IEEE Transactions: Occurs
IEEE Transactions: Occurs
IEEE Transactions: Occurs
3, July 1995
2. Svstem descriution
95 W??033-1 PWRD A paper recommended and approved Results are presented for the system shown in figure 1. This
by the IEEE Power System Relaying Committee of the consists of a 800 MVA turbo generator supplying power to an
IEXF Power Engineering Society f o r presentation a t infinite bus. The generator is connected to the infinite bus via a A/Y
the 1995 IEEE/PES Winter Meeting, January 29, t o transformer and a 400 kV double circuit transmission line of length
Pebruary 2, 1995, New York, Np. Manuscript submitted 320 km. The lines are divided for convenience into sections of equal
July 27, 1994; made available for printing length. The distance relays considered are located at points R1M
November 30, 1994. and R2h4 in circuit 2. A disturbance is created by a three phase
fault at location F3 on circuit 1, which is cleared after a time interval
of 320 ms by disconnecting the faulted line at bus 1 and bus 3.
Such disturbances on the power system will cause the generator to This example demonskates that the effect Of a Power swing On the
relaying location On the centre Of the swing with
accelerateor decelerate resulting in a power swing or even, in Severe
cases, a pole slip. hfigthe following power swing another respect to the reach of the relay under consideration. When the
&turbance is swing centre is within the relay reach during fast power swings, the
on circuit by a fault between Bus and time spent by the impedance locus in the buffersOf " between
Bus 3. The parameters of the important components of the system
are listed in the appendix. zone 6 and zone 3" or " areas between zone 3 and zone 2 " is very
much smaller than the delay time used in many bloddng schemes
( 30.0 ms to 2 s).
Qerating Condition
Zone 3 I Zone 2
Zone 6 \ .L.
R (Ohms)
Figure 1 Single line diagram of the study system.
- studies
3. Power swing External Fault
For the power swing studies, the following assumptions are made
Power swing is considered as a balanced condition.
-100 LW
AII lines arcfully transposed.
Line charging capacitance is neglected.
Fault resistance is less than 20 ohms. Figure 2 Portion of Impedance loci seen by relays at location R1M
& R2M, during the first fault condition and the first swing cycle in
Effects of a Power Swing upon Distance Relays circuit 1. Time interval between points is 0.01 sec (Half cycle).
The swing loci of the apparent impedance 'c
seen by the relays at
X (Ohms)
the locations RIM and R2M, of the study system (figure l), are
plotted in figures 2 and 3. Figure 2 shows the first crossing of the 200
relay's characteristics at the start of the simulation and figure 3
shows the second crossing of the relay's characteristics during the
subsequent power swing. Figures 2 and 3 show the importance of
the relaying location with respect to the electrical centre of the
system [l] and at the same time demonstrates the ineffectiveness of
a conventional blocking scheme during very fast power swings.
It can be seen from detail portions of the swing impedance loci
For relay RIM, where the electrical centre of the swing is within the 1
operating region of the relay:- -1
*In figure 2, the impedance locus travels from the normal Swings
operating point, in a very short time due to the fault in
circuit 1, during this long reverse fault time (320 ms), the
locus travels from zone 6 to zone 3. 3. After removing the -100
fault by disconnecting circuit 1, the locus returns to a point
in zone 3, then it crosses zone 3 / zone 2 buffer in a very
short time ( 15 ms). The crossing time of zone 2 to zone 1 Figure 3 Portion of Impedance loci seen by relays at location RIM
buffer is even faster (12 ms). & R2M, for very fast swing ,during the second swing cycle after
fault clearance. Time interval between points is 0.01 sec (Half
In figure 3, the impedance locus travels in a very short cycle).
time across the different zones due to the speed of the swing
in its second cycle. It crosses zone 3 / zone 3 buffer in a 4. Descrbtion of the urouosed scheme
very short yime (12 ms 1. The crossing time of zone 2 to It is assumed that the three phase voltages and currents are sampled
zone 1 buffer is even faster ( less than 10 ms). at a rate of 72 samples per cycle. Using Fourier transforms with a
half cycle data window[6], the fundamental components of the
There is a possibility of maloperation of this relay if adequate
power system signals are extracted and can be expressed in the
measures are not taken in the first or in the second slip cycle, in complex form by revolving space vectors (Vr,Ir) given by:-
vr = (vrle J . ( w a t + * d
For relay R2M which has an operating region away from the Ir = lIrl e i(o,t+ai,) (1)
electrical centre of the swing:-
* In figure 2 and figure 3, the locus crosses only zone This system can be rendered time invariant by using a recursive
6, it does not enter the other zones even for Fourier transform[fl which gives:-
subsequent swing cycles.
This means that the electrical centre is out of the operating zone of
this relay. The blocking is not required for this relay location.
RR = R e (+)
xR = Im (3) Figure 5 Phasor Diagram of V, and VE in the time invariant
frame (d, q 1.
Clearing Power Swing Blocking Through Accurate Fault Detection Equation (16) can then be transformed back into phase quantities
Once power swing blocking has been initiated it is possible to clear using the inverse transform for the sequence quantities which
the blocking the instant an internal fault occurs using the following gives:-
principle. In this scheme, two phase operation (due to a single pole
trip) can be covered through the use of symmetrical components.
It is also assumed that the power network can be reduced to a two
machine system as given in figure 4. During normal conditions the
three phase voltages [Va, Vb, Vc,] at a relaying point r along a
transmission line can be given in terms of the three phase voltages
of a point F, along the line [Va, Vbf, Vql and the line currents [Ia,, Let the transformation matrix [ T ] be given in the form :-
Ib,, IC,] from:-
l o
0 0 e-j(2n/3)
Note that the phase quantities have been rendered time invariant by
where Zs is the self impedance of a phase and Zm is the mutual the recursive Fourier transform [8]. The transformation matrix T
interphase impedance of the transmission line connecting the relay then simply brings all the phase phasors in line. The voltages at the
and the location F. fault location F and the relaying location R may be given in a
Equation (13)is the basis of distance schemes where it is assumed common time invariant frame from.-
that the fault voltage is negligible and the line impedance is
proportional to the distance to the fault x.
[:] ]:=[
v2, v2, +fO 0 :I0 22 :][:‘]
(14) Equation (21) is valid even during a power swing and can be
written in the form:-
where ZO, Z1 and 22 are the transmission line per unit length zero,
positive and negative sequence impedances respectively.
-k- am,-
an, (17)
at The phasor voltages for the three phases may be expressed as :-
Phase c :-
where h = e@’, and the same transform is applied to the current.
VC, = VcF + x (A31 k IO, + A,2 11, +-,A,, 12,) ( 2 7 )
Two Phase Operation During an intemal or external fault, the blocking is released this
The one pole open condition will introduce the flow of the negative demonstrates that a fault condition is identified.
and zero sequence power and current in the sound phases and an It is clear that the blocking algorithm is adequately responding
increase in the angle of the phasor voltage. Since the above analysis during the fast power swings.
takes into account the flow of positive, negative and zero sequence
currents during any condition, the effect of the one pole open is
allowed for and the above approach can still be used.
' 1.28
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1 .1 1.2
Time (sec)
Figure 9 Relay Tripping Decision for An Internal Phase to Phase
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 Fault in (b-c) with & =0.1 R ;Fault duration = 700- 940 ms.
Xme (sec)
1"ILlmP It l--l
. 2.56
% 1.28
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 .O 1 .1 1.2 -2.56
Time (sec)
Figure 7 Relay Tripping Decision for An Internal single phase/Earth 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
Time (sec)
Fault with Rp10 R, fault duration= 700-940 ms;
Figure 10 Variation of S, and S, measured at a relay location for
an Intemal Single Phase/Earth Fault &E) with R ~ l o . O n ,fault
AIITntemal Phase to Phase Faults duration= 700- 940 ms;
Relay Decision
3.20 r b L *
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
Time (sec)
Figure 8 Variation of 6, and 6,, measured at a relay location for
An Internal Phase to Phase Fault (b-c) with RpO.lR, fault Figure 11 Relay Tripping Decision for An Internal Single
duration= 700- 940 ms. Pha*/Earth Fault @-E) with R, =10 R ; Fault duration = 700- 940
ms.For Two Phase Operation.