Q2 LAP 4 Store Vegetables Wenie T. Arcilla

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Technology and Livelihood Education

Cookery 10

Name of Learner: _______________________ Grade/Section:

Teacher: ________________________________ Date Submitted:


I. Introductory Concept
Food storage is the process in which both cooked and raw
materials are stored in appropriate conditions for future use without any
entry or multiplication of microorganisms. Some vegetables and fruit
need to be stored in the refrigerator, others need to ripen before being
placed in the refrigerator, and others are best stored at room temperature
or in a cool dry place.

Store Vegetables

Fresh Vegetables
1. Potatoes and onion are stored at cool
temperature. (50-65⁰F) in a dry, dark

2. Other vegetable must be refrigerated.

To prevent drying they should be kept
covered or wrapped.

3. Peeled and cut vegetables should be

covered or wrapped, and use quickly
to prevent spoilage.

4. Potatoes, eggplants and other

vegetables that brown when cut
should be treated with an acid or
blanched them to inactivate the
enzyme that cause browning. Raw,
cut potatoes are held in cool water for
a short time.

DO_TLE-Cookery Grade 10_Q2_LP 4 1

5. Store all fresh vegetables for a short


Frozen Vegetables

1. Store at 0⁰F (-18⁰C). or colder in

original container until ready for

2. Do not refreeze thawed vegetables.

Dried Vegetables

3. Store in a cool (less than 75⁰F) dry,

well-ventilated place

4. Keep well sealed and off the floor.


Canned Vegetables

1. Keep in a cool dry place, away from

sunlight and off the floor.

2. Discard cans that show signs of

damage (swollen, badly dented


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1. Don’t mix batches.

2. Store leftover creamed vegetables

for one day only. Before storing,
cool rapidly by placing the container
on ice.

What is a FIFO Food Storage System?

FIFO stands for First-In First-Out. It is a stock rotation system used for food
storage. You put items with the soonest best before or use-by dates at the front and
place items with the furthest dates at the back. By using a FIFO food storage
system, you ensure that food with the nearest best before or use-by dates are used
or sold first. FIFO maximizes freshness and minimizes waste.

The FIFO procedure follows 5 simple steps:

1. Locate products with the soonest best before or use-by dates.
2. Remove items that are past these dates or are damaged.
3. Place items with the soonest dates at the front.
4. Stock new items behind the front stock; those with the latest dates should
be at the back.
5. Use/sell stock at the front first.


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Sanitary Practices when storing Vegetables
1. Handle the food properly
2. Wash tools and equipment thoroughly
3. Keep off hand to a minimum contact to ingredients and food
4. Keep away from food when you are sick.
5. Store food and ingredients in a proper place or location.
6. Safeguard food during distribution and serving
7. Make sure that the food must be kept in a right container or storage

II. Learning Skills from the MELCs

LO 4 Store Vegetables TLE_HECK10VD-IId-12
4.1 Store vegetables based on the prescribed location and temperature
4.2 Demonstrate vegetable storage in accordance with FIFO operating
4.3 Follow standard safety and hygiene procedures

III. Activities

Practice Task 1
Direction: Use each word below in one sentence only by relating them to
vegetables. (2 points each)

1. Temperature
2. Browning
3. Spoilage
4. Thaw
5. Safety

Practice Task 2
Direction: Make a slogan on importance of storing vegetables using
short coupon
bond, coloring materials, pencil, white board marker and
ruler. (Please
see the rubric for scoring).

Performance Task 1 Show Off

Direction: Demonstrate the proper way of storing vegetables, make
use of available vegetables in your kitchen. Take a photograph or video while
performing the task. Submit your output to your teacher.

Note: For those who can’t take a picture or make a video, you can
describe your performance by writing a narrative.

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IV. Rubric for Scoring

Slogan Making Rubric

Criteria Score
Relevance to the theme 30 %
Originality 30 %
Creativity 25 %
Impact and presentation 15 %
Total 100 %

Demonstration Scoring Criteria:

5 - Shows 5 procedures and safety standard in storing vegetables.
4 - Shows 4 procedures and safety standard in storing vegetables.
3 - Shows 4 procedures and safety standard in storing vegetables.
2 - Shows 3 procedures and safety standard in storing vegetables.
1 - Shows 1 procedures and safety standard in storing vegetables.
Narrative Report Rubric
Content Narrative contains detailed content of
evaluating finished product Engages and 40%
influences reader.
Cohesion Narrative flows well. Ideas are linked and
meaning is clear. 40%
Narrative use precise punctuation and
correct spelling of all common words and 20%
and spelling
difficult words
TOTAL 100%

V. Answer Key
Practice Task 1
Answers may vary.

Practice Task 2
Answers may vary.
VI. Reflections

 What insights have you gained from your activities?

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 What difficulties did you encounter and how did you overcome
VII. References
Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Home Economics Cookery for Grade
10 –pp. 6-10
Storing vegetables First Edition, 2020

Electronic References:
o https://www.google.com/vegetable-fruit-tomato-drawing-
o https://www.google.com/.eatingwell.vegetarian
o https://www.google.com/dented-cans-of-
o https://www.google.com/home food safety.org
o https://www.google.com/FIFO-food-storage

Prepared by:

Teacher III- Bagamanoc RDHS

DO_TLE-Cookery Grade 10_Q2_LP 4 6

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