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Introduction to Mechatronics

Course Name : Introduction to Mechatronics

Course Code : ES 2304
Credits : 04
L T P : 3-0-2
Course Objectives:
The objective of the course content is to:

1. Impart knowledge and information about mechatronics system.

2. Understand the concepts of signal conditioning and data acquisition for
intelligent systems.
3. Develop the basics for mechatronic product design
Course Outcomes:
By the end of this course, the student will be able:

CO1: To understand the basic concepts, applications and components of

mechatronic system.
CO2: To analyze sensing, signal conditioning and data acquisition circuits.
CO3: To design product and systems theoretically as well as practically with
CO4: To apply the knowledge of mechatronic system for industrial applications.
Topic Hr
Introduction to Mechatronics : Introduction, Elements of 6
Mechatronics system, Classification of Mechatronics system,
Mechatronic system intelligence, Components involved in
intelligent system design and development, measurements and
control system as a part of mechatronics system, Application of
Mechatronic systems
Sensors and transducers : Introduction, Performance 8
characteristics of transducers, Transducer for displacement
(Potentiometer, strain-gauge, Optical encoder, LVDT, Hall effect
sensor); velocity (Tachogenerator), force (load cell), pressure
(Piezoelectric sensors, Tactile sensor), liquid level ( Floats,
Differential pressure), Temperature (Bimetallic strips, RTDs,
Thermistors, Thermocouples) and light sensor (Photovoltaic-
transducer, LDR, Photodiode, Photo Transistor).
Signal conditioning: Operational amplifier (Inverting, 7
Non-inverting, Summing, Integrating, Differential
amplifiers, comparator), protection, filtering, digital
signals (R-2R ladder DAC and Successive
Approximation ADC), Concepts of multiplexers
Controllers: Basics of number system, binary, octal and 7
hexadecimal systems with their conversion from one
system to other. Boolean algebra, logic gates, ICs, flip-
flops & counters.
Microprocessor, Microcontroller, PLC & their
Architectures, Working Principle, Software Programs
(Assembly/High Level), Interfacing Aspects
Flipped Learning (NPTEL MOOCs) -
Basics of number, binary, octal and hexadecimal systems with their
conversion from one system to other. Boolean algebra, logic gates, ICs, flip-
flops. (Unit 5 Lecture 21&22) PLC Controller (Unit 7 Lecture 33)
Actuators and mechanisms: 8
Pneumatic and hydraulic actuation systems: Directional
control valves, Pressure control valves, cylinders
Mechanical actuation systems: Kinematic chain, cam,
gear, clutches, ratchet and pawl, belt and chain drive,
Electrical actuation systems: Relays, Solid-state Switches
(Diode, Thyristor, Triac, BJT, FET), DC and AC motors,
brushless dc motor, stepper motors, servo motors
Flipped Learning (NPTEL MOOCs) -
Mechanical actuation systems: Kinematic chain, cam, gear, ratchet and pawl,
belt and chain drive, bearings (Unit 3 Lecture 11)
Pneumatic and hydraulic actuation systems: Directional control valves, Pressure
control valves, cylinders (Unit 3 Lecture 12)
Robotics: Types of motions, Function, Governing Laws, 6
Classification, Features and Components of Robots,
System Automation
Reference Books
Year of
Name of Book/ Authors/ Publisher Publication/

Mechatronics by W Bolton , 6th edition,

1 2019
Pearson Education
Mechatronics by Tilak Thakur 2st edition,
2 2023
Oxford University Press
Mechatronics by Dan Necsulescu, Pearson
3 2001
4 Mechatronics by H M T Limited, TMH 2017

Mechatronics Principles, Concepts &

5 2017
Applications by Nitaigour P Mahalik, TMH
S.No. Link of Journals, Magazines, websites and Research
1. Mechatronics, Prof. Pushparaj Mani Pathak | IIT Roorkee
2. Design of Mechatronic Systems, Prof. Prasanna Gandhi, IIT
3. Mechatronics and Manufacturing Automation, IIT Guwahati ,
Dr. Shrikrishna N. Joshi
Understanding Mechatronics
S. Content Detail P Learning Objectives Teaching Learning Source / Book
No. L aids/Methods
1 Introduction to 2 (i)Understand the concept of Mechatronics, Black board, PPT,
Mechatronics, Mechatronics by W
Elements of its interdisciplinary nature, and the Video, animation /
Mechatronics system, Bolton and
integration of mechanical, electrical, (i) Lecture
Classification of
Mechatronics system, computer science, and control engineering (ii) & (v) cooperative Mechatronics by Tilak
principles. learning strategy - Thakur
(ii)Identify and classify the key elements Jigsaw Method
constituting a Mechatronics system /112107298

(iii)Analyze and evaluate the components

2 Mechatronic system 2 involved in designing intelligent PPT, Mechatronics by W

Mechatronic systems. video, animation / Bolton and
Components involved
in intelligent system (iv)Comprehend measurement techniques (iii)Lecture / Mechatronics by Tilak
design and
and control system methodologies utilized Discussion Thakur
in Mechatronics.
(v)Explore real-world applications of /112107298
Mechatronic systems across various
industries such as automotive, aerospace,
3 Measurements and 2 robotics, healthcare, and manufacturing. PPT, Mechatronics by W
control system as a Understand how Mechatronics principles video, animation /
part of mechatronics Bolton and Mechatronics
are integrated into practical scenarios to (iv)PBL
system, Application solve complex engineering problems. by Tilak Thakur
(i)to (v)
of Mechatronic
(Unit Quiz) /112107298
Mechatronic System (Intelligent )

• A Mechatronics system is a synergistic

integration of mechanical with electrical,
electronics, and intelligent computer
control technologies.
• With the intersection of mechanics,
electronics, and computing, mechatronics
specialists create simpler and smarter
(intelligent) systems.
The term mechatronics was first introduced by
Tetsuro Muri, a Japanese engineer of Yasakawa
Electric Corporation in 1969. However, it was
introduced in academics first in 1996 after related
publication in the refereed and reputed journals of
IEEE and ASME Transactions on Mechatronics.
Evolution of Mechatronic System
Definitions Of Mechatronics
• In 1996, Yasakawa defined mechatronics as
follows: ‘The word mechatronics is composed
of “mecha” from mechanism and the “tronics”
from electronics’.
• Harashima, Tomzreka, and Kudads defined it
as ‘the synergetic integration of mechanical
engineering with electronics and intelligent
computer control to design and manufacture
industrial products and processes’ in 1996.
• In the same year, Auslandar and Kempf
defined it as follows: ‘Mechatronics is the
application of complex design making to the
operation of physical systems’.
• In 1997, Shetty and Kolk defined it as
follows: ‘Mechatronics is the
methodology used for the optimal
design of electromechanical products’.
• W. Bolton defined it as follows: ‘A
mechatronic system is not just
marriage of electrical and mechanical
systems and is more than just a
control system; it is complete
integration of all of them’.
Individual Integration of Different Disciplines


Elements, Electrical
Elements, Machines
Mechanics and
electro mechanics

μ-processors Electronic
Computer Electronics &
Mechatronics Electrical Eng.
Design & Sensors &
Modeling Actuators

Key Elements Of Mechatronics
Sensors Response of dynamic
Mechanics of solid system, Root locus
Linear & Rotational Translational and method, Frequency
Acceleration, Force rotational systems,
torque and Pressure, response method, Design
Fluid, Electrical of digital filter, Optimal
Flow, Temperature,
Micro and nano- Thermal, Physical control design, NN, Fuzzy,
sensors Systems State variable method,
Actuator Intelligent control,
Electro-mechanical, Identification and control
motor, piezoelectric
actuator, Pneumatic
and hydraulic, relays
Digital logic, communication
Data acquisition system, system, fault- direction, logic
transducer and measurement system design, asynchronous
system, A/D conversion and and synchronous sequential
D/A conversion, Amplifier and logic, computer architecture
signal conditioning, Computer and microprocessor, system
based instrument system, interface, PLC, Embedded
Software engineering, Data control computer
Components and
devices for
Analog / Digital Input Signal

Controller (µP, µC,

Sensors Conditioning


Analog / Digital Output Signal

Actuators Conditioning

Basic Elements of Mechatronic System

• Various components (parts) interact
interdependently such that an output
System corresponding to input is obtained.
• Same or different i/p , o/p in same or
different environment.
Classification of Systems
Single i/p Single o/p • Mechanistic systems
Inside • Ecological systems
Multi i/p • Social system
Different o/p
• Animate system
Climate, river, mountain,
cloud, atmosphere

Society, school,
Mechanisitic System Corporation, etc.

Animate System

Animal, bird,
Machine, conveyer, car,
Human, etc
motor, robot, etc.

Social System

Ecological System
Input Signal Conditioning Output Signal Conditioning

Smart Sensors Controllers

Intelligent Actuators


Plant / system
1.Mechatronic System(Intelligent )

People desire to have their most of

SYSTEMS (machine, toys, vehicles, home
ect.) to be Smart and Intelligent enough
,which is Capable to Talk(audio) /
Walk(action) /Report(display) / Inform Etc. as
per operating /functioning Environment and
Situations of the system through
1.IC Engine System / Electric
motor with control
2. Power Transmission System /
Drive train – flywheels, clutch,
gear, CVT (Automatic)
3. Brake System - Anti-lock
Brakes and Power Brakes
4. Steering, Suspension and
5. Electrical System – Battery,
Fuses and Connectors, Car
6. Exhaust System - Catalytic
Converter, Silencer
7. Car Cooling System - water
pump, thermostat, radiator, fan
and other smaller components.
torque, and
flux) into
What To Understand?
• SYSTEMS: Know the system operation and control parameters.
• ENVIRONMENT AND SITUATIONS: Translate the situation(s)
to respective signal using sensor(s) & transducer(s).
• CAPABILITY to COMMUNICATE: Design for capability to
communicate the translated signal using signal conditioning devices
to controller.
• CONTROLLER: Which controls communication and
coordination among all components through computation and
comparison to issue command signal to implement action.
• ACTION/OUTPUT: Implement controller command using


Mechatronics represents a process that blends
mechanics and electronics with use of precision
engineering, computer science, information
technology, control system theory, and sensor
and actuator technology to design improved
products and processes.
Classification of Mechanistic Systems
Based on type of input energy, type of control
applied, mathematical model used, and level of
1. Input Energy based Classification
• Type of input energy - Electrical, hydraulic,
pneumatic, mechanical, chemical, nuclear and
Electrical System Fluid System
Thermal System Chemical System
Mechanical System Nuclear System
Electrical Systems
• Input is Electrical Energy
• Output may be
mechanical, electrical,
chemical, etc.

Thermal Systems
• Input is Thermal Energy
• Output may be
mechanical, electrical,
Furnace chemical, etc.

Mechanical Systems Nuclear Systems

• Input is mechanical • Input is nuclear Energy

Energy • Output may be
• Output may be mechanical, electrical,
mechanical, electrical, heat, motion etc.
Lathe machines Electricity generation
through nuclear fission
heat, Nuclear weapons
Automobiles atomic bomb
Fluid Systems Chemical Systems
• Input is fluid Energy • Input is chemical Energy
• Output may be • Output may be
mechanical, electrical, mechanical, electrical,
etc. etc.
Pelton wheel turbine
Air compressor
Electrolytic process
Water jet cutting
2. Mathematical Model based Classification
• Equations to establish input-output
Dynamic System
Static System
Linear System
Dynamic System – the components and
system are represented to give an output with a
time constraint. Represented by integral or
differential equation.
Static System - the components and system
are represented to give an output without a
time constraint.
Linear System - linear relationship between
input and output
Nonlinear – does not show linear relationship
between input and output
Distributed – parameters are distributed
along space and time. Developed using
partial differential equation.
Lumped – parameters are functions of
time and are concentrated at a singular point.
Developed using differential equation.
Homogeneous and consistent system can be
lumped not heterogeneous.
Probabilistic / stochastic – Constituted by
random variables’ states instead of unique set
of values. Represented using probabilistic
Deterministic – Constituted by a unique set
of variable system parameters with previous
state values. Its results are dependent on the
initial values of the variables.
3. Function based Classification
• Measurement system and control system
Digital data
D0-D7 i/p to CPU
CH0 Analog data
CH1 data D0-D7
Amplifier CH2

+Filter Microprocessor

Strain Amplifier 8255 A0 Microcontroller
gauge +Filter A1 Or
Pressure 0 PC1
0 PC2 WR
Machine/ CH7
Plant/ Process/
System Actuator DAC OUT
Final control
S/C : Start Conversion
E/C : End Conversion
Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI) c
• Sensor responds to the energy received from
physical quantity. The output is converted to
an electrical analog signal by a transducer.
• Signal conditioner amplification, filtering,
rectification, analog to digital converter
(ADC)/ Digital to analog (DAC), etc.
• Data transmitter data received after signal
conditioning are transmitted to
components/device for further processing for
measurement or control. Important for
computer control or remote control.
• Data Processor (calculation, calibration,
comparison, etc) done by computer /
calculating device for displaying an
output or performing computer control.
• Data presentation data are presented for
interaction through display devices such
as monitors, LCD, prints, etc.
• Measurement system and control system
used to control some phenomenon or action
Types – Open loop or Closed loop system
(i) Open loop system
Power Power
Supply Converter

Duty cycle of power switches

Signal Conditioning (optocouplers and
System has no
Driver Circuit) feedback of actual
measured value to
(PWM Algorithm)
Keyboard Microcontroller input. Thus o/p of
the system does not
affect the i/p.
(ii) Closed loop system
encoder disc

Power Power
Supply Converter

Duty cycle of power switches

Signal Conditioning (optocouplers and
Driver Circuit)
Measured Speed (Nm)
(PWM Algorithm) Counter Digital encoder
- Reference Speed (Nr)

The o/p from the system is feedback to the input level of the
system such that the error is reduced.
Automatic and intelligent mechatronics system are closed
loop and feedback control systems (FCS)
• Closed loop system regulates the output to a certain
value based on the feedback provided by a
measuring device.
• A self regulating system is fully automatic.
• Elements of closed Loop system
i) Elements for comparison :
Error = Desired/set/reference value – measured value

Error is generated by negative feedback, positive

feedback and bipolar feedback.
Negative feedback is used to control a system.
ii) Control Elements: Take an action based on the error
signal. Controls the process according to algorithm.
iii) Correction element : Minimize the error based on
the control signal issued by controller. A switch
(effector/ actuator/ final control element) to turn ON or
OFF AC/fan for cooling room.
iv) Process element : Combination of various functions
of different system controlled using closed loop control.
v) Measurement element : Output a value of signal
corresponding to input physical variable parameter
under measurement. Measured value is compared with
required value. Error processed to issue control signal
command for correction.
Developing closed loop system from
open loop system
Manual control of furnace by operator based on
furnace temperature.
desired value
+ Error signal Control µP, Furnace Valve
Furnace System
Amplification PLC, etc (Fuel control)

- Control signal Manipulated

Error signal to fuel valve fuel flow

Input/ feedback Temperature

signal conditioning transducer

Temperature control of furnace

• Control Unit : Operator behave like a control unit and
control the temperature.
• Correction Unit : Switch to be made ON/OFF of heating
• Process : Furnace heated using electricity
• Measuring Device : Thermocouple/ Thermistor, etc.
• Comparison element : Open loop operator compare.
In closed loop feedback control is required
• Reference Value: Desired furnace temperature
• Controlled value : It is the furnace temperature
• Error Signal : Difference between reference and
measured value of temperature. In closed loop human
is replace by computer / PLC/ µP, µC, etc.
Advantages and Disadvantages of
closed loop control systems
• Advantages:
More accurate, More flexible control, easier
to use, more informative, more intelligent,
more useful than manual control
• Disadvantages:
More complex mechanism, complex
hardware, More prone to breakdown or
damage, Newly developed components may
outdate existing one.
What type of control is used in traffic light
system? How can we convert it from one form
of control to another form?

What are the input and output of a toaster? Is

it an open loop or closed loop system? How can
we transform an open loop system to closed
loop system?
Mechatronic System Intelligence
• Advancement in Semiconductor technology
and IT let to new generation equipment and
machinery – smart or intelligent product/
device/ system
• Sensing device, memory, data-processing
device, reasoning device, communication
devices and effectors/ actuators
• Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Properties of Intelligent System
• Unique identification
• Capability to communicate effectively with its
devices and environment
• Capability to store, inform, and use
data/information regarding its components,
system, and environment
• Facility to display its features, requirements, etc.
• Communicate and coordinate with users,
components and environment for decision
• Continuously monitor their status and
Level of Intelligent Sub system System Components Examples
Intelligence system class ability
Dumb Cannot No Table, glass
Level 0 interact with components of water
self or
Self regulating Perception + Identification Sensors, Automatic
Level 1 execution ( analog and decision iron, Auto
digital signal mechanism + focusing
as effector camera
information) No software
Small SDs/ Perception + Identification Sensors, refrigerator
Level 2 Lower execution +reasoning decision with
Intelligence with for accessing mechanism thermostat,
knowledge knowledge (Opamps, washing
logic gates, machine
flip flops and
timers) +
Big SDs/ Lower Perception + Identification Sensors, Cars with an
Level Intelligence cognition+ +reasoning decision by electronic
3 execution for accessing processor transmission
knowledge (Hardware system (ETS)
+Learning+ and [ changing
communicati software)+ road
on effector condition,

Advance Perception + Identification Sensors, Anthropoid

Level intelligence/ cognition+ +reasoning decision by robots
4 Wisdom level execution for accessing processor (ASIMO)
knowledge (Hardware
+Learning+ and
communicati software)+AN
on + history N+ Deep
track for Learning
pattern effector
*Application of mechatronic approaches in the
field of bio-engineering to design and develop
SMART and Intelligent devices and system for
diagnostics purposes and human/animal organ
replacement and control .
*Doctors and engineers work together to design
and develop such devices and systems
Human Intelligence system
Future generation system intelligence
level - IoT
Expressing System Intelligence
•Information handling
Intelligence •Problem Reporting
Model 1
Level •Decision making
• Outside the system
Intelligence (service network)
Model 2 Location • Inside the system

Model 3 Communication • Component(s)

uniformity • Container

Expressing System Intelligence

Components Involved in Intelligent
System Design and Development
Type 1 : Mechanical system incorporated
with electronic components in order to
increase the functional aspects of product –
Variable speed Drive, CNC machine
Type 2 : Mechanical product working on
traditional concept, but their internal
components were updated by electronic
parts – sewing machines and automated
manufacturing systems.
Type 3: Products and systems whose
functionality remained similar to those of
traditional, even after replacing internal
part by electronic components – digital
Type 4: Products and systems working
through synergistic integration with
mechanical and electronic components –
photocopiers, intelligent washers and
dryers, rice cookers, and automatic ovens.
Class category based on JSPMI – Japan society
for promotion of machine Industry (1970 )
• Mechanical components and systems
• Electrical Components and Systems
Information processing components and systems
Basic Hardware Software Soft
components computing
Data, µP, µC, Machine language program For
information, DSP, FPGA, (simple systems), assembly advanced
policies, Computer language program (smart and intelligent
procedures, Computing intelligent systems; 8085, systems :
purposes, devices, 8086, 8051, etc. Fuzzy
communication data microprocessors), high-level Logic, NN,
networks processors, language program (intelligent GA, PSO,
etc complex systems; 8086, 386, etc.
486, Pentium I, II, III, IV), data
processors FORTRAN,
DSpace, etc.
Mechatronics for all
(Applications of Mechatronics)
Mechatronics has bridged the gap between
traditional/conventional mechanical, electrical, and
control engineering after advances in semiconductor
technology, especially microchips and computer
technology. It responds to the industries’ increasing
demand for engineers who are able to work across
boundaries of conventional engineering. Mechatronic
engineers identify and utilize the interdisciplinary
knowledge and proper combinations of technologies to
provide optimal solutions for increasing engineering
• Application of such knowledge and technology
leads to the development of more efficient,
intelligent, cost-effective product designs to meet
the growing market demand.
• In particular, the development of microprocessors
and microcomputers encouraged engineers to
integrate interdisciplinary areas and apply them
to various products from all walks of life, such as
in the fields of consumer product design,
manufacturing, instrumentation, motion control,
industrial processes, robotics, aircraft, traction,
defence, automated diagnostic systems,
medicines, and biotechnology
Application of Mechatronics
• Robotics
• Defence
• Biomedical and Surgery
Robotic Surgery
• Agriculture – Automatic Weed controller
• Automation
Industrial Automation
Automation in Automobile Industry
Civil Engineering: Electric Shovel, Building
material mixing and loading ,etc
Metallurgical: Automatic and intelligent
control of metallurgical processes ,etc.
Aerospace: Flight control ,Drone design
Chemical: Automatic and intelligent
control of chemical processes, etc
Architecture: Automatic design of a
structure ,3D Printing ,etc.
Medical :Robotic surgery, Biomedicine,etc
Robotics: Snake, ASIMO, SOFIA,etc.
Defense: Guided missile ,tank ,unmanned
vehciles ,etc
Agriculture: Automatic weed controller,
crop plantation ,etc
Role of Mechanical ,Electrical & Electronics and
Computer Engineering in Intelligent product
• Mechanical :Sensors, Actuators design,
mechanics etc.
• Electrical :Sensors, Actuators design, etc.
• Electronics: Sensors, Controllers
,Communication and switching, interfacing
,networking, etc.
• Computer :Controller , communication,
software design, intelligent control, etc.

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