Removal of Hardness of Water

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Assignment – 4

Fri, 13 Mar Anuj Gupta 20BCE7055

Removal of Hardness of water

Aim – To remove Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions from hard water using ion
exchange resin.

Reagent used – EDTA, Eriochrome Black T(EBT) indicator, Ammonia

buffer (NH4Cl+NH4OH).

Theory – In this experiment, an ion-exchange resin will be used. An ion-

exchange resin consist of beads of an qrganic polymer. On the surface
of the beads, there are functional groups capable of removing ions
from solution and replacing them with ions of like charge from the
resin. If the resin exchange cations with the solution, it is a cation-
exchange resin; if it exchange anions,it is an anion-exchange resin.

Some example of the reactive group of the reactive group of ion-

exchange resin are:

Uncharged form charged form

 The carboxylic acid group cation

 The sulfonic acid group: cation exchange

 The amine group anion exchange

The hard water is passed first through cation exchange column, which
removes all the anions like Ca2+,Mg2+,etc. from it and equivalent
amount of H+ ions are release from this column to water.


After cation exchange column, the hard water is passed through anion
exchange column, which removes all the anions like SO42-,Cl-,etc.
Present In the water and equilavent amount of OH - ions are released
from this column to water. Thus:

H+ and OH- ions(released from cation exchange and anion exchange

columns respectively) get combined to produced water molecule.

In this experiment, hard water solution will be passed through a cation-

exchange resin. The calcium and Magensium ions in the solution will
exchange with a stoichiometric flowing off the column, will be titrated
with a solution of standard EDTA. This titration estimates the amount of
calcium ions removed from the hard water.


 Pipette out 10mL of hard water into a conical flask.

 Pass hard water over Amberlite IR 120 ion exchange column slowly
and collect drops in conical flask.
 Add 5 mL of buffer solution and few drops of EBT indicator.
 Titrate with 0.01M EDTA solution taken in the burette, till the wine
red color changes to blue, which is the end point. Note down the
burette reading(V1 mL).
 Remember, titrate the solution until the last trace of red color
dissapearss upon addition of just a fraction of a drop od EDTA. The
final color changes should be from a violet color to a pale blue. The
changes be fairly sharp.
 Repeat steps a-c twice.
Tabulate all the data.


Sl. No Volume of Burette Reading Volume of

hard water EDTA (v1
sample Initial final mL)
1 10 0.0 11.5 11.1
2 10 0.0 11.1 11.1
3 10 0.0 11.1 11.1

Calculation and result

Hardness of water – 1110 ppm

Hardness of water that is 1110 ppm is removed.

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