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Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences (eISSN 2636-9346)


The Relationship Between Diet Pattern and Gastritis

Prevalence in Nursing Semester II Study Program Students
Mohammad Abdul Rahman Usman1, Reinaldy Octavianus Yan Dimpudus1, Ledy Ana Zulfatunnadiroh1,2,
Rachmadita Yoga Pratiwi2, Azizah Sastrawati Paneo3, Chairil Anjasmara Robo Putra1
Forensic Science Study Program, Post Graduate Studies, Universitas Airlangga, 60286 Surabaya, Indonesia
Faculty of Dentistry, Institut Ilmu kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata, Jl. KH. Wahid Hasyim 65 Kediri, East Java, Indonesia
Politeknik Kesehatan Gorontalo, Gorontalo City, Gorontalo, Indonesia


Introduction: Poor dietary patterns can cause gastric irritation. Patients with gastritis should take care of their
dietary habits because this disease affects the digestive system. The aim of this study is to investigate the
association between dietary patterns and the prevalence of gastritis in the second semester students of the nursing
program in the Health Polytechnic, Gorontalo. Methods: This study was conducted in the Health Polytechnic,
Gorontalo on 23 March 2017 until 27 March 2017. This is an analytic survey with cross-sectional study de-
sign. The independent variable was the quality of dietary patterns, and the dependent variable was the
prevalence of gastritis. The subjects were recruited using systematic random sampling, and a total of
118 college students from the second semester of nursing program in Health Polytechnic, Gorontalo.
Results: Overall, the second-semester students of the nursing program of the Health Polytechnic in Gorontalo
had good dietary patterns (61.0%), and the majority did not have gastritis (71.2%). Statistical analysis using
chi-square showed the value of χ2 10.421 and ρ value of 0.001. Conclusion: There was an association between
the dietary patterns and the prevalence of gastritis in the second-semester nursing program college students
of the Health Polytechnic, Gorontalo.

Keywords: Dietary patterns, Gastritis, Nursing

Corresponding Author: the frequency of eating, the portion of food, and the
Mohammad Abdul Rahman Usman, types and models of food consumed daily by a person.
Email: [email protected] Good and regular dietary habit is one of the keys in the
Tel: (+62) 5041566 management of gastritis and is important to prevent
the recurrence of gastritis. The management of gastritis
INTRODUCTION required the patients to take care of their dietary habits to
improve the conditions of the digestive system. Dietary
Gastritis or dyspepsia, or more commonly known as or food consumption pattern is also defined as the type
‘maag’ by Indonesian people, is defined as a group and amount of food consumed by an individual or a
of symptoms characterized by pain in the epigastric group of people at a time (3).
area, nausea, vomiting, bloating, and a sensation of
discomfort (1). There is two commonly recognized The Indonesian health profile in 2011 reported that
cause of gastritis, exogenous agents causing irritations gastritis was one of the 10 commonest diseases in
and infections such as alcohol, drugs, bacterial or viral inpatient wards of Indonesian hospitals with the total
infections, corrosive agents, poisons, and endogenous number of cases of 30,154 cases (4.9%) (Ministry of
agents causing excessive production of gastric acids, Health, 2012). The prevalence of gastritis was quite high
such as frequently eating acidic or spicy food, irregular in several regions in Indonesia, with a total prevalence
eating habits, and mental stress such as frustration (2). of 274,396 cases from 238,452,952 total number of
people (4). Data of the Health Agency of Gorontalo
The development of gastritis is commonly preceded City reported that the total number of gastritis cases in
by irregular eating habits, which heighten gastric 2015 was 8,584 cases, which meant gastritis was the
sensitivity to the increased production of gastric acid. third commonest disease encountered in Gorontalo
Dietary patterns provide several information, including Community Health Center (5).

Mal J Med Health Sci 17(SUPP2): 92-94, April 2021 92

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences (eISSN 2636-9346)

Based on the interview from 5 second semester students Univariate Analysis

of the nursing program of the Health Polytechnic in Based on the Table III. most subjects had good dietary
Gorontalo with symptoms of gastritis, they reported that patterns 72 subjects (61.0%) and 46 subjects (39.0%)
they frequently skipped on meals because of college had poor dietary patterns.
assignments and to meet the deadlines. They also
frequently ate spicy and sour food. They were not able The study results showed that there were 72 subjects
to organize their time, resulting in frequently skipping with good dietary patterns and 46 subjects with poor
meals. Based on those, the writers were interested to dietary patterns. The writer assumed that most students
investigate “The association of dietary patterns and the (61.6%) had good dietary patterns. Based on the
prevalence of gastritis in second semester students of the tabulation of data, most subjects (65.3%) answered
nursing program of the Health Polytechnic, Gorontalo”. ‘always’ and ‘usually’ had 3 meals a day, the rest
answered ‘sometimes’ or ‘occasionally’. The students
MATERIALS AND METHODS were often busy in finishing their tasks, which made
them had their meals in a hurry. This was corroborated
This research was conducted at the Gorontalo Health by their answers that most of them (66.1%) ‘always’,
Polytechnic from 23 March 2017 to 27 March 2017. This ‘often’, and ‘sometimes’ were eating in a hurry.
research is an analytical survey using a cross-sectional
design. Samples were taken using stratified random Table III : Dietary patterns of the second semester nursing program
sampling with a total of 118 students. The instrument students
used was a questionnaire. Univariate and bivariate Dietary Pattern Frequency
analyzes were performed using the chi-square test (6).
n %
Good 72 61.0

Characteristics of Subjects Poor 46 39.0

Based on the Table I. most subjects were 18 years old
(59 people, 50.0%) and the youngest were 17 years old Total 118 100
(8 people, 6.8%). Source : Primary Data, 2017

Table I : Distribution based on the age of the second semester nursing Based on the Table IV. there were 34 subjects (28.8%)
program students with gastritis and 84 subjects (71.2%) did not have
Age Frequency gastritis.

n % Table IV : The prevalence of gastritis in the second semester nursing

program students
17 years old 8 6,8
Gastritis Frequency
18 years old 59 50,0
19 years old 39 33,1 n %
>20 years old 12 10,2
Yes 34 28.8
Total 118 100
Source : Primary Data, 2017 No 84 71.2

Total 118 100

Based on the Table II. most subjects were female (75
people, 63.6%), while the number of male subjects was Source : Primary Data, 2017

43 people (36.4%).
Bivariate Analysis
Table II : Distribution based on the gender of the second semester Based on the Table V. there were 34 out of 118 subjects
nursing program students (28.8%) with gastritis. Of those groups, 13 subjects
Gender Frequency (11.0%) had good dietary patterns, while 21 subjects
(17.8%) had poor dietary patterns. There were 84
n % subjects (71.2%) who did not have gastritis, 59 subjects
(50.0%) had good dietary patterns, while 25 subjects
Male 43 36,4 (21.2%) had poor dietary patterns.
Female 75 63,6
Results from the chi-square test showed that the χ2 value
Total 118 100
was 10.421 with ρ value 0.001. Based on the hypothesis
Source: Primary Data, 2017 statistics the χ2 value>χ2 table (3.841) and ρ < α (0.05),

93 Mal J Med Health Sci 17(SUPP2): 92-94, April 2021

Table V : The association between dietary patterns and the prevalence of gastritis in the second semester nursing program students

Dietary χ2 value
Pattern Yes No Yes p value
n % n % N %
Good 13 11.0 59 50,0 72 61.0

Poor 21 17.8 25 21,2 46 39.0 10.421

Total 34 28.8 84 71.2 118 100

which rejected H0 and accepted Ha. Therefore, there CONCLUSION

was an association between dietary patterns and the
prevalence of gastritis in the second semester students Most of the second semester students of the nursing
of the nursing program of the Health Polytechnic, program of the Health Polytechnic, Gorontalo had a
Gorontalo. good dietary pattern. Most of the second semester
students of the nursing program of the Health
DISCUSSION Polytechnic, Gorontalo had no gastritis. There was
an association between the dietary patterns and the
Dietary Patterns prevalence of gastritis in the second semester students
Every person had a different dietary pattern, and a lot of of the nursing program of the Health Polytechnic,
people were not aware of healthy dietary patterns. Some Gorontalo.
of them were aware of it but did not practice it in their
daily lives. This can be affected by reduced appetite ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
and having a lot of activities that lead to poor dietary
patterns (7). The authors are thankful to The Dean of Forensic
Science Study Program, Post Graduate Studies,
The Prevalence of Gastritis Universitas Airlangga for the research funding that
There were a lot of factors that were associated with had been granted in 2019.
gastritis, including stress, dietary patterns, consumption
of coffee or tea, and smoking. Dietary pattern was the REFERENCES
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