Week 4
Week 4
Week 4
School: Vergonville Elementary School Grade Level: Grade 2
Teacher: Andrea G. Cammarao Quarter: 3,Week 4
Subject: English Category of Reader: B
3. Unlocking of Difficulties
Before we proceed to the story, let us learn and understand the meaning of the new
words that we will meet as we go along with the story.
boasts – feels proud about
cling – hold on
trellis – a support for vine
wrinkled – not smooth
nutrients – nourishing substances
4. Motive/Guide Questions
Ask the learners with the following questions:
Do you eat vegetables?
What kind of vegetables do you eat?
Do you eat amplaya?
Do you know the wonder of eating ampalaya?
Find out in this story.
2. During Reading
C. Presenting Instances of the New Lesson (Pag-uugnay ng mga
Halimbawa sa Bagong Aralin)
Amazing Amplaya
(material provided on the last page)
1. Made-up Story
A made-up story or fiction is created from one’s imagination.
Activity #1 (Let the pupils read the rhyme)
Hey, diddle, diddle!
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon;
The little dog laughed
To see such sport,
And the dish ran away with the spoon.
This is just made up because no cow and no one can jump over the moon. A dog does
not laugh and a dish cannot run away with a spoon.
2. Real Story
A story about the Malacañang Palace and who lives in it today would be nonfiction.
Malacañang Palace is a real place and the President of the Philippines is a real person.
Activity #2: (Play the music and let learners pass the paper ball with questions
written on it.)
Directions: Answer the following questions:
1. Who are the different characters in this story?
2. Describe the characteristics of the vegetables mentioned in the story.
3. Why was Ampalaya very shy at the beginning?
4. What did the other vegetables notice about the skin and smell of Ampalaya?
5. How did they react when they learned about the different wonders of
6. What benefits can we get from Ampalaya?
F. Developing Mastery
Group Activity.
Directions: Read and recite the following rhymes with your group.
a. Old MacDonald had a farm.
b. Three little kittens lost their mittens, and they began to cry, “Oh mother dear, we
sadly fear that we have lost our mittens.”
a. Which rime is real? Why?
b. Which rime is made up? Why?
H. Making Generalization
(Paglalahat ng Aralin)
Real characters and stories are things that exist. They happen in real life. These may
be the day-to-day activities that a person does. They present facts and talk about
true events.
Made-up characters or stories are also known as fiction. These are the things that
cannot happen in real life. They are considered to never have happened at all. They
are written for amusement and entertainment only.
3. Post Reading
I. Assessment/ Evaluation
Directions: Which of the following is made up? Which one is reality? Write M or R on the
blank before the number.
__________ 1. The squash boasts of its fruits.
__________ 2. Mang Edgar planted a tiny plant.
__________ 3. Ampalaya is too shy to speak to everyone.
__________ 4. Children who eat vegetables become healthy.
__________ 5. Aling Wilma planted vegetables in her garden.
J. Additional Activities
Draw your favorite cartoon or fairy tale character. Say something about it.