Diagnosis Fluid
Diagnosis Fluid
Diagnosis Fluid
Keywords Introduction
Fluid overload · Heart failure · Point-of-care
ultrasonography · Point-of-care ultrasound · Critical illness Recognizing and treating fluid overload (FO) is a key
component of managing patients with heart failure (HF).
The pathophysiology of FO is complex and involves an
Abstract interplay of absolute volume gain, fluid redistribution
Fluid overload has been associated with morbidity and mor- from venous capacitance beds to the central venous cir-
tality in various clinical scenarios including heart failure and culation, and inadequate elimination due to renal dys-
critical illness. It exerts pathologic sequelae in almost all the function, salt and water retention, and endothelial dys-
organ systems. Proper management of patients with fluid function. FO leads to hemodynamic congestion charac-
overload requires knowledge of the underlying pathophysi- terized by elevated cardiac filling pressures, which
ology, objective evaluation of volume status, selection of ap- subsequently results in clinical congestion manifested by
propriate therapeutic options, and maintenance and modu- signs and symptoms such as orthopnea, elevated jugular
lation of tissue perfusion. There are several methods to ap- venous pressure (JVP), peripheral edema, and rales [1]. It
praise volume status but none without limitations. In this is well recognized that in patients hospitalized for decom-
review, we discuss the diagnostic utility, prognostic signifi- pensated HF, persistent congestion at discharge portends
cance, and shortcomings of various bedside tools in the de- worse outcomes [2–5]. In the recent past, the deleterious
tection of fluid overload and evaluation of hemodynamic effects of FO are being increasingly recognized in other
status. These include clinical examination, biomarkers, blood clinical settings such as critical illness where empiric ad-
volume assessment, bioimpedance analysis, point-of-care ministration of intravenous fluid (IVF) is a common sce-
ultrasound, and remote pulmonary pressure monitoring. In nario. In a meta-analysis including 19,902 patients admit-
our opinion, clinicians must adopt a multiparametric ap- ted to the intensive care unit (ICU), the cumulative fluid
proach offsetting the limitations of individual methods to balance after 1 week of ICU stay in nonsurvivors was
formulate a management plan tailored to patients’ needs. found to be 4.4 L more than in survivors. Moreover, a re-
© 2022 The Author(s). strictive fluid management was associated with a lower
Published by S. Karger AG, Basel mortality compared to liberal fluid administration (24.7
vs. 33.2%; p < 0.0001) [6]. Similarly, in a cohort of criti- quent impaired organ perfusion is gaining recognition
cally ill patients with cirrhosis, a higher median fluid bal- challenging the traditional forward flow-centric para-
ance 7 days post-ICU admission (+13.50 vs. +6.90 L; p = digm and shifting the focus from “fluid responsiveness”
0.036) was associated with an increased risk of in-hospital to “fluid tolerance” [23, 24]. Objective assessment of fluid
mortality [7]. Interestingly, a recent clinical trial demon- status is a critical step in timely detection of FO and titrat-
strated that restrictive fluid management strategy is safe ing therapy to optimize hemodynamics. Though accu-
in patients with septic shock compared to standard care rate, the utility of invasive modalities such as pulmonary
(i.e., liberal strategy); although the outcome was not su- artery catheterization is limited to a small subset of criti-
perior in the restrictive group, it is notable that the stan- cally ill patients and does not necessarily improve out-
dard care group received substantially less fluid com- comes [25]. In this review, we will provide an overview of
pared to prior studies (a median of 3.8 L) [8]. While a various bedside tools/laboratory tests in the evaluation of
direct causative relationship cannot be established be- FO and congestion focusing on but not limited to HF.
tween FO and mortality based on the current evidence, it
is a potentially preventable cause of iatrogenic morbidity;
there are data that suggest FO adversely affects almost all Clinical Examination
the organ systems [9, 10] (Fig. 1). For example, FO leads
to pulmonary edema, low lung compliance, increased Careful history taking and physical examination of the
work of breathing [11, 12]; delirium, raised intra-cranial cardiopulmonary system are the first steps in the manage-
pressure [13–15]; prolonged ileus, impaired hepatic syn- ment of patients with FO. These are intended to detect
thetic function, cholestasis, impaired drug absorption increased cardiac filling pressures and their consequenc-
[16, 17]; impaired cardiac contractility and conduction es. However, as mentioned, hemodynamic congestion
abnormalities [18, 19]; acute kidney injury (AKI) [20, 21]; may exist in the absence of clinical congestion. Therefore,
impaired wound healing [22]; and so forth. Furthermore, it is conceivable that the sensitivity of these findings is
the contribution of FO to venous congestion and conse- relatively low to detect ongoing congestion; sole reliance
to assess capillary permeability . Larger studies are needed reveal alternative causes of dyspnea, coexisting thoracic
to understand how this information can be utilized to ti- diseases, and valvular or pericardial calcification. Notably,
trate therapy. a normal chest radiograph should not be used to exclude
the diagnosis of HF as up to 20% of the patients presenting
with acute HF do not demonstrate any radiographic ab-
Chest Radiography normalities. A supine chest radiograph further limits the
diagnostic utility [56, 57]. Having said that, residual pul-
Chest radiography is the most common modality used monary congestion at hospital discharge assessed by ra-
in the diagnosis of acute HF and FO. Key findings include diographic scoring has shown to predict worse outcome
central vascular congestion, interstitial edema with Kerley outperforming physical assessment, echocardiographic
B-lines, cardiomegaly, and pleural effusions. It may also parameters, and BNP [58]. In our practice, we prefer lung
Fig. 3. Cardiac ultrasound images obtained from a patient with head] on the apical 4-chamber view (c); images at hospital dis-
heart failure exacerbation: at presentation, diastolic interventricu- charge (b–d) demonstrate near-complete resolution of these ab-
lar septal flattening is seen on the parasternal long axis view (a), normalities. RV, right ventricle; LV, left ventricle.
qualitatively moderate to severe tricuspid regurgitation [arrow-
study involving 80 patients hospitalized for acute HF, an pressure (RAP) impairs perfusion and leads to organ
admission IVC diameter ≥1.9 cm was associated with a dysfunction (e.g., AKI). A protocol to quantify system-
higher mortality at 90 days (25.4 vs. 3.4%; p = 0.009) and ic venous congestion called venous excess ultrasound
180 days (29.3 vs. 3.4%; p = 0.003) [92]. Similarly, in a (VExUS) has been recently validated in cardiac surgery
large cohort of HF patients (N = 355) managed in the patients and is rapidly gaining acceptance in various
ambulatory care clinic, every 0.5 cm increase in the IVC clinical settings including HF and critical illness [94].
diameter was associated with a 38% increase in risk of HF In a nutshell, VExUS involves assessing flow patterns in
admission (risk ratio [RR] 1.38, p < 0.01). The risk of HF hepatic, portal, and renal parenchymal veins and as-
admission increased proportionately in those with IVC signing a score based on the severity of flow alteration.
diameter 2–2.49 cm (RR 1.79, p < 0.01) versus ≥2.5 cm Figure 4 depicts the VExUS scoring system, and Figure
(RR 2.39, p < 0.01) compared to patients with diameter 5 illustrates waveforms obtained from a patient with se-
<2 cm [93]. vere congestion. Notably, neither IVC nor components
of VExUS can differentiate between pressure overload
Venous Congestion Assessment by Doppler Ultrasound (e.g., pulmonary hypertension) and volume overload,
Doppler evaluation of the systemic veins allows us to and hence, the findings must be interpreted in the ap-
gauge the downstream effects of elevated RAP. This is propriate clinical context. Regardless of the cause, a
important as the organ perfusion depends on both in- high VExUS score still indicates end organ congestion.
flow and outflow pressures; increase in the outflow In the original study [94], presence of severe flow ab-
normalities in two or more of the abovementioned diovascular morbidity and death [97, 98]. A key advan-
veins together with a dilated IVC (≥2 cm) has shown to tage of these Doppler waveforms is that they are dy-
predict the risk of AKI (HR 3.69, p = 0.001), outper- namic and allow monitoring the response to deconges-
forming isolated central venous pressure measurement. tive therapy in real time [99–105]. Clinical trials are in
Several other studies demonstrated prognostic signifi- progress to study the effect of waveform-guided thera-
cance of individual components of VExUS. For exam- py on patient outcomes [24].
ple, in another cardiac surgery cohort, portal vein pul-
satility and altered intra-renal venous flow were associ- Lung POCUS
ated with AKI (HR 2.09, p = 0.02, and HR 2.81, p = Lung POCUS can detect extravascular lung water be-
0.003, respectively) [95]. A prospective observational fore the onset of symptoms, even outperforming chest
study evaluated the prognostic utility of VExUS in 114 radiography in diagnosing cardiogenic pulmonary ede-
patients admitted to medical ICU [96]; abnormal he- ma [59, 106]. In normal state, the lung tissue is not vi-
patic vein Doppler flow has shown to predict 30-day sualized on ultrasound as the underlying air scatters the
risk of kidney events with an odds ratio of 4; however, ultrasound beam. Instead, a bright shimmering pleural
portal and renal parenchymal venous abnormalities did line followed by equidistant hyperechoic horizontal ar-
not share this association. The heterogenous nature of tifacts called the A-lines is seen. B-lines, which are ver-
AKI in an unselected cohort of critically ill patients tical hyperechoic artifacts, occur when the air content
could have contributed to the discrepancy. In the con- in the lung decreases due to interstitial thickening (typ-
text of HF, flow alterations in renal parenchymal veins ically from fluid). The number of B-lines correlates with
have shown to confer worse prognosis in terms of car- the degree of pulmonary edema and dynamically re-
Fig. 6. Common lung ultrasound findings: A-lines (arrows; a); B-lines (arrows; b); right pleural effusion (asterisk;
c). IVC, inferior vena cava.
Funding Sources
Conclusions and Future Directions
No specific financial support was obtained for preparation of
It is well recognized that FO has detrimental effects on this article.
organ function and portends worse patient outcomes.
While several bedside tools and techniques are available
for objective assessment of fluid status, each suffers from Author Contributions
inherent limitations. Physicians must be aware of these
Abhilash Koratala drafted the initial version of the manuscript.
limitations and adopt a multiparametric approach to for- Amir Kazory and Claudio Ronco reviewed and revised the manu-
mulate individualized management plan for their pa- script for critical intellectual content. Abhilash Koratala, Claudio
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