Background Thesis Proposal

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One of the most crucial English language abilities for teaching and

learning, particularly in Indonesia, is reading. It has been observed that

reading passages make up the majority of exam questions. Reading is a
crucial step in obtaining information from written texts or the author's
meaning for the reader. It also serves as the foundation for other language
abilities (Arianggi, 2014). In order to respond to the question, students are
forced to read more and understand the text's content. Students can
enhance other language skills and linguistic components by using their
reading comprehension. In addition, according to (Blachowicz & Ogle,
2017) assert that reading is crucial. This is a skill that is necessary to learn
other disciplines. Evidently (Harmer, 2003), as referenced by Aida et al.
(2022), to become proficient in the English language's mechanics,
encompassing vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and the approach we
take to compose sentences, paragraphs, and textbooks when the
opportunity presents itself.

The main point of reading is comprehension . The reader's task is to read

the material and extract its main ideas, such as a crucial lesson. According
to Fitri, Inderawati, and Erlina (2018), reading comprehension involves
using thoughts, feelings, skills, or techniques to understand a text's main
ideas. Thorough reading, particularly in English, provides new knowledge,
understanding, and conclusions. However, many students find reading
boring due to difficulties in understanding text due to its length, complex
language, vocabulary, and incomprehensible content. Developing reading
skills can help overcome these challenges and make reading more
enjoyable. 2016 saw Zasrianita. Both internal and external factors might
have an impact on students' reading comprehension, according to Johnson
and Pearson (in Zuchdi, 2008). Language proficiency, interest, motivation,
and the reader's aptitude make up the internal element. In the meanwhile,
the reading environment and reading-related components make up the
external factor. The structure and complexity of the text are two aspects of
reading. The teacher's preparation before, during, and after class reading
sessions are all part of the reading environment.

The teacher plays a crucial role in instructing the students in the class as
an educator. It forces a language instructor to be able to choose the best
approach or employ an alternative strategy while instructing pupils in
English that is appropriate for them to apply and require. It's true that
pupils require more from their teachers than just the right method; they
also require motivation to study. The purpose of it is to pique pupils'
enthusiasm in learning English, particularly in text reading. In order for the
pupils to understand the things provided, the teacher should also encourage

In fact, The tenth-grade students at MAN 2 Palembang actually have

some reading difficulties. They lack mastery of vocabulary, they miss
understanding, and they still translate words word for word. In addition,
they are not motivated to learn English and to improve their reading
comprehension. They also have trouble understanding texts and figuring
out what the main idea of a text is. These issues arise because the teaching
method or technique is not engaging enough for the students, which makes
them bored while they are learning English reading skills. As a result, the
students' reading comprehension does not improve. Reading
comprehension is one of the abilities that is tested on a regular basis and
requires pupils to focus more on understanding the text's substance.

Based on the problems, the researcher applies the new technique that
has not been used yet in English reading skill in this school. In order for
readers to make new connections after reading the problems,
comprehension is related to knowledge acquired after reading. This study
aims to determine how differently students understand English reading
texts when adopting Project Based Learning methods. Project Based
Learning suggests these abilities: 1. Critical thinking, 2. judicious use of
suitable learning resources, 3. cooperation in small groups, 4. The use of
verbal and written communication skills; 5. The use of knowledge and
intellectual prowess. Then, Arends (2012) recognized that Project Based
Learning helps students solve problems, exercise critical thought, and gain
confidence. For this reason, Aliyu et al (2020) noted in their findings that
PBL was effective in enabling students to critically locate the perspectives
based on the discussion topic through group interactions.

project-oriented Different types of texts can be taught using learning

strategies. Narrative text is one of the text types. According to Pardiyono
(2007:67), as referenced by Assyahbana (2019), a narrative book can
amuse and entertain readers with a range of experiences in numerous
sequences of occurrences. In this case, incorporating story board materials
into a narrative text can help students visualize the story's substance. There
are more general structures (orientation, complication, resolution, and
reorientation) in narrative text than in other text forms. There are three
types of narrative texts: fable, which is an animal story; legend, which is a
myth-like story without any supporting evidence; and myth, which is a
traditional story believed by the indigenous people.

Some studied tell about Project-based Learning (PBL) strategy to

improve students’ reading comprehension. Mislena et al (2020) in the
study entitled “The Application of Project-Based Learning (PBL) Through
Storyboard to Improve Reading Achievement of the 10th Grade Students”
At a significant threshold of 0.000 < 0.05, the results demonstrated a
significant improvement in the students' reading achievement following the
implementation of project-based learning. This suggests that the use of
project-based learning aids in the experimental group's students'
improvement as readers. According to Andriansah et al, (2019) conducting
research “The implementation of project-based learning to enhance
students’ reading comprehension” The pretest mean score was 60.32.
Posttest 1 result was 74.19. The posttest 2 average score was 87.42,
indicating an improvement in the students' reading comprehension. It is
possible to demonstrate that students' performance significantly improves
when they get instruction through project-based learning. Furthermore,
Wiratmo, (2022) conducting research “Improving Students’ Reading
Comprehension Using Project-Based Learning At VIII F Grade Of SMPN
43 Surabaya” Through the use of the Project-Based Learning (PjBL)
approach, the students developed into engaged, pleasurable, and passionate
participants in the teaching and learning process. The study's findings,
which demonstrated the development of achievement scores, led to the
conclusion that the Project-Based Learning (PjBL) approach helps students
perform better when reading notice texts.

In light of the aforementioned justifications, the researcher was

motivated to carry out the study "Improving Reading Comprehension
Achievement by Using Project Based Learning (PBL) Strategy to the
Tenth Grade at MAN 2 Palembang".

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