Nucama460lec Part1 Montero
Nucama460lec Part1 Montero
Nucama460lec Part1 Montero
Increased respiratory and cardiac rate
Increased blood pressure
Severely compromise placental circulation
Intracranial hemorrhage
Withdrawals syndrome of tremulousness, 1. Treat the infection durign pregnancy
irritability and muscle rigidity 2. Local application of an antifungal cream:
Learning deficits Miconazole (Monistat) or Clotrimazole
Amphetamines – has a pharmacologic effect similar
3. Caution the women to telephone their
to cocaine. It is a drug easily and cheaply
primary health care provider before using
over the counter preparation for candidiasis.
Signs of jitteriness
Trichomonias vaginalis – is a single-cell protozoan
Poor feeding at birth
spread by coitus
Signs and Symptoms Management:
Yellow-gray frothy vaginal discharge 1. Administration of erythromycin or amoxicillin
The woman with SYPHILIS
Syphilis – is a systemic disease caused by the
Spirochete Treponema Pallidum
Signs and Symptoms:
Painless ulcer (chancre) on the vulva or
Management: placenta appears imprevious to the distance
1. Assess for the presence of trichomoniasis organism before 18 weeks of pregnancy
infections Management:
2. Administer medication Metronidazole
(Flagyl), topical Clotrimazole 1. infection of Benzathine Penicillin G is the
drug of choice for the treatment of Syphilis
The woman with BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS during pregnancy. After therapy, the woman
Bacterial vaginosis - is a local infection of the may experience a sudden episode of
vagina by the invasion, most commonly of hypotension, fever, tachychardia and
Gardnerella organisms muscle aches, this is called JARISCH
HERXHEIMER reaction.
Signs and Symptoms
Gray and fish-like odor discharges
Intense pruritus
1. Application of trichloroacetic acid (TCA) or
bichloroacetic acid (BCA) to the lesions
2. Large lesions may be removed by laser
The woman with GONORRHEA
therapy, cryocautery or knife excision
Gonorrhea – is a sexually transmitted disease 3. Hot sitz bath and application of lidocaine
caused by the gram-negative coccus Neisseria cream maybe soothing during the postpartal
gonorrhoeae period
4. Caesarean delivery maybe performed when
Signs and Symptoms vulvar lesion is present at the time of birth
Yellow-green vaginal discharge 5. Women who have had one episode of
infection should be conscientious about
having a yearly papsmear for the rest of
their lives.
Streptoccocus B infection perhaps occurs
during at a higher incidence during pregnancy
than herpes type 2 or gonorrhea. Infection
develops within the cervix or vagina and the
mother usually experiences no symptoms.
Consequences and intra-amniotic infection.
1. Traditionally been treated with amoxicillin
and probenecid, the incidence of 1. Women are screened for the infection at 35
penicillnase-producing strains has made to 38 weeks of pregnancy by a vaginal
this traditional therapy ineffective. culture and treated with broad spectrum
2. Oral cefixime and Ceftriaxone sodium IM penicillin such as ampicillin.
are now the drug of choice 2. Women who experience rupture of
3. Sexual partner should be treated as well to membranes at less than 37 weeks of
prevent infection. pregnancy are treated with Intravenous IV
INFECTION The woman with HUMAN
Human Papilloma Virus – causes fibrous tissue
overgrowth on the external vulva (condyloma A. Description
acuminatum) 1. HIV is the causative agent of AIDS
2. Women infected with HIV may first show
Signs and Symptoms symptoms at the time of pregnancy or
Lesion appear as discrete papillary structure possibly develop life-threatening
Large cauliflower-like lesions infections because normal pregnancy
involves suppression of the maternal clients may experience outbreak of herpes
immune system. zooster (shingles)
3. Zidovudine (Retrovir) is recommended client may experience transient
for the prevention of maternal-to-fetal thrombocytopenia
HIV transmission and is administered
orally beginning after 14 weeks
gestation, intravenously during labor, client is symptomatic
and in the form of syrup to the newborn immune dysfunction is evident
for 6 weeks after birth. all body systems can show signs of immune
ntegumentary and gynecological problems
1. Sexual exposure to genital secretions of an are common
infected person
2. Parenteral exposure to infected blood and
tissue advanced infection
3. Perinatal exposure of an infant to infected client vulnerable to common bacterial
maternal secretions through birth or infections development of opportunistic
breastfeeding infections
serious immune compromise
C, RISK TO THE MOTHER; a mother with HIV is
managed as high-risk because she is vulnerable to INTERVENTIONS
prevent opportunistic infections
D, DIAGNOSIS avoid procedures that increase the risk of
perinatal transmission, such as
1. Test used to determine the presence of
amniocentesis and fetal scalp sampling
antibodies to HIV include enzyme-linked
if the fetus has not been exposed to HIV in
immunosorbent assay (ELISA), western blot
utero, the highest risk exist during delivery
and immunofluorecence assay (IFA)
through the birth canal
2. A single reactive ELISA test by itself cannot
be used to diagnose HIV and the test THE NEWBORN AND HIV
should be repeated with the same blood
sample, if the result is again reactive, follow Neonates born to HIV positive clients may test
up tests using Western blot or IFA should be positive because antibodies received from the
done. mother may persist for 18 months after birth, all
3. Positive western bot or IFA is considered neonates acquire maternal antibody to HIV
confirmatory for HIV infection, but not all acquire infection.
4. 4. A positive ELISA that fails to be confirmed INTERVENTIONS:
by western blot or IFA should not be
considered negative and repeat negative bath the baby carefully before any invasive
and repeat testing should be done in 3 to 6 procedure, such as the administration of
months. vitamin K, heel sticks, or venipunctures,
clean the umbilical cord stump meticulously
STAGE 1: every day until healed
Fever the newborn can room with the mother
Headache administer zidovudine to the newborn as
Lymphadenopathy prescribed for the first 6 weeks of life
STAGE 2: The Rh factor (ie, Rhesus factor) is a red blood cell
infection is active but asymptomatic and surface antigen that was named after the monkeys
may remain so far years in which it was first discovered. Rh incompatibility,
also known as Rh disease, is a condition that
occurs when a woman with Rh-negative blood type RISK FACTORS:
is exposed to Rh-positive blood cells, leading to the
1. multiple pregnancies
development of Rh antibodies.
2. women with a secondary hemolytic disease
The most common cause of Rh incompatibility is 3. women who are taking hydantoin- drug that
exposure from an Rh-negative mother by Rh- interferes with folic acid absorption
positive fetal blood during pregnancy or delivery. As
a consequence, blood from the fetal circulation may
leak into the maternal circulation, and, after a 1. early abortion
significant exposure, sensitization occurs leading to 2. abruption placenta
maternal antibody production against the foreign
Rh antigen. MANAGEMENT