Econometrics II Chapter One
Econometrics II Chapter One
Econometrics II Chapter One
1. Introduction
Discrete choice models dealing with such kind of binary responses are called
binary choice models.
Such linear model for binary choices where OLS is used is called linear
probability model (LPM).
that is, the intercept term 𝒂 gives the mean salary of female
college professors and the slope coefficient 𝜷 tells by how much the
mean salary of a male college professor differs from the mean salary
of his female counterpart, 𝒂 + 𝜷 reflecting the mean salary of the male
college professor.
A test of the null hypothesis that there is no sex discrimination (H 0 :
𝜷= 0) can be easily made by running regression (5.01) in the usual
manner and finding out whether on the basis of the t test the
estimated 𝜷 is statistically significant.
1.2.Regression on one quantitative variable and one qualitative
variable with two classes or categories 10
Consider the Model: 𝒀𝒊 = 𝞪𝒊 + 𝞪𝟐 𝑫𝒊 + 𝜷𝑿𝒊 + 𝑼𝒊…………………………………(5.03)
Model (5.03) contains one quantitative variable (years of teaching experience) and one
qualitative variable (sex) that has two classes (or levels, classifications, or categories),
namely, male and female. What is the meaning of this equation? Assuming, as usual, that
E(ui ) = 0, we see that
Cont’d 11
Mean salary of female college professor𝑬(𝒀𝒊/𝑫𝒊= 𝟎) = 𝞪𝟏 + 𝜷𝑿𝒊……..(5.04)
Mean salary of male college professor:𝑬(𝒀𝒊 /𝑫𝒊 = 𝟏) = (𝞪𝟏 + 𝞪𝟐 ) + 𝜷𝑿𝒊………(5.05)
Geometrically, we have the situation shown in fig. 5.01 (for illustration, it is assumed
that(𝞪𝟏 > 0 ).
In words, model 5.01 postulates that the male and female college professors‟ salary
functions in relation to the years of teaching experience have the same slope (𝜷 ) but
different intercepts.
In other words, it is assumed that the level of the male professor‟s mean salary is
different from that of the female professor‟s mean salary by(𝞪𝟐 ) but the rate of change
in the mean annual salary by years of experience is the same for both sexes.
Cont’d 12
Cont’d 13
If the assumption of common slopes is valid, a test of the hypothesis
that the two regressions (5.04) and (5.05) have the same intercept
(i.e., there is no sex discrimination) can be made easily by running the
regression (5.03) and noting the statistical significance of the
estimated 𝞪𝟐 on the basis of the traditional t test.
Now, unlike the previous case, we have more than two categories of the
qualitative variable education.
1.3.Regression on one quantitative variable and one qualitative
variable with more than two classes 18
Therefore, following the rule that the number of dummies be one less
than the number of categories of the variable, we should introduce two
dummies to take care of the three levels of education.
Assuming that the three educational groups have a common slope but
different intercepts in the regression of annual expenditure on health
care on annual income, we can use the following model:
1.3.Regression on one quantitative variable and one qualitative
variable with more than two classes 19
Consider the Mod𝒆𝒍 𝒀𝒊 = 𝞪𝟏 + 𝞪𝟐 𝑫𝟐𝒊 + 𝞪𝟑 𝑫𝟑𝒊 + 𝜷𝑿𝒊 + 𝑼𝒊 …………………………………(5.06)
𝑿𝒊 = annual expenditure
Note that in the preceding assignment of the dummy variables we are arbitrarily
treating the “less than high school education” category as the base category.
Therefore, the intercept 𝞪𝟏 will reflect the intercept for this category.
1.3.Regression on one quantitative variable and one qualitative
variable with more than two classes 20
The differential intercepts 𝞪𝟐 and 𝞪𝟑 tell by how much the intercepts of the other
two categories differ from the intercept of the base category, which can be readily
checked as follows: Assuming E(ui ) = 0 , we obtain from (5.06)
which are, respectively the mean health care expenditure functions for the three levels
of education, namely, less than high school, high school, and college. Geometrically, the
situation is shown in fig 5.2 (for illustrative purposes it is assumed that𝞪𝟑 > 𝞪𝟐 ).
1.3.Regression on one quantitative variable and one qualitative
variable with more than two classes 21
1.4. Regression on one quantitative variable and two qualitative
variables 22
For simplicity, assume that color has two categories: black and white. We
D2 = 1 if female
= 0 if male
D3 = 1 if white
= 0 otherwise
Cont’d 24
Notice that each of the two qualitative variables, sex and color, has two
categories and hence needs one dummy variable for each. Note also that
the omitted, or base, category now is “black female professor.”
Assuming E(ui ) = 0 , we can obtain the following regression from (5.07)
Mean salary for black female professor:
𝑬(𝒀𝒊 /𝑫𝟐 = 𝟎,/𝑫𝟑 = 𝟎, 𝑿𝒊 ) = 𝞪𝟏 + 𝜷𝑿𝒊
Mean salary for black male professor
𝑬(𝒀𝒊 /𝑫𝟐 = 𝟏,/𝑫𝟑 = 𝟎, 𝑿𝒊 ) = (𝞪𝟏 +𝞪𝟐 ) +𝜷𝑿𝒊
Mean salary for white female professor:
𝑬(𝒀𝒊 /𝑫𝟐 = 𝟎,/𝑫𝟑 = 𝟏, 𝑿𝒊 ) = (𝞪𝟏 +𝞪𝟑 ) +𝜷𝑿𝒊
Mean salary for white male professor:
𝑬(𝒀𝒊 /𝑫𝟐 = 𝟏,/𝑫𝟑 = 𝟏, 𝑿𝒊 ) = (𝞪𝟏 +𝞪𝟐 + 𝞪𝟑 ) +𝜷𝑿𝒊
Cont’d 25
Consider Once again, it is assumed that the preceding regressions differ
professor‟s salary.
Similarly, if𝞪𝟐 is statistically significant, it will mean that sex also affects a
professor‟s salary.
If both these differential intercepts are statistically significant, it would
mean sex as well as color is an important determinant of professors’ salaries.
Cont’d 26
From the preceding discussion it follows that we can extend our model to
include more than one quantitative variable and more than two qualitative
The only precaution to be taken is that the number of dummies for each
qualitative variable should be one less than the number of categories of
that variable.
1.5.Testing for structural stability of regression models
Until now, in the models considered in this chapter we assumed that the
qualitative variables affect the intercept but not the slope coefficient of
the various subgroup regressions.
But what if the slopes are also different? If the slopes are in fact
different, testing for differences in the intercepts may be of little practical
Xi = Income
D2 = 1 if female
= 0 if male
D3 = 1 if college graduate
= 0 otherwise
Cont’d 29
Implicit in this model is the assumption that the differential effect of the
sex dummy D2 is constant across the two levels of education and the
differential effect of the education dummy D3 is also constant across the
two sexes. That is, if, say, the mean expenditure on clothing is higher for
females than males this is so whether they are college graduates or not.
Likewise, if, say, college graduates on the average spend more on clothing
than non college graduates, this is so whether they are female or males.
Cont’d 30
𝞪𝟒 differential effect of being a female graduate which shows that the mean clothing
expenditure of graduate females is different (by 𝞪𝟒 ) from the mean clothing
expenditure of females or college graduates.
Cont’d 32
Given the data on commission, sales, and the value of the threshold level
X*, the technique of dummy variables can be used to estimate the
(differing) slopes of the two segments of the piecewise linear regression
shown in fig. 5.3. We proceed as follows:
Cont’d 38
Consider the Mod𝒆𝒍 𝒀𝒊 = 𝞪𝟏 + 𝜷𝑿 + 𝜷𝟐 (𝑿𝒊 − 𝑿 ∗)𝑫𝒊 + 𝑼𝒊…………(5.11)
D=1 if 𝐗 𝐢 >X *
0 if 𝐗 𝐢 < X *
Cont’d 39
Assuming E(ui ) = 0, we see at once that
𝑬(𝒀𝒊 /𝑫𝒊 = 𝟎, 𝑿𝒊 , 𝑿 ∗) = 𝞪𝟏 + 𝜷𝟏 𝑿𝒊 ………………………………………………………………………(5.12)
which gives the mean sales commission up to the target level X* and
𝑬(𝒀𝒊 /𝑫𝒊 = 𝟏, 𝑿𝒊 , 𝑿 ∗) = 𝞪𝟏 + 𝜷𝟐 𝑿 ∗ +(𝜷𝟏 +𝜷𝟐 )𝑿𝒊……………………………………………………(5.13)
which gives the mean sales commission beyond the target level X*.
A person either is in the labor force or not. Hence, the dependent variable,
labor-force participation, can take only two values: 1 if the person is in the
labor force and 0 if he or she is not. We can consider another example. A
family may or may not own a house. If it owns a house, it takes a value 1 and
0 if it does no
There are several such examples where the dependent variable is
dichotomous. A unique feature of all the examples is that the dependent
variable is of the type that elicits a yes or no response; that is, it is
dichotomous in nature.
Y = 1 farming
= 2 fishing
= 3 carpentry
= 4 Livestock
Count variables: These variables indicate the number of times some
event has occurred.
Example: How many strikes have been occurred.
2.3.Types of Binomial Models
Such kinds of models are called linear probability models (LPM) since E(Yi/Xi) the
conditional expectation of Yi given Xi, can be interpreted as the conditional probability
that the event will occur given Xi; that is, Pr(Yi = 1/Xi).
Thus, in the preceding case, E(Yi/Xi) gives the probability of a family owing a house and
whose income is the given amount Xi. The justification of the name LPM can be seen as
E(Yi/Xi) = 𝜷𝟎 + 𝜷𝟏 𝑿𝒊 …………………………………….(2)
. with the LPM 51
While the interpretation of the parameters is unaffected by having a
binary outcome, several assumptions of the LPM are necessarily violated.
2.BinaryNon-normality of Ui
Although OLS does not require the disturbance (U’s) to be normally
distributed, we assumed them to be so distributed for the purpose of
statistical inference, that is, hypothesis testing, etc. But the assumption of
normality for Ui is no longer tenable for the LPMs because like Yi, Ui takes
on only two values.
𝑼𝒊 =𝒀𝒊 -𝜷𝟎 - 𝜷𝟏 𝑿𝒊
The intercept of –0.9457 gives the “probability” that a family with zero
income will own a house. Since this value is negative, and since
probability cannot be negative, we treat this value as zero.
The slope value of 0.1021 means that for a unit change in income, on the
average the probability of owning a house increases by 0.1021 or about
10 percent. This is so whether the income level is increased or not. This
seems patently unrealistic. In reality one would expect that Pi is non-
linearly related to Xi.
Therefore, what we need is a (probability) model that has the following two
1.As Xi increases, Pi = E(Y = 1/ Xi ) increases but never steps outside the 0-1
Therefore, one can easily use the CDF to model regressions where the response
variable is dichotomous, taking 0-1 values.
The CDFs commonly chosen to represent the 0-1 response models are.
b. the normal – which gives rise to the probit (or normit) model
Now let us see how one can estimate and interpret the logit model.
Pi = E(Y = 1/Xi) = 𝜷𝟎 + 𝜷𝟏 𝑿𝒊
The estimating model that emerges from the normal CDF is popularly known
as the probit model.
Here the observed dependent variable Y, takes on one of the values 0 and 1
using the following criteria.
y=1 if 𝐗 𝐢 >X *
yif 𝐗 𝐢 < X *
The latent variable Y* is continuous (-∞ < Y* <∞ ). It generates the
observed binary variable Y.
An observed variable, Y can be observed in two states:
i) if an event occurs it takes a value of 1
ii) if an event does not occur it takes a value of 0
The latent variable is assumed to be a linear function of the observed X‟s
through the structural model.
Cont’d 64
Example: Let Y measures whether one is employed or not. It is a binary
variable taking values 0 and 1.
Since Y* is continuous the model avoids the problems inherent in the LPM
model (i.e., the problem of non-normality of the error term and
Cont’d 65
However, since the latent dependent variable is unobserved the model
cannot be estimated using OLS. Maximum likelihood can be used instead.
Most often, the choice is between normal errors and logistic errors,
resulting in the probit (normit) and logit models, respectively. The
coefficients derived from the maximum likelihood (ML) function will be the
coefficients for the probit model, if we assume a normal distribution.
An extension of the probit model is the tobit model developed by James
Tobin. To explain this model, let us consider the home ownership example.
Suppose we want to find out the amount of money the consumer spends in
buying a house in relation to his or her income and other economic
variables. Now we have a problem.
Yi = 𝜷𝟎 + 𝜷𝟏 𝑿𝒊 + Ui if RHS > 0
= 0, otherwise