen
molecules to collide with many more iron
atoms per unit of time. The more surface
contact between reactants, the higher the
rate of reaction. The less surface contact,
the lower the reaction rate.
Surface area can also be important if a
reaction occurs between two liquids that do
not mix. In this case, the reaction occurs
only at the boundary where the two liquids
meet. It is also important to note that not all
reactions depend on surface area. If both
reactants are gases or liquids that mix
together, then there is no surface, and
surface area is not a factor.
4. A catalyst is a substance that speeds up
● ✔ Reading Check the rate of a chemical reaction without
being used up in the reaction itself.
● ✔ Reading Check
Is a catalyst used up in a
Catalysts reduce the amount of energy
required to break and form bonds during a
Is a catalyst used up in a chemical reaction?
chemical reaction?
chemical reaction. When catalysts are used,
a reaction can proceed although less energy
is added during the reaction. For example,
enzymes are catalysts that allow chemical
means that decreasing the concentrations of
reactions to occur at relatively low
the reactants results in a lower reaction rate.
temperatures within the body. ✔
3. Surface area is the measure of how much ●
area of an object is exposed.
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Section 6.2
Use with textbook pages 272–277.
Use the terms in the vocabulary box to fill in the blanks. You may use each term
only once.
1. A freshly exposed surface of metallic sodium tarnishes almost instantly if exposed
to air and moisture, while iron will slowly turn to rust under the same conditions. In
these two situations, the Rate of reactions refers to how quickly or slowly
reactants turn into products.
2. Adding heat will increase the rate of reaction because this causes the particles of
the reactants to move more quickly, resulting in more collisions and more .
3. Removing heat will lower the temperature, causing the particles of the reactants to
slow down, resulting in less frequent collisions.
4. refers to how much solute is dissolved in a solution. If there is a greater
concentration of reactant particles present, there is a greater chance that
concentration and collision among them will occur. More collisions mean a
higher rate of reaction.
5. A concentrated acid solution will react more quickly than a
acid solution because there are more molecules
present, increasing the chance of collisions.
6. Grains of sugar have a greater surface area than a solid cube of sugar of the
same mass, and therefore will dissolve quicker in water.
7. A catalyst , for example an enzyme, is used to speed up a chemical reaction but
is not used up in the reaction itself.
8. A catalytic converter in a car has metallic catalysts where several reactions occur.
Carbon monoxide, which was produced in the combustion of gasoline, is changed
into carbon dioxide and water in the presence of these metallic catalysts.
© 2008 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited Section 6.2 Factors Affecting the Rate of Chemical Reactions • MHR 115
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Section 6.2
Use with textbook pages 272–277.
1. Indicate whether each of the following would increase or decrease the rate of
(a) adding heat increase
(b) removing heat decrease
(c) adding a catalyst increase
(d) diluting a solution decrease
(e) removing an enzyme decrease
( f ) lowering the temperature decrease
(g) increasing the temperature increase
(h) decreasing the surface area decrease
( i ) increasing the concentration of a solution increase
( j ) breaking a reactant down into smaller pieces increase
2. Identify which situation would have a higher reaction rate. Then state the factor that
affected the rate of reaction in each situation.
Situation X Situation Y Situation with a
reaction rate
(X or Y)
116 MHR • Section 6.2 Factors Affecting the Rate of Chemical Reactions © 2008 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited
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(b) 5O ºC O ºC Section 6.2
high number of particles = more
© 2008 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited Section 6.2 Factors Affecting the Rate of Chemical Reactions • MHR 117
Name Date Use with textbook pages 272–277. Section 6.2
1. The graph above shows the differences in the rate of reaction at different
temperatures, concentrations, surface area, and the presence or absence of a
catalyst. A steeper line represents a greater rate of reaction. Indicate which line
(X or Y) each of the following are associated with.
(a) lower temperature Y (b) higher temperature X (c) lower
concentration Y (d) higher concentration x (e) absence of a catalyst
y(f) presence of a catalyst x (g) larger pieces (small surface area) y
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© 2008 McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited Section 6.2 Factors Affecting the Rate of Chemical Reactions • MHR 119