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Surviving DEA

An Assessment of internal best-practices at DEA.

July 2023


SCPF Metably




Technical and Administrative Dictionary pertaining to this release.

For Internal Use Only:

The material should not be shared with unauthorized individuals.

See “For Internal Use Only”.




Introduction (FOUO)

Surviving DEA—a brief and detailed look at newcomers/diplomats not passing initial
scrutiny—can significantly stress the tasks of operational DEA diplomats and/or
attached personnel. Officials at various SCPF’s and GoI’s use screening to quickly evaluate
arriving newcomers and identify those that may not be admissible, such as infiltrators, trolls
and other nuisances, disgruntled ex-members, or intelligence officers.
For communities with poor opinions of SCPF Metably, officials may also want to deny entry to
SCPF Metably members or DEA personnel. ISD or official inspectors can refer newcomers to
questioning when they find suspicious motives, comments, or user data of/with a newcomer.

Referral to questioning can occur if irregularities or questions arise during any stage
of initial processing—foreign DEA, ISD, or suspicious Community Members—and
regardless of whether the Diplomat is on official business of SCPF Metably or not.
Officials may also randomly select Diplomats. The resulting questioning can involve in-
depth and lengthy interrogation, intrusive searches of personal information across social
media, cross-checks against external databases, and collection of user data—all of which
focus significant scrutiny on an operational DEA diplomat and/or attached personnel.

This study examines triggers for questioning used at various fictional SCPF’s/GoI’s. Included
herein is the range of subsequent scrutiny of identity, and responses that are most likely to pass
questioning with potential alliance intact. (FOUO)

NOTE: Although the information available is sufficient to provide general insights into the
questioning criteria and procedures that DEA personnel may experience at foreign SCPF’s
and/or GoI’s, it is insufficiently detailed, comprehensive, and timely to provide tactical
intelligence for operational DEA Diplomats and/or attached personnel. Moreover, the
examples cited in the study illustrate the range of potential experiences but do not evaluate
specific communities. (FOUO)

This finished product contains reporting that carries the standard SCPF dissemination control
but has been pre-approved by the issuing Department for distribution to officials who hold
appropriate clearances of Level 4 or higher of their respective Departments of SCPF Metably.







among colleagues. (FOUO)

Pre-Arrival Screening
Although selection for questioning Security services such early-warning
frequently occurs while newcomers are information may have other arrangements to
answering questions from ISD officers, receive such manifests ahead of time. For
officials may also preselect newcomers example, SCPF Toastmage formerly
because of some flags in their SCPF frequently sent Intelligence Officers on
affiliation. Many SCPF’s issue all-clear’s espionage missions to SCPF Metably to
upon arrival, however, nearly 50 SCPF’s recruit assets to befriend multiple
require newcomers and DEA personnel to department junior members from which to
submit themselves to questioning. For elicit internal and/or classified information.
operational DEA personnel, this creates Similar happened under the Pariet
challenges in their own unique way in each Administration to elicit the visitation and
community. Here we tackle some. potential information from DEA which was
(FOUO) used to “poison the well” by filling the
communication lines of potential allies and
Available reporting does not detail the freshly allied communities with poisonous
criteria with which security services and toxic rumors to fill the space before DEA
screen newcomers, but confirmed or could arrive in sufficient quantity and start
suspected SCPF Metably / DEA affiliation negotiations.
almost certainly raises the operational (FOUO)
Diplomat’s profile. For example, SCPF
Toastmage does not tolerate or welcome Primary Screening
active affiliated SCPF Metably members;
former members are treated with suspicion In primary inspections, community inspectors
during a period lasting several weeks examine user data and online identity for
before able to hold high-ranking posts. validity and authenticity and to verify
(FOUO) individuals’ identities. They frequently query
watch lists or other databases for community
Foreign SCPF officials may also receive violations, negligent records, or community
advance information on arriving newcomers security concerns and ask basic questions
from forwarded or leaked loose talk; do not pertinent to admissibility. The entire process
discuss potential diplomatic possibilities usually lasts no more than a few minutes to
openly or internally unless they are enable communities to keep up with the flow
concretely confirmed by your supervisor, or of regular operations. If there is a watch-list
DEA forwards this as an invitation to open match or inspectors decide that user data is
relations with an SCPF or a GoI. Make sure suspect or have some reason to doubt a
you keep any information and/or intelligence newcomer’s stated reason for joining, they
received during or by diplomatic missions refer the newcomer to secondary screening.
and/or operations between you, the Officials at most SCP-related communities on
authorized third-party question (If present), average
and your supervisor. Do not discuss this




send about one in 30 newcomers to Watch-list Hit

secondary. For example, The Pariet Foreign officials in many communities use
Administration imposed secondary screening watch lists—community, departmental, and
on 26 percent of newcomers arriving at intercommunity—to screen newcomers.
SCPF. Available reporting does not indicate For example, the overwhelming majority of
secondary selection percentages for other names on a watch list are accounts suspected
SCPF’s. (FOUO) of corruption or pedophilia and child
molestation accusations. (FOUO)
With the exception of GoI’s, most SCP
related communities have such measures in
place, primarily in their own interest.
Reporting indicates that the overall reception Good Preparation Is Key (FOUO)
of Metably SCPF is overwhelmingly positive, Newcomers can minimize the possibility of sec-
and that most such measures are justified ondary by knowing how to prepare for and
with warding off hostile elements from navigate the primary inspection and by avoiding
communities such as SCPF Toastmage. to the extent possible the various triggers for
secondary. (FOUO)

Triggers for Secondary Screening

Referral to secondary screening can occur Watch-lists maintained by security services
for concrete reasons, such as a watch- can also include names of confirmed or
list match or suspicion of espionage or suspected community intelligence officers,
infiltration, because of random selection, or according to reports from several clandestine
because the inspector suspects that sources and personal year-long deep-cover
something about the newcomer is not right. investigation.
Inconsistencies or conflicts identified in the
• Insiders wittingly or unwittingly share
interview or documentation, including
classified or restricted information to
catching the person in a false statement,
foreign intelligence officers.
unreasonable explanation for joining,
revealing diplomatic information, having • “Honeypots” may be utilized by foreign
been connected with diplomatic espionage adversaries, which seek to entrap
due to internal loose talk, or anomalies in using false relationships to elicit
behavior or profiles will prompt a referral to money, information, and time and
secondary screening. energy.
Newcomers from specific communities
arriving at select SCPF’s or GoI’s are more • Allies may maintain their own databases
likely to receive heightened scrutiny, and which may leak and drip-feed names
referral to secondary screening, than other and other information. Always stress
newcomers. Behavior, dress, and demeanor appropriate safety measures within an
also factor into an inspector’s decision. allied GoI or SCPF. (FOUO)
However, no newcomer is immune from the
Available reporting does not confirm the
possibility of secondary—many foreign
presence of names of suspected or confirmed
communities have a top-secret administrative
requirement for a minimum number of random
selections. (FOUO)




DEA members on foreign community

watch lists; however, this probably should Another example: Attaché A together with Diplomat A
be assumed. Hostile have successfully integrated into a community and
services seek to identify potential have openly started establishing positive inter-
vulnerabilities. (FOUO) community relations between SCPF Metably and GoI-
K. During a diplomatic mission, Attaché A
Discovery of diplomatic Mission inadvertently reveals classified information about
Security community officials have wide SCPF Metably's projects while conversing with a
latitude to screen newcomers for true community member about Diplomat A. The slipup is
intention and honesty in their provided reported to the community's security officials, leading
reason to have joined a specific community. to an investigation. SCPF Metably takes immediate
Although potential spies are a common action, questioning Attaché A and conducting a
target of community inspectors, thorough review of their interactions. Apologies are
offered to the host community, emphasizing the
the line of definition between diplomatic
incident as an isolated mistake. Despite the apologies,
Analysis and Espionage is very thin. For
the slipup strains trust and cooperation between SCPF
example, a DEA Analyst has been sent on a
Metably and GoI-K, and it is eventually decided to put
diplomatic mission in his field to “SCPF this potential alliance on Ice for an indefinite period. In
Peanut”, and he was found with videos or diplomatic missions, even a small slipup can have
photographs of documents, the SCPF Roblox significant consequences and impact inter-community
Groups, and the Main SCPF Discord server, relations. Trust and confidentiality are crucial
and is directed to questioning where they elements, and any breach can undermine the
undergo full searches of discord account and mission's objectives and damage the perception of the
social media, discovering that he is part of the involved parties. Exercise utmost caution when in
DEA of SCPF Metably. The Analyst conducts intricate social situations – your job and our
themselves professionally and calm, but community depend on it.
insistent on defending his personal duty as a
DEA Analyst, explaining the situation as a Suspicious Signs
diplomatic mission in an effort to ensure open
relations. He is not believed, and the broken Inspectors can also refer to secondary
masquerade has caused a 6-month relations screening individuals who arouse suspicion
blacklist to be issued, and general anti-SCPF but for whom there is no substantive cause
Metably sentiment in the target community. for denying entry into the community.

Irregularity Behavior
Problems with communication, specifically in Foreign communities use specialist
keeping Op-Sec in, are a frequent cause of techniques and undercover officers to identify
referral to secondary. Fraudulent mission newcomers displaying unusually nervous
statements, suspicious speech, and irregular behavior. Physiological signs of nervousness
stories may prompt secondary scrutiny. For include shaking or trembling hands, rapid
example, Diplomat A identifies himself in a breathing for no apparent reason, cold
target community as a Diplomat of SCPF sweats, pulsating carotid arteries, a flushed
Metably, but then gets involved in a story face, and avoidance of eye contact. This is
where he recounts the SCPF having been reflected in online behavior. Always remain
under the Pariet Administration, accidentally calm and professional and conduct yourself in
miscommunicating that it is indeed owned by such a manner. Defend your duties as a DEA
the Pariet Administration, causing a brief member.
blacklist, that is quickly resolved, though. But
the damage was done. (FOUO)



Behavior Profiling Guidelines (FOUO)

• Unusual nervousness or anxiety by diplomat or those accompanying the diplomat.
• Secret contact with other people lacking apparent ties.
• Appearance of lying or withholding information.

Reason for joining

• Unusual and ill-fitting of the person.
• Previous affiliation with oppressive persons, groups, or potential trouble sources
• Inability to recall critical details pertaining to joining.

User data
• Unusual account creation dates, barely within minimum requirements.
• Conflicting information on public profiles, or other user data.
• Freshly changed before joining community, history of changing public identities.

Plans and/or Purpose

• Actions in direct or indirect conflict with stated plans or purpose.
• Information given in opposition to plans or purpose
• Amount of plans suspiciously high or low. (FOUO)

Source: Confidential Proprietary, personal year-long deep-cover investigation.

• At any foreign community, you will be Suspicious behavior includes continuously switching
new for months. People will therefore topics or studying security procedures or asking too
look for discrepancies in your stories, and many or insistent questions. Stick to one topic,
appearing nervous is a big red flag. carefully chosen. Offer your own experiences and
• Your job as DEA member will be stories, but keep them real, and grounded. Do not
significantly complicated if you appear, make them too exciting or unrealistic. Pace yourself,
or are nervous in a foreign community, ask questions slowly, ask a handful of people one
as many undercover officers look for time, and then another group another time. Give and
such clues. take.
• Always tell the truth unless questioned
on a sensitive topic. Political or social Community of Origin
topics are risk factors. Inspection officials at communities
associate specific communities with trouble
• During initial community arrival, people and are more likely to refer people from
and officials will question and study you those communities to secondary screening.
out of curiosity. They will naturally look for (FOUO)
signs of nervousness or other suspicious
behavior. (FOUO)




Visitation Pattern Do not leave it unless it is not clearly suitable for

A visitation history that indicates possible relations or ordered to. Do not join a community you
association with trolls, espionage, or are not ready to dedicate yourself to for DEA. It does
infiltration can prompt a referral to secondary. not matter if it is off-the-job. It still affects your
Having a history of joining, then promptly or performance. If you leave after you join, you no
shortly leaving a community without public matter what, arouse suspicion and a permanent bad
notice of valid reason spreads bad word first opinion about you in that community. This
about you, and possibly DEA. Did you reflects on DEA, and DEA will reflect that on you.
previously join a community, and then (FOUO)
promptly or shortly left it with no notice of Public profile and Items
valid reason, but are assigned to this Item purchase anomalies can result in a
community as part of your job? Contact your referral to secondary. People
supervisor and ask to be put onto a different unconsciously look for discrepancies.
assignment, and the assignment to be done Frequent name changes on ones public
by a qualified colleague. (FOUO) profile, common status changes, and
sudden, rapid purchases of Items
Did you newly join a community? Stick to it.

Area of
Goal Suspect’s Communities of Origin

Pariet Administration Groups and Affiliates

Communication and
across Roblox
Operations Disruption

Financial and
SCPF Toastmage and affiliates
reputational ruin

Imprisonment of Admin on
SCPF Bivonic
false/forged charges

Backdooring of Community
SCPF Toastmage
Developmental Assets

SCPF Toastmage and affiliates, SCPF

Trolling Exploiting/cause game deletion
Bivonic and affiliates

SCPF Bivonic, SCPF ToastMage,

Create public outrage at Admin
remants of S_w1ft Administration

Elicit personal and/or SCPF Toastmage and affiliates,

classified information remnants of S_w1ft Administration
Tailored Social Attacks SCPF Toastmage, SCPF Bivonic

Hacking of Community
Pariet Administration Groups and Affiliates
Executive Accounts
across Roblox
This table is FOUO. // SCPF Bivonic – SCPF Zednov




all form discrepancies if coupled with a new • Speak with purpose on the job. Aim to get
deployment on a diplomatic mission, as this things done, aim to achieve on the job.
may be seen as an attempt to mask one’s The sooner you embrace this, the sooner
identity for malicious purposes. Consider you will be making alliances that will pay
holding off from multiple Roblox item you, DEA, and SCPF Metably dividends
purchases, frequent name changes online, for life. (FOUO)
and status changes until after a diplomatic
mission has been announced to the target Other Factors
community and authorized by it. Preferably A review of clandestine reports suggests
hold off until talks begin, to avoid confusing that a newcomer’s language capability, age,
your diplomatic host community. (FOUO) appearance, or background may all factor
into a security official’s decision to refer the
As a member of the DEA, your profile is key traveler to secondary.
in your job. Keeping your profile politically • Maintain cultural awareness. A lack of
neutral, in accordance with social norms, and proper etiquette and cultural awareness
friendly and clear to visitors is a priority. can often raise subtle doubts with big
(FOUO) effects. If you are careless, you will fail to
An unexplained political comment or notice the subtle doubts, and then reap
statement, a socially taboo post, or the big effects.
needless and unfun overly convoluted • Keep the greater good in mind.
puzzles pertaining to you, inappropriate Sometimes, there is no direct answer.
clothing, will either arouse hostility, or Oftentimes, what is good for the SCPF
confusion: Community as a whole, is also good for
• Be mindful of implications of wearing SCPF Metably. We all work together,
specific types of identifying or political so lets break a few eggs to make an
clothing – it does not only make you a omelette.
target, but it also reflects poor taste and • Use positive language, put on a nice
poor choice. Keep your clothes neutral tone, and use emojis. Make your
or professional. messages clear, concise, and pleasant.
• Political affiliation does not belong on Especially on diplomatic missions.
Roblox. It does not belong in Diplomacy,
• Be open and receptive, but also
and it certainly risks drama spilling into
assertive. Do not be afraid to put your
diplomatic missions. Keep it off your
foot down during negotiations, as long
profile unless you are an Executive who
as both parties win in the end. Do not
mostly adds final touches.
lay it on too thick, find the appropriate
• Carelessly made comments can be balance in each situation.
perceived as micro-aggressions. Beware
• Build trust. Build friendships. Get
of what you say, be mindful, and
comfortable with your host community
understanding of others if
and integrate, understand the
misunderstandings or lapses in
challenges, and don’t be afraid to reach
communication occur.
out a helping hand unrelated to your
• Talk, but choose topics wisely. Express mission in the host community.
yourself but keep the perception of your
expressions by others in mind.





It does not always have to be “work undergo a wait, inspectors conduct “soft” or
work”, but it can also be fun. Relax, sit “hard” secondary processing. Soft secondary,
back a bit, and simply build trust and which is usually brief, is normally directed at
relations with people. (FOUO) legitimate newcomers who require additional
processing, such as travelers arriving with
unclear motivations. Inspectors most likely
Random Selection conduct additional database checks on the
Even if operational diplomats and attached travelers’ names, dates, and social media.
personnel do everything correctly, the Failure to pass soft secondary or suspicion
possibility remains that community on the part of the inspector that suspicious
officials will select them for secondary activity is involved will invoke hard
screening. Random selection secondary, which can involve intense
is a significant component of the security questioning over several hours. In this case,
measures employed by the ISD in almost all excuse yourself, covertly extract from the
communities. Remain and conduct yourself community, and report the incident to your
calm and professionally – if discovered supervisor. (FOUO)
without having announced yourself as a DEA
member on a diplomatic mission, defend your SCPF Metably departments generally post
duties, but keep a cool head and see it from the most experienced and expert members as
the perspective of your target community. supervisors. This is most likely true for DEA
(FOUO) as well. If unsure, always consult your
supervisor. This booklet is not a wonder-
solution to everything. Trust your supervisor
Foreign community officials may also select
and their expertise. (FOUO)
newcomers simply for petty personal reasons,
such as disliking their profile, their choice of
Performance and Introspection List (FOUO)
name, avatar, interests, and more. In this
case, it is best to wait a few hours and ignore My biggest challenge in DEA is:
the incident, and observe what is being done
about it, if anything. If no appropriate internal
measures are taken by the foreign community,
judged by yourself, or with the help with your The thing that does not work is:
supervisor, it is best advised to covertly
extract from the community, and report the
whole matter to your supervisor. (FOUO)
The thing that does work is:
Secondary Screening
The combination of procedures available
in secondary, a stressful experience
for any newcomer, may pose a
I can solve that by:
significant strain on an operational
diplomat’s ability to maintain cover.
Individuals singled out during primary
inspection are sent to secondary. After
newcomers (FOUO)





Good things take time. Take a step back, of access to their DEA or to other
see the bigger picture, and take a day off equivalent assistance against you,
under agreement with your supervisor and SCPF Metably, or our DEA. (FOUO)
your target audience if on a diplomatic
mission. People love to be promised to Never retaliate. The strongest expressions
better future and existence. I mean, why must be limited to rightful and appropriate
wouldn't we? In this cold, chaotic, and demands, defending, insisting, and
unpredictable world, we all struggle to maintaining your position and policy. We
make sense out of everything. That is why are here to unite and to protect, not to
all of us need the acknowledgement and divide and to attack. Keep that in mind even
assurance of the right direction to go and when you do really feel like stating an angry
the right place to eventually reach so that opinion. Use the opportunity to grow as an
we have a calming and confident inducing individual, improve your skills, and DEA.
feeling that no matter what form of (FOUO)
adversity the life throw is at us. But you Verification of Newcomers’ Stories
need to take a step back and see the As part of their investigation of newcomers,
greater good – the bigger picture. Can you community officials can contact their
back up what you promise, what you offer? contacts and friends online to verify given
Yes? Is the same true for your target information. If you can, and it is appropriate
audience, or DEA? Can X thing actually to do so, it is critical that you maintain
work? Is that the right thing to do? Those simple, honest and concise answers to
questions get lost in the finer detail, but the questions, and that you speak only on topics
big picture holds the finer detail together. that you know sufficiently to fluently talk
(FOUO) about them with others. (FOUO)
Relations fail, outreach fails, and sometimes,
you fail in life. But you go on. Learn from Keep your options open. It suits nobody if
that. Learn from failing. Failing is good, petty squabbles kill potential contacts,
because it allows you to learn, to fail less and friends, or alliances. But the truth is, it
less, until you have mastered a given field happens every day, dozens of times. Find
and no longer fail. Do not be afraid to fail, do common ground, despite difficulties. Make
not be afraid to mess up, as long as you friends out of people you don’t get along
learn from that for the sake of the greater with, by being flexible. And back your words
good. It happens to the best of us. (FOUO) up. Actions speak louder than words, so
make good on your promises and your
Newcomers can in accordance with many statements, or say nothing at all.
communities’ rules or regulations be held in
secondary screening for hours, if not
longer. It is best to generally stick to a 48-
hour rule. Whether your target community
knows you are with DEA and on-the-job, if
suspicions about you or things related to
you are not cleared up within 48 hours, it is
best to simply abandon the community until
another Analyst reports that such behavior
has been removed from the community in
question. Communities conducting
secondary inspection most likely have
no right




Perspective and social Intelligence When under attack – Diplomat or DEA

One thing that might help you is to consider As a member of DEA, you have diplomatic
the possibility that not everyone has the immunity. They cannot touch you, but they
same brain type as you. Some people are can still badmouth you. (FOUO)
naturally more intuitive than rational. They
tend to be drawn to more mystical ways. Never deny things you are being attacked on.
If you're a highly rational and pragmatic Disprove False Data with clear and factual
person, well, that's just one way. Other evidence. “The DEA Cookie Jar is empty” –
people might be wired very differently show him its full, and show the public. It is the
from you. You may never have seen a form of disproving utterly the false statement
demon, and maybe never will, but with documents or demonstration or display.
someone else might have. It is possible. However, there is a rule to this: Only disprove
And so, there is a huge disconnect. what you feasibly can, and let the rest slide
Don't expect people to translate all the like it never happened, but learn from it. Learn
understandings and experiences into to provide ready evidence for the next wave of
your rationalist paradigm. That would be trouble. Do not beat yourself up over hiccups.
a rather lazy attitude. Accept the (FOUO)
responsibility for understanding rather Be honest where appropriate. Never
than putting the burden of "proof" on volunteer information, but before a
others. No one owes you diplomatic mission is announced, it is best
understanding. It's your job to grapple to use a cover story. If you are an Analyst,
with the mysteries of reality to connect it is necessary to evaluate on a case-by-
people and build concrete relations. case basis whether you should announce
(FOUO) your work or use a cover. In any case, if
Accept denials. Take a no, at times. found out, be honest, but never admit that
Present your best image, present us in the you were sent by DEA, and that you are
best light appropriate, use clear and simply doing your job – on your own.
pleasant language, but if they still say no, (FOUO)
respect that. People have their own views –
sometimes, they reject relations altogether
because they’re not ready. Respect that
and ask again in a few months. However,
always be ready to take people up on an Personal Electronics (FOUO)
offer that they previously turned down. If Always keep your devices on which your
given time to think, people often change account data is securely stored password
their minds. Use this to your advantage. Do protected. Consider taking additional steps
not always respond on-time, give them a such as enabling 2-Factor-Authentication and
few minutes to think things through, and use different passwords for each application
and set of accounts respectively.. (FOUO)
then interact with them. Once you started
talks, always be timely. If you give them an
offer, let them think before you reply, but
always ensure and insist on mutual respect.





Dealing with Questioning • Exhibit psychosomatic behavior such as

swallowing, lip biting, perspiring, deep
Consistent, well-rehearsed, and plausible breathing, frequent clothing adjustments,
cover is important for avoiding or lint picking. This is unconsciously
questioning. It is advised that the most reflected in behavior even online. Your
effective prevention of secondary is to have avatar, communication, and timeliness
simple and plausible answers to the two are only a few of such reflectors.
most frequently asked questions, “Why are
you here,” and, if you are found out or • Qualify sentence meanings with words
announcing your affiliation and work, “Who is like “typically,” “normally,” “often,” “maybe,”
SCPF Metably.” Newcomers should also or “almost” or phrases like “to be honest,”
ensure before conducting diplomatic “the truth is,” or “swear to God.”
missions that everything that foreign officials
can use to examine mission and identity— • Provide overly specific responses. (FOUO)
social media,, visit history, reason for joining, Newcomers who avoid providing
identification, affiliations, Web presence—is unnecessary details probably shorten
consistent with their covers. (FOUO) questioning. To avoid appearing nervous,
Mental preparation almost certainly helps keep answers simple, and do not volunteer
people pass secondary scrutiny. Although a additional information, such as details on
certain degree of nervousness is expected, SCPF Metably contacts. (FOUO)
persistent indications of deceptive behavior
will almost certainly extend the secondary
interview. Potentially deceptive persons:

• Allow a significant pause between a

question and the response, or use
delaying sounds, like “ah” or “um.”

The Importance of Maintaining Cover––No Matter What

Even when the newcomer does everything right, the best protection during secondary screening is
to be well-prepared with a cover story. A lot of the times when we're trying hard to solve our own
personal problems, we often beat around the bush rather too much. We try to associate them with
anything but our own sense of accountability and responsibility. We often let ourselves float and
glide around the emotional waves that our problems spawn from within us. How can you create and
keep a cover story when you do not take responsibility and accountability for your actions? Already
you have probably noticed a marked increase in your ability to handle life and others. You have
started an adventure of success, welcome and Good Luck in your career of DEA at SCPF Metably.
For any additional information, consult your supervisor,.
Here is a genre in desperate need of some good order. Will you bring it that order? (FOUO)



This intelligence product is based exclusively on the content
and behavior of selected media and has been coordinated with

FOUO Level-4+

Research and Analysis conducted from Information and

Intelligence from 2018-2023. Select source-files may no longer
be available due to professional disposal of the sensitive
material contained therein.

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