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Clinical Neurophysiology 126 (2015) 2181–2188

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Clinical Neurophysiology
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What do you feel if I apply transcranial electric stimulation? Safety,

sensations and secondary induced effects
Anna Fertonani a,⇑, Clarissa Ferrari b, Carlo Miniussi a,c,⇑
Cognitive Neuroscience Section, IRCCS Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy
Statistics Service, IRCCS Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy
Neuroscience Section, Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy

See Editorial, pages 2045–2046

a r t i c l e i n f o h i g h l i g h t s

Article history:
 tES is a painless and safe technique.
Accepted 6 March 2015
 tDCS induced sensations are modulated by electrode size and intensity.
Available online 11 April 2015
 Sham stimulation might not be an effective blinding method with anodal tDCS.

Questionnaire a b s t r a c t
Objective: The goals of this work are to report data regarding a large number of stimulation sessions and
Transcranial direct current stimulation
(tDCS) to use model analyses to explain the similarities or differences in the sensations induced by different
Transcranial random noise stimulation parameters of tES application.
(tRNS) Methods: We analysed sensation data relative to 693 different tES sessions. In particular, we studied the
Transcranial alternating current stimulation effects on sensations induced by different types of current, categories of polarity and frequency, different
(tACS) timing, levels of current density and intensity, different electrode sizes and different electrode locations
Results: The application of random or fixed alternating current stimulation (i.e., tRNS and tACS) over the
scalp induced less sensation compared with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), regardless of
the application parameters. Moreover, anodal tDCS induced more annoyance in comparison to other tES.
Additionally, larger electrodes induced stronger sensations compared with smaller electrodes, and higher
intensities were more strongly perceived. Timing of stimulation, montage and current density did not
influence sensations perception. The analyses demonstrated that the induced sensations could be clus-
tered on the basis of the type of somatosensory system activated. Finally and most important no adverse
events were reported.
Conclusion: Induced sensations are modulated by electrode size and intensity and mainly pertain to the
cutaneous receptor activity of the somatosensory system. Moreover, the procedure currently used to per-
form placebo stimulation may not be totally effective when compared with anodal tDCS.
Significance: The reported observations enrich the literature regarding the safety aspects of tES, confirm-
ing that it is a painless and safe technique.
Ó 2015 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights

1. Introduction

Transcranial electric stimulation (tES) has been increasingly

⇑ Corresponding authors at: Cognitive Neuroscience Section, IRCCS Centro San
used to date to modulate brain activity with two main focuses:
Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Via Pilastroni 4, 25125 Brescia, Italy. Tel.: +39
0303501596; fax: +39 0303533513.
To study the brain–behaviour relationship (Dayan et al., 2013;
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A. Fertonani), carlo. Miniussi et al., 2013; Filmer et al., 2014) and to induce beneficial
[email protected] (C. Miniussi). effects on motor, cognitive and affective functions in healthy and

1388-2457/Ó 2015 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
2182 A. Fertonani et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 126 (2015) 2181–2188

disease states (Brunoni et al., 2012; Meinzer et al., 2013; recent ecological reports (Kessler et al., 2012; Russo et al., 2013)
Lüdemann-Podubecká et al., 2014). In addition to the more well- that have addressed previously identified limitations. In these
known transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), other very papers, the numbers of investigated subjects were high (approxi-
promising electrical stimulation protocols have been introduced mately 150 subjects per paper), but none of the studies investi-
in previous few years, i.e., transcranial alternating current stimula- gated whether the perceptions sensations were different at
tion (tACS) and random noise stimulation (tRNS) (Paulus, 2011; distinct levels of current intensity, on different scalp areas, or for
Guleyupoglu et al., 2013). The effectiveness of these protocols, different subject states. Furthermore, an important issue related
their equivalence and the mechanisms of action are under investi- to tES-induced perception is blinding adequacy in the sham condi-
gation in many laboratories and hospitals worldwide (e.g., tion. Following Gandiga et al.’s, 2006 important work, most
Fertonani et al., 2011; Stagg and Nitsche, 2011; Feurra et al., researchers have adopted a sham method that consists of ramping
2013; Pirulli et al., 2013, 2014; Reato et al., 2013; Bestmann the stimulation up and down in the firsts 10–30 s of stimulation.
et al., 2014). However, the use and comparison of these tES proto- Nevertheless, recent papers (Kessler et al., 2012; O’Connell et al.,
cols indicate that they might have secondary induced effects, 2012) have emphasized the inadequacy of this method with
which might influence the subject/patient response, especially 2 mA tDCS, which suggests that at such intensity, the subjects
from a clinical perspective (see the placebo effect, Benedetti, can easily distinguish real from sham stimulation. In the clinical
2014). Therefore, in this context, one aspect that should be consid- context in the last few years, there has been a steady increase in
ered in addition to the mechanisms of action and effectiveness is the stimulation intensity used with tDCS; thus, it would also be
related to the ‘‘secondary’’ induced sensations, which, in general, important to clarify this issue.
are not the direct focus of the investigation. Here, we analyse data from 693 different stimulation sessions,
Previous studies have demonstrated that the application of the which were performed on 531 subjects in our laboratory during
tDCS protocol induces minimal discomfort sensations, which are the previous five years. In this work, we systematically investigate
summarised as mild tingling and itching sensations under the elec- the impact of the type of tES protocol (i.e., tDCS, tACS and tRNS) on
trodes, predominantly in the first few seconds of the tDCS (Gandiga the perception of induced discomfort considering the polarity, cur-
et al., 2006; Poreisz et al., 2007). With reference to tRNS, some rent intensity, electrode size, density, stimulated area, reference
studies have demonstrated that tRNS is characterised by a reduced site, frequency of application, moment of application, and duration,
perception of induced sensations compared with tDCS. It has been as well as on the reports of adverse events.
suggested that the intensity of tRNS should be approximately three
times higher than tDCS to evoke the same percept (Ambrus et al.,
2. Materials and methods
2010, 2011). At equal intensity, the tACS evoked sensations, which
are visual and cutaneous, are strictly related to the frequency of
We administered a published questionnaire (Fertonani et al.,
stimulation that is used (Turi et al., 2013). It should be noted that
2010) to 531 different subjects (271 males, 260 females, 512
for tACS in the range of 8–20 Hz and an intensity close to 1 mA or
young: mean age ± standard deviation 22.4 ± 3.0 years; 19 elderly:
higher, the possibility of inducing phosphene perception via retinal
66.8 ± 5.4 years) who came to our lab to participate in several tES
stimulation significantly impairs what the subject can perceive
experiments. All subjects were neurologically healthy. Some
(Schwiedrzik, 2009; for a discussion, see Schutter and Hortensius,
experimental designs were within subjects; thus, the participants
2010; Brignani et al., 2013).
evaluated the sensations perceived in 693 stimulation sessions.
In this context, we should consider that these sensations, even if
The sessions included 434 tDCS sessions (184 anodal, 131 cathodal,
mild, might invalidate the experimental and clinical results when
and 119 placebo), 109 tACS sessions (25 at 6 Hz, 27 at 10 Hz, 28 at
sham tES is used in comparison to real tES (Gandiga et al., 2006)
25 Hz, and 29 placebo) and 150 tRNS sessions (72 at high fre-
or when different tES protocols are compared between them
quency – HF, 14 at low frequency – LF, and 54 placebo). The stim-
(e.g., tRNS vs. tDCS) to test their value.
ulations were performed before the execution of an experimental
A widely held opinion is that the current density is linearly
task (offline) or during the experimental task (online). Moreover,
linked with the perceived sensations; consequently, for the same
each experiment was characterised by different current intensities,
current intensity, the feeling would be greater with a smaller elec-
density levels, electrode sizes and stimulated areas. tES was deliv-
trode compared with a larger one (Ambrus et al., 2011).
ered by battery-driven stimulators (BrainStim, EMS, Bologna, Italy;
Nevertheless, an interesting recent paper by Turi et al. (2014) sug-
Eldith-Plus NeuroConn, Ilmenau, Germany) through a pair of elec-
gests that this is not the case and describes a counter-intuitive
trodes. The electrodes were inserted in sponges soaked in saline
relationship between the electrode size and the perceived discom-
solution, moreover an electroconductive gel was applied under
fort. Specifically, a larger electrode is associated with a stronger
the sponges before the montage to reduce skin impedance. At
perceived sensation. In general, these works have led to important
the end of each experimental session, we asked the participants
knowledge regarding tES-induced sensations, but with some limi-
to complete a sensation questionnaire, which describes seven dif-
tations. Most of these works include small subject samples; in
ferent sensations they may have experienced during the different
some reports, the stimulation is of a few seconds and does not
stimulations, as well as other sources of discomfort or problems
mimic the longer stimulation periods typically applied in experi-
they may have experienced during the stimulation (Fertonani
mental protocols. Moreover, the parameters of stimulation
et al., 2010).
adopted are often well beyond the values currently applied in
The Ethics Committee of the IRCCS Centro San Giovanni di Dio
the literature; thus, it is important to explore the ways in which
Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy, approved all studies, and informed
several different parameters might influence the perception of
consent was obtained from all participants prior to the initiation
these tES-induced sensations.
of the experiments.
A parallel issue is that put forward by Brunoni et al. (2011),
which highlights the urgent need to collect data regarding the
adverse effects associated with tES and suggests the use of struc- 2.1. Data analysis
tured questionnaires in all protocols that use tES. Indeed, it is
important to collect data regarding the adverse effects, safety Sensations gathered by questionnaires refer to seven different
and tolerability of different interventions and to know the sensa- perceptions of discomfort: itching, pain, burning, heat, pinching,
tions elicited by tES. Their call has been followed by two more iron taste, and fatigue. For each perception, the participants were
A. Fertonani et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 126 (2015) 2181–2188 2183

asked to express a value of perception strength that ranged from 0 mean was 2.62 (SD = 2.66; range: 0–16). The highest incidences
(absence) to 4 (strong). In order to provide an evaluation of the were for pinching, itching and burning (62, 46 and 28% on the total
general perceived discomfort induced by tES, a new aggregate vari- stimulations), with means equal to 0.93 (SD = 0.95), 0.68
able (referred to as discomfort) was computed as the summation of (SD = 0.90) and 0.39 (SD = 0.72), respectively. All data are reported
the strength score recorded for each single sensation, so that the in Table 1. Of the subjects who reported any sensations, the per-
discomfort variable ranged from 0 (absence of discomfort) to 28 ceptions were predominately confined to the beginning of the
(maximum discomfort). stimulation (72%); however, some subjects reported sensations
For investigating which factors contributed to perceived dis- towards the middle (14%) or the end (10%) of the stimulation or
comfort, generalised linear models (GLM, with Poisson distribution both at the beginning and end of the stimulation (3%), whereas
for dependent variable and log-link) were adopted. We evaluate some subjects provided no responses (1%). Importantly, apart from
the effects of different factors: type of current (tDCS, tACS, tRNS), 4 cases of mild transient skin irritation in the electrode area, none
polarity/frequency (anodal, cathodal, 6 Hz, 10 Hz, 25 Hz, HF, LF, of the subjects reported adverse events, such as dizziness or
placebo), timing (online, offline), density (the real range was from headaches.
0.040 to 0.167 mA/cm2, but for analyse purpose they were grouped
in four congruent levels), intensity (0.75–1.00 to 1.50–2.00 mA),
electrode size (9, 16, 22.9, 25, 35 cm2), reference (cephalic vs. 3.1. Factor effect on discomfort variable
extracephalic) and electrode area (frontal, central, occipital) on
discomfort variable. Sidak corrections were adopted for all adjust- The best GLM obtained from the model selection procedure
ments of post hoc analyses. (AIC = 2514, BIC = 2617) comprised the factors type of current,
To select the best GLM (in terms of goodness of fit and factor polarity/frequency, intensity, electrode size and the two-way
significance), a series of models, accounting for all factors and their interactions: polarity/frequency  intensity, polarity/frequency 
interactions, were computed by considering both Akaike informa- electrode size. The factor timing, density, reference, and electrode
tion criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC) area were excluded because of their poor contribution (assessed
indexes. These indexes combine the absolute contribution of the by higher AIC = 2530 and BIC = 2660 than those of the best model
fit with model parsimony, so that the model with the lowest index above) in explaining the total discomfort variability. The main
was selected (Yang, 2005). effects of the estimated GLM were all significant (p-values ranged
Additionally, a comparison of perceived discomfort between 20 from 0.032 for current to p < 0.001 for polarity/frequency), whereas
young and 19 elderly subjects (intensity 2 mA, electrode size only the interaction polarity/frequency  electrode size remained
35 cm2) was conducted using a generalised estimating equation significant (p = 0.001). In particular, regarding the type of current,
(GEE, with Poisson distribution and log-link) model. This compar- tDCS was more perceivable than tACS (p = 0.066)—even if the value
ison was applied with discomfort as a dependent variable, was a trend—and tRNS (p = 0.004), with mean discomfort values
subject-age as a between factor, and condition as a within factor equal to 2.62 (standard error SE = 0.29), 1.57 (SE = 0.35) and 1.25
(three repeated evaluations: placebo, anodal online, anodal (SE = 0.26), respectively. With respect to the polarity/frequency
offline). factor, anodal and cathodal stimulation induced more discomfort
Finally, a comprehensive investigation of the sensations in (discomfort variable mean equal to 2.98, SE = 0.35 for anodal;
terms of their correlation and mutual variability through a factor 2.60, SE = 0.30 for cathodal) compared with the other categories
analysis was performed to identify specific relationship patterns (which had mean values of discomfort that ranged from 0.94 to
in the perceived sensations. This approach (i.e., the multivariate 2.16).
analysis) allowed us to provide a precise interpretation on the type A more focused analysis on the data gathered in the tDCS set-
of perceived sensations, and therefore cluster some of these sensa- ting of the effect of polarity/frequency, intensity and electrode size,
tions within a specific ‘‘sensory’’ system. Separate analyses were was carried out by performing the same previously described GLM
computed for the paired young and elderly subjects previously (Table 2). Anodal was confirmed as the most bothersome among
analysed by GEE. A factor analysis was conducted through a prin- the polarities, with a discomfort mean equal to 3.83 (SE = 0.24)
cipal component analysis method for factor extraction and via and was almost significantly higher than placebo (p = 0.056),
application of the varimax rotation to simplify the factor which had a discomfort mean equal to 3.08 (SE = 0.21).
interpretation. Regarding the intensity factor, the means of the discomfort vari-
Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS software (v. 21.0 able increased significantly (from 2.67 to 3.74, p = 0.013) with
IBM Statistics, IBM Corp) and R language and environment (v.3.0.3 the enhancement from 1 to 2 mA. This trend was also confirmed
R Development Core Team). Statistical significance was set at within each polarity category in which the larger discomfort (mean
p < 0.05. 4.79, SE = 0.40) was observed for the 2 mA intensity in anodal
polarity. Similarly, an increase in discomfort was recorded with
increasing electrode size: 25 and 35 cm2 electrode sizes (discom-
3. Results fort mean equal to 3.87, SE = 0.19) were statistically less comfort-
able (p = 0.033) than electrode sizes of 16 cm2 or smaller
In general, among the total stimulation sessions, discomfort (discomfort mean less than 2.94, SE = 0.21).
was felt in at least one sensation in 76% of the cases; however, only Regarding the comparison of discomfort between the young
5% of the cases perceived sensations as more than one and/or with and elderly subjects evaluated by the GEE model, only the sub-
a strength score >2. The discomfort (aggregate sensation variable) ject-age factor was significant (p < 0.001), with mean discomfort

Table 1
Sensations values. Mean value (±standard deviation) and median of each reported sensation and the general sensation index (discomfort) for the total sessions of stimulation (693
sessions). The last row indicates the percentage of subjects who experienced a particular sensation.

Itchiness Pain Burning Heat Pinching Iron taste Fatigue Discomfort

Mean ± SD .68 ± .90 .12 ± .40 .39 ± .72 .21 ± .47 .93 ± .95 .11 ± .43 .18 ± .51 2.62 ± 2.66
Median .00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 .00 .00 2.00
Subjects (%) 46 10 28 19 62 7 14 76
2184 A. Fertonani et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 126 (2015) 2181–2188

Table 2
Results. Post-hoc comparisons of the main effects of the GLM performed on the tDCS
data. Only significant comparisons were reported. SE: standard error.

Factors/ Categories Mean SE Significant Sidak p

predictors comparison value
Polarity Anodal 3.83 0.24 Anodal vs. 0.056
Cathodal 3.17 0.25 – –
Placebo 3.08 0.21 – –
Intensity 0.75 3.20 0.59 – –
(mA) 1.0 2.67 0.29 1.0 vs. 1.5 0.054
1.5 3.55 0.17 – –
2.0 3.74 0.27 2.0 vs. 1.0 0.013
Size (cm2) 9 2.88 0.35 9 vs. 25 0.033
16 2.94 0.21 9 vs. 35 0.033
25 3.87 0.19 16 vs. 25 0.011
35 3.87 0.19 16 vs. 35 0.011

equal to 1.68 (SE = 0.20) and 4.64 (SE = 0.59) for the elderly and
young subjects, respectively. In a descriptive way, in this particular
Fig. 1. Factorial analysis output for the total sample. Bi-plot graph of the first two
paired sample, the more perceived sensations were pinching
factors: The first factor (Factor 1) is on the horizontal plane and includes all
(mean intensity = 1.6), itching (1.3) and burning (0.8) in the young somatosensations perceived (itching, pinching, heat, burning and pain). The second
subjects and pinching (0.8), burning (0.4) and itching (0.3) in the factor (Factor 2) is on the vertical plane. The subjects are represented in light grey:
elderly group. Thus, the elderly participants perceived less sensa- the numbers represent each subject number, and the letters represent Y = young
tions than the young participants. and E = elderly. The variables are represented in red. Each sensation is depicted by
an arrow and the intensity of the somatosensations perceived is proportional to the
length of each arrow. When two sensations are reported together and at the same
intensity, the closer to each other the arrows are. (For interpretation of the
3.2. Sensation analysis
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)
A preliminary analysis of relations among sensations was eval-
uated via a Pearson linear correlation coefficient, r. In general, sen-
sations were significantly correlated with each other. In particular,
itching, pinching and burning were the most correlated with each
other (itching–pinching: r = 0.60, p < 0.001; pinching–burning:
r = 0.44, p < 0.001; and itching–burning: r = 0.33, p < 0.001) and
with the aggregate discomfort variable (itching–discomfort:
r = 0.74; burning-discomfort: r = 0.67; and pinching-discomfort:
r = 0.83; p < 0.001 for all correlations).
Prior to the factor analysis, a Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin measure
(equal to 0.70) and Bartlett test (p < 0.001) were computed to
ensure the factor analysis applicability to our data. The estimated
number of retained factors was two, which explained a large
amount (49.5%) of the total variability, providing a meaningful
visual representation of the relations between different sensations.
The varimax rotation of the factor loadings allowed the detection
of five sensations (itching, pinching, pain, heat and burning), with
a high weight on the first factor (Factor 1), which were well distin-
guished from the other two sensations, iron taste and fatigue, that
had a high weight on the second factor (Factor 2) (Fig. 1). In partic-
ular, itching, pinching and burning, appeared to be the most
‘‘close’’ to each other; conversely, iron taste and fatigue had differ-
ent behaviours. Fig. 2. Bi-plot graph in three-dimensions of sensations (itching, pinching, heat,
burning and pain) having higher weights on Factor 1. The subjects are represented
Fig. 1 shows a bi-plot graph (where both subjects and variables
in light grey, and the variables are represented in red. (For interpretation of the
are displayed) of all perceived sensations in the whole sample of references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
subjects. Itching, pinching, heat, burning and pain had similar this article.)
response profile (i.e., direction of the arrows) represented by
Factor 1, that could be interpreted as the activation (with different respect to the other sensations and contributed to the definition
degrees proportional to the length of each arrow) of the cutaneous of the first and second factors, respectively. Thus, the elderly sub-
receptors in the somatosensory system. In particular, itching and jects perceived less than the young subjects (as reported in the GEE
pinching are close together, and the same is true for heat and burn- model output previously described) and specifically, they felt only
ing, as highlighted in Fig. 2. Moreover, as also showed in Fig. 1, iron burning and pinching sensations.
taste and fatigue contribute to explain a different dynamic (Factor
2), and their representation going in opposite directions means 4. Discussion and conclusion
that who perceive iron taste, does not perceive fatigue and vice
versa. The analysis of 693 tES sessions indicated that tES is a painless
Conversely, for the elderly subjects (results not displayed), only and safe technique. With our wide range of observations, we enrich
burning and pinching appeared to have different behaviours with the literature regarding the safety aspects of tES (Brunoni et al.,
A. Fertonani et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 126 (2015) 2181–2188 2185

2011). An important point is that in our experiments, tES was experiment and reached the same conclusion. The explanations
applied on different scalp areas, with a wide range of experimental that they propose refer to the work by Martinsen et al. (2004),
parameters (e.g., an intensity from 0.75 to 2.00 mA, a current den- which suggests that the perception of direct current is stronger
sity from 0.040 to 0.167 mA/cm2, and a duration from 4 to 22 min); with larger electrodes because of a spatial summation phe-
in no case was the stimulation rated as painful or particularly nomenon (more cutaneous receptors are stimulated).
annoying, and no safety concerns arose because of adverse events. Regarding the sham stimulation, we have verified that for tRNS,
The cases of mild transient skin irritation, which is an effect tACS and cathodal tDCS, placebo-induced perception is not differ-
reported in literature (Brunoni et al., 2011), may occur because ent from real induced perception. Nevertheless, anodal tDCS is dif-
of the action of tES on vasomotion or increased skin temperature, ferent from sham with a marginally significant value of p = 0.056,
which induces vasodilatation on the skin surface under the elec- and this finding was irrespective of the intensity. If we examine
trode; nevertheless, this adverse effect can be considered to be the mean values of the two conditions, they occur at the same
minor. Our results highlight that tES application was associated order of magnitude (3.83 anodal vs. 3.08 sham, the variable has a
with only minor remarks of unpleasantness; only 5% of the partic- range from 0 to 28); thus, the perceptions are quite similar.
ipants perceived more than one sensation or rated the intensity in Nevertheless, a difference, although minimal, exists and is close
one sensation greater than 1 (on a five point scale, from 0 to 4). to significance. Moreover, in the model obtained, there is no inter-
Consistent with previous reports in the literature (Poreisz et al., action between the tDCS polarity and stimulation intensity; thus,
2007; Russo et al., 2013), the most reported sensations are itching, this datum is not modulated by the intensity of the stimulation.
pinching and burning. In agreement with previous observations, This finding contrasts with previously reported data (Kessler
the sensations identified here were reported with all types of stim- et al., 2012; O’Connell et al., 2012), which suggest that subjects
ulation. The co-occurrence of these three sensations may also be can easily distinguish real from sham stimulations at 2 mA tDCS
because of a partial semantic overlap of their definitions, even if intensity. Here, we emphasize that anodal tDCS (and not cathodal)
each of these terms is characterised by different nuances of mean- can be disentangled from sham tDCS irrespective of the intensity
ing and thus, they are not interchangeable. levels; nevertheless, this difference is minimal. We did not con-
The perceived sensations were rated as significantly less intense sider the difference between the evaluations of naïve vs. experi-
in the tRNS experiments compared with the tDCS experiments; enced participants, which could differ (Ambrus et al., 2010).
remarkably, with tACS, the perceptions appeared to be lower in Nevertheless, we may merely hypothesise that for naïve subjects,
level compared with tDCS. The particularly low level of discomfort blinding may be efficacious, whereas for experienced subjects,
that characterises tRNS has previously been emphasized by who know the presence of a placebo condition and have expecta-
Ambrus et al. (2010), in which the authors verified that the ‘‘50% tions regarding the induced sensations, blinding may not be appro-
perception threshold’’ of tRNS was 1.2 mA relative to the approxi- priate (Ambrus et al., 2012). In this regard, given that sham
mately 0.4 mA of the tDCS. Our broad data set confirms their obser- stimulation sometime might not be an effective blinding method
vations. Regarding tACS perception, the only paper in the literature when compared to anodal tDCS, we strongly propose as a standard
(Turi et al., 2013) reports different perceptions according to the fre- procedure to ask subjects, at the end of the experiment/treatment,
quency of stimulation. In our case, we did not identify significant if they think to have received real/s or placebo/s stimulation/s (see
differences between 6, 10 and 25 Hz. However, at a descriptive the revised questionnaire in Appendix A). It has been suggested
level, the 10 Hz values (mean 2.16) were higher than the 6 and that in some situations in which it is relevant to grantee the blind-
25 Hz (means of 1.51 and 1.27, respectively), therefore the 10 Hz ing procedure, it is possible to topically apply local anaesthetics
value is a plausible reason for the lack of a significant difference (Nitsche et al., 2008; McFadden et al., 2011).
between tDCS and tACS (p = 0.066). Therefore, our results appear An interesting result that, to our knowledge, has not been pre-
to confirm, in part, those of Turi et al. (2013), with a different loca- viously described is the difference in the levels of reported sensa-
tion (electrodes placed on the parietal cortex and vertex) and cur- tions between young and elderly individuals. In two experiments
rent density (1 mA/16 cm2). This difference between tDCS and with identical experimental parameters, the elderly subjects
other tES may be a result of the current discharge modality. With reported a lower rating of the sensations. This finding may has
tDCS, the intensity of the current is constant and continuously multiple possible causes. It may be that in physiological aging,
excites the cutaneous receptors (i.e., fibres) of the somatosensory there is a lower perception of sensation because of changes in skin
system, whereas with tACS and tRNS, the current varies continu- conductance; however, recent work by Kemp et al. (2014) excludes
ously and only larger myelinated fibres of the tactile system may this hypothesis. Instead, the higher threshold of perception
be activated. Nevertheless, for the same reason, a potentially rele- appears to be more attributable to dysfunctions of the peripheral
vant factor is that for a given current intensity n, with tDCS, the and/or central nervous systems. Another hypothesis, which may
level ranges from 0 to n mA, whereas with alternating currents, complement rather than exclude the physiological hypothesis, is
it ranges from n/2 to n/2, which results in a smaller level of more psychological and involves a lower propensity to complain
polarisation. in elderly individuals (Petrini, 2014). Moreover, they may be more
Interesting data obtained from our analyses indicate that both accustomed to feeling mild discomfort, which leads to an underes-
the area of the electrode and the intensity of stimulation signifi- timation of the tES sensations.
cantly influenced the perception of somatosensations. The role of We suggest that our data offer valuable indications for amelio-
intensity is intuitive: increasing its level increases the perceived rating the comfort in tES application. To date, there are no pub-
discomfort. In contrast, the influence of the electrode area is coun- lished safety guidelines for the selection of stimulation
ter-intuitive: a smaller stimulating electrode (higher current den- parameters, and the first safety recommendations (Nitsche et al.,
sity) is associated with a weaker evoked sensation, and a larger 2003a; Poreisz et al., 2007) are commonly overridden. Therefore,
electrode (lower current density) is associated with a stronger sen- the currently adopted criterion is to observe the parameters
sation. This finding appears in contrast with the idea that at the applied in similar studies in the literature and not exceed them
same current intensity in a small electrode, there is an increased in terms of intensity, density and duration of stimulation, and mak-
current density compared with a large electrode, and the higher ing sure that tES is administered by trained personnel. One impor-
current density should induce more discomfort. Nevertheless, tant observation is that, at least in the motor system, the effects of
Turi et al. (2014) have systematically investigated the role of the tDCS appear to be dose dependent for currents of approximately
electrode area and current intensity in a methodological 1 mA and a duration not longer than 13 min (Nitsche and Paulus,
2186 A. Fertonani et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 126 (2015) 2181–2188

2001; Nitsche et al., 2003b). When we modify these parameters by on gustatory nerves, and it is quite likely that the electrode config-
increasing the intensity (Batsikadze et al., 2013; Pirulli et al., 2014), uration in relation to the trigeminal nerve is the relevant factor.
interleaving pauses (Fricke et al., 2011), prolonging the stimulation With fatigue, it is more difficult to provide an explanation in strict
duration (Monte-Silva et al., 2013) or combining protocols relation with the stimulation because it was reported at a very
(Bortoletto et al., 2014), the results may be quite different. These mild level (0.18; 14% of the subjects, Table 1) and it is a complex
data suggest that changing parameters might not be a matter of percept. This report is most likely related to the general state of
increasing perception but more of changing the induced effects. the subject who was requested to perform a task in his/her best
However, to perform these protocols while avoiding confound- conditions and who may experience slight fatigue at the end of
ing factors, the most important thing is to obtain the best possible the experiment.
interface (i.e., low impedance) between the electrodes and skin to The performed analyses indicated that four features do not
diminish the voltage required to perform stimulation (note that influence the perceived sensations. The first of these factors is
stimulation should not be conducted directly over lesions). To this the timing of the stimulation: our data indicate that the application
aim, the electrodes are typically inserted in sponges soaked with of stimulation during or before task execution does not modify the
saline solution (see Dundas et al., 2007). It has been noted that induced sensations. We have reasoned that the application when
the relationship between the salinity of the solution and comfort/ the subject is not performing a task could lead to stronger percep-
discomfort (i.e., requested voltage) of the stimulation is very tions because the subject’s attention is entirely focused on the per-
important. Dundas et al. (2007) suggested that the ideal should ceived sensations; however, this is not the case. The second feature
be a NaCl solution concentration between 15 and 140 mM. An that was not significant is the stimulated area: stimulating the
inappropriate solution can increase the potential to perceive dis- frontal vs. central vs. occipital area does not modify the induced
comfort from the stimulation (Dundas et al., 2007). However, if sensations, and the same finding is true irrespective of the mon-
caution is not used, the physiological solution can leak from the tage used. The third factor is the positioning of the reference in a
sponges, which modifies the features of the contact area. To cephalic vs. extracephalic position. Even the positioning of two
improve scalp contact, especially when the participants have dense electrodes on the head with a cephalic montage does not appear
hair, it may be useful to apply an electro-conductive gel under the to be relevant to increase the level of perceived sensations.
surface of the electrode/sponge to make the contact area and, Finally, the last factor was, surprisingly, the current density.
therefore, the current distribution uniform. Indeed, the presence Nevertheless, it should be noted that we have included both the
of dense hair may significantly influence the outcome of the stim- current intensity and the electrode size in the model, which better
ulation (Horvath et al., 2014). In our lab, we routinely use gel to explained the variations in induced perceptions. However, we
minimise impedance in all experiments; we have found that it is must remember that in our model, there may be some confounding
very useful, especially in combination with sponges. factors. For example, we did not include the factor that accounts
Nevertheless, not all types of electro-conductive gel are equivalent; for repetition of the stimulation over the same area in the model
we have verified that the application of some more viscous gels because all data were collected from normal subjects, and these
caused more pronounced unpleasant sensations in volunteers data were not available. This factor, which is relevant to clinical tri-
and were difficult to uniformly spread to cover the electrode. als, could influence the perception of sensation in a different way.
Another important consideration to minimise impedance is to In this regard and regarding additional aspects, the collection of
obtain better adherence between the electrode and scalp. To fix large data samples over different laboratories in the future will
the electrodes, rubber bands are typically provided in tDCS kits. be necessary to implement models, including all potentially con-
Nevertheless, with such bands, the contact may be sub-optimal, founding factors. To improve the questionnaire used to collect
especially at the electrode corners, and the wings of the electrode the data presented in this work (Fertonani et al., 2010), we suggest
may be raised. Thus, not all electrode surfaces are in contact with a revised form (see Appendix A). In the revised form of the ques-
the head, and the current density subsequently increases in an tionnaire, we have also included a choice between real and placebo
uncontrolled manner. In our laboratory, we have verified that it stimulations to be indicated at the end of the entire experiment for
is better to use a tubular net-shaped elastic bandage in mesh tissue each session, as well as a more codified safety report of adverse
for electrode fixation. These bandages are very easy to use and events.
maintain perfect adherence of the whole electrodes, which pro- In this study, we have demonstrated that alternating currents
vides a uniform electrode–skin contact. appear less perceivable than tDCS, regardless of the other parame-
In the work by Ambrus et al. (2011), it has also been demon- ters of application. Of the different types of tES, anodal tDCS is the
strated that electrode shape does not influence the induced per- type that induces more perceptions, which are stronger than the
ception; standard rectangle electrodes induce the same type of ones perceived with sham stimulation. Moreover, the perception
sensations as circle shape electrodes, providing that they have of induced sensation is directly linked to the electrode size; thus,
the same surface. the bigger the electrode, the stronger the sensation. Additionally,
Considering the results relative to Factor 1, which explains the we report that older participants perceive less tDCS-induced sensa-
main induced sensation, we can clearly see in Fig. 2 that the clus- tion compared with young participants. Finally, based on the data
tering of these sensations are congruent with the different reported in the present study, tES is a painless and safe technique.
somatosensory systems: touch, thermoception, and nociception.
Therefore, such sensations are congruent with the distribution of
these systems over the skin. In regard to the second factor that Acknowledgements
explained our data (Factor 2), there were two reported percepts
that exhibited opposite trends, metallic taste and fatigue. The per- This work was supported by Grant RC 2014 from the Italian
ception of metallic taste was reported after electric stimuli were Health Ministry. We thank C. Pirulli, M. Bortoletto, D. Brignani, T.
applied to the tongue and after weak currents that stimulated Cunillera, M.C. Pellicciari, P. Mauri, and C. Rodella for collecting
the trigeminal nerve (Lawless et al., 2005; Hettinger and Frank, part of the data.
2009). Therefore, metallic taste perception, which was reported Conflict of interest: The authors declare there are no competing
only by 7% of the subjects, might be strictly related to the action interests.
A. Fertonani et al. / Clinical Neurophysiology 126 (2015) 2181–2188 2187

Appendix A. (revised questionnaire, English version)

Subject code: _______________________________________________ Date: __/__/________

Experiment: _____________________________________________________________________
Did you experience any discomfort or annoyance during the electrical stimulation? Please answer the following questions regarding
the different sensations and indicate the degree of intensity of your discomfort according to the following scale:
 None = I did not feel the described sensation (0)
 Mild = I mildly felt the described sensation (1)
 Moderate = I felt the described sensation (2)
 Considerable = I felt the described sensation to a considerable degree (3)
 Strong = I strongly felt the described sensation (4)
In the first stimulation block
Itching: h None h Mild h Moderate h Considerable h Strong
Pain: h None h Mild h Moderate h Considerable h Strong
Burning: h None h Mild h Moderate h Considerable h Strong
Warmth/Heat: h None h Mild h Moderate h Considerable h Strong
Pinching: h None h Mild h Moderate h Considerable h Strong
Metallic/Iron taste: h None h Mild h Moderate h Considerable h Strong
Fatigue: h None h Mild h Moderate h Considerable h Strong
Other_________________: h None h Mild h Moderate h Considerable h Strong
When did the discomfort begin?
h At the beginning of the block h At approximately the middle of h Towards the end of the
the block block
How long did it last?
h It stopped quickly h It stopped in the middle of the h It stopped at the end of the
block block
How much did these sensations affect your performance?
h Not at all h Slightly h Considerably h Much h Very much
Identify whether these sensations were located over the head or in a different location
h On the head ____________________________ h Other _________________________________
In the second stimulation block
. . ..(if there is more than one condition, repeat the list above here based on the block numbers)
If you would like to provide more details, please briefly describe the experimented sensations in relation to the ‘Other’ or ‘‘Fatigue’’
To be administered at the end of the entire experiment
Do you believe that you received a real or placebo stimulation?
In the first stimulation block/day/week: h real h placebo h I don’t know
In the second stimulation block/day/week: h real h placebo h I don’t know
. . ...
For the researcher/clinician:
Please report any adverse event/problem (e.g., skin irritation, headache, scalp pain, dizziness, or others, please specify) that occurred
and rate the event/problem on a scale from 1 to 4 as previously described.
Additional comments: .....

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