DNA damage and transcription stress
Larissa Milano,1,2,* Amit Gautam,1,2,* and Keith W. Caldecott1,2,*
1Genome Damage and Stability Centre, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9RQ, UK
2These authors contributed equally
*Correspondence: [email protected] (L.M.), [email protected] (A.G.), [email protected] (K.W.C.)
Genome damage and transcription are intimately linked. Tens to hundreds of thousands of DNA lesions arise
in each cell each day, many of which can directly or indirectly impede transcription. Conversely, the process
of gene expression is itself a source of endogenous DNA lesions as a result of the susceptibility of single-
stranded DNA to damage, conflicts with the DNA replication machinery, and engagement by cells of topoi-
somerases and base excision repair enzymes to regulate the initiation and progression of gene transcription.
Although such processes are tightly regulated and normally accurate, on occasion, they can become abortive
and leave behind DNA breaks that can drive genome rearrangements, instability, or cell death.
A major source of transcription stress is RNAP pausing or In addition to bulky DNA base lesions, cellular genomes acquire
blockage by bulky (helix-distorting) DNA base lesions induced many thousands of non-bulky lesions, each day.6 Although
at endogenous and environmental genotoxins (Figure 1). Among some of these can be bypassed by RNAPs, at the expense of
70 Molecular Cell 84, January 4, 2024 ª 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.
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increased risk of forming mutant transcripts,23 others perturb the coordinates these enzymes.32 For example, 30 -TOP1 linked and
progression of RNAPs. For example, in vitro biochemical experi- 30 -phosphate termini are repaired by TDP1 and PNKP, respec-
ments suggest that mammalian RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) is tively, and therefore likely impede RNAP progression in the hu-
able to bypass the major non-bulky oxidative base lesion man neurological diseases in which these proteins are
8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) even if it is present in the template DNA mutated.33–35
strand but is unable to efficiently bypass an abasic site.24,25 Sur- Recently, it has been suggested that SSBs present in a non-
prisingly, DNA nicks and single-stranded gaps harboring ligatable template strand may also block progression of bacteria and
termini are also bypassed to a significant extent by a variety of yeast RNAPII, if they are located upstream and close to a pro-
prokaryotic, viral, and human RNAPs in vitro, albeit at the risk of moter, by stabilizing intranucleosomal single-strand loops in
mutant transcripts.26–29 which the RNAP is ‘‘trapped’’ between flanking histone-DNA
In contrast to ligatable SSBs, SSBs with aberrant 30 termini, contacts with the nucleosome.36,37 Whether this is true for
such as 30 -phosphate termini, are potent blocks to RNAP pro- SSBs in non-template DNA strands in human cells remains to
gression, including human RNAPII24,26,28 (Figure 1). This is impor- be determined.
tant because DNA breaks with 30 -phosphate termini are likely to
be present at a large fraction of endogenous lesions, such as RNAP BLOCKAGE AND R LOOP FORMATION
SSBs induced by oxidative stress, TOP1-induced SSBs, and
some intermediates of BER.30 RNAP blockage by non-ligatable In addition to DNA damage being a potent source of RNAP
30 termini may result from displacement of the SSB termini from blockage, the process of transcription can itself induce DNA
the RNAP active site, and/or because such termini prevent loop- damage, mutation, and genome instability.7,38 RNAP blockage
ing out of the non-transcribed strand.28,29 Notably, SSBs with at DNA lesions or secondary structures can promote the un-
aberrant 30 and/or 50 termini likely accumulate in human neurolog- scheduled formation of R loops, which are RNA-DNA hybrids
ical diseases in which SSB repair (SSBR) is defective30–32 containing a displaced single-stranded DNA loop8,39,40 (Figure 2).
because all such diseases identified to date result from mutations R loops fulfil a number of normal cellular roles such as transcrip-
in DNA end processing enzymes, such as tyrosyl DNA phospho- tional regulation and termination, and as such, their formation
diesterase 1 (TDP1), polynucleotide kinase phosphatase (PNKP), and removal are regulated by a variety of nucleic-acid-process-
aprataxin (APTX), or in the molecular scaffold protein X-ray repair ing enzymes, including RNA-processing factors, transcription
cross-complementing protein 1 (XRCC1) that interacts with and elongation factors, and TOP140–42 (Figure 2A). In addition, the
tumor suppressor breast cancer gene 2 (BRCA2) may suppress of, for example, increased cytosine deamination in single-
excessive R loop formation by regulating the release of stranded DNA and abortive DNA topoisomerase activity.38,55,56
paused RNAPII during transcription initiation,43 and the DNA Topoisomerases remove torsional stress, catenanes, and chro-
helicase RecQ-like helicase 5 (RECQ5) may do so by suppress- mosome entanglements during transcription and genome dupli-
ing RNAP stalling during transcription elongation.1 However, cation.57,58 The primary role of TOP1 is to remove positive and
unscheduled R loops can arise and are potentially pathogenic, negative supercoils ahead and behind of DNA and RNAPs.57,58
leading to additional DNA breakage and the activation Mostly, topoisomerase activity is not a threat to genome stability
of ataxia -telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) and ataxia telangiecta- because the DNA breaks that these enzymes create are typically
sia and Rad3-related (ATR) DNA damage checkpoints.44 For transient intermediates of their catalytic activity. However, as
example, abortive TOP1 activity, nuclease activity, or free indicated above, topoisomerase activity can become ‘‘abortive’’
radical-induced breakage of the displaced non-transcribed in the presence of nearby DNA lesions, unusual DNA secondary
strand within the R loop can create a SSB, or even a DNA dou- structure, or collision with DNA or RNAPs18 (Figure 3). The pro-
ble-strand break (DSB) if the R loop is already associated with tein-linked SSBs and DSBs arising from abortive topoisomerase
a SSB in the template strand45,46 (Figure 2B). Consequently, cells activity then require dedicated DNA repair pathways for their
possess a number of helicases and repair pathways by which removal.59,60 Abortive TOP1 activity may contribute to nucleo-
unscheduled R loops and any associated DNA breaks can be tide repeat instability61 and may also be prevalent at sites of
removed and repaired.39,41,47 (Figures 2C and 2D). For example, genomic ribonucleotides.62 TOP1 activity at the latter leads to
unwinding of R loops can be conducted by numerous helicases, ribonucleotide excision, but potentially at the expense of
examples of which are senataxin (SETX), DExH-box helicase 9 inducing short (2–5 bp) deletions.63 Indeed, abortive TOP1 activ-
(DHX9), DExD-box helicase 39B (UAP56/DDX39B), and regu- ity at genomic ribonucleotides accounts for the mutational signa-
lator of telomerase elongation helicase (RTEL)48–52. In addition, ture ID4, which is detected among both cancer and germline mu-
the nucleolytic degradation of RNA within R loops can be con- tations.64 Importantly, abortive TOP1 activity may also be a
ducted by ribonucleases H1 or H2 (RNases H1/H2),53 or by common source of RNAP blockage and DNA breakage at R
DICER,54 and any associated DNA breaks repaired by canonical loops.45,47
DNA-strand-break repair pathways.
TOP2 has a broad array of functions during transcription,
Transcriptional activation has been linked strongly with DNA- conferred by its ability to create a transient DSB.57,58,65 This al-
strand-break induction and oncogenic translocations as a result lows TOP2 to not only remove DNA supercoils but also to
TRANSCRIPTION-INDUCED DNA BREAKAGE BY Collisions between the DNA replication and transcription machin-
DNA BER eries are known as transcription-replication conflicts (TRCs) and
can lead to increased R loop formation, DNA breakage, check-
The formation of single-stranded DNA during gene transcrip- point activation, and genome instability.44,85–87 Notably, TRCs
tion can result in increased rates of DNA breakage and likely contribute to the increased risk of breakage at genomic
genetic mutation, for example, as a result of increased spon- fragile sites.88,89 Encounters between the DNA replication ma-
taneous cytosine deamination and other types of base dam- chinery and RNAPs that are moving in the same direction are co-
age38,74 (Figure 3). DNA base damage is also sometimes directional TRCs (CD-TRCs), whereas encounters between the
introduced deliberately in human cells, during transcriptional DNA replication machinery and RNAPs traveling in opposite direc-
regulation. For example, 5-methycytosine (5mC) is an epige- tions, toward each other, are head-on TRCs (HO-TRCs)44,87,90–92
netic mark that typically suppresses transcriptional activ- (Figure 4). In E. coli and yeast, programmed replication fork
barriers (RFBs) act in specific regions of the genome to prevent TRANSCRIPTIONAL STRESS AND NEUROLOGICAL
HO-TRCs.93,94 In mammalian cells, there is little evidence for DISEASE
RFBs for preventing HO-TRC, although asymmetric poly(AT)
tracts may play such a role in murine cells.95 However, the The interrelationship between transcription and DNA damage
complexity of DNA replication and transcription in mammalian ge- has major implications for human health and may underpin a
nomes offers additional opportunities for temporal and spatial variety of human diseases (Figure 5). In particular, unrepaired
regulation. For example, the initiation of DNA replication upstream DNA lesions that block transcription are implicated strongly as
of active genes may favor codirectional movement of the DNA a cause of neurodegeneration and aging.5 Currently, this is
replication and transcription machineries, thereby reducing HO- best exemplified by unrepaired bulky lesions. The repair of
TRCs.96 In addition, DNA replication may be spatially separated bulky DNA lesions is conducted by nucleotide excision repair
from transcription by DNA loop extrusion during the latter97,98 (NER); a complex pathway comprising two sub-pathways de-
and/or by temporally separating the two processes in different noted global genome NER (GG-NER) and transcription-
S-phase territories.99 coupled NER (TC-NER).5,109,110 Whereas GG-NER interro-
A major component of the cellular response to TRCs is the pro- gates the entire genome for bulky lesions, TC-NER is rapidly
tection and restoration of replication fork progression.87,100 In triggered on transcribed strands of active genes at sites of
addition to the proper processing of R loops described above, stalled RNAP. Genetic defects in these pathways result in
and the established canonical responses to DNA replication the diseases xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) and Cockayne
stress,101,102 cells possess specific mechanisms to promote syndrome (CS), respectively.5,109,110 Importantly, mutations
fork progression at TRCs.100 For example, MUS81 structure- that inactivate only GG-NER (e.g., XP complementation group
specific endonuclease and RECQ5 helicase can promote fork C [XPC] and XP complementation group E [XPE]) result pri-
breakage and restart at TRC-associated R loops,103 and the acti- marily in UV hypersensitivity and cancer predisposition,
vation of ATR-Chk1 by MUS81 triggers a negative feedback loop whereas mutations that inactivate both sub-pathways (e.g.,
that protects reversed forks from excessive cleavage.104 The XP complementation group A [XPA]) result in XP that is
DNA polymerase clamp (PCNA) unloader ATPase family AAA additionally associated with neurodegeneration.111 In
domain containing 5 (ATAD5) can resolve R loops at stalled contrast, mutations that inactivate only TC-NER (e.g., CSA
forks, by recruiting DEAD/DDX RNA helicases,105 and the ubiq- or CSB) result in CS, a disease associated with UV hypersen-
uitin E3 ligase TRAIP can unload the stalled replication and/or sitivity, severe neurological defects, and accelerated ag-
transcription machinery at TRCs, most likely in conjunction ing.111,112 The more severe neuropathology in CS may reflect
with p97 segregase.106 In addition, PP1 nuclear targeting subunit that CSA and CSB are specifically required to backtrack and
(PNUTS), and the E3 ubiquitin ligase tripartite-motif-containing remove stalled RNAP from the site of a lesion, whereas XPA
28 (TRIM28), in conjunction with RECQ5, can remove RNAPII is not, leading to a more prolonged RNAP blockage.5,109,110
from chromatin, thereby suppressing TRCs.107,108 Consistent with this idea, CSA/CSB mutations that do not
affect RNAP clearance result in UV-sensitive syndrome monoubiquitylation, prolonged transcriptional suppression, and
(UVSS), a relatively mild disease without severe neurological neurological disease.116–118
Alternatively, the severe neurological pathology in CS may TRANSCRIPTIONAL STRESS, GENOME INSTABILITY,
also reflect the loss of transcription-coupled repair of non-bulky AND CANCER
DNA base lesions and/or SSBs.5 Defects in the repair of SSBs
with aberrant termini, which as described above can block In addition to acute impacts on gene expression, transcription-
RNAP progression, are strongly implicated in hereditary neuro- associated DNA damage may result in irreversible genetic
logical disease.30,32 For example, mutations in the PNKP protein changes and genome instability. For example, deep sequencing
that repairs DNA strand breaks with 30 -phosphate and/or 50 -hy- of human neurons has identified an age-related increase in both
droxyl termini are associated with the neurodevelopmental and/ somatic point mutations and insertion/deletions in neurons
or neurodegenerative diseases microcephaly with early onset within gene regulatory elements.119,120 The source of such muta-
seizures (MCSZ), ataxia-oculomotor apraxia-4 (AOA4), and tions is currently unknown, but transcription-associated DNA
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2B2 (CMT2B2).32 Similarly, damage such as that arising stochastically or resulting from
mutations in the TDP1 and TDP2 proteins that repair topoisom- abortive topoisomerase activity and/or cytosine demethylation
erase-linked DNA strand breaks are associated with transcrip- are candidates.119 In proliferating cells, transcription-associated
tional disruption and the neurodevelopmental/neurodegenera- DNA damage is also likely to be a major contributor to cancer.
tive diseases spinocerebellar ataxia with axonal neuropathy-1 For example, as discussed above, sites of abortive TOP1 activity
(SCAN1) and spinocerebellar ataxia autosomal recessive 23 at genomic ribonucleotides are associated with short 2–5 bp de-
(SCAR23), respectively.59,60 letions and account for the cancer mutational signature ID4.64
Blocked RNAP progression is likely not the only contributing Moreover, oncogene-induced replication stress is associated
factor to SSBR-defective diseases. For example, the inability to with increased TRCs and R loop formation in multiple cancer
rapidly repair sites of cytosine demethylation during epigenetic models,121,122 including HRAS overexpression,123 cyclin E over-
reprogramming may prevent the transcriptional initiation of expression,124 and MYC overexpression125 (Figure 6). As
genes critical for neuronal function.7 In addition, R loops such described earlier, some fragile sites are linked to TRCs and
as those formed at sites of blocked RNAP at SSBs also likely correlate strongly with translocations linked to cancer.126,127
contribute to neurological disease.41,113,114 Consistent with
this, mutations in the R loop helicase SETX result in the neurode- FUTURE QUESTIONS AND PERSPECTIVES
generative diseases ataxia-oculomotor apraxia type-2 (AOA2)
and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis type 4 (ALS4).115 Finally, hyper- The interrelationship between transcription and DNA damage is
activation of the SSB sensor protein poly(ADP-ribose) polymer- intimate and complex. While in some contexts DNA damage and
ase 1 (PARP1) at unrepaired SSBs is linked with aberrant histone transcription work synergistically to regulate gene expression,
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grants from the MRC (MR/W024128/1) and CRUK (C6563/A27322). Diagrams sis. Nucleic Acids Res. 40, 8953–8964.
were created using Data statement: no data is associated with
this review. 11. Perlow, R.A., Kolbanovskii, A., Hingerty, B.E., Geacintov, N.E., Broyde,
S., and Scicchitano, D.A. (2002). DNA adducts from a tumorigenic
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DECLARATION OF INTERESTS in a sequence- and stereochemistry-dependent manner. J. Mol. Biol.
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The authors declare no competing interests.
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