Kilikoglou Toughening of Ceramic Earthenwares by Quartz Inclu
Kilikoglou Toughening of Ceramic Earthenwares by Quartz Inclu
Kilikoglou Toughening of Ceramic Earthenwares by Quartz Inclu
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3 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Y. Maniatis on 22 October 2017.
Abstract--Since ancient times randomly distributed quartz is routinely included in ceramic earthenwares
as an aid to drying. Although it has been noticed that this practice also provides the ware with higher
capability for flaw tolerance so that a crack does not become readily unstable in the event of overloading
during service, no systematic study of the effect or a satisfactory model has been reported in the open
literature. This work reports the results of such an investigation on the influenceof grain size and volume
fraction of quartz on the elastic modulus, strength and fracture energy dissipation of such composites
based on fired clays. In addition, we have studied the fracture micromechanismsby dynamic in situ optical
microscopy and scanning electron microscopy and introduced a simple model to explain the results, based
on the local effects of the stress field of the inclusions.
weak to test accurately. In addition, a number of Preliminary investigations showed that all
briquettes were made from the matrix clay alone materials containing more than about 10% quartz
containing no additional quartz. In this way a total grains failed in a stable manner. Therefore, in these
of 16 different powder mixes with all combinations of cases the total energy G could be calculated as the
variables were prepared. Water was added to the total area under the load-deflection curve. For spec-
mixes to provide plasticity and briquettes of size imens that contained 10% or less quartz grains and
100 × 60 x 10mm were produced by uniaxial com- which displayed unstable fracture, their fracture
paction at a pressure of approx. 100 kPa. They were toughness K~c and Young's modulus were measured
air-dried for over 72 h at ambient temperature and independently, from which Glc was then calculated
humidity and fired at 950°C in air with a heating rate using equation (1).
of 200°C/h and a soaking time of 1 h. This firing K~c was measured in 4-point bending of straight-
schedule was dictated by previous work [6] which edge-notched-beam (SENB) specimens using the
showed that fine calcareous clays exhibit a homo- analysis of Srawley [7]
geneous and reproducible cellular microstructure at
firing temperatures between 850 and 1050°C as a 3 P f ( S a - S2)x/~tF(~ )
result of the development of an extensive glass
filament network which is formed around the voids where F(~) = 1 . 1 2 2 - 1.121~ + 3.74~ 2 + 3.873~ 3 -
created at an earlier stage by the liberation of CO2 19.05~ 4 + 22.55~ 5 and ~ = t/dand the dimensions S~,
from CaCO3. After firing, the large surfaces of the $2, d, b and t are shown in Fig. 1.
briquettes were made parallel to approx. + 10 #m by The load at fracture, Pc, is determined at the
surface grinding with a 1200 carborundum wheel and maximum point of the load~leflection curve for the
cut by a diamond wheel to produce test specimens of specimens. However, a notch introduced by diamond
size 10 x 10 × 60 mm. cutting does not offer an atomically sharp crack as
assumed in the analysis. This exaggerates the value of
Characterisation K~c as shown by the results of Munz et al. [8]. A
conservative value was therefore obtained by dividing
Performance of structural materials such as heavy the result by a factor of 1.25.
clays is critically dependent on their mechanical In order to avoid loading misalignments, the spec-
properties. Whether these clays are used in construc- imens were prepared as follows: after diamond sec-
tion or in manufacturing of vessels, the properties
tioning from identical fired briquettes the rectangular
that are decisive in determining the material's efficacy beam specimens were ground parallel and polished on
are its strength and, most importantly, its capacity for
a 1200 carborundum polishing wheel. Their edges
absorbing energy during fracture, measured by the were slightly rounded to avoid stress concentrations
fracture energy G. during loading and the notch was diamond machined
The fracture energy G can be defined as the using a 0.15 mm thick wafering blade on the centre of
total energy required to produce a unit area of
a surface normal to the original pressing direction. In
fracture surface. In the case of the homogeneous, all cases the specimen dimensions were kept close to
truly brittle materials, which exhibit unstable crack
10 × 10 x 60 mm. This size was chosen to minimise
propagation, it can be determined by measuring the shear stresses during loading while ensuring that a
"critical strain energy release rate", i.e. the toughness statistically adequate number of quartz grains were
G1¢, given by included in the eventual fracture surface. The notch
depth was kept close to 2 mm to avoid edge stress
Gtc=KUE (1) effects during testing.
The testing configuration is shown in Fig. 1. A
where K~c is the fracture toughness of the material as prepared notched rectangular beam was loaded in a
measured using standard fracture mechanics methods self-aligning 4-point bending jig on an INSTRON
and E is its Young's modulus. For such materials 1195 100 kN testing frame at a constant loading rate
energy is expended in breaking atomic bonds and G1¢ of 50#xm/min and the load was monitored as a
can be considered to be the intrinsic fracture energy
7. In the case of composites Glc can be considered as P/2 $2 P/2
the fracture energy of the matrix.
By contrast, where the presence of various micro-
structures causes stable crack propagation, G cannot
be calculated using equation (1). In such cases the
total fracture energy is given by 7 -I-energy dissipa-
tion Gd. Gd is the energy dissipated during fracture
and appears on the load-displacement curve as the
region of stable crack propagation, and is best P/2 S1 P~2
measured by the total area under the stable part Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the SENB fracture toughness
curve. testing method in 4-point bending.
function of deflection. The outer loading points were The micromechanics of fracture were investigated
spaced at $1 = 40.8 mm and the inner loading points by dynamic in situ microscopy. A video camera and
had a span $2 = 20 mm. The estimated measurement colour monitor were used to observe and record
accuracy was +2.5/zm (,,,1%) for deflection the fracture process at magnifications up to 100
measurements and +2.5 N ( ~ 1%) for load measure- times. This, in conjunction with a fast video printer
ments. The experimental conditions used, especially provides the possibility of monitoring the progress
the specimen size, rigidity of frame and strain rate are of fracture and allows correlation with the load-
known to influence significantly the fracture deflection curve in real time. In addition, scanning
behaviour of toughened brittle materials: small spec- electron microscopy (SEM) was used to study the
imens require very low loading rates which would fracture surfaces and in particular the quartz-matrix
enable accurate load-deflection monitoring during interfaces.
crack propagation.
The calculation of Gt¢ from equation (1) and the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
analysis of fracture energy dissipation requires
knowledge of the mechanical and elastic properties of Five typical load--displacement curves (SENB) are
the material under identical loading configuration. shown schematically in Fig. 2 for specimens with
Thus Young's modulus E was measured from the different Vf but same quartz inclusion size d
same load~leflection curve obtained from the bend- ( ~ 4 0 0 # m ) . The shapes for other quartz inclusion
ing experiments. This was carried out by measuring sizes are similar. As Vf increases the apparent post-
the gradient of the curve at the stage just prior to fracture behaviour of the material changes: for
fracture initiation and calculating E using standard Vf ~< 10% we have typical brittle ceramic behaviour
beam deflection theory [10]. Independently, for with sharp load drop at the fracture point but no
confirmation, E was also measured in compression apparent energy dissipation after fracture initiation
(for specifically prepared rectangular parallel sided was observed under the loading conditions used. On
specimens) and by the ultra-sonic time-of-flight the other hand, for values of Vf > 10% the material
method with comparable results. displays pronounced crack stability giving fracture
Finally, transverse rupture strength (TRS) was energy dissipation as evidenced by the tail in the
measured in order to obtain information on the curve after fracture initiation. In this case the crack
influence of quartz and relate the strength of was observed to arrest soon after initial fracture and
the specimens to their flaw size and fracture energy. to advance stably to the opposite edge of the speci-
The tests were carried out on unnotched but identi- men with increasing deflection. This was particularly
cally prepared and sized specimens as used for pronounced for Vf = 40%. SEM observations indi-
the SENB tests, using 3-point bending to minimise cated that crack arrest occurred at quartz-matrix
possible misalignment effects. The calculation of TRS interfaces. It was also found that fracture behaviour
was done using the standard bending mechanics was independent of the quartz grain size. The
analysis observed value of Vf for stable-unstable transition
(10--20%) is probably related to the stiffness of our
3PfSl testing equipment. Nevertheless, the trend is clear: the
TRS = (3)
2bd 2 amount of energy dissipation during fracture
increases significantly with volume fraction.
where the parameters are defined in Fig. 1. The effect of quartz on Young's modulus is unex-
All other loading and testing parameters were pected. Figure 3 shows that the Young's modulus
identical to those used in the SENB tests. TRS was of the composites decrease significantly with increas-
taken as the average of at least seven experiments. ing Vf for all quartz sizes even though quartz has a
The variability of measurements in tempered speci- higher modulus than fireclay (Eq,ar~=80GPa,
mens was found to be significantly lower than in Ec~,y= 22 GPa) and so, theoretically, the modulus of
untempered ones, probably due to the beneficial
presence of the equi-sized quartz inclusions. 25
I --e--- d=lOOpm
--II-- d=250pm
A 10%
o 0/A4 0.
o i i i J i i i
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Displacement Volume fraction, %
Fig. 2. Typical load-displacement curves for a series of Fig. 3. Variation of Young's modulus with volume fraction
specimens with a range of Vf for d = 400 #m. and size d of inclusions.
40 11111¸
~. 3 0 . Opm !
¢,~ 2 0 -
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Volume fraction, %
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