The Kidney

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The Kidney  Bowman’s capsule – layer that

 2 bean shaped organs surrounds the glomerulus; filtrate is

 Receive 20-25% of the total arterial collected to the renal tubule
blood pumped by the heart  Afferent arteriole – carries blood into
 Urine Production the nephron (going in)
Parts of the Kidney  Efferent arteriole – carries blood to the
 Hilus – blood vessels and nerves pass renal tubular area (going out)
into and out of the kidneys  8 coiled capillary lobes
 Renal Artery - Blood enters the kidney  MW = <70,000 dalton
 Renal Vein – Blood leaves the kidney Renal Tubules
 Renal Cortex – Outer layer of the  30 – 40mm long
kidney; most nephrons are located o Proximal Convulated Tubule
 Renal Medulla – Inner region; stringy (PCT) – Glucose, electrolytes
appearance; renal pyramids/ (Na, Cl) and Water
malphigian pyramid, renal papillae o Loop of Henle (LH) – more
 Renal Lobe – overlying cortex area Water and sodium
 Calyces (Major and Minor) – cuplike o Distal Convulated Tubule (DCT)
divisions of the renal pelvis surrounding – exchange of Na, K, and H;
one or more renal papillae reabsorption of water
 Pelvis – Funnel-shaped structure that is  Collecting Tubule – urine to ureter
formed at one end by the expanded Renal Physiology
upper portion of the ureter  Glomerular Filtration
 Nephron – functional unit of the kidney  Tubular Reabsorption
(cortex); 1 – 1.5 millions/kidney  Tubular Secretion
o Types of Nephron Renal Blood Flow
 Cortical Nephron (85%  Glomerular filtration rate: 120-
of all nephrons) – 130mL/min
located in the cortex;  Total Renal BF: 1200mL/min
removal of waste  Effective Renal Plasma Flow: 600 –
products and 700mL/min (filtered)
reabsorption of
 Juxtamedullary
nephron – longer
henle’s loop; for urine
The Nephron
 Parts:
o Glomerulus/ Malphigian body/
Renal Corpuscle – 8 glomerular Factors that influence actual filtration
capillaries; Tuft of the capillaries  Cellular structure of the capillary walls
o Renal Tubule and Bowman’s capsule
 Pressures (hydrostatic and oncotic)

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