Elecitic 1

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Biomedical Engineering Dept.

Electrical Engineering - AC -
Lab. Level 2 Evening
Semester 2

" The cathode ray oscilloscope "

Mustafa Mohammed Hadi

Supervised By

Ahmed Abd Oun

2022 1443

To study functional use of a cathode ray oscilloscope.


1- Dual beam oscilloscope

2- D.C. power supply

3- Function generator

4- Resistance box

5- Capacitance box

6- Inductance box

7- Connecting wires


The oscilloscope is an electronic device that shows the trace of an input signal
wave form on the fluorescent screen. It consist of four basic parts

A- An electron emitter which emits electrons

B- Number of electrodes these electrode are used to focus the beam to a spot on
the screen and for varying the brilliance.

C- Two pairs of plate P, &P, are fitted so that the electron beam passes through
them a potential difference is applied to either pair of plate to deflect the electron
beam. P, gives the horizontal deflection and P, gives the vertical deflection. Also
the unit includes two amplifiers for increasing the horizontal and vertical
deflection sensitivity.

D- A screen made out of phosphorous compound which gives off green light
when the electron beam strikes it the horizontal axis on the oscilloscope
represents the time axis and it is controlled by time base signal which is internally
generated. While the vertical axis on the oscilloscope represents the amplitude
axis and its controlled by the signal to be displayed on the screen of the

Voltage Measurement:

The oscilloscope is used to measure the amplitude of an applied voltage, the

signal whose amplitude is to be measured can be applied to the y amplifier alone.

Then form the wave shape obtained on the screen the vertical deflection can be
measured fig 1.1 and the amplitude calculated from

Amplitude= vertical deflection × vertical sensitivity

Where vertical sensitivity represented the vertical deflection in cm for each volt.

a) Sine wave voltage b) DC voltage

Fig.1.1: measurement of vertical deflection and frequency of a signal.

Frequency measurements

The signal whose frequency is to be measured can be applied to the y amplifier

alone then from the wave shape obtained on the screen the time period for the
cycle can be measured fig 1 .1 and the frequency calculated from

𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑(𝑇)

Phase measurements

The oscilloscope can be used for measuring the phase shift between two signals
in one of the following two ways:

1- If one voltage is applied to the ch1 and the other to the ch2 then the phase
shift O can be obtained by measuring t and T using the following relation fig 1.2

𝑡 𝜃
𝑇 360

Fig.l.2 phase measurement by two wave method

2-by using ch1 & ch2 an ellipse will be obtained Thus O will be known

if A & B are measured fig 1.3

𝜃 = 𝑠𝑖𝑛−1

Fig 1.3 phase measurement by an ellipse method

Theoretical side of the experiment

A- Measure frequency:

To measure the frequency we connect the circuit below:-

The Signal frequency is set from 50 to 1000 and the voltage is set at 10 volts

Signal frequency F Measured frequency

Signal period T (s)
(Hz) F• (Hz)
50 0.02 50
100 0.01 100
200 0.005 200
300 0.003333 300.03
400 0.0025 400
500 0.002 500
600 0.001666 600.24
700 0.001428 700.28
800 0.00125 800
900 0.001111 900.09
1000 0.0001 1000

B- Measure phase shift:

To measure the phase shift we connect the circuit like below:-

VP1 and VP2 = 10 volts, F1 and F2 = 100 Hz, the angle is from –π/2 to π/2

θ t θ•
- π/2 0.002479 -84.42°

- π/3 0.001690 -79.64°

-π/6 0.8450 -75.44°

0 0 0°

π/12 0.4500 25.95°

π/4 0.001183 36.82°

π/2 0.002479 84.42°

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