Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Useful vocabulary
1. spectacles - окуляри Click to practise!
2. severe - суворий, вимогливий
3. scar - шрам
4. exasperated - роздратований
5. charms - чари
6. scrawny - худий
7. revolting - огидний
8. magic wand - чарівна паличка
9. wizard - чаклун
10. witch - відьма, чаклунка
11. witchcraft - чаклунство
12. bewildered - збентежений
13. chamber - кімната, світлиця
14. potion - зілля, мікстура, настійка
15. herbs - трави
16. broomstick / broom - мітла
17. mantle - мантія
18. prefect - префект (як в університеті староста)
19. riffraff - нікудишній
20. ghost - привид
21. petrify - приголомшувати, вражати
22. offhand - навмання
23. to be in element - бути в своїй стихії
24. provoke - провокувати
25. luminous - освічений
26. mudblood - бруднокровка
27. muggle - маггл, людина без магічних здібностей
What traits of character do these people have?
Click (or scan the qr code) and
watch the video. Are the
sentences true or false?
Match characteristics to the houses.
● Values: Hard work, dedication, loyalty, fair play.
● Traits: This house is known for its loyal and dedicated
members. They value fairness and equality and are often
hardworking individuals who appreciate the importance of
Across Down
3. a witch from a muggle 1. a man with magical
family abilities
5. a woman with magical 2. magical liquid
abilities 3. a loose sleeveless cloak
7. a long, thin stick that 4. Vehicle to fly on in a
helps to do magic magical world
8. a person with no 6. a magical spell
magical abilities 9. the spirit of a dead
What traits of character do these people have?
Click (or scan the qr code) and
watch the video. Are the
sentences true or false?
Correct answers:
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. False - Mr. Longbottom is a student, not a
6. True
7. False - The dark forest is strictly forbidden for
first-year students.
8. False - No magic is allowed in the corridors
between classes.
9. False - The third-floor corridor is out of
10. False - Not all wizards are good.
Match characteristics to the houses
i p
z o
a t
r i
m u d b l o o d
w i t c h a r n
h w an d o
a t o
r l m
m u g g l e
s h
Across Down
3. a witch from a muggle 1. a man with magical
family abilities
5. a woman with magical 2. magical liquid
abilities 3. a loose sleeveless cloak
7. a long, thin stick that 4. Vehicle to fly on in a
helps to do magic magical world
8. a person with no 6. a magical spell
magical abilities 9. the spirit of a dead
Click to get a book ‘Harry Potter
and the sorcerer’s stone’.