Hernandez-MBM-Environmental Science - Syllabus

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A.Y. 2023-2024

1. Course and Instructor Information

College: Science
Department: Biology
Course Title: Environmental Science
Course Code: NS211
Pre-Requisite: None
Co-Requisite: None
Credit Units: 3 Lecture Units – 3 Hours per Week
Instructor: Maria Brenda M. Hernandez, MSc.
Consultation Hours: TTh 8:30 AM-10:00 AM

2. Course Description

This course includes a description and discussion of environmental science and education's fundamental
concepts, theories, and principles. Students will describe how humans interact with the atmosphere,
hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere, considering physical structure, natural phenomena, contemporary
issues, human interventions, and regulating laws. It employs an integrated approach to promote problem-solving
methods by completing various course outputs such as journal critique writing, presentation of one's
environmental advocacy through an infographic/slogan/painting, and creation of a biome

3. Institutional Graduate Outcomes (IGO) and Relationship to Student Outcomes (SO) & Course
Outcomes (CO)

Institutional Graduate Outcomes Student Outcomes Course

IGO No. (1) Generate ideas, plans, and multiple perspectives in (a). Articulate the latest developments in their
various fields to solve current needs and issues of society with respective fields of practice. ✓ ✓ ✓
preference for the socially disadvantaged.
IGO No. (3) Express thoughts and feelings in various medium of (b). Effectively communicate orally and in
communication coherently, clearly, and confidently. writing using both English and Filipino ✓ ✓ ✓
IGO No. (4) Manifest affective and effective leadership qualities (c). Work effectively and independently in
with integrity to contribute positively to the accomplishment of multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams. ✓ ✓ ✓
objectives and goals in ethical ways.
IGO No. (7) Demonstrate knowledge of entrepreneurial* concepts (d). Demonstrate professional, social, and
in the profession. ethical responsibility, especially in practicing
*(Ability to find and create opportunities in the industry) intellectual property rights and sustainable ✓ ✓ ✓
IGO No. (8) Participate in advocacy through one's profession, (e). Preserve and promote "Filipino historical
organized networks and personal initiative for the upliftment of and cultural heritage" (based on RA No.
the socially disadvantaged to demonstrate one's deeply human and 7722).
✓ ✓ ✓
religious convictions.
IGO No. (5) Make decisions and courses of actions by integrating (g). Apply critical and problem solving skills
concepts, theories, practical approaches based on Christian using the scientific method. ✓ ✓

Course Code/Title: Date Date Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Page 1
Effective: Revised: of
NS211 Wilhelm M. Javier, MSc.
ENVIRONMENTAL August, 2020 August, 2023 Maria Brenda M. Julius John DP. Chairperson, Biology
SCIENCE Hernandez, MSc. Salamanes, MSc. Department
Faculty Faculty
Eleanor S. Austria, DVM, PhD.
DEAN, College of Science
A.Y. 2023-2024

IGO No. (9) Respond to various individuals, groups, experiences, (t). Effectively follow and communicate the
ideas, practices and approaches with respect to ethnical and teachings of St. Vincent de Paul to become
cultural diversities to promote solidarity and faithfulness to God agents of change in the society.
✓ ✓ ✓
and individual faith traditions.

4. Course Outcome-Student Outcome Matrix

COURSE OUTCOMES Course Intended Learning Outcomes Student Outcomes

a b c d e g t
• Explain the purpose, importance, and
connection between environmental
science, environmental education, and
ecology and how these relate to other
academic fields.
• Describe the ecological laws and make
connections to everyday situations.
• Discuss issues linked to the earth's
atmosphere, including as the greenhouse
effect, stratospheric ozone, global
warming, climate change, ozone
CO1. Discuss the basic
depletion, acid deposition, and air
concepts, theories, and
pollution, while presenting in detail the
principles of environmental functions, composition, and structure of
science, and education, and
the atmosphere.
how humans interact with the
• Provide several examples of how the
atmosphere and hydrosphere
Philippine Clean Air Act and other
by considering their physical
relevant legislation can be used to
structures, natural phenomena,
preserve the earth’s atmosphere.
contemporary issues and
regulating laws. CILO 3: I I I I I I I
• Initiate discourse on the various E E E E
hazards to the water supplies, such as D D
harmful algal bloom and oil spill, by
providing a detailed explanation of
the earth's hydrosphere, including the
water budget, sources, indicators, and
water pollution.
• List the various approaches to water
management on Earth and
demonstrate a good knowledge of the
Philippine Clean Water Act and
associated regulations.
CO2. Describe how humans
• Create a conversation about the E E E
interact with the lithosphere
different dangers to the Earth's D
and biosphere by
lithosphere, such as solid and
considering their physical
hazardous wastes, by providing a
structures, natural
comprehensive explanation of the
phenomena, contemporary
layers, minerals, soil, land usage, and
issues and regulating laws.
land pollution.

Course Code/Title: Date Date Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Page 1
Effective: Revised: of
NS211 Wilhelm M. Javier, MSc.
ENVIRONMENTAL August, 2020 August, 2023 Maria Brenda M. Julius John DP. Chairperson, Biology
SCIENCE Hernandez, MSc. Salamanes, MSc. Department
Faculty Faculty
Eleanor S. Austria, DVM, PhD.
DEAN, College of Science
A.Y. 2023-2024

• Highlight the several approaches to

managing the lithosphere of the Earth
and have a solid understanding of the
Ecological Solid Waste Management
Act and related regulations.
• Compare and contrast components of E E E
an ecosystem, and give an example D D
of how biotic and abiotic factors of
the ecosystem interact.
• Draw diagrams to illustrate the flow E E E
of energy through an ecosystem, the D D
relationships between species and
tropic levels, biogeochemical cycles,
the differences and similarities
between the food chain and food
web, non-renewable and renewable
resource descriptions, and the
cyclical paths taken by the various
elements and compounds within the
• Develop a resource management
environmental advocacy and a list of
ways to conserve energy at work,
school, and home.
• Resolve issues with population, E E E
density, birth and death rates, and D D
analyze the evidence and subjective
judgment about population
CO3. Describe the
mechanisms that govern the
biosphere, its relationships • Give a practical definition of E E E
biodiversity, discuss its importance, D D
with the other spheres, and
human interventions therein. and list and describe the many
methods for preserving the
biodiversity of the Philippines.
CILO 9: Investigate which biome has the I I I I I I I
greatest diversity by comparing and E E E
contrasting its qualities, including its D D
climate, flora, and animals.

I – Introductory, E – Enabling, D – Demonstrative

5. Course Output

As evidence of attaining the above course intended learning outcomes (CILO), the student is required to
accomplish and submit the following during the indicated period/dates within the term:

Course Code/Title: Date Date Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Page 1
Effective: Revised: of
NS211 Wilhelm M. Javier, MSc.
ENVIRONMENTAL August, 2020 August, 2023 Maria Brenda M. Julius John DP. Chairperson, Biology
SCIENCE Hernandez, MSc. Salamanes, MSc. Department
Faculty Faculty
Eleanor S. Austria, DVM, PhD.
DEAN, College of Science
A.Y. 2023-2024

COURSE OUTCOMES Course Intended Required Output

Learning Outcomes
CO1. Discuss the basic concepts, theories, and CILO1; CILO 2; CILO 3 Journal Critique (Evaluate
principles of environmental science, and education, Environmental
and how humans interact with the atmosphere and Issues)/Determine your
hydrosphere by considering their physical structures, carbon footprint*
natural phenomena, contemporary issues and
regulating laws.
CO2. Describe how humans interact with the CILO 4; CILO 5; CILO 6 Infographics
lithosphere and biosphere by considering their (Environmental Advocacy)
physical structures, natural phenomena,
contemporary issues and regulating laws.
CO3. Describe the mechanisms that govern the CILO 7; CILO 8; CILO 9 Research and Literature
biosphere, its relationships with the other Review (synthesis of
spheres, and human interventions therein. relevant scientific research
to support arguments and
*Please download the carbon footprint calculator and select the applicable version for the Philippines. Once downloaded, please record,
collate, and compare all the numerical data your quiz response generates. You can plot the individual and class data in a graph or create
a table for easy reference. Once you have all the data, establish the average carbon footprint for your class and set a goal to reduce it to
a certain amount by the end of the semester. Please note the lifestyle changes your group suggested in your results and identify which
change your group will embrace to help lower the class's carbon footprint.

Course Code/Title: Date Date Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Page 1
Effective: Revised: of
NS211 Wilhelm M. Javier, MSc.
ENVIRONMENTAL August, 2020 August, 2023 Maria Brenda M. Julius John DP. Chairperson, Biology
SCIENCE Hernandez, MSc. Salamanes, MSc. Department
Faculty Faculty
Eleanor S. Austria, DVM, PhD.
DEAN, College of Science
A.Y. 2023-2024

6. Learning Plan

Course CILO Topics Week Teaching-Learning Activities Assessment Task

Outcomes No. Traditional Synchronous Asynchronous
CILO 1 I. Science and Environment Class orientation Provide a PDF file of the Active Participation in
Oral Participation Introduction of student and teacher, syllabus of the course.
a. Definition and Relationships the Discussion about
(Environmental Science, PowerPoint course overview and requirement, Science and
Environmental Education, and Presentation and grading system. Provide a PowerPoint Environment
1 Presentation of Science and
Interactive discussion of Science Environment
b. Laws of Ecology and the Environment via Microsoft Journal Critique
CILO 2 II. The Earth’s Atmosphere
a. Functions, Composition, and
b. Issues: Greenhouse Effect, Video Presentation about The Earth’s Active Participation in
Lecture Atmosphere
CO1 Stratospheric Ozone, Global Video Presentation about The the Discussion about
Warming, Climate Change, Ozone 2-3 Earth’s Atmosphere The Earth’s Atmosphere
Video Presentation Interactive Online Discussion on the
Depletion, Acid Deposition, Earth’s Atmosphere via Google Meet. Short Quiz
c. Protection of the Earth’s
Atmosphere, Philippine Clean Air
Act, and Related Laws
Video presentation of the Earth’s Video presentation of the
Lecture Hydrosphere Earth’s Hydrosphere
III. The Earth’s Hydrosphere
CILO 3 a. Water Budget, Uses, Sources, and PowerPoint Long Test
4-5 PowerPoint Presentation The Earth’s PowerPoint Presentation The
Indicators of Water Quality Presentation
Hydrosphere Earth’s Hydrosphere.
Video Presentation
Course Code/Title: Date Date Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Page 1
Effective: Revised: of
NS211 Wilhelm M. Javier, MSc.
ENVIRONMENTAL August, 2020 August, 2023 Maria Brenda M. Julius John DP. Chairperson, Biology
SCIENCE Hernandez, MSc. Salamanes, MSc. Department
Faculty Faculty
Eleanor S. Austria, DVM, PhD.
DEAN, College of Science
A.Y. 2023-2024

b. Threats: Harmful Algal Bloom, Assessment

Oil Spill, Depletion, and
c. Water Management, Philippine
Clean Water Act, and Related
Environmental Science to the Earth’s Lithosphere 6 Prelim Examination
CILO 4 IV. The Earth’s Lithosphere Instructional video about The Earth’s
a. Layers, Rocks & Minerals, Soil & Lithosphere
Lecture Instructional video about The
Soil Types, Land Use Earth’s Lithosphere
b. Different Dangers: Noise Pollution, PowerPoint Slide presentation about The Earth’s
Interactive Discussion
and Solid & Hazardous Wastes 7-8 Presentation Lithosphere
Slide presentation about The
c. Management Approaches: Video Presentation Earth’s Lithosphere
Interactive discussion
Ecological Solid Waste Management
Act and Related Laws
CILO 5 V. The Earth’s Biosphere Instructional video about The Earth’s Instructional video about The
a. Components of the Ecosystem: Biosphere Earth’s Biosphere
biotic & abiotic; types of interactions Lecture Interactive Discussion
CO2. Slide presentation about The Earth’s Slide presentation about The
between and/or among organisms 9 Biosphere Earth’s Biosphere Short Quiz
Video Presentation
Interactive discussion of via Google Interactive discussion of via
Meet. Google Meet.
CILO 6 b. Matter and Energy Flow Instructional video
Instructional video
c. Biogeochemical Cycles (water, C, O Lecture
N, P, S) Slide presentation Interactive Discussion
Slide presentation
d. Natural Resources (Renewable & 10-11 Video Presentation
Interactive discussion Long Test
Non-Renewable) Interactive discussion.
e. Energy Conservation

Course Code/Title: Date Date Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Page 1
Effective: Revised: of
NS211 Wilhelm M. Javier, MSc.
ENVIRONMENTAL August, 2020 August, 2023 Maria Brenda M. Julius John DP. Chairperson, Biology
SCIENCE Hernandez, MSc. Salamanes, MSc. Department
Faculty Faculty
Eleanor S. Austria, DVM, PhD.
DEAN, College of Science
A.Y. 2023-2024

Lithosphere and part of the Earth’s Biosphere 12 Midterm Examination

CILO 7 f. Population: Density, Carrying Capacity, Interactive online discussion
Interactive online discussion using
Factors Affecting Population, Management using Google Meet.
Google Meet. Interactive Discussion
PowerPoint presentation:
13 PowerPoint presentation: Population Short Quiz
Video presentations about population
Video presentations about
CILO 8 g. Biodiversity Interactive online discussion using Interactive online discussion
Indicator Species, Keystone Species Google Meet. using Google Meet.
Interactive Discussion
Lecture and Discussion
14 PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation
Long Test
Video presentations about population Video presentations about
CO3. population
CILO 9 h. Biomes: Terrestrial (desert, grassland, forest, Interactive online discussion using Interactive online discussion
taiga, tundra) and Aquatic (freshwater, Google Meet. using Google Meet.
estuarine, marine) Interactive Discussion
Lecture and Discussion
15-16 PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation
Long Test
Video presentations about population Video presentations about
CILO i. Epidemiology: Infectious and Non- Interactive online discussion using Interactive online discussion
10 Infectious Diseases Google Meet. using Google Meet.
Interactive Discussion
Lecture and Discussion
PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation

Video presentations Video presentations

Population to Epidemiology Final Examination

Course Code/Title: Date Date Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Page 1
Effective: Revised: of
NS211 Wilhelm M. Javier, MSc.
ENVIRONMENTAL August, 2020 August, 2023 Maria Brenda M. Julius John DP. Chairperson, Biology
SCIENCE Hernandez, MSc. Salamanes, MSc. Department
Faculty Faculty
Eleanor S. Austria, DVM, PhD.
DEAN, College of Science
A.Y. 2023-2024

7. Other Requirements and Assessments

Aside from the course output, the student will be graded at other times during the term by the following:

1. Attendance
2. Quizzes
3. Major Exams
4. Activities
5. Course Output

8. Grading System


Major Exam 35% Major Exam 35% Major Exam 35%
Short Quiz 15% Short Quiz 15% Short Quiz 15%
Long Test 20% Long Test 20% Long Test 20%
Course Output 20% Course Output 20% Course Output 20%
Attendance/Participation 10% Attendance/Participation 10% Attendance/Participation 10%
(PRELIM GRADE x 30%) + (MIDTERM GRADE x 30%) + (FINAL GRADE x 40%)

Semestral Grade:
≥ 70 (To pass)
65 ≥ 69 (For removal exam)
≤ 64 (Automatic Fail)

9. Textbook/References

The following bibliography lists the recommended material for the student’s study for the course. All
resources are available in the University Library, the Department’s archives, or the Public Domain.


• Cunningham, William P.; Cunningham, Mary Ann. (2018). Environmental science : a global concern
(14th Edition). New York : McGraw-Hill Education.
• Enger, Eldon D.; Smith, Bradley F. (2019). Environmental science : a study of interrelationships (15th
Edition). New York : McGraw-Hill Education.

10. Classroom Policies

• Only students who are officially enrolled in the course are allowed to attend.
• Every student is required to access at least 80% of the uploaded learning materials in each subject
corresponding to the unit.
• Any student who accumulates absences more than 20% is (2 units = 7 hours, three units = 11 hours, four
units = 14 hours):
o Not qualified for earning any unit for the subject.
o Given a grade of 5.0 (FAILED) if they fail to drop officially.
o Given a grade of 6.0 if they are passing but fails to drop formally.

Course Code/Title: Date Date Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Page 1
Effective: Revised: of
NS211 Wilhelm M. Javier, MSc.
ENVIRONMENTAL August, 2020 August, 2023 Maria Brenda M. Julius John DP. Chairperson, Biology
SCIENCE Hernandez, MSc. Salamanes, MSc. Department
Faculty Faculty
Eleanor S. Austria, DVM, PhD.
DEAN, College of Science
A.Y. 2023-2024

• A student who comes within 15 minutes shall be marked late. The counting of minutes is based on the
start of the official class schedule.
• Three incidences of tardiness of the student shall be equivalent to one absence.
• A student who comes to class after the allowed time for tardiness shall be marked absent.
• Academic activities, including tests, quizzes, and lessons missed by a student on account of an excuse
letter, the student will be marked zero (0) for the missed activity.
• Special examination shall be given to students who failed to take the scheduled periodic exam for
any of the following reasons:
o Illness or injury caused by an accident as evidenced by a medical certificate.
o Death of a family member (grandparents, parents, guardian, or siblings) as evidenced by a
testimony and letter.
o Other emergencies or reasons determined as valid and meritorious by the Chairperson/Dean.
• Mobile phones and other similar gadgets should be on silent mode or turned off during class time.
• Lectures and announcement regarding course topics will be uploaded in E-Learning.
• Sleeping, bringing in food and drinks, and wearing a cap and sunglasses in class strictly are not allowed.
Instructor has the discretion to ask his/her student to leave the class.
• Students are required to wear the prescribed uniform and I.D. inside the classroom.
• Any form of cheating and/or plagiarism is not allowed.
• Students are expected to be attentive and exhibit behavior of a mature and responsible individual during
class. They are also expected to come to class on time and prepared. Cases of misbehavior are subjected
to disciplinary action.

Course Code/Title: Date Date Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Page 1
Effective: Revised: of
NS211 Wilhelm M. Javier, MSc.
ENVIRONMENTAL August, 2020 August, 2023 Maria Brenda M. Julius John DP. Chairperson, Biology
SCIENCE Hernandez, MSc. Salamanes, MSc. Department
Faculty Faculty
Eleanor S. Austria, DVM, PhD.
DEAN, College of Science

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