Gox 10 E4359
Gox 10 E4359
Gox 10 E4359
Patient-specific Implants for Treating
Atrophic Mandibles
Dekel Shilo, DMD, PhD*† Summary: Extremely atrophic mandibles are difficult to treat. Most patients choose
Tal Capucha, DMD, PhD* to live with removable dentures. However, what if the atrophy is so extreme that
Ori Blanc, DMD* spontaneous fractures occur? The objective of this report is to offer a single-stage
Dafna Shilo Yaacobi, MD‡ augmentation method, which uses patient-specific crib-shaped implants (PSI) com-
Omri Emodi, DMD*† bined with autogenous free bone grafts. PSI were planned using three-dimensional
Adi Rachmiel, DMD, PhD*† (3D) segmentation and 3D virtual-planning software. Implants were designed
according to the patient’s mandible with a mesh-like structure and included large
holes for allowing blood supply recovery. During surgery, the PSI fitted perfectly.
In cases exhibiting malposition of the mandibular fragments, repositioning was
performed using 3D virtual planning. When repositioning mandibular segments,
the PSI served as a guide for the correct positioning. Iliac-crest bone graft was
harvested and fixed as an onlay over the residual mandibular basal bone. External
approach was used to avoid contamination. Six months following surgery, fixation
wires were removed, and dental implants were positioned in the newly formed
bone. The PSI allowed for rigid fixation, thus leading to optimal incorporation of
the iliac-crest bone graft. No further augmentation was required. Bony continu-
ity for future stability and secession of the spontaneous fractures was achieved.
Dental implants were placed effortlessly. Treating extremely atrophic mandibles is
an entity of its own and is considered one of the most challenging in craniofacial
reconstruction. It mostly requires multiple operations with high rates of failure.
We offer a novel method of 3D mandibular reconstruction, both vertically and
horizontally, showing promising results and achieving enough bone for further
dental rehabilitation. (Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 2022;10:e4359; doi: 10.1097/
GOX.0000000000004359; Published online 6 June 2022.)
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Fig. 1. Radiographic evaluation. Anterior aspect of a 3D reconstruc- Fig. 2. 3D manipulation and designing the PSI. Following segmen-
tion from a CT demonstrating the severe mandibular atrophy. A pre- tation of the mandible, the left segment was repositioned to cre-
vious fracture showing fibrous healing can be observed in the right ate an aligned mandible. A crib-shaped mesh-like PSI was designed
mandibular body. according to the final location of the segments.
Shilo et al. • PSI for Treating Atrophic Mandibles
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