Jealousy 1
Jealousy 1
Jealousy 1
The theme of flashbacks is explored throughout each of the four stories.
In ‘Home,’ there is a married couple who are visiting there home town, Glasgow, after
moving away to Africa and becoming successful. The Jackson’s reason for returning is
nostalgia and remembrance but he soon realizes that he no longer fits into their old society
as he thinks back on his former life, comparing it with his current one.
The theme of flashbacks is first seen when Jackson remembers a family that used to live in
the neighbourhood. “Mind the Jamiesons?”
In ‘The Telegram,’ there are two main, contrasting characters, only known as; the fat lady
and the thin lady. Throughout the story, they are watching a church elder walk down the
street with a telegram in hand, about to deliver bad news to someone, although it is later
discovered that the telegram was for him.
The theme of flashbacks is first seen when…
In ‘Mother and Son,’ the main character, John, is a carer for his mother who has been in bed
for ten years. She cannot do anything for herself and relies on her son to care for her. John’s
sense of identity has been stripped away by his mother, preventing him from making friends
or getting a job. This leads him to have flashbacks of his past, forced onto him by his mother
who compares him to his father.
The theme of flashbacks is first seen when…
In ‘The Red Door’ Iain Crichton Smith reveals an individual’s desire for acceptance within his
community. The main character, Murdo, has conformed his whole life, seeking acceptance
from the other villagers. When he wakes up one morning and discovers that his green door
has been painted red, a different colour from everyone else’s, he starts to question his
choice to blend in and his lack of identity.
The theme of flashbacks is first seen when…