Stem Cell Isscr
Stem Cell Isscr
Stem Cell Isscr
Prepared by the International Society for Stem Cell Research, an independent, nonprofit organization formed to foster the exchange of information on stem cell research.
Stem Cells
Every organ and tissue in our bodies is made up of specialized cells that originally come from a pool of stem cells in the very early embryo; throughout our lives we rely on persisting stem cells to regenerate organs and tissues that are injured or lost every day, such as our skin, our hair, our blood and the lining of our gut. Thus, the study of stem cells is central to understanding not just our normal development, but also human disease and injury, and for using this knowledge to develop new therapies.
For example, the blood stem cell can produce all the cell types in the blood while also replacing itself. Bone marrow transplants can lead to long-lasting cures because the bone marrow contains blood stem cells. There are many different types of stem cells. These include embryonic stem cells that exist only at the earliest stages of development, and various types of tissue-specific (sometimes referred to as adult or somatic) stem cells that exist in a number of different fetal and adult tissues and organs. Recently, cells with properties similar to embryonic stem cells, known as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), have been engineered from specialized cells such as adult skin cells.
Replacing diseased cells with healthy cells, a process called cell therapy, is another promising use of stem cells in the treatment of disease; this is similar to organ transplantation except the transplant consists of cells instead of organs. Currently, researchers are investigating the use of both tissue-specific and embryonic stem cells as a source for different cell types that might one day be used to treat many different diseases.
The blastocyst is a mainly hollow ball of approximately 150-200 cells, barely visible to the naked eye. At the blastocyst stage, there are no organs, not even blood. However, inside of the blastocyst is the inner cell mass from which embryonic stem cells are grown. Human embryonic stem cells have been derived primarily from blastocysts created by in vitro fertilization (IVF) for assisted reproduction, that were no longer needed.
As long as a nuclear transfer blastocyst is not implanted into a uterus, it cannot develop further into a living organism. If a nuclear transfer blastocyst were to be implanted, it is possible that a live offspring could be born, a process referred to as reproductive cloning. Based on animal models, reproductive cloning is not only very inefficient but also highly unsafe. The ISSCR does not support reproductive cloning for humans.
experimental models. It has therefore become a cell of great interest for treating a range of musculoskeletal abnormalities, cardiac disease and some abnormalities of immunity (such as graft-versus-host disease after bone marrow transplant). Despite these successes, there are some big challenges that need to be addressed in order to use stem cells in treating a wider range of diseases in many patients. First, an abundant source of stem cells must be found. The process of identifying, isolating and growing the right kind of stem cell, a rare cell in adult tissues, is painstaking. Pluripotent stem cells, such as embryonic stem cells, can be grown indefinitely in culture and have the potential to become any cell in the body (including tissue-specific stem cells), but this process is very complex and must be tightly controlled. Much work needs to be done to ensure this can be performed safely and routinely. Second, just as in organ transplants, a close match of donor tissue to the recipient is very important. The more closely the tissue matches the recipient, the lower the risk of rejection. It would also be a tremendous advantage to avoid the lifelong use of immunosuppressants. Several different avenues are being explored to create patient-specific pluripotent stem cell lines (see above) that could be developed into a needed cell type, and would avoid the problems of rejection and immunosuppression that occur with transplants from unrelated donors. Third, a system that delivers the cells to the right part of the body must be developed. Once there, the new cells must be encouraged to integrate and function in concert with the bodys other cells.
Need many cells to transplant Transplanted cells must be safe Maximize tissue compatibility Transplanted cells must integrate and function properly
Cell line
Cells that can be maintained and grown in culture and can reproduce themselves
The process of development with an increase in the level of organization or complexity of a cell or tissue, accompanied by a more specialized function
The developing organism; this term denotes the period of development between the fertilized egg and the fetal stage.
In vitro fertilization
A procedure where an egg cell and sperm cells are brought together in a dish so that a sperm cell can fertilize the egg. The fertilized egg will start dividing and after a several divisions, forms the embryo that can be implanted into the womb of a woman and give rise to pregnancy.
Nuclear transfer
A technique in which an egg has its original nucleus removed and exchanged for the nucleus of a donor cell. The egg now has the same nuclear DNA, or genetic material, as the donor cell.
A part of the cell that contains the DNA (the genetic, inherited material of cells) surrounded by a specialized membrane
Reproductive cloning
Production of a fetus and delivery of a live offspring from an embryo derived by nuclear transfer, and thus genetically identical to the donor of the transferred nucleus
The process by which a cell divides and replaces itself with another cell that has the same potential
Stem cells
Cells that have both the capacity to self-renew (make more stem cells by cell division) and to differentiate into mature, specialized cells
International Society for Stem Cell Research 111 Deer Lake Road, Suite 100 | Deerfield, IL 60015 | USA [email protected] |
2010 International Society for Stem Cell Research