BRONCOH Contract - Template
BRONCOH Contract - Template
BRONCOH Contract - Template
1. The Parties
b) Mandisa Nkosikhona Ntuli , the "Employee" ID: 9809075494083
2. Employment term
3. Position
• Adhere to the strict requirements set by the training provider to ensure the
completion of all tasks as per SETA requirements for the learnership.
• Perform tasks as set out by the employer.
g) The employee will work under the supervision of a training provider, specifically to
comply to the practical part of the following NQF2 approved course:
New Venture Creation
h) The employee shall be required to work to a high standard of productivity as
specified by the company or designated training provider.
i) The spectrum of tasks to be completed may altered from time to time, depending on
the required duties to be performed by the employee, on a temporary basis and
subject to reasonable notice and conforming to the requirements set by the
j) The documentation required to complete the fixed term contract is important as set
out under the relevant SETA, and therefore the contract can only commence, once
the following documentation has been truthfully and correctly completed and all the
original documents sent as instructed by the employer, to ensure SETA approval is
obtained. List of documents:
k) The employee agrees that the contract will be cancelled automatically if SETA
approval cannot be obtained for any reason whatsoever. The contract will therefore
only become active, once SETA approval is obtained.
l) The employee acknowledges and agrees that access to electronic devices is required
to fulfill the duties required to comply to this contract and complete the learnership.
The employer shall not provide the employee with any device, i.e cellphone, tablet,
laptop, computer or any other electronic device.
4. Place of work
a) The employee shall perform their duties from home or any other place available to
the employee. The employer will not provide a specific workplace, nor any
facilities to the employee to perform his duties under this contract. The employee
will do training and work related activities online from a remote location and field
services as required by the employer or the training provider.
5. Working hours
6. Remuneration
a) The employee will receive a monthly stipend amount of R 1 901.78 (One Thousand
Nine Hundred and one Rand and 78 Cent. The amount will be paid for the fixed
term contract period into your bank account and will be constructed as follows:
TOTAL: R 2 050.00
b) The employee agrees that deductions will have to be made from time to time as per
list below:
c) The employee will be provided with data for the duration of this contract.
d) The data is mandatory and will only be used for trading and education purposes,
required to fulfill this contract. The employee may conduct daily checks to ensure
that the data is used a prescribed.
e) The employee will purchase a sim card as prescribed. The card must remain active
and the employee will ensure that the card is replaced and or RICA'd if required, and
all swops, or reactivations or any other costs out of the ordinary will be for the
employee's account.
f) If the contract is terminated before the 12-month period, the employee will remain
liable for the cost of the data package.
g) Working hours, payment date, certain task requirements, and study course may be
changed at the discretion of the employer or training provider, subject to reasonable
notice to the employee.
7. Study performance
a) The employee agrees to comply with the training provided and complete the various
tasks, successfully and according to the monthly schedule provided.
b) The employee acknowledge that the contract is directly related to the successful
completion of the training provided and therefore the stipend will not be payable if
the employee fails to complete the assignments and tasks required to complete the
course successfully as per SETA requirements.
8. Leave
a) The Employee shall be entitled to 15 days annual leave per annum (or 1 day for
every 17 days worked) to be taken in accordance with the Basic Conditions of
Employment Act.
b) Any holidays accrued, but not taken, during the period of fixed-term employment
will be forfeited.
c) Annual leave shall be taken at a time to be agreed by the Employer and the
Employee and, failing Agreement, as directed by the Employer. The Employer shall
give not less than two weeks’ notice of requirement for the Employee to take annual
d) Wherever possible, requests for annual leave will be approved. Unfortunately, the
needs of the customer must be met, so, on rare occasions, we may need to deny
leave requests. To avoid disappointment, please give as much notice as possible as
that will allow time to make appropriate arrangements.
e) Sick leave, family responsibility leave will be according to the Basic Conditions of
Employment Act - 75 of 1997.
f) Maternity an paternity leave benefits will be granted as set out in the Basic
Conditions of Employment Act - 75 of 1997 and is unpaid.
g) The employee shall provide the employer with an acceptable medical certificate
from a registered medical practitioner, if the employee is absent for more than two
consecutive days or on more than two occasions during an eight-week period.
a) The employee understands and agrees to abide by all provisions of the employer's
disciplinary and grievance procedures.
b) The employee will not incite and or participate in any industrial action until all
reasonable steps, inclusive of the employer's grievance procedure, and all other
statuary dispute resolution mechanisms have been followed.
a) The employee will be required to comply with all health and safety as well as
security regulations as set out by the employer, the training provider and all the
relevant legal requirements.
11. Disputes
a) Any disputes arising out of this agreement, will be handled under the relevant laws
and may be referred to the Commissions for Conciliation, Meditation and
Arbitration (CCMA).
a) The employee acknowledges that it is the employer's policy that should the employee
withhold his or her services form the employer, or training provider, for any reason
whatsoever, the principle of "no work, no pay" shall apply.
13. Termination of employment
a) Both parties may end this contract prematurely by giving the other party two weeks
written notice. Both parties may terminate this contract summarily for any reason
seen as sufficient by law, or at the completion date, for the purpose this agreement
was entered into.
b) The employee specifically agrees that this contract has certain key performance
indicators that should be met to ensure compliance to SETA requirements and if
those goals are not met, the employer will withhold monthly stipends until such time
the assignments or requirements as set, are met. If the correction and completion as
conveyed to the employee is not met, the employer may terminate this contract due
to non-performance and compliance.
c) The employee shall return all company property issued to him, in good condition, as
soon as this agreement is terminated by either party.
d) The employee agrees that any monies owned to the employer upon termination of
this contract, may be deducted from monies owned to the employee.
e) The employees agrees that he/she is not entitled to any severance or discharge
benefits upon termination of this contract, owing to the nature of this agreement as a
fixed term employment contract.
f) The employee agrees that the contract will only be for a fixed period as state in the
start and end dates in paragraph 2, and or 12 months after the approval date on the
SETA approval.
g) The employee specifically agrees that there is no expectation to renew or prolong
this contract beyond the completion date. The termination of this contract shall NOT
be construed as being a retrenchment or dismissal, but shall rather be seen as the
completion of all the obligations set out in the fixed term employment contract.
a) The employee specifically acknowledges that the offer is a fixed term contract as
indicated and not a full-time employment offer, contract or position.
b) The employee shall be between the age of 18 and 38, during the period employed
under this agreement.
c) The employee acknowledges that the employment and training is a SETA approved
learnership employment and all conditions as set out by SETA will be met and
subjected to.
d) The employee has read, understood and accept all conditions as set out in this
agreement and shall conform to all conditions set within this agreement.
e) The employee was made aware and fully understand what this agreement entails.
f) The employee considers him/her-self lawfully bound by this agreement and will
fully comply and adhere to all stipulations.
g) The employee confirms by signing this contract that all conditions were read,
explained and understood, and that he/she fully understands the contents of service
under this agreement.
h) The disciplinary code and procedures, health and safety, grievance procedures and
all other relevant company documents were read and explained to the employee and
he/she understands the contents and agrees to adhere thereto.
15. Confidential Information
a) The Employee may have access to confidential information. Such information should
only be used for its intended purpose and should not be divulged or used in any way
that may be against the best interests of the company either during or after
The parties herewith agree to this contract by signing this contract and confirming that
no alterations exist in the contract, this contract is the whole contract and only written
annexures or amendments or changes, signed by both parties will be deemed to form
part of this agreement.
_____________________________ _______________________________
Signature Name (printed)
_____________________________ Position