CIE IGCSE Chemistry Classified Chemistry P2 (1-8)

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Classified Chemistry past papers

Paper 2 ( Part 1 )
Page Study
number Yes NO
Topic 1 The particulate nature of matter

1.1 The particulate nature of matter 1

1.1 diffusion 11

Topic 2 Experimental techniques

2.1 Measurement 25
2.2.2 Methods of purification 35
2.2.1 Criteria of purity 44

Topic 3 Atoms, elements and compounds

3.1 Atomic structure and the Periodic Table 61
isotopes 76
3.2.2 Ions and ionic bonds 89
3.2.3 Molecules and covalent bonds 102
3.2.5 Metallic bonding 125

Topic 4 Stoichiometry
Balance chemical equations 135
Relative molecular & formula mass 142
Calculate empirical & molecular formulae 145
The mole concept 150
Calculations involving reacting masses 155
Calculate stoichiometric reacting volumes of gases 158
Acid & Base titration 163
P age Study
number Yes NO
Topic 5 Electricity and chemistry
Electrolysis of an ionic molten compound 167
Electrolysis of ionic aqueous solution 172
Electroplating of metals 190
Electrical energy from simple cells 196

Topic 6 Chemical energetics

6.1 Energetics of a reaction 207
6.2 Energy transfer 249

Topic 7 Chemical reactions

7.1 Physical and chemical changes 257
7.2 Rate (speed) of reaction 260
7.2 explosive combustion & photochemical reactions 290
7.3 Reversible reactions 292
7.4 Redox 313

Topic 8 Acids, bases and salts

8.1 The characteristic properties of acids and bases 331
8.2 Types of oxides 346
8.3 Preparation of salts 359
8.4 Identifcation of ions and gases 382

Mr / 3abdel Rahman 3esa ( +965 66608386 )

The Periodic Table of Elements
1 2
H He
hydrogen helium
Key 1 4
3 4 atomic number 5 6 7 8 9 10
Li Be atomic symbol B C N O F Ne
lithium beryllium name boron carbon nitrogen oxygen fluorine neon
7 9 relative atomic mass 11 12 14 16 19 20
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
sodium magnesium aluminium silicon phosphorus sulfur chlorine argon
23 24 27 28 31 32 35.5 40
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
potassium calcium scandium titanium vanadium chromium manganese iron cobalt nickel copper zinc gallium germanium arsenic selenium bromine krypton
39 40 45 48 51 52 55 56 59 59 64 65 70 73 75 79 80 84
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
rubidium strontium yttrium zirconium niobium molybdenum technetium ruthenium rhodium palladium silver cadmium indium tin antimony tellurium iodine xenon

85 88 89 91 93 96 101 103 106 108 112 115 119 122 128 127 131
55 56 57–71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Ba lanthanoids Ta W Re Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Cs Hf Os Ir
caesium barium hafnium tantalum tungsten rhenium osmium iridium platinum gold mercury thallium lead bismuth polonium astatine radon
– – –

133 137 178 181 184 186 190 192 195 197 201 204 207 209
87 88 89–103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 114 116
Fr Ra actinoids Db Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Fl Lv
Rf Sg Cn
francium radium rutherfordium dubnium seaborgium bohrium hassium meitnerium darmstadtium roentgenium copernicium flerovium livermorium
– – – – – – – – – – – – –

57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71

lanthanoids La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
lanthanum cerium praseodymium neodymium promethium samarium europium gadolinium terbium dysprosium holmium erbium thulium ytterbium lutetium

139 140 141 144 150 152 157 159 163 165 167 169 173 175
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103

actinoids Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
actinium thorium protactinium uranium neptunium plutonium americium curium berkelium californium einsteinium fermium mendelevium nobelium lawrencium
– – – – – – – – – – – –

232 231 238

The volume of one mole of any gas is 24 dm3 at room temperature and pressure (r.t.p.).
Topic 1 (The particulate nature of matter)

Topic 1

The particulate nature of matter

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Mr / 3abdel Rahman 3esa ( 66608386 )

Topic 1 (The particulate nature of matter)

① May 2010 / P[11] / Q 1

1 The diagram shows a cup of tea.

Which row describes the water particles in the air above the cup compared with the
water particles in the cup?

② NOV 2010 / P[11] / Q 1

1 In which changes do the particles move further apart?

A W and X B W and Z C X and Y D Y and Z

③ May 2010 / P[11] / Q 1

1 The diagrams show the arrangement of particles in three different physical states of
substance X.

Which statement about the physical states of substance X is correct?

A Particles in state 1 vibrate about fixed positions.
B State 1 changes to state 2 by diffusion.
C State 2 changes directly to state 3 by condensation.
D The substance in stage 3 has a fixed volume.

Topic 1 (The particulate nature of matter)

④ NOV 2011 / P[11] / Q 1

1 In which substance are the particles close together and slowly moving past each other?
A air
B ice
C steam
D water

⑤ NOV 2012 / P[11] / Q 1

1 What are the processes W, X, Y and Z in the following diagram?

⑥ May 2013 / P[11] / Q 1

1 The diagram shows a cup of tea.

Which row describes the water particles in the air above the cup compared with the
water particles in the cup?

Topic 1 (The particulate nature of matter)

⑦ NOV 2013 / P[11] / Q 1

1 An attempt was made to compress a gas and a solid using the apparatus shown.

Which substance would be compressed and what is the reason for this?

⑧ May 2015 / P[11] / Q 1

1 The changes that occur when a substance changes state are shown below.

Which process, W, X, Y or Z, is occurring in the following four situations?

1 Butter melts on a warm day.
2 Water condenses on a cold surface.
3 The volume of liquid ethanol in an open beaker reduces.
4 Ice forms inside a freezer.

Topic 1 (The particulate nature of matter)

⑨ NOV 2015 / P[11] / Q 1

1 Diagrams X, Y and Z represent the three states of matter.

Which change occurs during boiling?

A X to Y B Y to Z C Z to X D Z to Y

⑩ May 2016 / P [22] / Q 1

The particles of a substance gain energy and change from a regular ordered structure to
a disordered structure with large distances between the particles.
Which change of state is described?
A boiling
B evaporation
C melting
D sublimation

⑪ NOV 2017 / P [21] / Q 1

Which process causes the greatest increase in the distance between particles?

A condensation
B freezing
C melting
D sublimation

Topic 1 (The particulate nature of matter)

⑫ NOV 2017 / P [22] / Q 1

The diagram shows the arrangement of particles in the three states of matter.

Solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) sublimes to gaseous carbon dioxide.

Which row describes the initial and final states?

⑬ NOV 2017 / P [22] / Q 1

Which statement describes sublimation?

A Particles moving slowly past each other speed up and move further apart.
B Particles vibrating next to each other become mobile and move slowly past each other.

C Particles vibrating next to each other start to move rapidly and move further apart.
D Rapidly moving particles slow down and move closer together

Topic 1 (The particulate nature of matter)

⑭ May 2018 / P [22] / Q 1

A gas is released at point X in the apparatus shown.

Which gas turns the damp Universal Indicator paper red most quickly?
A ammonia, NH3
B chlorine, Cl2
C hydrogen chloride, HCl
D sulfur dioxide, SO2

⑮ NOV 2018 / P [23] / Q 1

Gases are separated from liquid air by fractional distillation. The boiling points of four
gases are shown.
Which gas is both monatomic and a liquid at –200 °C?

⑯ May 2020 / P [21] / Q 1

A mixture of ice and water is left to stand and the ice melts.
Which row describes what happens as the ice is melting?

Topic 1 (The particulate nature of matter)

⑰ NOV 2020 / P [21] / Q 1

Which gas has the slowest rate of diffusion?
A H2 B NH3 C CH4 D CO2

⑱ March 2019 / P [22] / Q 1

Pure water boils at 100 °C.
What happens to the water particles when water boils?
A They gain energy and move further apart.
B They gain energy and stay close together.
C They lose energy and move further apart.
D They lose energy and stay close together.

⑲ March 2020 V [22] Q 1

The formula of methane is CH4 and the formula of ethane is C2H6.
Which row describes diffusion and the relative rates of diffusion of methane and ethane?

Topic 1 (The particulate nature of matter)

⑳ March 2021 / P [22] / Q 1

Which row about a change of state is correct?

21 May 2021 / P [23] / Q 2

2 A 1 cm3 sample of substance X is taken. This is sample 1.
X is then converted to a different physical state and a 1 cm3 sample is taken. This is sample 2.
Sample 2 contains more particles in the 1 cm3 than sample 1.
Which process caused this increase in the number of particles in 1 cm3 ?
A boiling of liquid X
B condensation of gaseous X
C evaporation of liquid X
D sublimation of solid X

Topic 1 (diffusion)

① May 2012 / P [11] / Q 1

1 Which diagram shows the process of diffusion?

② May 2014 / P [11] / Q 1

1 The diagram shows the result of dropping a purple crystal into water.

Which processes take place in this experiment?

Topic 1 (diffusion)

③ NOV 2014 / P[11] / Q 1

1 Which statement is an example of diffusion?
A A kitchen towel soaks up some spilt milk.
B Ice cream melts in a warm room.
C Pollen from flowers is blown by the wind.
D The smell of cooking spreads through a house.

④ May 2016 / P [21] / Q 1

The rate of diffusion of two gases, methane, CH4, and ethene, C2H4, is measured using
the apparatus shown.

Which gas diffuses faster and why?

Topic 1 (diffusion)

⑤ May 2016 / P [21] / Q 1

The diagram shows an experiment to demonstrate diffusion.

Which statement explains why the ring of ammonium chloride appears as shown?

A Ammonia solution only produces a gas which moves until it meets the
hydrochloric acid.
B Both solutions produce a gas, but ammonia moves quicker than hydrogen
chloride because it is lighter.
C Hydrochloric acid produces hydrogen chloride which stays at one end of the
tube until the ammonia reaches it.
D The two solutions run along the tube until they meet.

⑥ NOV 2016 / P [21] / Q 1

‘Particles moving very slowly from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower
Which process is being described?

A a liquid being frozen

B a solid melting
C a substance diffusing through a liquid
D a substance diffusing through the air

Topic 1 (diffusion)

⑦ May 2017 / P [21] / Q 1

Small crystals of purple KMnO4 (Mr = 158) and orange K2Cr2O7 (Mr = 294) were
placed at the centres of separate petri dishes filled with agar jelly. They were left to
stand under the same physical conditions.
After some time, the colour of each substance had spread out as shown.

The lengths of the arrows indicate the relative distances travelled by particles of each
Which statement is correct?
A Diffusion is faster in dish 1 because the mass of the particles is greater.
B Diffusion is faster in dish 2 because the mass of the particles is greater.
C Diffusion is slower in dish 1 because the mass of the particles is smaller.
D Diffusion is slower in dish 2 because the mass of the particles is greater.

⑧ May 2018 / P [21] / Q 1

A student investigated the diffusion of ammonia gas, NH 3, and hydrogen chloride gas,
Two sets of apparatus were set up as shown at room temperature and pressure.

The damp red litmus paper in apparatus 1 changed colour after 30 seconds.
How long does it take for the damp blue litmus paper to change colour in apparatus 2?
A 64 seconds
B 30 seconds
C 21 seconds
D The blue litmus paper would not change colour.
Topic 1 (diffusion)

⑨ May 2018 / P [22] / Q 1

A gas is released at point X in the apparatus shown.

Which gas turns the damp Universal Indicator paper red most quickly?
A ammonia, NH3
B chlorine, Cl2
C hydrogen chloride, HCl
D sulfur dioxide, SO2

⑩ May 2018 / P [22] / Q 1

Ammonia gas is reacted with hydrogen chloride gas using the apparatus shown.
Solid ammonium chloride is produced.

Which statement explains why the solid ammonium chloride is formed nearer to the
hydrogen chloride?
A Ammonia solution is a base and hydrogen chloride solution is an acid.
B Ammonia molecules diffuse more slowly than hydrogen chloride molecules.
C Hydrogen chloride has a greater molecular mass than ammonia.
D Hydrogen chloride moves by Brownian motion.

Topic 1 (diffusion)

⑪ NOV 2018 / P [21] / Q 1

When smoke particles are observed with a microscope they are seen to move around
This is called Brownian motion.
What causes Brownian motion?
A diffusion of the smoke particles
B molecules in the air hitting the smoke particles
C sublimation of the smoke particles
D the smoke particles hitting the walls of the container

⑫ NOV 2018 / P [22] / Q 1

Oxygen and fluorine are gaseous elements next to each other in the Periodic Table.
Under the same conditions of temperature and pressure, oxygen diffuses ......1...... than
fluorine because its ......2...... is less than that of fluorine.
Which words correctly complete gaps 1 and 2?

⑬ May 2019 / P [21] / Q 1

Which statement explains why ammonia gas, NH3, diffuses at a faster rate than
hydrogen chloride gas, HCl ?
A Ammonia expands to occupy all of the space available.

B Ammonia has a smaller relative molecular mass than hydrogen chloride.

C Ammonia is an alkali and hydrogen chloride is an acid.

D Ammonia molecules diffuse in all directions at the same time.

Topic 1 (diffusion)

⑭ May 2019 / P [22] / Q 1

The apparatus shown is set up. After 20 minutes a white ring of ammonium chloride is
seen at position Y.

Which statement about the molecules of ammonia and hydrogen chloride is correct?
A Molecules in ammonia have a larger Mr than molecules of hydrogen chloride
and so they move more slowly.
B Molecules in ammonia have a larger Mr than molecules of hydrogen chloride
and so they move more quickly.
C Molecules in ammonia have a smaller Mr than molecules of hydrogen chloride
and so they move more slowly.
D Molecules in ammonia have a smaller Mr than molecules of hydrogen chloride
and so they move more quickly.

⑮ May 2019 / P [23] / Q 1

Hydrogen chloride gas (Mr = 36.5) is released at P in the apparatus shown.
The Universal Indicator paper turns red after 38s.

The experiment is repeated using sulfur dioxide (Mr = 64).

What is the result for sulfur dioxide?

Topic 1 (diffusion)

⑯ NOV 2019 / P [21] / Q 1

Samples of four gases are released in a room at the same time.
The gases are carbon dioxide, CO2, hydrogen chloride, HCl, hydrogen sulfide, H2S, and
nitrogen dioxide, NO2
Which gas diffuses fastest?
A carbon dioxide
B hydrogen chloride
C hydrogen sulfide
D nitrogen dioxide

⑰ NOV 2019 / P [22] / Q 1

The rate of diffusion of a gas depends on its molecular mass and the temperature.
Which combination of molecular mass and temperature gives the slowest rate of

⑱ NOV 2019 / P [23] / Q 1

Which two gases will diffuse at the same rate, at the same temperature?
A carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide
B carbon monoxide and nitrogen
C chlorine and fluorine
D nitrogen and oxygen

⑲ NOV 2020 / P [21] / Q 1

Which gas has the slowest rate of diffusion?
A H2 B NH3 C CH4 D CO2

Topic 1 (diffusion)

⑳ SP 2020 / P [02] / Q 1
The diagram shows the diffusion of hydrogen chloride and ammonia in a glass tube.
The gases are given off by the solutions at each end of the tube.
When hydrogen chloride and ammonia mix they produce a white solid, ammonium
Which line shows where the white solid is formed?

21 March 2015 / P [11] / Q 1

A crystal of purple potassium manganate (VII) was added to each of the beakers shown
in the diagram.

One beaker contained hot water and the other beaker contained cold water.
In both beakers the purple colour of the potassium manganate(VII) spreads out.
Which result and explanation are correct?

Topic 1 (diffusion)

22 March 2016 / P [22] / Q 1

Two gas jars are set up as shown.

The lid is removed and the gas jars are left to stand. After some time the contents of
both gas jars are brown.
Which process causes this to happen?
A condensation
B diffusion
C evaporation
D filtration

23 March 2017 / P [22] / Q 1

A gas is released at point Q in the apparatus shown.

Which gas changes the colour of the damp Universal Indicator paper most quickly?

Topic 1 (diffusion)

24 March 2018 / P [22] / Q 1

Hydrogen chloride gas, HCl, reacts with ammonia gas, NH3, to form solid ammonium
The apparatus is set up as shown.
After a few minutes, solid ammonium chloride forms where the two gases meet.

The experiment is repeated using hydrogen bromide, HBr, in place of hydrogen

How far along the tube does the solid ammonium bromide form?

25 March 2019 / P [22] / Q 1

Pure water boils at 100 °C.
What happens to the water particles when water boils?
A They gain energy and move further apart.
B They gain energy and stay close together.
C They lose energy and move further apart.
D They lose energy and stay close together.

Topic 1 (diffusion)

26 March 2020 / P [22] / Q 1

The formula of methane is CH4 and the formula of ethane is C2H6.

Which row describes diffusion and the relative rates of diffusion of methane and ethane?

27 May 2021 / P [21] / Q 1

1 A gas is released at point P in the apparatus shown.

Which gas turns the damp universal indicator paper red most quickly?
A ammonia, NH3
B chlorine, Cl2
C hydrogen chloride, HCl
D sulfur dioxide, SO2

Topic 2 Experimental techniques

Topic 2
Experimental techniques

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Mr / 3abdel Rahman 3esa ( 66608386 )

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Measurements)

① May 2010 / P [11] / Q 3

3 A student carries out an experiment to find how fast 3 cm pieces of magnesium ribbon
dissolve in 10 cm3 samples of sulfuric acid at different temperatures.

Which piece of apparatus does the student not need?

A balance
B measuring cylinder
C stop-clock
D thermometer

② NOV 2011 / P [11] / Q 2

2 A student was provided with only a thermometer, a stopwatch and a beaker.
What could the student measure?
A 10.5g solid and 24.8cm3 liquid
B 10.5g solid and 25 °C
C 24.8cm3 liquid and 45 seconds
D 25 °C and 45 seconds

③ May 2012 / P [11] / Q 3

3 A student investigates how the concentration of an acid affects the speed of reaction
with a 0.5 g mass of magnesium at 30 °C.
The student has a beaker, concentrated acid, water and the apparatus below.
P a balance
Q a clock
R a measuring cylinder
S a thermometer
Which pieces of apparatus does the student use?
A P, Q and R only
B P, Q and S only
C Q, R and S only
D P, Q, R and S

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Measurements)

④ NOV 2012 / P [11] / Q 3

3 Part of the instructions in an experiment reads as follows.
Quickly add 50cm3 of acid.
What is the best piece of apparatus to use?
A a burette
B a conical flask
C a measuring cylinder
D a pipette

⑤ May 2013 / P [11] / Q 3

3 Lead iodide is insoluble in water.
Lead iodide is made by adding aqueous lead nitrate to aqueous potassium iodide.
Which pieces of apparatus are needed to obtain solid lead iodide from 20cm 3 of aqueous
lead nitrate?

A 1, 2 and 4 B 1, 3 and 5 C 1, 4 and 5 D 2, 4 and 5

⑥ NOV 2013 / P [11] / Q 3
2 A student measures the rate of two reactions.
In one reaction, there is a change in mass of the reactants during the reaction.
In the second reaction, there is a change in temperature during the reaction.
Which piece of apparatus would be essential in both experiments?
A balance
B clock
C pipette
D thermometer

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Measurements)

⑦ May 2014 / P [11] / Q 2

2 The four pieces of apparatus shown below are used in chemical experiments.

Which statement about the apparatus is correct?

A The burette measures the volume of liquid added in a titration.
B The measuring cylinder measures the mass of a substance used in an experiment.
C The pipette measures the volume of gas given off in a reaction.
D The thermometer measures the density of a solution.

⑧ May 2015 / P [11] / Q 2

2 A student uses the apparatus shown in the diagram below to measure the volume of
carbon dioxide gas made when different masses of marble chips are added to 25cm3 of
dilute hydrochloric acid.

Which other items of apparatus are needed?

A funnel and balance
B funnel and stopwatch
C measuring cylinder and balance
D measuring cylinder and stopwatch

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Measurements)

⑨ NOV 2015 / P [11] / Q 3

2 P, Q, R and S are pieces of apparatus.

Which row describes the correct apparatus for the measurement made?

⑩ NOV 2015 / P [12] / Q 2

2 The diagram shows apparatus being used to demonstrate how the rate of a chemical
reaction changes with temperature.

Which statement must be correct?

A The reaction is endothermic.
B The reaction is exothermic.
C The reaction produces a gas.
D The reaction produces an acid.

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Measurements)

⑪ NOV 2015 / P [13] / Q 2

2 A student was asked to measure the rate of reaction between dilute hydrochloric acid
and marble chips at different temperatures.
Some of the apparatus used is shown.

A balance and pipette

B balance and stopclock
C beaker and stopclock
D burette and pipette

⑫ NOV 2016 / P [21] / Q 1

A student mixes 25cm3 samples of dilute hydrochloric acid with different volumes of
aqueous sodium hydroxide.
In each case, the student measures the change in temperature to test if the reaction is
Which piece of apparatus is not needed?

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Measurements)

⑫ NOV 2017 / P [21] / Q 2

2 A student put 25.0 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid into a conical flask.
The student added 2.5 g of solid sodium carbonate and measured the change in
temperature of the mixture.
Which apparatus does the student need to use to obtain the most accurate results?
A balance, measuring cylinder, thermometer
B balance, pipette, stopwatch
C balance, pipette, thermometer
D burette, pipette, thermometer

⑬ NOV 2017 / P [22] / Q 2

2 During an experiment a measurement is recorded in cm3.
Which apparatus is used?
A balance
B measuring cylinder
C stopclock
D thermometer

⑭ NOV 2017 / P [23] / Q 2

2 25 cm of an alkali are added to 20 cm3 of an acid. The temperature change is

Which apparatus is not needed in the experiment?
A 25 cm3 measuring cylinder
B 100 cm3 beaker
C balance
D thermometer

⑮ May 2018 / P[21] / Q 3

3 Which piece of apparatus is used to measure exactly 26.3 cm3 of a liquid?

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Measurements)

⑯ May 2018 / P [22] / Q 3

3 Which piece of apparatus cannot be used to collect and measure the volume of gas
produced in an experiment?
A burette
B gas syringe
C measuring cylinder
D pipette

⑰ May 2018 / P [23] / Q 3

3 Solid R reacted with dilute sulfuric acid.
The initial temperature of the dilute sulfuric acid and the final temperature of the
solution are shown.

What was the change in temperature in °C?

A–6 B–4 C4 D6

⑱ NOV 2018 / P [21] / Q 2

2 The diagrams show four pieces of laboratory equipment.

Which equipment is essential to find out if dissolving a salt in water is an exothermic process?

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Measurements)

⑲ May 2019 / P [22] / Q 2

2 A student measures 25.00 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid accurately.
Which apparatus is most suitable?
A beaker
B measuring cylinder
C burette
D dropping pipette

⑳ May 2019 / P [23] / Q 2

2 Which piece of apparatus is used to measure 24.8 cm3 of gas produced during a
A beaker
B conical flask
C measuring cylinder
D pipette

21 NOV 2019 / P [21] / Q 2

2 A student is asked to measure the time taken for 0.4 g of magnesium carbonate to react
completely with 25.0 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid.
Which pieces of apparatus does the student need?
A balance, stop-clock, pipette
B balance, stop-clock, thermometer
C balance, pipette, thermometer
D stop-clock, pipette, thermometer

22 May 2020 / P [21] / Q 2

2 Which piece of apparatus should be used to measure exactly 21.4 cm3 of water?
A 25 cm3 beaker
B 25 cm3 pipette
C 50 cm3 burette
D 50 cm3 measuring cylinder

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Measurements)

23 May 2020 / P [22] / Q 2

2 Which piece of apparatus is used to measure 25.0 cm3 of aqueous sodium hydroxide?

24 May 2020 / P [23] / Q 2

2 Which piece of apparatus is used to measure 13.7 cm3 of dilute hydrochloric acid?
A balance
B burette
C conical flask
D pipette

25 NOV 2020 / P [21] / Q 3

3 Which piece of apparatus can only measure a single fixed volume?
A 250 cm3 beaker
B 50 cm3 burette
C 100 cm3 measuring cylinder
D 25 cm3 pipette

26 March 2015 / P [12] / Q 2

2 During a reaction, the following changes take place.
1 The temperature rises.
2 A gas is given off.
Which apparatus is required to measure the rate of this reaction?
A balance and burette
B balance and gas syringe
C gas syringe and burette
D gas syringe and stopclock

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Measurements)

27 March 2016 / P [22] / Q 2

2 Which piece of apparatus is used to measure variable quantities of liquid in a titration?

28 March 2017 / P [22] / Q 2

2 The diagrams show liquids in a burette and a measuring cylinder.

Which row shows the correct readings for the burette and the measuring cylinder?

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Separation of mixtures)

① NOV 2010 / P [11] / Q 3

3 A mixture of ethanol and methanol are separated by fractional distillation.
This method of separation depends on a difference in property X of these two alcohols.
What is property X?
A boiling point
B colour
C melting point
D solubility

② May 2011 / P [11] / Q 3

3 The table gives the solubility of four substances in ethanol and in water.
A mixture containing all four substances is added to ethanol, stirred and filtered.
The solid residue is added to water, stirred and filtered.
The filtrate is evaporated to dryness, leaving a white solid.
Which is the white solid?

③ NOV 2011 / P [11] / Q 3

3 Mixture 1 contains sand and water.
Mixture 2 contains salt and water.
Which method of separation could be used to obtain each of the required products from
each mixture?

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Separation of mixtures)

④ May 2012 / P [11] / Q 2

2 Which method is most suitable to obtain zinc carbonate from a suspension of zinc
carbonate in water?
A crystallisation
B distillation
C evaporation
D filtration

⑤ NOV 2012 / P [11] / Q 2

2 A mixture of sulfur and iron filings needs to be separated. The solubilities of sulfur
and iron filings in water and carbon disulfide are shown in the table below.

What are possible methods of separating the sulfur and iron filings?

⑥ May 2014 / P [11] / Q 3

3 Alcohol and water are completely miscible. This means when mixed together they
form only one liquid layer.
Which method is used to separate alcohol from water?
A crystallisation
B filtration
C fractional distillation
D precipitation

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Separation of mixtures)

⑦ NOV 2014 / P [11] / Q 2

2 A mixture is separated using the apparatus shown.

What is the mixture?

A aqueous copper chloride and copper
B aqueous copper chloride and sodium chloride
C ethane and methane
D ethanol and water

⑧ NOV 2014 / P [11] / Q 3

3 Ethanol is made by fermentation.
How is ethanol obtained from the fermentation mixture?
A chromatography
B crystallisation
C electrolysis
D fractional distillation

⑨ May 2015 / P [12] / Q 2

2 The results of some tests on a colourless liquid X are shown.
• Boiling point = 102 °C
• Universal Indicator turns green
What is X?
A ethanol
B hydrochloric acid
C pure water
D sodium chloride (salt) solution

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Separation of mixtures)

⑩ May 2015 / P [13] / Q 2

2 A blue solid, X, is soluble in water.
Which method is used to obtain pure solid X from an aqueous solution?
A chromatography
B crystallisation
C filtration
D neutralisation

⑪ NOV 2016 / P [21] / Q 3

Information about the solubility of four solids, P, Q, R and S, is given in the table.

A student attempted to separate mixtures of these solids using the following method.
1 Add the mixture to a beaker of water and stir.
2 Filter the mixture.
3 Crystallise one of the solids from the filtrate.
Which of the following mixtures could not be separated by this method?
A a mixture of P and R
B a mixture of Q and P
C a mixture of Q and R
D a mixture of R and S

⑫ NOV 2016 / P [22] / Q 3

A sample contains a mixture of powdered limestone (calcium carbonate), sugar and
What is the correct way to obtain a pure sample of sugar?
A Dissolve the mixture in dilute hydrochloric acid, filter and wash the residue.
B Dissolve the mixture in hexane, filter and evaporate the filtrate.
C Dissolve the mixture in water, filter and evaporate the filtrate.
D Dissolve the mixture in water, filter and wash the residue.

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Separation of mixtures)

⑬ NOV 2016 / P [23] / Q 3

A solid X is purified in five steps.
The first four steps of the purification are shown in the diagram.

In step 5, how is a pure sample of solid X obtained from mixture Y?

A dissolving
B distillation
C evaporating
D filtering

⑭ May 2017 / P [21] / Q 2

Pure water has a boiling point of 100 °C and a freezing point of 0 °C.
What is the boiling point and freezing point of a sample of aqueous sodium chloride?

⑮ May 2017 / P [22] / Q 2

2 Impurities change the melting and boiling points of substances.
Sodium chloride is added to a sample of pure water.
How does the addition of sodium chloride affect the melting point and boiling point of
the water?

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Separation of mixtures)

⑯ May 2017 / P [23] / Q 2

2 A compound, X, has a melting point of 71 °C and a boiling point of 375 °C.
Which statement about X is correct?
A It is a liquid at 52 °C and a gas at 175 °C.
B It is a liquid at 69 °C and a gas at 380 °C.
C It is a liquid at 75 °C and a gas at 350 °C.
D It is a liquid at 80 °C and a gas at 400 °C.

⑰ Nov 2020 / P [23] / Q 3

3 Nickel(II) sulfate is a green solid that is soluble in water.
Which method is used to obtain a pure sample of nickel(II) sulfate crystals from a
mixture of nickel(II) sulfate and sand?
A Heat the mixture with water and distil it to give nickel(II) sulfate.
B Heat the mixture with water and leave it to crystallise.
C Heat the mixture with water and filter off the nickel(II) sulfate.
D Heat the mixture with water, filter and allow the solution to crystallise.

⑱ March 2016 / P [22] / Q 4

4 In which row are the substances correctly classified?

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Separation of mixtures)

⑲ March 2017 / P [22] / Q 3

3 The diagram shows how muddy water can be purified.

Which process for purifying the muddy water is shown?

A crystallisation
B distillation
C filtration
D solvent extraction

⑳ March 2018 / P [22] / Q 2

2 Substance L melts at –7 °C and is a brown liquid at room temperature.
Which temperature is the boiling point of pure L?
A –77 °C
B –7 °C to +7 °C
C 59 °C
D 107 °C to 117 °C

21 March 2019 / P [22] / Q 1

1 Pure water boils at 100 °C.
What happens to the water particles when water boils?
A They gain energy and move further apart.
B They gain energy and stay close together.
C They lose energy and move further apart.
D They lose energy and stay close together.

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Separation of mixtures)

22 March 2019 / P [22] / Q 2

2 Which method should be used to separate a mixture of two liquids?
A crystallisation
B electrolysis
C filtration
D fractional distillation

23 March 2019 / P [22] / Q 3

3 Lead(II) iodide is insoluble in water.
Lead(II) iodide is made by adding aqueous lead(II) nitrate to aqueous potassium iodide.
Which pieces of apparatus are needed to obtain solid lead(II) iodide from 20 cm 3 of
aqueous lead(II) nitrate?

A 1, 2 and 4 B 1, 3 and 5 C 1, 4 and 5 D 2, 4 and 5

24 March 2020 / P [22] / Q 2

2 Which test is used to show that a sample of water is pure?
A Evaporate the water to see if any solids remain.
B Heat the water to check its boiling point.
C Test with anhydrous cobalt(II) chloride.
D Use universal indicator paper to check its pH.

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Separation of mixtures)

25 March 2021 / P [22] / Q 2

2 Gases are separated from liquid air by fractional distillation.
The boiling points of four gases are shown.
Which gas is both monoatomic and a liquid at –200C?

26 May 2021 / P [21] / Q 2

2 A mixture is separated using the apparatus shown.

What is the mixture?

A aqueous copper(II) sulfate and aqueous sodium chloride
B aqueous copper(II) sulfate and copper
C copper and sulfur
D ethanol and ethanoic acid

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Chromatography)

① May 2010 / P [11] / Q 2

2 A fruit drink coloured orange contains a dissolved mixture of red and yellow
colouring agents.
One of these colouring agents is suspected of being illegal.
Which method could be used to show the presence of this illegal colouring agent?
A chromatography
B distillation
C evaporation
D filtration

② NOV 2010 / P [11] / Q 2

2 Chromatography is used to find out if a banned dye, P, is present in foodstuffs.
The results are shown in the diagram.
Which foodstuff contains P?

③ May 2011 / P [11] / Q 2

2 An aqueous solution is coloured.
Which method of separation would show that the solution contains ions of different
A chromatography
B crystallisation
C distillation
D filtration

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Chromatography)

④ NOV 2013 / P [11] / Q 3

3 Diagram 1 shows the paper chromatogram of substance X.

Diagram 2 shows the cooling curve for substance Y.

Which statement about X and Y is correct?

A X is a mixture and Y is a pure substance.
B X is a pure substance and Y is a mixture.
C X and Y are mixtures.
D X and Y are pure substances.

⑤ May 2016 / P [21] / Q 2

A sample of a dye is investigated by chromatography.
A line is drawn across a piece of chromatography paper and a spot of the dye is placed
on it.
The paper is placed in water.

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Chromatography)

⑥ May 2016 / P [22] / Q 2

In the chromatography experiment shown, which label represents the solvent front?

⑦ May 2016 / P [22] / Q 3

X is a mixture of colourless compounds. The diagram shows a chromatogram of X and
of three pure compounds, P, Q and R.

Which statement is not correct?

A A locating agent was used to develop the chromatogram of X.
B P and R could be present in X.
C P and R have different solubilities in the solvent.
D Q has a greater Rf value than R.
⑧ May 2016 / P [23] / Q 2
Chromatography experiments are carried out on four substances, P, Q, R and S.
The same solvent is used in each experiment.
The resulting chromatograms are shown below.

Which statement is not correct?

A P and Q are pure substances.
B P and R are different substances.
C R and S are pure substances.
D S is a mixture of substances.
Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Chromatography)

⑨ May 2016 / P [23] / Q 3

The diagram shows the apparatus used to separate the different components of a mixture
by chromatography

Which statement about this experiment is correct?

A A locating agent is used to find the position of the solvent front.
B The components to be separated must be soluble in the solvent.
C The baseline on which the spot of the mixture is placed is drawn in ink.

⑩ May 2017 / P [21] / Q 3

A chromatogram obtained from the chromatography of four substances is shown.
Which substance has an Rf value of 0.6?

⑪ May 2017 / P [22] / Q 3

3 The diagram shows a chromatogram of four substances.
Which substance has an Rf value of approximately 0.32?

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Chromatography)

⑫ May 2017 / P [23] / Q 3

3 A student used chromatography to analyse a green food colouring.
The chromatogram obtained is shown.

The table lists some yellow food dyes and their Rf values.
Which yellow food dye does the green food colouring contain?

⑬ NOV 2017 / P [21] / Q 3

3 The results obtained from a chromatogram are shown.

Which row gives the Rf values of substance X and substance Y?

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Chromatography)

⑭ NOV 2017 / P [22] / Q 3

3 A student carried out paper chromatography on a mixture of amino acids.
The student sprayed the dried chromatogram with a locating agent.
What is the function of the locating agent?
A to dissolve the amino acids
B to form coloured spots with the amino acids
C to preserve the amino acids
D to stop the amino acids reacting

⑮ NOV 2017 / P [23] / Q 3

3 The painkiller paracetamol is synthesised from 4-aminophenol.
Chromatography was carried out on an impure sample of paracetamol. The results are
shown(not drawn to scale).

The sample of paracetamol was contaminated with 4-aminophenol only.

What is the Rf value of 4-aminophenol?
A 0.49 B 0.65 C 0.74 D 1.35

⑯ May 2018 / P [21] / Q 2

2 Chromatography is a technique used to separate coloured dyes.
Which dye has an Rf value of 0.7?

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Chromatography)

⑰ May 2018 / P [22] / Q 2

2 A chromatography experiment was done to separate a mixture of four substances.
The Rf values measured for these substances were 0.3, 0.5, 0.8 and 0.8.
Which diagram shows the chromatogram obtained?

⑱ May 2018 / P [23] / Q 2

2 Paper chromatography is done in the same way with three different mixtures of dyes.
Each mixture contains at least one of the dyes W, X, Y and Z.
The Rf values of the dyes in the three mixtures are shown.

Which conclusion is correct?

A Dye W is nearest the solvent front and is present only in mixture 1 and mixture 3.
B Dye X has travelled furthest up the chromatography paper.
C Dye Y is the only dye present in all three mixtures.
D Dye Z is nearest the solvent front and is found in only two of the mixtures.
⑲ May 2019 / P [21] / Q 3
3 The measurements from a chromatography experiment using substance F are shown.
The diagram is not drawn to scale.

What is the Rf value of F?

A 0.55 B 0.61 C 0.90 D 1.64
Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Chromatography)

⑳ May 2019 / P [22] / Q 3

3 The chromatogram of solutions of two metal ions, P and Q, is shown.

P is coloured. A locating agent is used to find the position of Q.

The Rf value of each solution is calculated.
P is a ......1...... element and has an Rf value ......2...... than that of Q.
Which words complete gaps 1 and 2?

21 May 2019 / P [23] / Q 3

3 Rf values are used to identify unknown substances using paper chromatography.
Which statements about Rf values are correct?
1 Rf values are always less than 1.0.
2 Rf value = distance travelled by solvent ÷ distance travelled by unknown substance.
3 The higher the Rf value, the further the unknown substance travels.
4 Rf values are not affected by the solubility of the unknown substance.
A 1 and 2 B 1 and 3 C 2 and 3 D 3 and 4

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Chromatography)

22 NOV 2019 / P [21] / Q 3

3 Four different food colourings are analysed using chromatography.
The results are shown on the chromatogram. The diagram is not drawn to scale.
Which food colouring contains a component with an Rf value of 0.3?

23 NOV 2019 / P [22] / Q 3

3 Substance Q was investigated using chromatography.
The chromatogram is shown. The diagram is not drawn to scale.

What is the Rf value of Q?

A 0.60 B 0.64 C 0.69 D 0.72

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Chromatography)

24 NOV 2019 V [23] Q 3

3 A substance is separated using chromatography.
The chromatogram is shown.

Which statement is not correct?

A P has a higher Rf value than Q.
B P, Q and R are all soluble in the solvent.
C R is the most soluble substance.
D The Rf value of P is less than 1.

25 May 2020 / P [21] / Q 3

3 The chromatogram for an unknown dye is shown.

What is the Rf value of the dye?

A 0.60 B 0.64 C 0.75 D 0.82

26 May 2020 / P [22] / Q 3

3 Paper chromatography is used to determine the Rf values for four different food
Which food colouring has an Rf value of 0.6?

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Chromatography)

27 May 2020 / P [22] / Q 3

3 Chromatography is carried out on a mixture of three substances. The chromatogram is
sprayed with a locating agent. The result is shown.

What are possible reasons why the chromatogram shows only two spots?
1 One of the substances in the mixture is insoluble in the solvent.
2 The locating agent did not react with one of the substances in the mixture.
3 Two of the substances in the mixture have the same Rf values.
4 The Rf value of one of the substances is too small.
A 1 and 2 B 1 and 4 C 2 and 3 D 3 and 4

28 NOV 2020 / P [21] / Q 2

2 A mixture of colourless amino acids is separated using chromatography.
The solvent used is propanol.
The chromatogram is sprayed with a locating agent.
Which row describes the purpose of the propanol and the locating agent?

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Chromatography)

29 NOV 2020 V [21] Q 4

4 In the chromatography experiment shown, which label represents the solvent front?

30 NOV 2020 / P [22] / Q 2

2 A chromatography experiment is carried out to analyse the pigments present in four
different types of leaf. The student carrying out the experiment forgot to complete his
table of results, which is shown

Which row identifies the values of F, G and H?

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Chromatography)

31 SP 2020 / P [2] / Q 1
1 Amino acids are colourless and can be separated and identified by chromatography.

What additional apparatus is required to identify the amino acids present in a mixture?
A a locating agent
B a ruler
C a ruler and a locating agent
D neither a ruler or a locating agent

32 March 2016 / P [22] / Q 3

3 A sample of a green food colouring was separated into its component colours using
paper chromatography.
The results obtained are shown.

What is the Rf value of the blue spot?

A 0.45 B 0.90 C 1.10 D 2.20

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Chromatography)

33 March 2018 / P [22] / Q 3

Chromatography is done on a mixture containing a drug. The drug has an Rf value of 0.66.
The diagram is not drawn to scale.
Which spot on the chromatogram represents the drug?

34 March 2019 / P [22] / Q 4

4 The chromatogram of substance S is shown.
Some distances, W, X, Y and Z, are labelled on the diagram.

How is the Rf value of substance S calculated?

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Chromatography)

35 March 2020 / P [22] / Q 3

3 Chromatography is used to separate and identify the components in both coloured and
colourless mixtures.
For colourless mixtures the chromatogram has to be treated with another chemical.
What is the name of this type of chemical?
A colouring agent
B display agent
C finding agent
D locating agent

36 March 2021 / P [22] / Q 3

3 Two different food colourings, X and Y, are tested using chromatography.
Three pure dyes, 1, 2 and 3, are also tested.
The chromatogram is shown

Which statements are correct?

1 X and Y both contain two or more dyes.
2 Dyes 2 and 3 are present in both X and Y.
3 The Rf of dye 1 is 0.625.
A 1 and 2 only B 1 and 3 only C 1, 2 and 3 D 2 and 3 only

Topic 2 Experimental techniques (Chromatography)

37 May 2021 / P [21] / Q 3

3 Which statement about paper chromatography is correct?
A A solvent is needed to dissolve the paper.
B Paper chromatography separates mixtures of solvents.
C The solvent should cover the baseline.
D The baseline should be drawn in pencil.

38 May 2021 / P [22] / Q 3

2 A mixture of colourless compounds is separated using chromatography.
Which type of reagent is used to detect these compounds after separation?
A a dehydrating agent
B a locating agent
C an oxidising agent
D a reducing agent


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