UNIT-2 Production and Operation Management '23
UNIT-2 Production and Operation Management '23
UNIT-2 Production and Operation Management '23
A (Sem-4)
1. What to manufacture?
Before everything else, this question is answered to decide area of business. There
are many items like cement, petroleum, sugar, bulk chemical, etc. which are not
possible to manufacture on small scale. They are manufactured on mass production
basis in large capacity continuous production system. Factories of such products will
have product layout.Many products are specially manufactured as per customer
order. Factories of such products will have process layout.
4. Cost of land:
In urban areas where land is expensive, plant layout can have multi stored
buildings. In remote area where land is easily available single level manufacturing area
are designed.
They are purchased in bulk quantity. FOR EXAMPLE: agricultural product. One has to
provide for large warehouses for such material. Some raw materials are explosive in
nature. They are stored in separate areas.
8. Type of industry:
There are certain similarities in design of manufacturing units of the same
industry. FOR EXAMPLE: all power plants manufacture electricity by consuming gas
as a fuel will always look similar or alike. Types of machines will be of similar nature.
1. Process Layout
2. Product Layout
3. Fixed Position Layout
4. Cellular Layout
5. Combination Layout/Hybrid Layout
1. Process lay-out:
405- Production & Operations Management S.Y.B.B.A (Sem-4)
A typical EXAMPLE is that of an engineering company like LARSEN & TOUBRO. They
are manufacturing various products as per customer order.
405- Production & Operations Management S.Y.B.B.A (Sem-4)
Here, turning department shall accommodate various types & size of lathe
machines. Same is the case with drilling department, welding department etc. first,
orders of customer with people design, drawings and specifications are received. After
that, technically competent people in production department shall decide about what
are the various processes to be performed in order to manufacturing that specially
designed product. It is obvious that according to design & specifications of customer,
each product shall be unique. Because of this reason, what processes we shall be
performing for different finished products shall be differing from product to product.
Drilling shop heat treatment shop welding electro plating paint shop
405- Production & Operations Management S.Y.B.B.A (Sem-4)
3) As processes are not going be 100% automatic, rate of production is slow. The
pre unit cost of manufacturing is high.
4) Machines are not specially created to manufacture one product and hence they
are not 100% automatic. Because of this reason, quality assurance is a different
5) Area & volume utilization in plant lay out design are different to achieve.
6) As machines are less automatic, there is more reliance on man power. The labour
is therefore high.
2. Product Lay-out:
These lay out are designed to manufacture signal product or a few variants of the
same product according to continuous production philosophy. Here, the purpose is
to make one product in large quantity on continuous basis. The machines &
production processes are specially modified or designed to contribute toward
manufacture of that definite product.
In this case, the lay out follows technical sequences of processes which are decided
to make one product continuously & hence the name ‘product lay out’ once created,
it is not possible to make different product.
405- Production & Operations Management S.Y.B.B.A (Sem-4)
1) Labour cost % are less in total costing as machines are of special purpose &
4) Less number & various of finished goods are manufacturing. Less varieties of
input material are needed.
405- Production & Operations Management S.Y.B.B.A (Sem-4)
6) Compact automatic machines are used & hence better floor area utilization is
1) These lay out not flexible. You cannot manufacture any other product than what
the layout is designed for risk of doing business is therefore more.
2) These lay out are capital intensive. Machines are costly, high capacity automatic
machines. Initial project investment is high because of this fixed cost like interest
& depreciation costs are high.
4) The break down in one department shall instantly affect another department.
This is because work in progress inventory are virtually non-existent and even if
they are found in between two stages, they can hardly last for minutes.
6) The lay out are associated with high capacity high investment plants. It is not
possible to work with lower capacities even during lean demand seasons.
In this type of layout the material or major component remains in a fixed location and
other tools, equipment, machines, men’s as well as other pieces of materials will be
brought to this location.
Here, product remains stationary because cost of moving the product would be too
high and as compared to cost of moving of men, material and other equipment’s.
Here the focus should be on timing of raw material and equipment delivers so as not
to hurdle the work site and to avoid having to relocate materials and equipment
around the work site.
405- Production & Operations Management S.Y.B.B.A (Sem-4)
1. Men and machines can be utilized for variety of operation by producing different
2. The investment on layout is small as compared to product and process layout.
3. The high cost of and difficulty of transporting heavy and bulky material is avoided.
4. Cellular Layout :
Here groupings of cells are determined by operations needed to perform work for a set
of similar items, or part families, which require similar processing. The cells over here
are smaller versions of product layouts.
The flow of parts within the cells may take any form. They may go in same line flow
pattern or they may take different routes through the cells because of differences in the
design of the two parts.
405- Production & Operations Management S.Y.B.B.A (Sem-4)
When the nature of product is such which is manufactured somewhat in a same way
and somewhat in a complex form, then it is possible to have the layout in a
combination form of product and process.
Some parts which are manufactured through process layout and if they are
faculty then they may require their reproduction by process layout.
Malls and supermarkets are an example of process layout but still they use
fixed path material handling devices such as roller type conveyors in the stock
rooms, belt type conveyors at billing centers.
405- Production & Operations Management S.Y.B.B.A (Sem-4)
Note: Some time different between product layout & process layout is asked. It is
advice sable to compare various features of both types of layout in vertical format.
405- Production & Operations Management S.Y.B.B.A (Sem-4)
405- Production & Operations Management S.Y.B.B.A (Sem-4)
Many types of materials like raw-materials, purchased components, material-in-
process, finished goods, packaging materials, maintenance and repair supplies,
scrap and waste and reject or rework are used and handled in manufacturing
organizations. These materials are of various size, shape and specific features. The
layout of facilities is directly affected by the nature of these materials. For e.g.
large and bulk material, heavy materials, fluids, solid, flexible and inflexible
materials and materials requiring special handling to protect them from conditions
such as heat, cold, humidity, light, dust, flame and vibration affect the layout of
facilities for handling, storing and processing these materials.
“Material handling is defined as the art and science of moving, packaging
andstoring of substances in any form.”
A) Materials should move through the facility in direct flow pattern, minimizing
zigzagging or backtracking.
B) Related production processes should be arranged to provide for direct material
C) Mechanized material handling device should be designed and set up so that
human efforts is minimised.
D) Heavy and bulk materials should be moved the shortest distance during
E) The number of times each material is handled should be minimised.
F) Mobile equipment should carry full loads all the times.
Conveyors belt
405- Production & Operations Management S.Y.B.B.A (Sem-4)
Hand carts
Crates and boxes
Pipe line
These all equipment has certain technical specialities. Some are fixed path
equipment. Some are variable path equipment.
Material handling can be done by fully automatic equipment. Examples are robotic
systems automation storage automation retrieval (ASAR) system for storage of
gases& liquids in tanks. Computerized & numerically controlled (CNG) handling
system. Fully automatic system is usually fixed path handling system. Some
handling equipment are semi-automatic.