American Burn Association Clinical Practice Guidelines On Burn Shock Resuscitation
American Burn Association Clinical Practice Guidelines On Burn Shock Resuscitation
American Burn Association Clinical Practice Guidelines On Burn Shock Resuscitation
This Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) addresses the topic of acute fluid resuscitation during the first 48 hours
following a burn injury for adults with burns ≥20% of the total body surface area (%TBSA). The listed authors
formed an investigation panel and developed clinically relevant PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparator,
Outcome) questions. A systematic literature search returned 5978 titles related to this topic and after 3 levels
of screening, 24 studies met criteria to address the PICO questions and were critically reviewed. We recommend
that clinicians consider the use of human albumin solution, especially in patients with larger burns, to lower
resuscitation volumes and improve urine output. We recommend initiating resuscitation based on providing 2 mL/
kg/% TBSA burn in order to reduce resuscitation fluid volumes. We recommend selective monitoring of intra-
abdominal and intraocular pressure during burn shock resuscitation. We make a weak recommendation for clinicians
to consider the use of computer decision support software to guide fluid titration and lower resuscitation fluid
volumes. We do not recommend the use of transpulmonary thermodilution-derived variables to guide burn shock
resuscitation. We are unable to make any recommendations on the use of high-dose vitamin C (ascorbic acid),
fresh frozen plasma (FFP), early continuous renal replacement therapy, or vasopressors as adjuncts during acute
burn shock resuscitation. Mortality is an important outcome in burn shock resuscitation, but it was not formally
included as a PICO outcome because the available scientific literature is missing studies of sufficient population
size and quality to allow us to confidently make recommendations related to the outcome of survival at this time.
AMERICAN BURN ASSOCIATION CLINICAL burn shock resuscitation, and construction of this CPG was
PRACTICE GUIDELINES conducted between March 2022 and March 2023.
perfusion of organs and tissues which follows an acute burn Striking the right balance between adequate resuscita-
≥20% TBSA. This CPG does not apply to the resuscitation of tion and over-resuscitation may be influenced by how fluids
other forms of shock that may occur after a burn injury, such are titrated. Both historically and currently, urinary output
as septic shock. (UOP) has been the primary guide to the titration of resus-
citation fluids. However, alternative approaches to titration
based on the use of malperfusion markers (lactate and base
USERS deficit), or hemodynamic endpoints (central venous pressure,
transpulmonary thermodilution-derived variables, or arte-
This CPG will be of most use to clinicians who provide acute
rial waveform analysis)13 or algorithm-based and computer
care to patients with major burn injuries (ie, burns ≥20%
hemodynamic instability despite provision of escalating volume at 24 or 48 hours post burn, (b) increase urine output,
volumes of resuscitation fluids, and with the onset of dan- or (c) decrease edema-related complications?
gerous edema-related complications including pulmonary Question 5: For adult patients with a ≥ 20% TBSA burn
edema and compartmental syndromes of the abdomen, limbs, injury, does administration of high dose (66 mg/kg/hour)
and orbit. Resuscitation de-escalation and rescue approaches, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), compared to not using high dose
including the use of vasopressors,43 early renal replacement ascorbic acid, while providing crystalloids alone during acute
therapy (by translating the high-dose hemofiltration approach fluid resuscitation (a) reduce total crystalloid resuscitation
employed in septic shock with AKI),44 therapeutic plasma volume at 24 or 48 hours post burn, (b) increase urine output,
exchange45 and even extra-corporeal support46 are under- or (c) decrease edema-related complications?
address the relevant interventions, 7 concepts were identified: English language. Results were de-duplicated by an informa-
acute fluid resuscitation, crystalloids, vitamin C, CRRT, tion specialist (E.M.) using EndNote X9 (Clarivate Analytics
variables (eg, central venous pressure, stroke volume, etc.), LCC) and the methods outlined by Bramer et al.48 Searches
Computerized Decision Support Software, and vasopressors. were run from inception of the databases until May 17, 2022.
Concepts for albumin, fresh frozen plasma, and colloids were The search returned 9326 titles; 3342 were duplicates and
considered; however, testing with a sample set of articles in- were removed using the Bramer Method,48 leaving 5984
dicated significant overlap with the Acute Fluid Resuscitation titles which were uploaded and stored using Covidence
concept. In addition, 200 unique results from these concepts (Melbourne, Australia) reference management software, that
were screened by the lead author (R.C.) and determined to removed 6 further duplicates. The remaining 5978 titles and
Figure 1. PRISMA flow to show how initial list of titles was reduced to the 24 articles selected for final critical review and inclusion.
Journal of Burn Care & Research
Volume XX, Number XX Journal of Burn Care & Research, 2023, XX 5
comparator as defined in the PICO question, and (4) at least suggesting that even in rescue situations, albumin appears to
one of our defined PICO outcome measures had to be re- have a fluid-sparing effect. One moderate-strength rescue
ported. The three panel members then met on December study found that despite having bigger and deeper burns, re-
12, 2022 and compared their individual observations and suscitation volumes in albumin-treated patients were similar
reached consensus on which studies to include. Unresolvable to those treated with crystalloid alone, inferring a volume-
disagreements were settled by a vote. This process identified sparing effect.50
24 studies for inclusion (Table 1).10,17,19,20,29,31,36–38,49–63 With respect to the outcome of UOP, one high strength
Finally, the 24 articles were critically reviewed and scored study showed a tendency to higher UOP in the albumin
independently by 3 panel members (R.C., L.J., A.S.) using treated patients.19 Most studies did not directly examine or
Comish Case control 91 Colloid: N = 30, age 44 ± 24-hour crystalloid In to out ratio Colloid: 25% albumin (0.1 mL/ • 24 hours LR was 4.3 ± 1.8 mL/
202150 3 years, mean% TBSA resuscitation (IOR) kg/%TBSA burn) started kg/%TBSA burn in colloid vs. 3.6 ± 1.2
burn 40*, mean % FT fluid volume LOS in first 24 hours for oliguria in crystalloid (P = .129)
burn 16**, INHI 4% Compartment syn- ICU LOS or unstable vital signs at • Compartment syndrome 3% in colloid
crystalloid: N = 61, age 45 drome ARDS clinician’s discretion. Fluids vs. 0% in crystalloid (P = .33)
± 2 years, mean %TBSA Mortality titrated to UOP > 0.5 mL/ • IOR reduced by 50% within 1 hour of
burn 34, mean % FT kg/hour starting 25% albumin. No differences in
burn 1, INHI 10% Crystalloid: LR only in first 24 ARDS or mortality. LOS and ICU LOS
*P = .047, **P = .005 vs. hours, titrated to UOP > 0.5 significantly greater in colloid
crystalloid mL/kg/hour
Both groups received albumin
after 24 hours
Cooper Randomized 42 Treatment: N = 19 age 36 24-hour resuscita- MODS Treatment: 5% albumin • Basal and resuscitation fluid in treat-
200620 controlled trial (24-45) year, % TBSA tion fluids Mechanical Control: LR ment were 1308 (480-1980) mL + 3355
burn 39 (32-53), %FT PaO2/FiO2 ratio ventilation Fluids titrated in both groups (2588-9138) mL vs. 1500 (720-2450) +
burn 15(0-43), INHI (daily/14 days) 28-day mor- to UOP > 0.5 mL/kg/hour 6178 (3435-9481) in control (P = .42)
63% tality and MAP > 70 mmHg • No differences in PaO2: FiO2 except on
Control: N=23, me- days 1 and 7
dian Age 31 (25-39), • No significant differences in MODS,
%TBSA burn 32 (26- duration ventilation or 28-day survival
34), %FT burn 12
Goodwin CC 24 Individual group charac- Resuscitation Colloid: 2.5% albumin in LR • Colloid resuscitation volume 2.68 ± 1.18
198151 teristics not presented. volume Crystalloid: LR mL/kg/%TBSA burn vs. crystalloid
Overall cohort (N = Measured lung Fluids titrated to UOP 30-50 resuscitation volume 3.62 ± 1.24 mL/
24) mean age 27 (range water mL/hour in both groups kg/%TBSA burn (P < .01)
18-42) and mean % • No differences in lung water on PB days
TBSA burn 47% (range 0-7
Journal of Burn Care & Research
Goodwin RCT 79 Colloid: N = 40 age 28 ± 24-hour resuscita- Cardiac index Colloid: 2.5% albumin in LR • 24 hours fluids: colloid 2.98 ± 1.1 mL/
198319 7, %TBSA burn 53 ± tion fluids EDVI Crystalloid: LR kg/%TBSA burn vs. crystalloid: 3.81 ±
17, no INHI Radiographic pul- Fluids estimated at 2 mL/ 1.48 mL/kg/%TBSA burn (P < .01)
Crystalloid: N = 39, age 28 monary edema kg/%TBSA burn and titrated • Radiologic pulmonary edema first 7 days
Volume XX, Number XX
± 8 years, % TBSA burn Measured lung to UOP 30-50 mL/hour in 20% in colloid vs. 4% in crystalloid
48 ± 12, no INHI water both groups • (N = 50) Lung water by day 7 signifi-
Journal of Burn Care & Research
Park 201254 CC 159 Preprotocol: N = 98 age 43 24-hour resuscita- Ventilator days Preprotocol: LR at 4 mL/ • 24 hours fluids: preprotocol 4.6 ± 2.3
(historical control) ± 18, % TBSA burn 39 tion fluids Mortality kg/%TBSA burn, titration mL/kg/%TBSA burn vs 4.2 ± 1.7 mL/
± 18, 42% INHI ACS requiring lapa- not described + vasopressors kg/%TBSA burn postprotocol (NS)
Postprotocol N = 61 age rotomy at clinician’s discretion • ACS with laparotomy 6% preprotocol vs.
41 ± 19 years, %TBSA PaO2:FiO2 ratio at Postprotocol: LR but at 0% postprotocol (P < .05).
burn 38 ± 18, 40% 24 hours 12 hours, if 24-hour • PaO2:FiO2 ratio at 24 hours significantly
INHI projected fluids are ≥ 6 higher in postprotocol
mL/kg/%TBSA burn, LR • Significant reduction in ventilator days
changed to 5% albumin + and mortality in postprotocol
possible additional colloids,
eg, blood, hespan, FFP,
8 Journal of Burn Care & Research, 2023, XX
Saitoh RCT 36 Modified Brooke: N = 17, Resuscitation fluid 28-day and Modified Brooke: LR based on • Fluid volume at 24 hours: Modified
202155 age 59 ± 20, %TBSA volume at 24 hospital 2 mL/kg/%TBSA burn, Brooke: 3.6 ± 1.1 mL/kg/hours vs.
burn 39 (27-49), %FT hours survival fluid rate adjusted q 2 hours 4.59 ± 1.58 mL/kg/hour in Baxter (P =
Volume XX, Number XX
burn 10 (1-31), INHI AKI in first 48 hours by one-third for goal UOP .05).
24% ACS 0.5 mL/kg/hour. • No differences in PaO2:FiO2 ratios, AKI
Baxter: N =19, age 64 ± PaO2:FiO2 ratios to Baxter: LR based on 4 mL/ in first 48 hours, ACS, or survival
Journal of Burn Care & Research
Kahn 201138 CC 33 Vitamin C: N = 17, 42 ± Resuscitation Renal failure Vitamin C: LR + 66 mg/kg/ • 24-hour fluids: 5.3 ± 1 mL/kg/%TBSA
16 yr %TBSA burn 45 ± volume in first Mortality hour Vitamin C continued burn in vitamin C vs. 7.1 ± 1 mL/
21, INHI 24% 24 hour to “approximately 24 h” kg/%TBSA burn in LR Only (P < .05).
LR only: 50 ± 20 year, Urine output in first LR only: LR • UOP in 24 hours: 1.5 ± 0.4 mL/kg/
%TBSA burn 39 ± 15, 24 hour. Com- Both groups titrated to UOP hour in vitamin C vs. 1 ± 0.5 mL/kg/
INHI 25% partment syn- > 0.5 mL/kg/hour and hour in LR Only (P < .05)
drome “stable hemodynamics.” • Fasciotomy 18% in vitamin C vs. 19% in
ACS LR Only. (NS)
PaO2:FiO2 ratio • ACS in 0 vitamin C vs. 6% in LR only
• No differences in PaO2/FiO2 first 48
• No differences in mortality
Lin 201837 CC (age and burn 80 HDAA: N =38, age 41 ± Total resuscitation ARF requiring HDAA: LR + Vitamin C at 66 • 24-hour fluids: HDAA 4.6 ± 2.6 mL/
size-matched 15, %TBSA burn 47 21, fluid at 24 hours dialysis mg/kg/h kg/%TBSA burn vs. 4.3 ± 2.5mL/
controls) ± 52%, INHI. Total 24-hour UOP Ventilator days Control: LR kg/%TBSA burn in Control(P = .6).
Control N = 42, age 42 ± Abdominal com- Mortality Both groups titrated “based on • Median 24-hour UOP HDAA 1.1(0.9-
17, %TBSA 43 ± 23, partment syn- Parkland formula.” 1.6) mL/kg/hour vs. 0.81 (0.6-1) mL/
36% INHI drome kg/hour in control P = .002
• ACS in HDAA 5.2% vs. 2.3% in control
• ARF/dialysis 23% in HDAA vs. 7% in
control (P = .06), vitamin C independ-
ently associated with ARF/dialysis (OR
5.4, 1.1-26), no differences in ventilator
days or mortality
Journal of Burn Care & Research
Tanaka RCT (pseudo- 37 Ascorbic acid: N = 19, age Total resuscitation Duration venti- Ascorbic acid: 66 mg/kg/ • 24 hours fluids: 3 ± 1.7 mL/kg/%TBSA
200036 randomized) 40 ± 20 years, %TBSA volume at 24 lation hour for the first 24 hours burn in ascorbic acid vs. 5.5 ± 3.1 mL/
burn 63 ± 26, %FT hours Mortality postburn. kg/%TBSA burn in control (P < .004).
Volume XX, Number XX
burn 51 ± 26, 79% UOP at 24 hours Control: LR alone • UOP in 24 hours: 1.3 ± 0.6 mL/kg/
INHI Compartment Fluids titrated to “stable hemo- hour in ascorbic acid vs. 1.1 ± 0.3 mL/
Control: N =18, age 49 ± syndrome dynamic measurements” and kg/hour in control (NS)
Journal of Burn Care & Research
22, %TBSA burn 53 ± PaO2:FiO2 0-96 UOP 0.5-1 cc/kg/%TBSA • Fasciotomy 21% in ascorbic acid vs. 44%
17, % FT burn 40 ± 13, hours PB burn in both groups. Both in control (NS)
67% INHI groups received 5% albumin • PaO2:FiO2 ratios significantly higher in
after 24 hours. ascorbic acid from hours 18-96
• Ascorbic acid group had significantly less
soft tissue edema, acute weight gain, and
duration of ventilation
Q6: Semi-invasive monitoring vs. UOP and conventional parameters
Aboelatta CC 30 Group I (TPTD): N = Average daily resus- Mortality Group I (TPTD): LR initiated • Average 24 hours fluid volume (over first
201357 15, age 30 ± 15 year, citation fluid based on Parkland Formula, 72 hours): Group I (TPTD) 10 378 ±
%TBSA burn 41 ± 11 adjusted to achieve ITBVI 3723 mL vs. group II (control): 5917 ±
Group II (control): N = > 800 mL/m2, CI > 2.5 L/ 1695 mL (P < .001)
15, age 35 ± 11 years, min/m2, EVLWI > 10 mL/ • No survival difference
%TBSA burn 39 ± 9 kg above normal range,
additional vasopressors for
hypotension or oliguria,
4% gelatin boluses after 24
hours to 72 hours for hypo-
Group II (Control) LR initiated
based on modified Parkland
(3 mL/kg/%TBSA burn),
adjusted to MAP > 60, UOP
> 0.5 mL/kg/hour, lactate
< 2 mmol/L, ScvO2 > 65%.
Additional vasopressors for
hypotension or oliguria,
4% gelatin boluses after 24
hours to 72 hours for hypo-
Journal of Burn Care & Research, 2023, XX 11
Chen CC 34 EGDT (early goal-directed Fluid volume Lactic acid EGDT: 1:1 crystalloid: colloid, • Fluid volume: EGDT: 3.29 ± 0.26 mL/
201758 therapy): N = 13, mean UOP Mortality dopamine, and dobutamine kg/%TBSA burn vs. CG: 3.71 ± 0.3
age 32 year, %TBSA PaO2/FiO2 ratio titrated to GEDVI 650- mL/kg/%TBSA burn (P < .05)
burn 89 ± 4 800 mL/m2, EVLWI 3-7 • UOP: EGDT: 0.83 ± 0.12 vs. CG: 0.85
CG (conventional group): mL/kg, SVI 40-60 mL/ ± 0.2 mL/kg/hour (NS)
N = 21, mean age 33 m2, SVRI 1200-1800 • PaO2/FiO2: EGDT: 381 ± 67 vs. CG:
year, % TBSA burn 86 d·s·cm−5·m2, MAP > 65 329 ± 49 (P < .05)
± 6. mmHg, UOP ≥ 1 mL/kg/ • Lactate: EGDT: 2 ± 0.6 mmol/L vs.
hour CG: 3.9 ± 1.2 mmol/L (P < .05).
CG: Conventional monitoring • Mortality EGDT 8% vs. CG 14%
and “traditional formula
12 Journal of Burn Care & Research, 2023, XX
Holm RCT 50 TDD (transpulmonary 24-hour fluid Lactic acid TDD: LR initiated at 4 mL/ • 24-hour fluids: TDD: 27 064 mL vs.
200461 thermodilution) N = administered Cardiac index kg/%TBSA burn, adjusted to Baxter: 16 232 (P = .001)
Journal of Burn Care & Research
25, mean age 37 years, 24-hour UOP Renal failure achieve ITBVI > 800 mL/ • UOP at 24 hours: TDD 205 ± 127 mL/
% TBSA burn 42%, Lung water requiring m2, CI > 3.5 L/min/m2, hours vs. Baxter: 123 ± 93 mL/hour (P
INHI 44% (EVLWI) dialysis and EVLWI < 10 mL/kg = .01)
Baxter: N = 25, mean age Mortality above normal • No differences in EVLWI to 48 hours.
45 years, % TBSA burn Baxter: LR initiated at 4 mL/ • CI significantly higher in TDD than
42%, INHI 56% kg/%TBSA burn, adjusted to Baxter only at 24 hours.
achieve UOP > 0.5 mL/kg/ • No differences in lactate, renal failure,
hour, and MAP >70 mmHg mortality
and CVP > 6 mmHg
Both groups received albumin
± hydroxyethyl starch after
24 hours.
Zhu 202162 CC 191 Study group N = 82, age 24-hour resuscita- AKI Study group: Fluids adjusted • 24-hour resuscitation fluid vol-
41 ± 12 years, % TBSA tion fluid volume AEDS using “EDVI, ITBVI, CI, ume: Study group: 2.29 ± 0.4 mL/
burn 55 ± 12, % FT Survival SVRI, and EVLWI” (no kg/%TBSA burn vs. control group: 2.59
burn 15 ± 7, INHI 48% thresholds described) ± 0.39 mL/kg/%TBSA burn (P < .001).
Control group: N = 109, Control group: Fluids adjusted • AKI higher in control (29%) vs. 16% in
age 43 ± 12 years, % “according to HR, BP, study group (P = .03).
TBSA burn 53 ± 12, urine volume, resp rate, • No difference in ARDS, mortality
%FT burn 18 ± 7*, and SpO2” (no thresholds
INHI 39% described)
*P = .02 vs. study group Both groups resuscitated with
1.5 mL/kg/%TBSA burn
+2000 mL in first 24 hours
as 2:1 ratio of LR: Colloid
(FFP or 5% albumin).
Journal of Burn Care & Research, 2023, XX 13
Index; LOS: lengthy of stay; LR: lactated ringers solution; MAP: mean arterial pressure; MODS: multiple organ dysfunction syndrome; NE: norepinephrine; PAP: peak airway pressure; PaO2/FiO2: ratio of arterial partial
Abbreviations: ACS: abdominal compartment syndrome; AKI: acute kidney injury; ALB: albumin; ARF: acute renal failure; ARDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome; BD: base deficit; BP: blood pressure; CC: case con-
pressure of oxygen to fractional inspired oxygen concentration; PB: post burn; RCT: randomized controlled trial; RRT: renal replacement therapy; SIRS: Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome; SVI: Stroke Volume
very heterogeneous studies has been criticized, and when an
trol; CDSS: Computer Decision Support Software; CI: Cardiac Index; EDVI: End-Diastolic Volume Index; EVLWI: Extra Vascular Lung Water Index; FFP: fresh frozen plasma; FT: full thickness; GEDVI: Global End-
• Vent-free days and mortality lower in
Diastolic Volume Index; HDAA: high-dose ascorbic acid; IAP: intra-abdominal pressure; ICU LOS: intensive care unit length of stay; IOR: in-to-out ratio; INHI: inhalation injury; ITBVI: Intrathoracic Blood Volume
• Hourly UOP in target range 31% in
alternative fixed-effects model with these RCTs was used, al-
edema-related complications.
Question 2: Among adults with burns ≥20% TBSA should
albumin be initiated early (<12 hours post burn) or late (after
12 hours post burn) during acute fluid resuscitation to (a) re-
Index; SVRI: Systemic Vascular Resistance Index; TBSA: total body surface area; TPTD: trans-pulmonary thermodilution; UOP: urine output.
Vent-free days
in target
ABRUPT study.
Two studies provide additional information, but these were
Table 1. Continued
8-12 hours post burn, with a control group that also received
Table 2. Scores from critical review using method of Law et al.64
Volume XX, Number XX
the daily 4-hour albumin intervention but where the first dose field is strong prospective data for the starting rate of 2ml/
was started after 24 hours.67 Patients in the intervention group kg/%TBSA versus. 4ml/kg/%TBSA.
received significantly less crystalloid over the first 3 days and For this PICO question, 2 studies with moderate-strength
had significantly less “fluid creep,” defined by subjective eval- evidence met criteria for inclusion and review.10,55 The first
uation of edema in unburned tissue and presence of an associ- study was a retrospective analysis of the military’s experi-
ated problem (pulmonary congestion, cardiomegaly, effusion, ence in 52 cases with initiating crystalloids based on 2ml/
deepening of burns, need for escharotomy or fasciotomy, ab- kg/%TBSA (Modified Brooke formula) compared to
dominal compartment syndrome). A secondary analysis found starting with 4 mL/kg/%TBSA burn (Parkland formula).10
that the intervention group had a shorter hospital length of Albumin was recommended if at 12 hours, the total fluids
between starting resuscitation with 2mL/kg/%TBSA burn randomized-controlled study.31 Of note, these 2 studies
versus 4 mL/kg/%TBSA burn, but as noted, both studies contained common authors from the same institution.
were small and underpowered to reliably assess this outcome. Decreased fluid requirements are the main proposed benefit
With respect to the outcome of resuscitation volumes, both of FFP. Although the retrospective Du et al, study29 is 30 years
studies demonstrated that the 2 mL/kg/%TBSA burn ap- old and at risk of selection and performance bias, significantly
proach reduced total fluid resuscitation volumes at 24 hours decreased total infusion volumes at 24 hours were observed
post burn (Table 1). Only the Saitoh study55 reported fluids in the FFP cohort when compared to the crystalloid cohort.
at 48 hours and found no significant difference in resuscita- There was no difference in urine output at 24 hours between
tion volumes (5.52 ± 2.08 in the 2 mL/kg/%TBSA group groups. Body weight gain was the only edema-related meas-
risk of disease transmission from blood-borne pathogens. of 66 mg/kg/hour over 24 hours) versus low-dose vitamin C
Fortunately, newer pathogen-reduced preparations of human (single 3.5 gm infusion) allowed for “colloid” administration
plasma may prevent transmission of HIV, hepatitis B and C if resuscitation targets could not be met with fluid alone and
but not hepatitis A or some encapsulated viruses, or prion had planned to stop the vitamin C infusion for hypotension
diseases.74 or tachycardia as part of the protocol. (While no ascorbic acid
We recommend that fresh frozen plasma (FFP) be used infusions were stopped, the use of this safety feature raises the
in acute burn shock resuscitation only in the context of question of whether the investigators were anticipating hypo-
a research study. Currently, there is insufficient evidence volemia effects related to the vitamin C infusion).39
to make a recommendation for FFP to affect any of our Among our included studies, there were no differences in
the first 48 hours, further understanding regarding dose and group. The multiorgan dysfunction score was significantly
outcome may arise from the ongoing vitamin C in thermal in- lower in the second 24 hours after presentation in the ITBVI
jury (VICToRY) pilot trial (NCT04138394) which compares group, but after 1 week, this difference appeared to resolve,
the effect of 200 mg IV ascorbic acid/kg/day for 96 hours to and overall multiple organ failure during the stay was the same
placebo, on the composite outcome of persistent organ dys- in both groups. Mortality, duration of mechanical ventilation,
function and all-cause mortality. and incidence of sepsis were not different between groups,
We are unable to form any recommendation for high- and neither group had any incidence of intra-abdominal com-
dose vitamin C (66 mg/kg/hour) to reduce total crys- partment syndrome.
talloid resuscitation volumes, increase urine output, or Retrospective data review by Zhu et al.62 evaluated the
volumes or decrease edema-related complications. Due to mentions that UOP rates within target were up to 20% higher
a paucity of evidence, we were unable to make any rec- “when providers followed the system recommendation.”
ommendation regarding use of SVV or PPV on either of Most recently, CDSS was evaluated in 5 burn US centers,
these outcomes. combining retrospective data and prospectively obtained ob-
Question 7: Among adults with burns ≥20% TBSA, should servational data.77,78 This study was not included for critical
computerized decision support software (CDSS) compared to review because no comparisons to not using CDSS were made.
using hourly urine output alone be used to titrate acute resus- Across all 285 patients, clinicians agreed with the computer’s
citation fluids to (a) reduce total fluid resuscitation volume or recommended infusion rate, within ± 20 mL/hour, 72% of
total crystalloid resuscitation volume at 24 or 48 hours post burn the time, but this ranged between 54% and 96% between
vasopressin with the defined outcomes of lower 28-day mor- with norepinephrine. The Risk Injury Failure Loss End Stage
tality and a lower incidence of acute kidney injury. (RIFLE) criteria were used as the outcome measure. For
Despite appropriate resuscitative volume administration, patients in the Risk category, there was a lower incidence of
refractory vasoplegia can persist from systemic inflamma- progression to failure or loss for patients treated with vaso-
tion secondary to a severe (≥20% TBSA) burn injury causing pressin. Also, in the risk category, compared to the norep-
hypotension.80 In order to avoid the consequences of over- inephrine group, serum creatinine lowered over the study
resuscitation, vasoactive agents are administered to optimize period in the vasopressin-treated patient. For the other RIFLE
blood pressure. In an animal burn injury model, splanchnic categories, there were no differences in progression to failure
blood vessels showed increased responsiveness to vasopressin or loss or differences in serum creatinine.88 Another large
CVVH-HVHF.44,92 The authors present promising results et al.96 measured IOPs and found that major burn patients
with HVHF decreasing vasopressor dependency index at 48 undergoing bilateral lateral canthotomy had maximal IOPs
hours comparted to baseline, and a decreased multiple organs ranging from 54 to 90 mmHg while those who did not un-
dysfunction syndrome score at 14 days. A limitation for the dergo canthotomy largely had peak IOPs of 23.5 mmHg
applicability of this study is all patients were past the first 48 or less. One recent retrospective analysis recommended
hours of resuscitation, as such no statement to fluids needed monitoring IOP in a variety of scenarios: presence of deep
or edema-related complications were presented. Additional periorbital burns, cumulative 24-hour fluids of 200 mL/kg, or
work from the RESCUE Investigators provide further evi- presence of proptosis.97 Another study identified large surface
dence for the safety of renal replacement therapy in burn44 and area burns, reaching the Ivy Index, and severe facial burns as
31. O’Mara MS, Slater H, Goldfarb IW, Caushaj PF. A prospective, 58. Chen ZH, Jin CD, Chen S et al. The application of early goal directed
randomized evaluation of intra-abdominal pressures with crystalloid therapy in patients during the burn shock phase. Int J Burn Trauma.
and colloid resuscitation in burn patients. J Trauma Inj Infect Crit Care. 2017;7(3):27-33.
2005;58(5):1011-1018. 59. Foldi V, Csontos C, Bogar L, Roth E, Lantos J. Effects of fluid resuscita-
32. Matsuda T, Tanaka H, Williams S, Hanumadass M, Abcarian H, Reyes H. tion methods on burn trauma induced oxidative stress. J Burn Care Res.
Reduced fluid volume requirements for resuscitation of third degree burns 2009;30(6):957-966.
with high dose vitamin C. J Burn Care Rehabil. 1991;12(6):525-532. 60. Foldi V, Lantos J, Bogar L, Roth E, Weber G, Csontos C. Effects of
33. Matsuda T, Tanaka H, Shimazaki S et al. High dose vitamin C therapy for fluid resuscitation methods on the pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines
extensive deep dermal burns. Burns. 1992;18(2):127-131. and expression of adhesion molecules after burn injury. J Burn Care Res.
34. Tanaka H, Matsuda H, Shimazaki S, Hanumadass M, Matsuda T. 2010;31(3):480-491.
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initiation of ascorbic acid therapy. Arch Surg. 1997;132(2):158-161. effects of invasive monitoring on burn shock resuscitation. Burns.
85. Cohn SM, McCarthy J, Stewart RM, Jonas RB, Dent DL, Michalek 96. Sullivan SR, Ahmadi AJ, Singh CN et al. Elevated orbital pressure: an-
JE. Impact of low-dose vasopressin on trauma outcome: prospective other untoward effect of massive resuscitation after burn injury. J Trauma.
randomized study. World J Surg. 2011;35(2):430-439. 2006;60(1):72-76.
86. Russell JA, Walley KR, Singer J et al. Vasopressin versus norep- 97. Vrouwe SQ, Zuo KJ, Grotski CH, Tredget EE, Chew HF, Cartotto
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