‘he undersigned #ascussan wth Charman 981 N20 10.17 OF ye
Dee Ha
Ih. New Deh He made the follwing points during cus
ve af Hestral Hons a oer Ye date made:
Soggested ie ou ete to RB (47 48/C) dated 308 17
Then the €8 ¢ssued asa paper bearer bond without the name of payee, SB would
teow wo was the donor RYE deta af dna have tobe collected) sand would be
[le to nt hm withthe payee eecton party when £8 comes for encashment
Hence, 88 wi need tobe insulated by sutabie et
provisions ft sna expected
fo share Ure information with enies such at to authoctis, enforcement
‘Sracorat, pace in case minal mate, ee
‘ince the cos of adminstering 9 paper EB wil not be inconsequential and wil eed
such a those abovel kh
180 Suggestion:Actualy this can be negrited with Sr since it wil hod the maney
{fom dae of depos by donor to the dte te poyee eon nay crwuahes it
“he electoral bond may bea Note’ as opposed to a ‘Bond’ since the latter would
attract stamp duty.
“he EB wil ot bear any interest
Ideal 81 maybe allowed to issue EB'on theta’ rather than jn imied windows
‘hl may aga be tld 2s to how many branches would sive EB It was wing t0 go for
‘ital applications ie accept on ine applications since that woud alow it to receive
applications even from places where the suing branch isnot located, With some
‘SBI wil need cary on what would happen ifthe bond isnot redeemed within the
time limit and whether the purchaser ofthe bond has any right to claim refund of
‘tne amount y surrender of bon
1D Suggestion: Once on EBs sue it maybe encashobe only n designated account
of regstered poticol party within 15 days to minimise posiity of 8 chonging
‘multiple hands from date of issvonce. However, f rot ciamed within @ month of
Issuance, the money should be credited to PM Rel Fund.
38 als shared aie note on nanding of E8~ placed at F/A below. Sl wil be able to drew
etaled modalities once iis given ago ahead by DEA
‘FS wuld eed wn buen uf ROI wn the dated odaites that ae being planned for EB
and this process may take around 15 day,
BD Suggestionince, the consultation hos already been done by DEA with RB! and there i
broad opieement on ls fevtures, furier cursututin muy na be vevensuy Lefoe Ue Gu!
‘ssves¢ notification regording EB
Pega nets?