The Revised Compound Psychological Capital Scale (CPC 12R) : Validity and Cross Cultural Invariance in An Organizational Context
The Revised Compound Psychological Capital Scale (CPC 12R) : Validity and Cross Cultural Invariance in An Organizational Context
The Revised Compound Psychological Capital Scale (CPC 12R) : Validity and Cross Cultural Invariance in An Organizational Context
This study aims to validate the revised Compound Psychological Capital scale (CPC-12R)
which is a recently published inventory for measuring psychological capital across con-
texts. The data from three representative samples of employees from the U.S. (n = 456),
the Czech Republic (n = 966), and Slovakia (n = 965) revealed a weak measurement invar-
iance across the three cultures, a high internal consistency of all subscales and a good fit of
the data to the theoretical model of psychological capital. The data obtained by means of
the English version of the CPC-12R showed a very strong correlation with the established
Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ), medium to strong positive correlations with
work engagement, job satisfaction and positive affect, and a weak negative correlation with
negative affect. Therefore, this study demonstrates the reliability and factorial, concurrent
and convergent validity of CPC-12R in the context of organizations. The study also pro-
vides indicative norms for measuring psychological capital in three populations and refers
to the limitations of the CPC-12R, in particular, the very small residual variance in first-
order factors and the lack of strong invariance across cultures, which prevents a meaningful
comparison of factor means across countries.
This study aims to provide missing evidence on the validity of the Compound Psycho-
logical Capital scale (CPC-12R) published by Lorenz et al. (2016) and recently revised by
Dudasova et al. (2021b). Psychological Capital (PsyCap) is defined as an individual’s pos-
itive psychological state of development, which consists of four components, namely, self-
efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilience (Luthans et al., 2015). The construct itself is rela-
tively new. In 2004, Luthans and Youssef (2004) identified psychological capital as another
source of competitive advantage in addition to traditional capital (financial, structural, and
technological), human capital, and social capital. Since 2008, PsyCap has become a fre-
quent topic of research studies and there have been an increasing number of papers on the
subject, especially in recent years. For example, of the 787 articles in the SSCI (Social
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
Science Citation Index) database with "psychological capital" or "PsyCap" in the title, 502
(64%) were published between 2019 and 2022 (, accessed 10/01/2023).
This increasingly popular research topic requires high-quality measurement tools applica-
ble across different contexts and cultures for which there is sufficient evidence of validity
and reliability.
The most widely used method for measuring PsyCap has been the Psychological Capital
Questionnaire (PCQ), which was developed by Luthans et al. (2007). A new questionnaire
was later developed by Lorenz et al. (2016), which is known as the Compound PsyCap
Scale (CPC-12). Subsequently, Dudasova et al. (2021b) pointed out certain psychometric
limitations of this questionnaire and proposed a revised version, which was denoted CPC-
12R. Perhaps because the CPC-12(R) is available free of charge and provides additional
benefits over PCQ as discussed below, researchers began to use it in studies measuring
PsyCap. However, as CPC-12R is a relatively new questionnaire, there is only limited evi-
dence of its reliability and validity. The original method (Lorenz et al., 2016) has only been
validated on a German sample and the revised version (Dudasova et al., 2021b) has been
validated on Czech and Slovak samples. Moreover, the validation studies were based on
rather small convenience samples that were not very representative of employee popula-
tions. Also, the studies to date have provided only limited evidence of CPC-12R’s con-
struct validity and concurrent validity with PCQ as a reference method. Last but not least,
there is a lack of evidence for invariance across cultures and genders. Moreover, although
previous studies on CPC-12 and CPC-12R have been published in English, the English ver-
sion of the questionnaire has not yet been validated.
This study aims to address these gaps and critically assess the quality of CPC-12R as an
alternative method for measuring PsyCap. Using three large samples of American, Czech,
and Slovak employees, this study shows the concurrent validity of CPC-12R with PCQ,
the invariance of CPC-12R across cultures and genders, and it also provides additional evi-
dence of the convergent validity of CPC-12R. As far as we know, this is the first study to
focus on the psychometric characteristics of the published English version of CPC-12R.
Although PsyCap is a relatively new concept, its four components are well-established
constructs in positive psychology. Self-efficacy describes a person’s belief in his or her own
ability to achieve set goals (Bandura, 1997). People with high self-efficacy believe in their
own ability to mobilize their cognitive and motivational resources in order to achieve their
goals and increase their performance (Stajkovic & Luthans, 1998). Optimism is understood
as the tendency to attribute positive characteristics to life events (Seligman, 1998). This
definition is based on attribution theory, and it explains that people with high levels of opti-
mism attribute stable internal causes to positive events, and, conversely, look for the cause
in external factors for negative events. Resilience refers to a person’s ability to overcome
negative life events, the tendency to cope quickly with negative experiences, and the abil-
ity not to be discouraged by failure (Luthans, 2002). People with high levels of resilience
are able to cope more quickly with significant change and adapt better to stressful condi-
tions (Luthans et al., 2005; Tugade & Fredrickson, 2004). The final component of PsyCap
is hope, which is considered the ability to find a path to achieve goals and to motivate
oneself in pursuit of those goals (Snyder, 2000). A person with a high level of hope can be
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characterized as someone who strives to achieve difficult but realistic self-imposed goals
through self-determination and the proper direction of his or her energy (Luthans et al.,
According to the taxonomy of Law et al. (1998), PsyCap is typically categorized as a
multidimensional reflective latent construct with four dimensions/components. The com-
mon characteristics of all four components of PsyCap are a sense of control, intentional-
ity, and agentic goal pursuit (Luthans and Youssef-Morgan, 2017). Although the individual
components of PsyCap can also be studied separately, PsyCap as a whole is considered
to be more than the sum of its parts (Avey, 2014). PsyCap is a domain-specific construct.
As Avey (2014) explains, someone with high work-related PsyCap may be low in other
areas, for example, in family-related PsyCap. A systematic review by Burhanuddin et al.
(2019) shows that PsyCap has been most frequently researched within the work domain in
organizational settings, although in recent years there has been increasing research in sport
(see, e.g., Sood & Puri, 2022), educational and health contexts (see, e.g., Dudasova et al.,
Within the work domain, the PsyCap of employees is connected to many positive out-
comes. The meta-analysis of Avey et al. (2011b) showed a positive relationship between
employees’ PsyCap and their well-being, positive job attitudes (job satisfaction, organiza-
tional commitment), and various indicators of job performance. Similarly, the meta-analy-
sis of Loghman et al. (2023) found a positive relationship between the PsyCap of employ-
ees and their job performance and job satisfaction. Furthermore, this recent meta-analysis
also found a positive relationship between PsyCap and work engagement and negative rela-
tionships between PsyCap and employees’ burnout and turnover intentions. Although some
authors have suggested that the relationship between PsyCap and outcomes such as well-
being or performance is mediated by coping strategies, Rabenu et al. (2017) showed that
these relationships are rather direct.
One of the variables that may explain the above-mentioned relationships between Psy-
Cap and work outcomes is affectivity. Multiple studies have found a positive relationship
between PsyCap and positive affectivity and a negative relationship with negative affectiv-
ity, indicating that the relationship with positive affectivity is a little stronger (Afzal et al.,
2016; Malinowski & Lim, 2015; Meyers & van Woerkom, 2017; McMurray et al., 2010;
Roche et al., 2014). Therefore, employees with high PsyCap tend to experience more posi-
tive emotions (see also Carmona-Halty et al., 2021) and fewer negative emotions, com-
pared to employees with low PsyCap.
Measurement of PsyCap
Although some questionnaires have been developed to measure PsyCap in the context
of sport (Sood & Puri, 2022) and education (King and Caleon, 2021; Lou et al., 2022;
Martínez et al., 2021), PsyCap is mostly measured in the work context. The original
Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ-24) (Luthans & Youssef, 2004; Luthans
et al., 2006) was based on established measures of self-efficacy, optimism, hope, and
resilience. The items were slightly modified and then combined into a single question-
naire with 24 items. Most of the items explicitly address psychological capital within
the occupational domain (Luthans et al., 2006). Shortened versions of the questionnaire
containing 12 (PCQ-12, Avey et al., 2011a) or five items (PCQ-5, Szerdahelyi et al.,
2022) have also been developed, and the questionnaire has been translated into more
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than 40 languages (, see, e.g., Abbasi et al., 2020; Choisay et al., 2021;
Martínez et al., 2021; Tashima Cid et al., 2020).
PCQ-24 and PCQ-12 are the most used and cited methods for measuring PsyCap
(, accessed 10/01/2023), and a number of recent studies have used it
without reporting significant problems with measuring psychological capital (see, e.g.,
Kumar et al., 2022; Peng & Chen, 2023; Ravikumar, 2022). Nevertheless, the question-
naire has also been the target of some criticism. For example, Lorenz et al. (2016) ques-
tioned the appropriateness of using the questionnaire outside the occupational domain.
Dudasova et al. (2021b) note that some items might be hard to use in small organiza-
tions (e.g., "I feel confident contributing to discussions about the company´s strategy.”)
and they also mention that there is a fee required for the non-commercial use of PCQ,
which limits the use of the questionnaire in practice (especially in the developing and
low-income countries). Dawkins et al. (2013) pointed out some limitations in test-retest
reliability and in convergent and discriminant validity of PCQ. Tomás et al. (2022)
found that the scale had difficulties measuring resilience in a sample of adolescents.
Moreover, the factor structure of many language adaptations of PCQ has not matched
the theoretical four-factor structure of PsyCap (Cheung et al., 2011; Rego et al., 2010;
Sahoo and Sia, 2015) and the questionnaire also lacked measurement invariance across
various language versions. Wernsing (2014) tested for the invariance of the established
PCQ-12 across 12 cultures. In her study, she found no support for even weak invariance
due to three items that were understood differently across cultures. Because of specific
expressions based on American English (e.g., “If I should find myself in a jam at work,
I could think of many ways to get out of it”), these items seem to be hard to translate
into other languages. Therefore, she proposed a shortened version - PCQ-9 - and found
support for its weak measurement invariance across 12 samples from different cultures.
However, this cross-cultural version of PCQ covers only three of four PsyCap dimen-
sions (optimism is missing) and therefore does not measure psychological capital in its
full breadth as defined in theory.
The partial limitations of the PCQ have led to the development of alternative meth-
ods for measuring PsyCap. The projective Implicit Psychological Capital Questionnaire
(I-PCQ) developed by Harms and Luthans (2012) was recommended as a supplement to
commonly used self-assessment questionnaires rather than as their replacement (Harms
et al., 2018). The OREA (an acronym for optimism, resilience, hope, and self-efficacy in
Spanish) questionnaire created by Meseguer-de Pedro et al. (2017) has, as we know, only a
Spanish version.
The most relevant alternative for PCQ is, therefore, the Compound Psychological
Capital Scale (CPC-12; Lorenz et al., 2016). Lorenz et al. (2016) designed it so that it
could be used in various domains such as work, education, sport, and health. The authors
of CPC-12 followed a similar approach as the authors of PCQ and OREA. They chose
six scales connected to the various dimensions of PsyCap and selected the most appro-
priate items to measure the PsyCap components hope, optimism, self-efficacy, and resil-
ience. Specifically, they selected items from the State Hope Scale (SHS; Snyder et al.,
1996), the Affective Valence of the Orientation Toward the Future questionnaire (AFF,
Brandtstädter & Wentura, 1994), the Life Orientation Test (LOT-R, Glaesmer et al.,
2008), the Resilience Scale (RS-13, Röhrig et al. 2006), the General Self Efficacy Scale
(GSE, Jerusalem, 1991), and the Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale (OSE, Schyns & von
Collani, 2002). Their new questionnaire had 12 items, three in each dimension. Lorenz
et al. (2016) published English and German versions of the scale and conducted two vali-
dation studies using the German version.
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
Dudasova et al. (2021b) translated CPC-12 into Czech. They used the original German
and the new Czech data to show that the resilience subscale was not internally consist-
ent and that the resilience items did not load on the resilience factor as the theory would
expect. Subsequently, they proposed a revised version, CPC-12R, which replaced the items
for measuring resilience. Using another Czech sample, they also provided evidence about
the internal consistency of all the subscales and about the factorial validity of the revised
scale. Kacmar et al. (2022) translated CPC-12R into Slovak. Using a bilingual Slovak
sample, they replicated the previous results supporting the factorial validity of the CPC-
12R. They also showed the concurrent validity of the Slovak version of CPC-12R with the
English version of PCQ-12. Moreover, they provided evidence on the convergent validity
of the CPC-12R by finding positive relationships between the score of CPC-12R and job
satisfaction, intention to stay in an organization, engagement, life satisfaction, well-being,
extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness to experience, and negative rela-
tionships with perceived stress and negative emotionality.
Lorenz et al. (2022) published a validation study on CPC-12R that supported the fac-
torial and convergent validity of the English and German versions of the questionnaire,
and they also provided evidence on the scalar invariance of CPC-12R across the U.S. and
German samples. However, the study had two major limitations that meant it could not
be considered strong enough evidence for the validity of CPC-12R. The first was that the
authors did not use the final wording of the items to measure resilience. They used the pre-
liminary wording, which was provided within the description of the development of new
items in the text of the study by Dudasova et al. (2021b), and not the final wording of the
items, with which the CPC-12R was validated and which were listed in the appendix of
the original paper. The second limitation was that the authors used samples (NU.S. = 385;
NGerman = 202) that were not representative of the U.S. and German populations. The U.S.
sample was rather young (Mage = 31.8, SD = 10.36), overeducated (75% of respondents
with university degree), and almost a third of the respondents were only working part-time.
Moreover, the small size of the German sample prevented authors from testing complex
structural models with sufficient power (see the Limitations section in Lorenz et al., 2022).
Therefore, there is a need for a robust evidence on the validity of the English version of
CPC-12R. This study aims to fill this gap. It assesses the validity of the English version of
CPC-12R and tests the invariance using large U.S., Czech, and Slovak samples that are rep-
resentative of employee populations in terms of major socio-demographic variables.
The testing of measurement invariance is an important part of the validation of new ques-
tionnaires and assessment tools (e.g., Dimitrov, 2010). It shows whether the relationships
between indicators (e.g., items) and underlying constructs are the same across groups
(e.g., cultures, genders), which helps to interpret group differences in the observed scores
(Yoon & Millsap, 2007). There are three levels of invariance to examine. Weak (i.e., met-
ric) invariance requires equal factor loadings across groups and enables a comparison of
the relationships between factors and external variables across these groups. Strong (i.e.,
metric and scalar) invariance requires equal factor loadings and equal indicator intercepts
across groups and enables meaningful comparison of factor means across these groups.
Strict (i.e., metric, scalar a,nd uniqueness) invariance requires equal factor loadings, equal
indicator intercepts, and also equal error variances and covariances of items across the
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groups. In the case of strict invariance, the group differences on any questionnaire item
can be attributed to group differences on the respective factor only (Dimitrov, 2010). A
questionnaire administered in various language versions should have at least weak meas-
urement invariance in order to compare effects found in different local studies and to look
for relationships and examine the nomological network of the construct on international
samples. Based on previous studies on the invariance of PsyCap questionnaires (Lorenz
et al. 2022; Rice et al., 2021; Wernsing, 2014), we expect to find support for at least weak
(i.e., metric) measurement invariance of CPC-12R across the cultures.
The total sample consisted of 2387 respondents from three different countries (NU.S. = 456;
NCzech = 966; NSlovak = 965). We paid local agencies to collect the data (Lucid in the U.S.,
Median in the Czech Republic, and 2muse in Slovakia). The respondents were members
of online panels managed by these agencies. The agencies contacted the respondents and
ensured that the samples were representative of the working population in terms of soci-
oeconomic characteristics. As the three data collections were originally part of different
research projects, there were slight variations in the quotas and in the socioeconomic data
that was collected on the respondents.
The English survey was completed by 494 participants from the U.S. who passed all
attention checks. For the purposes of the study, we excluded 32 respondents who were
not employed and three respondents with a low workload, one respondent who used the
same response pattern across all questions, and two respondents who completed the ques-
tionnaire in less than 120 seconds, which was not sufficient time to read all the questions.
The final sample consisted of 456 employees who had permanent jobs in the United States
and worked at least 20 hours per week. The characteristics of the sample corresponded to
the characteristics of the population in terms of gender (male 55%), age (M = 42.3, SD =
13.7), level of education (39% university degree), and the economic sector in which they
work (see the open-source dataset for a full sample description).
The Czech survey was completed by 1,020 respondents who passed all attention checks.
For the purposes of the study, we excluded 15 respondents with a low workload (less than
20 hours per week), 14 respondents who were on long-term sick or parental leave, and 25
respondents who did not answer three or more questions from the CPC-12R questionnaire.
The final sample consisted of 966 employees who had permanent jobs in the Czech Repub-
lic and worked at least 20 hours per week. The characteristics of the sample corresponded
to the characteristics of the population in terms of gender (male 54.2%), age (M = 41.8, SD
= 11.6), level of education (21.7% university degree), and the economic sector in which
they work (see the open-source dataset for a full sample description).
Slovak data were collected as a part of a bigger research project that focused on both the
working and non-working populations. The survey was sent to 2,398 respondents, but only
1,297 of them who had a job were asked to complete the CPC-12R questionnaire. For the
purpose of the present study, we included only full-and part-time employees and excluded
other respondents such as summer workers, retired persons, or people on maternity leave
(i.e., 256 respondents). Moreover, we excluded 75 respondents who did not pass the atten-
tion check, and/or were considered multi-variate outliers, and also one participant who did
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
not indicate gender. The final sample consisted of 965 employees who had permanent jobs
in Slovakia. The characteristics of the sample corresponded to the characteristics of the
population in terms of gender (male 51%), and age (M = 41.9, SD = 11.1) (see the open-
source dataset for a full sample description).
Respondents in all three countries completed an online survey in Qualtrics. PsyCap was
measured by a local version of CPC-12R (Dudasova et al., 2021b, Kacmar et al., 2022; 12
items, response scale ranged from 1 to 6, see online Appendix 7.-9. for full wording of the
To assess the concurrent validity of CPC-12R, we administered the Psychological
Capital Questionnaire (PCQ; Luthans et al., 2007; 24 items, response scale ranged from
1 to 5) as a part of the U.S. survey. The U.S. survey also measured positive and negative
affect (I-PANAS-SF; Thompson, 2007; 5 items measuring positive affect, 5 items meas-
uring negative affect, response scale ranged from 1 to 5), work engagement (UWES-3;
Schaufeli et al., 2019; 3 items, response scale ranged from 1 to 7), and satisfaction with
work (SWWS; Bérubé et al., 2007; 5 items, response scale ranged from 1 to 5) to assess the
convergent validity of CPC-12R.
The higher-order reflective latent variable model was selected as the main analytical choice
based on previous research on the development of PsyCap scales (see, e.g., Luthans et al.,
2007 for PCQ-24 and Dudasova et al., 2021b; Lorenz et al., 2016, 2022 for CPC-12). This
type of model is applicable in situations where the instrument assesses constructs that
are related and there is a hypothesis that these constructs are accounted for by underlying
higher-order constructs (i.e., first-order factors are highly correlated and there is an expec-
tation that first-order latent variables directly influence the indicator variables, while the
influence of the second-order factors on the manifest variables is indirect; Beaujean, 2014).
To provide evidence about the structural aspect of validity, we conducted a multi-group
confirmatory factor analysis (MG-SEM) with an MLR estimator (maximum likelihood
estimation with robust Huber-White standard errors and a scaled test statistic that is asymp-
totically equal to the Yuan-Bentler test statistic). As significant χ2 could be caused by the
oversensitivity of this index in larger samples (Barrett, 2007), the decision to accept the
model was based on a joint evaluation of alternative fit indices. Specifically, the Compara-
tive Fit Index (CFI), Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA), and Stand-
ardized Root Mean Squared Residual Fit Index (SRMR) were used and evaluated as fol-
lows: Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) ≤ 0.05 was considered a very
good fit, while ≤ 0.08 was considered an acceptable fit; Standardized Root Mean Squared
Residual Fit Index (SRMR) ≤ 0.08 was considered a good fit with the upper bound of the
confidence interval not higher than 0.10; and Comparative Fit Index (CFI) ≥ 0.95 was con-
sidered a very good fit, while CFI ≥ 0.90 was considered an acceptable fit (Gana & Broc,
2018). The model was considered acceptable if the SRMR and at least one of the two other
fit indices were in line with the above-mentioned criteria (Hu & Bentler, 1999).
Furthermore, to examine the degree to which PsyCap measured via CPC-12R has the
same meaning across the three countries and two genders, we tested factorial invariance.
For this purpose, a sequential constraint imposition approach was used. We followed the
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suggested sequence of model comparison for second-order factors (Chen et al., 2005; Rud-
nev et al., 2018). Although the χ2 difference test for the nested model is reported, the con-
clusions about invariance were based on the differences in alternative fit indices as sug-
gested by Chen (2007) (ΔCFI < .01, ΔRMSEA < .015, ΔSRMR < .03 for establishing
metric invariance; ΔCFI < .01, ΔRMSEA < .015, ΔSRMR < .01 for establishing scalar
The analysis was conducted in R version 4.2.1 (R Core Team, 2022) using the Laavan
package ver. 0.6-12 (Rosseel, 2012) and semTools version 0.5-6 (Jorgensen et al., 2022).
Data and analytic script are available at: (non-anonymous link will be added after the
review procedure).
Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics for all scales (summary scores) as well as
the estimates of internal consistency (McDonald’s omegas, ωt) for the Czech, Slovak,
and U.S. samples. As can be seen from the table, the subscales have sufficient internal
consistency across all three samples, considering both first-order and second-order lev-
els of analysis. The descriptive statistics for the CPC-12R items are available in online
Appendix 1.
Before estimating the structural models, we checked the assumptions (i.e., the assump-
tion of additivity, linearity, normality, homogeneity, and homoscedasticity).
The theoretical model with four first-order factors and one second-order factor (M2) was
compared with a one-factor model (M0) and a model with four correlated factors (M1)
using a series of multi-group confirmatory factor analyses. The M0 (model with one-gen-
eral factor) did not fit the data well, χ2(162) = 1595.48, p < .001, CFI = .88, RMSEA =
.134, 90% CI [.128, .140], SRMR = .057), indicating that PsyCap measured by CPC-12R
is not a one-dimensional construct. In contrast, the M1 (the model with four correlated fac-
tors) showed an acceptable to very good fit according to the various fit indices, χ2(144) =
425.39, p < .001, CFI = .98, RMSEA = .061, 90% CI [.055, .068], SRMR = .028). As the
strength of the relationships between first-order latent factors was relatively high (r = .54
- .97, see online Appendix 2), a hierarchical structure seemed appropriate. When analyz-
ing the model with a hierarchical structure (M2, the variance of a second-order factor was
constrained to 1), Heywood case occurred. Specifically, a negative variance of hope in the
U.S. sample was observed. However, as the negative residual variance was small and did
not significantly differ from 0, we fixed it to zero, as recommended e.g. by Farooq (2022).
The variance of Hope was fixed to zero in every following analysis where the U.S. sample
was examined.
The hierarchical M2 showed an acceptable fit of the data to the model, χ2(151) =
514.25, p < .001, CFI = .97, RMSEA = .068, 90% CI [.062, .075], SRMR = 0.034. The
main issue that prevented the model from fitting the data very well was item 3 from the
self-efficacy subscale, which, according to the modification indices, also tended to load on
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Mean (SD) 52.8 (8.74) 52.0 (10.6) 56.3 (9.52) 53.2 (9.85)
Median [Min, Max] 53.0 [20.0, 72.0] 52.0 [12.0, 72.0] 57.0 [12.0, 72.0] 53.0 [12.0, 72.0]
Missing 71 (7.3%) 7 (0.7%) 0 (0%) 78 (3.3%)
ωt .94 .96 .94
Mean (SD) 12.6 (2.44) 12.5 (2.88) 13.7 (2.87) 12.8 (2.75)
Median [Min, Max] 13.0 [3.00, 18.0] 12.0 [3.00, 18.0] 14.0 [3.00, 18.0] 13.0 [3.00, 18.0]
Missing 21 (2.2%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 21 (0.9%)
ωt .78 .86 .83
Mean (SD) 13.4 (2.29) 13.1 (2.81) 14.2 (2.53) 13.4 (2.59)
Median [Min, Max] 13.0 [5.00, 18.0] 13.0 [3.00, 18.0] 14.0 [3.00, 18.0] 13.0 [3.00, 18.0]
Missing 7 (0.7%) 4 (0.4%) 0 (0%) 11 (0.5%)
ωt .81 .90 .82
Mean (SD) 13.0 (2.57) 13.1 (3.00) 13.9 (2.79) 13.2 (2.81)
Median [Min, Max] 13.0 [3.00, 18.0] 13.0 [3.00, 18.0] 14.0 [3.00, 18.0] 13.0 [3.00, 18.0]
Missing 24 (2.5%) 3 (0.3%) 0 (0%) 27 (1.1%)
ωt .77 .86 .79
Mean (SD) 13.6 (2.67) 13.3 (3.29) 14.5 (2.97) 13.7 (3.02)
Median [Min, Max] 14.0 [3.00, 18.0] 13.0 [3.00, 18.0] 15.0 [3.00, 18.0] 14.0 [3.00, 18.0]
Missing 29 (3.0%) 1 (0.1%) 0 (0%) 30 (1.3%)
ωt .84 .90 .88
the resilience factor. The factor loadings (unstandardized estimates) are shown in online
Appendix 3, while the standardized paths (λ ≥ .67 across all samples) are depicted in
Figs. 1, 2 and 3.
In the next step, we examined the invariance of CPC-12R across the Czech, Slovak, and
U.S. samples. We successively estimated several multi-group models of PsyCap. The
first model (A, configural) assumed the same factor structure (i.e., 4 first-order factors, 1
second-order factor) but different factor loadings and different intercepts for the Czech,
Slovak, and U.S. samples. The second model (B1) additionally assumed equal factor
loadings for the first-order factors. The third model (B2, metric) assumed equal factor
loadings for both first- and second-order factors. The fourth model (C1, scalar) assumed
equal factor loadings and equal intercepts. We tested the invariance by comparing these
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models using the criteria recommended by Chen (2007). A comparison of the models is
shown in Table 2.
The first model (A) had a very good fit to the data according to CFI and SRMR
and an acceptable fit according to RMSEA. Therefore, configural invariance was
established. This means that PsyCap measured with the different language versions
of the CPC-12R scale has the same factor structure and that each indicator (i.e., item)
loads on the same first-order factor (i.e., dimension of PsyCap) across the samples.
In the case of the second (B1) and third (B2) models, the alternative fit indices (CFI,
RMSEA, SRMR) did not differ significantly when compared to the first model (A).
Therefore, metric invariance (i.e., weak invariance) was established. This means that
the factor loadings do not significantly differ across the samples, and, therefore, the
relationships between factors and external variables can be meaningfully compared
when using the Czech, Slovak, and English versions of CPC-12R. The third model
(C1) showed a good fit to the data according to SRMR, an acceptable fit according to
CFI, but an insufficient fit according to the RMSEA index. Moreover, all these indices
differed significantly from the indices of the B2 model according to the cut-offs set
by Chen (2007). Therefore, scalar invariance (i.e., strong invariance) was not estab-
lished. We attempted to establish at least partial scalar invariance freeing one param-
eter per factor (see C1P and C2P models). Although partial first-order invariance was
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
established, partial second-order scalar invariance was not established as RMSEA was
above .08 and the difference in fit indices between C1P and CP2 exceeded the cut-offs
set by Chen (2007). We stopped invariance testing at this level and concluded that the
means of the latent variables may not be meaningfully compared when using the differ-
ent language versions of CPC-12R. In online Appendix 4, we provide indicative norms
for the PsyCap summary scores for the U.S., Czech, and Slovak employee populations
separately. These indicative norms may help to assess the general level of PsyCap in
specific populations in future research on psychological capital.
As strong measurement invariance was not established across the Czech, Slovak,
and U.S. samples, we tested the invariance across genders in each sample separately.
As with the cross-country invariance testing, we estimated several multi-group mod-
els that were consecutively more constrained. Since only a small number of respond-
ents indicated a gender other than male or female, we only tested for invariance across
males and females. A detailed comparison of the models for all countries is provided in
online Appendix 5. As the model with equal factor loadings, equal intercepts and equal
error variances and covariances of items across males and females did not differ from
the less constrained models, strict invariance was established for all three countries.
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
Therefore, CPC-12R can be used without limitations for research on samples including
both male and female respondents.
The concurrent and convergent validity of the English version of CPC-12R were tested
using just the U.S. sample. We focused only on the English version because we could com-
pare it with the established English version of the PCQ and because, unlike the Czech and
Slovak versions, it has so far lacked evidence of convergent validity. To provide evidence
for concurrent validity, we examined the relationship between PsyCap measured by CPC-
12R and PsyCap measured by PCQ (M = 113, SD = 16.1, Min. = 47, Max = 150, N =
456). Specifically, we fit a model with two correlated higher-order factors (CPC-12R and
PCQ) that account for four first-order latent variables (hope, optimism, self-efficacy, and
resilience), and, consequently, influence indicator variables (items of CPC-12R and PCQ,
respectively) via these first-order latent variables, (χ2(283) = 1170.73, p < .001, CFI =
.93, RMSEA = .054, 90% CI [.049, .058], SRMR = .053 (the error terms of reverse-scored
items were allowed to covary for PCQ and negative non-significant variance has been fixed
to 0 as in the previous analysis). According to the analyses, the CPC-12R higher-order
Table 2 Invariance testing across countries
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
Table 3 Descriptive statistics for variables used for assessment of convergent validity
Mean (SD) ωt Engagement Satisfaction Positive_Affect Negative_Affect
Latent correlations are shown in the lower part of the diagonal, while correlations with computed scores are
shown in the upper part of the diagonal; ωt = McDonald´s omega total (measure of reliability).
latent factor was very strongly related to the PCQ higher-order latent factor, .79, p < .001,
which indicates that both scales seem to measure the same construct.
Table 3 shows the descriptive statistics of variables that were compared with PsyCap
measured by CPC-12R. The latent correlation between CPC-12R and work engagement,
job satisfaction, and positive and negative affect were examined side by side with PCQ to
provide evidence for the convergent validity of CPC-12R. In particular, the latent variables
of work engagement, job satisfaction, and positive and negative affect were correlated with
the higher-order factor of PsyCap in the model with CPC-12R, χ2(392) = 772.87, p <
.001, CFI = .94, RMSEA = .051, 90% CI [.046, .056], SRMR = .053, and in the model
with PCQ, χ2(802) = 1533.93, p < .001, CFI = .93, RMSEA = .049, 90% CI [.046, .053],
SRMR = .058. As shown in Table 4, both CPC-12R and PCQ were significantly related
to work engagement, job satisfaction, and positive affect, and negatively related to neg-
ative affect. The strength of the correlations between the latent variables was higher for
PCQ than for CPC-12R and the models with PCQ had a worse fit (see online Appendix 6).
While CPC-12R showed convergent and discriminant validity consistent with theory, with
PCQ it was more difficult to distinguish PsyCap from other related constructs. Neverthe-
less, the interpretation of the results is very similar when using both questionnaires.
This study is the first to provide evidence of the reliability and validity of the English ver-
sion of the CPC-12R questionnaire, which has recently emerged as a possible alternative to
PCQ for measuring psychological capital. The study also revealed that the three language
versions of CPC-12R (English, Czech, and Slovak) have similar psychometric character-
istics and provided initial support for the weak invariance of the questionnaire across the
three cultures. The study was based on samples of employees from U.S., Czech, and Slo-
vak organizations who matched the target populations in terms of basic sociodemographic
characteristics. Across the three samples, all subscales of CPC-12R were shown to have
Table 4 Convergent validity: Correlations of CPC-12R and PCQ with latent factors of work engagement,
job satisfaction, positive and negative affect
Operationalization Work engagement Job satisfaction Positive affect Negative affect
of PsyCap
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
sufficient internal consistency, and the data collected with CPC-12R had a good fit to the
theoretical model with four first-order factors (hope, self-efficacy, resilience, optimism)
and one second-order factor (PsyCap). The fit of the data to the model was similar to previ-
ous studies conducted on smaller and more homogeneous samples (Dudasova et al., 2021b;
Kacmar et al., 2022) and similar to the more established PCQ-12 (Wernsing, 2014). Item
3 from the self-efficacy dimension ("I can remain calm when facing difficulties because I
can rely on my coping abilities.") had the most negative effect on the fit of the model, as it
tended to double load on the resilience factor. The phrase "remain calm when facing dif-
ficulties" is indeed close to the content of resilience. It may be worth considering reformu-
lating this item in the next revision of the scale or allowing double loading in the models.
In the analysis of the U.S. sample, the initial estimate of the hope factor’s variance was
negative. It was very close to zero and did not differ significantly from zero. Similarly, the
variance of hope was close to zero in the other samples in this study and it was also very
low in the previous study (Dudasova et al., 2021b). The individual components of PsyCap
are highly correlated and hope, in particular, has very strong factor loadings and little vari-
ance across studies using both CPC-12R and PCQ-12 (e.g., Martinez et al., 2021; Sood and
Puri, 2022). Hence, finding a very small non-significant negative variance may be due to
the fact that the true variance in the population is close to zero, and its estimate in samples
of a few hundred respondents may fluctuate around zero in either direction. In fact, hope
seems to capture the essence of PsyCap. Luthans and Youssef-Morgan (2017) report that
all dimensions of PsyCap share a sense of control, intentionality, and agentic goal pursuit.
However, factor analyses of both CPC-12R and PCQ suggest that hope might be more than
just one component of PsyCap. This idea warrants additional investigation.
This study also provides support for weak measurement invariance of CPC-12R
across samples from three different countries using three different language versions of
the questionnaire. This means that PsyCap measured by CPC-12R has the same struc-
ture in the U.S., Czech, and Slovak populations and that it is possible to use various
language versions of CPC-12R in cross-cultural studies and to compare the effects con-
nected to PsyCap. However, the study did not establish a strong measurement invari-
ance, which prevents a meaningful comparison of factor means across countries. This
result is not surprising, as even the more established PCQ-12 scale did not show strong
invariance across cultures. In the case of our study, we found differences in item inter-
cepts, particularly between the U.S. sample on the one hand and the Czech and Slovak
samples on the other. It seems that U.S. respondents tend to score more positively, espe-
cially on the most generally worded items (e.g., "I am looking forward to the life ahead
of me"; "Right now, I see myself as being pretty successful"; "I consider myself a per-
son who can withstand a lot."). The tendency of U.S. respondents to score higher than
respondents from less individualistic cultures on constructs related to positive percep-
tions of the self and the respondent’s own life has been captured by other studies (see,
e.g., Falk & Heine, 2015; Fischer & Chalmers, 2008; Klassen, 2004). As both the Czech
Republic and Slovakia are significantly less individualistic (e.g., Kolman et al., 2003)
than the U.S., this cultural difference might explain the difference in factor means we
found in our study. Thus, the slight differences in PsyCap and its dimensions between
samples from different cultures as measured by CPC-12R may not be due to differences
in actual PsyCap levels, but to the tendency of respondents from some (perhaps more
individualistic) cultures to score higher with the same PsyCap level, particularly on
the more general items. Thus, differences in PsyCap resulting from cross-cultural stud-
ies should be interpreted with caution and with this item bias in mind. Nevertheless,
another study that includes more samples from different cultures is needed to provide
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
stronger support for the existence of cultural differences in PsyCap self-assessment and
to exclude sampling bias, which may also have influenced the results of our study.
This study provided the first evidence of strict invariance of CPC-12R across genders.
However, only invariance across males and females was examined. Due to the very small
number of respondents indicating a different gender, it was not possible to account for
other gender groups.
To establish the construct validity of CPC-12R, we examined the relationships between
CPC-12R and an established measure of PsyCap (PCQ) and between PsyCap measured
by the English version of CPC-12R and other constructs that should be related to PsyCap
according to the theory and existing research. The results showed a very strong relation-
ship between both measures of PsyCap, supporting the concurrent validity of CPC-12R.
Weaker but still significant relationships were found between PsyCap measured by CPC-
12R and engagement, job satisfaction, and positive and negative affect. All these relation-
ships were in line with the theory and past studies on PsyCap. Surprisingly, in the case
of PCQ, the relationships between PsyCap and the other variables were too strong and
approached the strength of the relationship between PCQ and CPC-12R. This suggests that
CPC-12R might have higher discriminant validity than PCQ.
In summary, CPC-12R has been shown to be a (a) valid method for measuring PsyCap,
(b) a method that is comparable to the established PCQ, and (c) a method that is applicable
to international studies focusing on PsyCap-related effects. At the same time, however, our
study highlighted the potential limitations of CPC-12R, in particular, the very small resid-
ual variance in first-order factors and the lack of strong invariance across cultures. These
limitations should be taken into account when planning research using this questionnaire.
This study is the first to provide evidence of the reliability and validity of the English ver-
sion of CPC-12R with the new items measuring resilience. It is also the largest study to
date focusing on CPC-12R and the first to examine the qualities of CPC-12R using large
samples that match the employee population in terms of key sociodemographic charac-
teristics. International PsyCap research has so far been dominated by PCQ. This study
shows that there is an alternative freely available method in situations where the PCQ is not
affordable due to licensing conditions, where the use of the specific formulation of PCQ
items is not appropriate (e.g., in small organizations), or where the authors wish to measure
and compare all four components of psychological capital across cultures. As Wernsing
(2014) has shown, the full version of PCQ does not have even weak invariance across cul-
tures, due to the use of specific English phrases in the original version of the questionnaire,
which therefore makes it necessary to use a version that measures only three PsyCap com-
ponents for multilingual samples.
There are also several limitations of this study, which are primarily related to the sample
and the method of data collection. In order to obtain comparable and representative sam-
ples, we hired local agencies to collect the data and implemented quota sampling. How-
ever, such sampling is by nature non-probabilistic and the different compositions of the
panels and the different procedures of the agencies may have led to differences that do not
reflect the true differences between the populations. Respondents were paid by the agencies
to complete the questionnaire. This extrinsic motivation may have influenced the quality
of the responses (i.e., may have led to inattentive or inaccurate responses to the questions
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
asked). Although we attempted to avoid this by using attention checks, we cannot rule out
the possibility that some of the responses were biased.
As we collected all the data within a single survey and from a single source (i.e.,
the self-reports of employees), the relationships between variables may be subject to
common-method bias and therefore overestimated. However, we do not consider this
to be a serious issue in the present study. We compared the relationships we found with
earlier studies that were based on data collected in a similar manner. Also, the aim of
this study was not to estimate the exact relationship between PsyCap and other variables
but to compare the effects using CPC-12R with those reported in previous studies using
other methods to measure PsyCap.
Finally, there may be a debate as to whether PsyCap should be conceptualized as a
reflective or a formative second-order model. Although some aspects of the provided
definitions could indicate a formative nature and there is a certain criticism of second-
order reflective models, we worked with a conceptualization that understands PsyCap
as a second-order reflective-reflective construct for several reasons. First and foremost,
such an understanding is the dominant approach in PsyCap literature, and the articles
we refer to (with regard to both, CPC-12 and the PCQ questionnaire) work with reflec-
tive-reflective conceptualization. Second, despite some recent criticism of reflective
second-order models (e.g., Mikulic, 2022), much of this criticism has been refuted (see
de Oliviera Santos, 2022). Third, formative models have their own limitations and defi-
ciencies (see, e.g., Edwards, 2011). Nevertheless, we acknowledge that it is important
to reflect on the need for correct model specifications in general (see Rhemtulla et al.,
2020 for further discussion) and with regard to PsyCap in particular.
CPC-12R has been shown to be a promising method for measuring PsyCap. How-
ever, there is still a lack of evidence as to its reliability and validity. The test-retest reli-
ability of the questionnaire has not been examined yet. Our study focused only on work-
related PsyCap and on employee populations. However, the method was developed to
measure PsyCap in different contexts (Lorenz et al., 2016). Therefore, it is necessary to
validate its qualities with other populations in which PsyCap is studied - especially in
sports and education. There is also a lack of a more comprehensive international study
that includes PsyCap measurement outside Europe and North America. Given that dif-
ferences in PsyCap measurement between the US and Central European countries have
been found, one would expect (perhaps greater) differences in Asian, African, or Latin
American samples. Hence, the potential for the further development of CPC-12R lies
primarily in new cultural adaptations of this method and in testing its quality across dif-
ferent cultural and other contexts.
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.
Acknowledgements We would like to thank Tomas Kratochvil for the help with data collection. Tereza
Lebedova contributed to this paper as a part of her bachelor thesis. This study was supported by the Czech
Science Foundation [GA20-03810S], by the Slovak Research and Development Agency [APVV-20-0319],
and by Vega [1/0853/21].
Author Contributions Conceptualization: Jakub Prochazka, Martin Vaculik; Methodology: Tereza Leb-
edova, Jakub Prochazka, Ludmila Dudasova, Pavol Kacmar; Data collection: Jakub Prochazka, Pavol
Kacmar; Formal analysis and investigation: Pavol Kacmar; Writing - original draft preparation: Jakub
Prochazka, Tereza Lebedova, Pavol Kacmar; Writing - review and editing: Martin Vaculik, Ludmila Dudas-
ova; Funding acquisition: Martin Vaculik, Pavol Kacmar; Supervision: Jakub Prochazka.
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
Funding Open access publishing supported by the National Technical Library in Prague.
Data Availability The data that support the findings of this study are available at
All procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the ethical committees of Masaryk
University and Comenius University Bratislava and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000.
Informed consent was obtained from all participants for being included in the study.
Conflict of Interest Jakub Prochazka, Pavol Kacmar, Tereza Lebedova, Ludmila Dudasova and Martin Vacu-
lik declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License,
which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Com-
mons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article
are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the
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* Jakub Prochazka
[email protected]
Pavol Kacmar
[email protected]
Tereza Lebedova
[email protected]
Ludmila Dudasova
[email protected]
Martin Vaculik
[email protected]
Faculty of Economics and Administration, Department of Business Management, Masaryk
University, Brno, Czech Republic
Faculty of Arts, Department of Psychology, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, Kosice,
Faculty of Social Studies, Department of Psychology, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic