Strength of Materials - I: Chapter - IV

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Strength of Materials – I

Chapter – IV

Introduction to
Mechanical Properties of Solids


Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak

©2009 (3)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Erciyes University
Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)


chapter 4


In previous chapters we have considered stress and strain separately. It is intuitively

clear that these quantities are related, and in this chapter we make an introductory
inquiry into such relations. These relations are called consıitutive laws.
Almost ali the working knowledge we now possess for such relations stems from
macroscopic testing of materials, and it is the results of such tests, as well as the
macroscopic theories stemming from such tests, that concern us in this chapter. For
some time, however, solid-state physicists and engineers have been intensively
studying the nıicroscopic bases for mechanical properties (i.e., actions at the atomic
and molecular levels). Much progress has been made along this avenue of approach,
although a thorough understanding of the mechanisms involved has not yet been
reached. it is expected that in the future we shall turn more and more to this
fundamental approach. Modern technology is putting our structures into more
complex environments and under more complex conditions for which macroscopic
laboratory tests, such as the ones we describe in this chapter, are becoming less
meaningful. Needed fora better understanding of how a material is to behave under a
combination of conditions, such as high temperature, dynamic loads, radiation,
temperature gradients and vi~ration, is a comprehension of how mechanical action


Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

68 lntroduction to Mechanical Properties of Solids Chap. 4

relates to atomic and molecular structure. You will learn more about these theories in
your courses in materials science.t


We shall now consider a simple state of stress-the one-dimensional state of stress

introduced in Example 2.3. You will recall that such a state of stress in a domain is
defined for reference xyz as having one direction, say z, throughout the domain for
which the only nonzero stress for the reference is -r,,. Many problems consist of
systems of one-dimensional stress states, and we shall examine some of these later.
The most basic test in the study of stress-strain relations is the simple one-
dimensional tensile test wherein a cylindrical specimen of the type shown in Fig. 4.1 is
subjected by a tensile test machine to a force F along the centerline of the specimen.
The distance L between two points on the specimen is measured at ali times by a gauge
( 1) as seen in the diagram. Another gauge (2) meanwhile measures the diameter D of
the cylinder. As the force F is varied, we measure L and D for each setting of F.t
Hence, at any setting, we have the following information:

1. Acıua/ stress (-r::)A«· Computed as F/AAcı• where AAcı is the cross-sectional area
of the cylinder found by employing the actual diameter D given by gauge 2.
2. Engineering stress (-r:z)Ens· Computed as F/A 0 , where A 0 is the initial unstrained
cross-sectional area of the cylinder.
3. Sırain ezz · Computed by the ratio lıL/L 0 , where lıL is found using gauge 1 and
L 0 is the unstrained length.

Figure 4.1 Tensile specimen with gauges.

t For a discussion of microscopic properties, see !. H . Shames, Mechanics of Deforıııabie Solids, R. E.

K rieger, 1964, Melbourne, Fla. See Appendix X.
:t:It should be pointed ou t that the rate of loading should be slo w enough to avoid dynamic effects
but should not be so slow as to bring into play Jo ngtime effects, such as creep, an action which we shall
dcscribc in more dctail Jater.

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

Sec. 4.2 The Tensile Test 69

The values of stress and strain from the aforestated measurements are actually
average values. However, if the test specimen is carefully tlesigned and ma<le, the
stresses and strains away from the ends of the specimen are close to being one-
dimensional as well as uniform. And so these stress and strain values may be
considered as the correct values at any point away from the ends.
It is customary to plot the engineering stress (rz::ıJEng versus the strain ezz for such
a test. Because the volume of the specimen will change only slightly, there will take
place a contraction of the cross-sectional area A as the tensile load is increasedt so
that the engineering stress will be less than the actual stress at all times. For small
loads, AAcı will not be appreciably smaller than A 0 so that little difficulty is
encountered by using the simpler engineering stress. However, for large loads there
will be a significant difference between AAct and A 0 with the result that the curve
('t';::z)Eng versus ezz will diverge markedly from that of(rzz)Act versus ezz• Because (rzz)Eng
is related simply by a direct proportionality to F through the constant 1/ A0 and
because the lateral contractions are not easily measured accurately, engineers are
often motivated to use thc cnginccring stress, (-rzz)Eng• rather than the actual stress,
We show a stress-strain diagram for a simple tensile test in Fig. 4.2. This is a
typical curve for a low-carbon steel specimen. Although stress-strain curves may be
quite ditferent for other materials, we shall consider this curve in some detail so as to
set forth most easily certain general definitions.t Notice that the curve is a straight !ine
at the early stages of the loading; that is, the stress is proportional to strain and we
may then state that
(4. l)
where the proportionality constant E is called Young 's modulus, having dimensions
F/ L2 , as you may easily verify yourself. Essentially, this result was reached about 300
years ago by Robert Hooke, who as a result of his experiments with metallic rods
Failure/breaking stress
Ultimate stress Proportional limit is the point at which the
(/) u
--------------~-------~ proportion between axial stress and axial strain is
~ ended
tn Failure/breaking point
Ol y Elastic limit is the point at which the elastic
.;:::c I deformation is ended; thus, when the applied load is
I removed the member can not return its own original
c I
.Ö\ I Plastic geometry. We can observe some permanent
c I deformation in member
I ductile material
'-.-' .002 Strain Figure 4.2 Typical stress-strain curve for
Residual strain mild steel. Yielding (yield) point/stress : the point at which the
Failure/breaking strain plastic (permanent) deformations occur
tThis is the Poisson etfect, which we shall d.iscuss later. For ductile metals this point is assumed that a
residual strain of 0.002 occurs
jThe compression test is very similar to the tensile test. The mechanical properties which we shall
discuss appear in compression tests, in the same way for many materials as they do in tensile tests. Thus a
ploı of compressive stress versus compressive strain in those cases would be sirnilar to the ploı of tensile
stress versus tensile strain.

Elastic deformation is recoverable

However, the plastic deformation is permanent (non-recoverable)

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

70 lntroduction to Mechanical Properties of Solids Chap.4

under axially applied tensile loads concluded that ut tensio sic vis or roughly "the
extension is proportional to the force," a relation known by every high school student
as Hooke's law. The stress at which the linear relationship between stress and strain
ceases is called the proportional limit. lts value, however, is not easily measured.
Not ali materials have a finite straight-line portion at the outset of the stress-
strain diagram. For instance, rubber is a material that generally does not, anda stress-
strain curve fora particular specimen of this material is shown in Fig. 4.3. Despite the
apparent difference in appearance between the curves for steel and rubber in Figs. 4.2
and 4.3, there is an important similarity to be pointed out. That is, if that particular
rubber specimen is unloaded to zero load, it will return to its original geometry along
the loading curve, as will the steel specimen, provided that the load on the latter
develops a stress <zz below the proportional limit. For these reasons both materials are
said to be elastic.
if loading and unloading paths are
coinciding and the member returns its original geometry
this is called elastic behaviour
if loading and unloading paths are coinciding and linear
paths this is called linear elastic behaviour

if loading and unloading paths are coinciding but

non-linear paths this is called non-linear elastic behaviour

Stroin Figure 4.3 Nonlinear elastic behavior.

In both cases the deformation energy is recovarable
For the steel specimen there is a stress !eve! close to the proportional limit such
that when the specimen is unloaded from a stress !eve! above the aforementioned !eve!
the original geometry is no longer reached. We cali this stress !eve!, which gives the
limit of elastic behavior and the onset of inelastic behavior, the elastic limit. For steels,
the elastic limit is very close to the proportional limit, so close that one does not
always make a distinction between these two stresses. A material having a propor-
tional limit close to the elastic limit, such as steel, is termed a linear, elastic material.
That is, linear, elastic materials have an appreciable straightline portion at the outset
of the stress-strain diagram. Materials which have a proportional limit far below the
elastic limit and which have loading and unloading curves that coincide, such as the
cases of the particular rubber specimen discussed, are called nonlinear, elastic
it was pointed out that a tensile load on the specimen causes a lateral
contraction which we called the Poisson effect. By the same mechanism, a com-
pression test induces a lateral extension. in the linear, elastic range, we find from these

tlf the specimen returns to the original geometry but along an unloading curve differenı than the
loading curve (see Fig. 4.4), the material is called ane/astic. Since the work put into the material is
proportional to the area under the stress-strain curve, it is clear that a net amount of work is done on the
material during a loading and unloading eyde. This work goes into the material as thermal energy and is
eventually dissipated to the surroundings. Rubber materials having such stress-strain diagrams as shown in
Fig. 4.4 are very useful for damping vibrations and are used to support motors and the like.

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

Sec. 4.2 The Tensile Test 71

if loading and unloading paths are not
coinciding but the member returns its original geometry
this is called anelastic behaviour
loading stage
In this case the deformation energy is not recovarable

unloading stage

Figure 4.4 Anelastic behavior.

tests that the lateral strain is proportional to the longitudinal strain and may be
expressed as follows:
Bıat = - VBıong (4.2)
where the constant of proportionality v is called Poisson's ratio and ranges for
engineering materials from .2 to .5. in Chapter 6 we shall see that Poisson's ratio along
with E can be considered as two of the fundamental constants characterizing the
general mechanical behavior of linear, elastic, homogeneous, isotropic materials.t
Meanwhile, it is clear that simple tensile tests permit the evaluation of this constant.
Returning to the stress-strain diagram for steel, it is to be pointed out that the
elastic limit, like the proportional limit, is difficult to measure accurately. Hence
engineers employ as a more useful definition of the beginning of inelastic behavior
the yield stress or the yield point, which is the value of stress resulting in a small
specified residual strain (usually, .002) upon unloading. The point Y on the stress-
strain diagram in Fig. 4.2 corresponds to the yield point.
Our discussion of the stress-strain diagram has taken us thus far only to the
yield point. in the domain up to the yield point, the actual cross-sectional area and the
original area of the specimen differ by a very small amount and so it does not matter
which area one uses for computations. We have been using A 0 for reasons set forth
earlier. However, as pointed out, at ali times during the tensile test, a continual
decrease in the cross-sectional area of the specimen takes place as the Ioad is appiied.
(in the case of a compression test, there is clearly a corresponding increase in the
cross-sectional area as the load is applied.) After the yield point, there may be a rapid
increase in the strain Bzz• and simultaneously there will then be a rapid change in the
cross-sectional area owing to the Poisson effect. This will cause the values of
engineering stress and actual stress to diverge appreciably from each other. To
illustrate this, Fig. 4.5 shows sample stress-strain curves using both the actual stress
and the engineering stress fora tensile test. (Also shown dashed is the corresponding
compression test using engineering stress.) You will notice that the actual stress
continually increases until the specimen breaks.
As pointed out earlier, the engineering stress is proportional to the force F and
so the maximum load carrying capability of the specimen is developed at the

t As we shall more carefully delineate la ter, isotropic materials ha ve the same properties in ali
directions, while homogeneous materials are composed of the same maıerial throughouı.

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

72 lntroduction to Mechanical Properties of Solids Chap. 4

original (undeformed) cross-sectional area
(actual cross-sectional area)

tension and compression

u Engirıeering
original (undeformed) cross-sectional area

tension compression

Figure 4.5 Different kinds of

Stroin stress-strain diagrams.

maximum elevation of the engineering stress-strain curve (see Fig. 4.2). The engineer-
ing stress at this point, denoted as U İn the diagram, is termed the ultimate stress. To
better understand the ultimate stress Jet us follow the tensile test after passing the yield
point. The strain increases rapidly now for small increases in Joad. The cross-sectional
area accordingly decreases measurably in contrast to the very small changes during
the elastic range of loading. The actual stress then increases because of both the effects
of increasing Joad and decreasing cross-sectional area. The load-carrying capacity of
the specimen (and thus the engineering stress) meanwhile increases with the increasing
actual stressin the member but is adversely ajfected by the decreasing cross-sectional
area. At the ultimate (engineering) stress the effect of decrease in cross-sectional area
begins to dominate, and, even though the actual stress continues to rise as the test
continues, the cross-sectional area decreases at an ever faster pace so that the load-
carrying capacity of the specimen falls off after the ultimate stress has been reached.
The test specimen then goes rapidly to destruction. That is, the machine destroys the
The loss in load-carrying capacity beyond the ultimate-stress point just
described does not occur as a result of rapid area decrease of the entire specimen.
Rather it occurs as a result ofa rapid area decrease at some localized portion of the
specimen. We cali this action "necking" of the specimen. The position in the specimen
where necking takes place depends primarily on loca! imperfections of the material.
We have shown a diagram ofa specimen loaded to destruction in Fig. 4.6. The necking
action can be easily seen by observing the broken portion ofthe specimen. When large
inelastic deformation occurs rapidly in a small domain, as in the necked region of the
tensile specimen, we say there is plastic flow in this domain.
This brings us through the tensile test of a steel specimen. We thus have
examined one of the most important of structural materials. What about other
materials? We have already considered some rubber materials in this section, and we

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

Sec. 4.2 The Tensile Test 73

necking state

Figure 4.6 Broken specimen showing

plastic tlow.

see that there can be great departures from the case exemplified by mild steel.
However, we can use mild steel as a basis of comparison in our discussion of other
material so as to make our communication more meaningful. Furthermore, the
definitions that we set up while discussing the mild steel case hold for general
discussions. Figure 4.7 shows stress-strain diagrams for various steel and aluminum
alloys. in Table 4.1 we have listed some of the parameters we have been discussing in
this section for certain important materials. (For more precise, detailed information of
this type, you are urged to consult structural or materials handbooks.)

Alloy steel



80 Al olloy 70-5 - 76 ----
2- -----------------~
,,..,,.- bol\ sıeel - - - - -----
... 1-\iqt'ı~---
60 ----- Al olloy 2017-79


Pure iron
--------- ______
.Ol 02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10

Stroin plastic deformation capability

Figure 4.7 Various stress-strain diagrams.

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

74 lntroduction to Mechanical Properties of Solids Chap. 4



Modulus of Ultimaıe Yield Modulus of

elasticity, E' stress, U stress, Y shear, G
Material ( x 10• psi) ( x 103 psi) ( x 10 3 psi) ( x 106 psi)

Aluminum 10 60 45 4
Brass (cast) 13 45 20 5
Copper (hard drawn) 17 55 40 6
Cast iron 14 20 5.6
Magnesium 6.5 35 23 2.4
Structural sıeel 29 60 35 12
Stainless steel 28 120 80 10

• Modulus of elasticity is about the same in tension and compression for ali materials listed except cast
iron, where only the tensile modulus has been given.


in materials such as mild steel, aluminum, and copper, it is observed that ever-
increasing actual stress is required for continued deformation beyond the yield point.
This is the case for the stress-strain diagram shown in Fig. 4.8. We cali this strain
There is another important phenomenon in the plastic range that is also referred
to as strain hardening. it has to do with the unloading from the plastic range of a
specimen having a linear, elastic range. You will recall that in the preceding section we
discussed the unloading ofa linear, elastic material when the load was in the elastic
range as well as the unloading ofa nonlinear, elastic material. in those cases, complete
removal of load results in restoration of the original geometry (i.e., no permanent set).
Furthermore, the unloading path must retrace the loading path in the stress-strain
diagram. In unloading a material with a linear, e/astic range from a load in the plastic
range, we do not retrace the loading path but instead move along a new path which is

elastic and plastic

deformations occur


-... I
.s /o.
S2 /o
§ı o
l ....J
the 1st stage until point A

o 8 E D Figure 4.8 lllustration of the strain

Stroin hardening process.

the 2nd stage the load is removed whereas the deformation stage remains ELASTIC from point A to B
the 3rd stage the load is applied whereas the deformation stage remains ELASTIC from point B to A
At the end of the 3rd stage we observe an increase in the yielding point of material
Lets's continue to increase load until point C, and repeat the same processes in the 2nd and 3rd stages

This increase in yielding point is known as strain hardening property

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

Sec. 4.3 Strain Hardening and Other Properties 75

essentially parallel to the linear-elastic portion of the original loading path. This is
shown in Fig. 4.8, where the initial loading has been stopped at A and the first
unloading is shown to take place along a straight Jine to point B on the abscissa. Thus,
we have introduced a permanent set given by OB on the abscissa. The elastic recovery,
on the other hand, is clearly BE. Now on the second loading we move along the path
BA. A second unloading from a stress below that corresponding to point A will
essentially move along path BA back to B and so we have for practical purposes a
linear-elastic range from B to A. An inspection of the diagram will indicate that the
yield point has been raised for the second loading as a result of the first Joading into
the plastic range. The raising of the yield point by this action is the second
phenomenon referred to as strain hardening. Beyond the new yield point, the second
loading proceeds along AC, which you will notice is along the stress curve that would
be followed by an uninterrupted first loading. At C, a second unloading is shown, and
the same process is repeated.
it is to be pointed out that unloading and reloading curves do not exactly
overlap. Instead they form a small hysteresis loop, as shown in Fig. 4.9 in an
exaggerated manner. There is an energy Joss during a cycle represented by the area of
the hysteresis loop. This energy, however, is very small.

E Figure 4.9 Illustration of hysteresis.

Finally, it should be pointed out that the change in yield point by strain
hardening is observable only in the direction of initial loading. That is, there is no
increase in yield stress in the material at right angles to the direction of the initial
On the hasis of the simple test described earlier and the simple compression test,
which is essentially the same except for direction, we can make additional useful
classifications which are meaningful in describing mechanical behavior of materials.
First we can form two classes of materials on the hasis of the behavior of a
specimen in a tensile test carried out to the point where the specimen fractures.
Materials exhibiting little or no plastic deformation up to fracture, such as glass, are
called brittle materials. Materials exhibiting substantial piastic deformation up to the
point ofbreaking, such as mild steel, are called ductile materials. Fora brittle material,
a stress-strain curve carried out in a tensile test will differ from the corresponding
curve carried out as a compression test. Furthermore, brittle materials exhibit a
considerable scatter in breaking points, found by a series of many tests. Ductile
materials, on the other hand, give essentially the same stress-strain curve for a tensile

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

76 lntroduction to Mechanical Properties of Solids Chap.4

or compression test and have yield points, breaking points, ete., which are consider-
ably more reproducible in a series of tests.

1 2 3



it should be apparent by now that stress-strain relations in general are of great

complexity, with the possibility of many ramifications. To permit analytical treatment
of material behavior we employ, at times, idealizations of stress-strain relations.
The most simple stress-strain idealization is of course the rigid-body idealization
shown in Fig. 4.10. We have used such a model in rigid-body mechanics courses.
in Fig. 4.11 we show the stress-strain curve for a /inear, elastic material. This
model is the one we shall employ in the major portion of the text. We must not forget
that the stress-strain diagram is taken from a simpJe .one-dimensional state of stress,
and accordingly in Chapter 6 we shall generalize this model for a general state of
stress. The resulting mathematical formulation is called the ıhree dimensiona/ Hooke's
law. We shall be able to use these results for the analysis of bodies composed of the
usual structural materials, such as steel and aluminum, in cases where the stress has
not exceeded the yield stress. t

T (stress) T


loading unloading

Figure 4.10 Rigid-body Figure 4.11 Perfectly
behavior. clastic behavior.

Tbere are situations where there may be plastic deformations involved which far
exceed the elastic deformations present, and it may be profitable to formulate the
idealization ofa stress-strain diagram shown in Fig. 4.12, which embodies rigid-body
behavior up to a certain stress and then exhibits what we shall cali perfectly plastic
behavior. During perfectly plastic behavior there is no change in stress possible and
the material "Aows" at constant stress. This action simulates the action of certain
materials such as steel (see Fig. 4.2) fora range of deformation directly following the
yield stress. If next we include strain hardening in the plastic range, our model
becomes more accurate albeit more complex. We show in Fig. 4.13 the idealization
rigid, plasıic behavior wiıh strain hardening to illustrate this case.

t We shall also generalize the criterion for yielding in a general state of stress in Chapter 9.

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

Sec. 4.5 Time- Dependent Constitutive Relations 77

: stress

constant stress
: yield stress
strain-hardening parameter

: strain

Figure 4.12 Rigid, Figure 4.13 Rigid-body,

perfectly plastic behavior. plastic behavior with
strain hardening.

There may be times when the elastic deformation cannot be deleted from
considerations and where there is little strain hardening. For such cases, one may be
able to employ the idealization shown in Fig. 4.14, called the elastic, perfectly p/astic
stress-strain curve. Finally, allowing for strain hardening, we get the curve shown in
Fig. 4.15, which is reasonably close to certain actual stress-strain diagrams.

constant stress

yield stress strain-hardening parameter

yield strain
Figure 4.14 Elastic, Figure 4.15 Elastic,
perfectly plastic behavior. plastic behavior with
strain hardening.


Up to this time we have assumed that the relations between stress and strain presented
were not dependent on time. There are, however, many materials where strain
developed for a given stress varies with time. We then may sometimes relate strain
rates (i.e., de,,/ dt for the one-dimensional stress case) with stresses to form useful
constitutive relations.
As a first case consider a material for which the strain rate is a function only of
the stresses. Thus, for a one-dimensional case we have
de,, .
dt = e,, = f(t,,)
where f is a function of t,,. Such a material is called a viscous solid, and if the function
f( t,,) is simply t,,/rı, where rı is a constant, the material is called a Newtonian material
with rı known as the coefficient of viscosity. You will learn in your study of fluid
mechanics that many fluids can be considered as Newtonian.

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

Chap. 4 Problems 91

4.2. 14.21 In Fig. P4.2 is shown a hypothetical stress-strain curve. What is the proportional
limit? The ultimate stress? The modulus of elasticity for this material?


50 I/ --- .....
o 40 J

a. 30

~ ) l
iİi 20

/ 1
2 4 5 6 7 8 9

Strain ( x ıo- ı
Figure P4.2

4.3. 14.21 A rope of length 3 m extends 25 mm when a force of 2250 N of tension is exerted on
it. If the diameter when loaded is 25 mm, what is the spring constant for the rope and the
modulus of elasticity assuming linear elastic behavior?
*4.4. 14.21 Consider a nylon cord with a diameter of! in. and a length of 5 ft. If this material has
a modulus of elasticity of 3 x 105 psi and a Poisson ratio of .4, what is the stress and the
diameter when pulled by a force of 500 lb? (Hint: Since the strain is large, the diameter
varies appreciably with stress and a trial-and-error calculation will be needed.) Compute
the average spring constant for the range of load from O to 500 lb.
4.5. 14.31 If in the tensile test corresponding to the graph in Fig. P4.2, the material is unloaded
from a stress of 55,000 psi, what is the elastic recovery of strain? The permanent set? The
proportional limit of the material when it is reloaded?
4.6. 14.41 Shown in Fig. P4.6 are ( 1) rigid, perfectly plastic, (2) elastic, perfectly plastic, and (3)
elastic, perfectly plastic with strain hardening stress-strain idealizations. What stress is
needed in each case to have a strain of .001? What is the stressin each case needed fora
stra in of .004?

T ~ = ı ·4 x 1010 Po

Figure P4.6

4.7. 14.41 In Problem 4.6, what is the permanent set in each case if the specimen is unloaded
from a strain of .004?

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

(3) elastic- plastic with strain hardening

(1) rigid-perfect plastic

(2) elastic-perfect plastic

.() y.(i ~ J ) f ex ~ t-~ rk-L 5 tu. (J'::: 4 )( l o~ r

Cl .::; (_() tvJ t-0-,t\:\-
1.. / t' lwıf\e, ı f u-f-<•-+\:ı I" ~ tı<-. 6 "i ~ 4 ı< I o 1? f ""- t y = 'Z 'ı< ıo- J
~\'...-~ J O~ G f = ~)< 'ı<1 o.oa ı
Rigid-perfect plastic
Ô--::: Q lc'ifq
'O ) E &.., n,;_,, fU' f.ux _j 11 !U, wr-tk s\;r,,;,.,, h. o.r ~ J ~

o'"! = ~ ıo ~ f o.- OUA. J E,~ = ı ~\o- 3 > ~ ~ o.oo 1
Yield stress

'l VJ
u-::et.::: ~\o ll ')(l0ı0-01 -..;/o:::
?.la JQ,Elastic-perfect plastic
yield strain

~ t::::: fJ .oı9y

~ ) ~ r: J. y>Y fuJ-l::\ f fu ı-ı.;_, O-::. Y \o 8 f = ~+

1 Q Ll> VVl

')__) f~~ ı fuf-e.d\'t f t.-ob _, t, =O .e'll '-1 I ~ 'f ::: (J.oo 2

0-:_ y lO ~ few ( y'J~k ~~h~'"'-)
'lı) ,,~n.:...) f,._,.-(-&k~ f~n:_ u.111-IA. -;tr~ ~
J(\vu._.,, t,~:::- ~.ooı. (. e,.:::.o.ooy Elastic-plastic with strain hardening

d () ::; o- 6"'1 ::: \. 4 t o1\() -::.) ~-= [ ~ + \. 4 [o 1o ( e- td)

~~ @,-~ı

0-=. 4.ıog-t'-4 \~ [~.0 0 4- t.9.ooı)


() = 4/ l ~ 1o 8 fo_, f/

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

92 lntroduction to Mechanical Properties of Solids Chap. 4

4.8. 14.41 Cylinder A in Fig. P4.8 may be considered an elastic, perfectly plastic material with a
yield stress of 50,000 psi and an elastic modulus of 20 x 106 psi. Cylinder B, welded to
cylinder A, is also to be considered elastic, perfectly plastic with a yield stress of 100,000
psi and an elastic modulus of 30 x 106 psi. What is the maximum force that can be
imposed without causing permanent set? What is the maximum movement of end D
without permanent set? What force is needed to double this deftection? Neglect the weight
of the members.

4.9. 14.41 If a force of 3.6 x 10 5 N is applied to the cylinder shown in Fig. P4.9(a) having a
cross-sectional area of 6.25 x ıo - 4 m 2 , what is the defiection ofthe end Basa result ofthis
loading? The stress-strain diagram for the material is shown in Fig. P4.9(b).

~ = 2 .1 x 10 ıo Pa
r de \
A = 6.25 x ıo- 4 m2
4.2 x ıo 8 Pa

(o) (b) Figure P4.9

4.10. 14.41 A cylinder having a cross-sectional area of 1 in. 2 is welded to a shaft which rotates
with an angular speed w of 10,000 rpm (see Fig. 4.10). If the cylinder hasa stress-strain law


. .. &w
5" A= 1 in.2

_.1_ Figure P4.10

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)
are internal forces in cylinders A and B

S~a.MeS~ ft"~,8Jff<iZ..
C~lGvıde..<-A ~ 0~ G&l/\St~ CL11t~hc
feet rer}c.-c t-~ f ı u.s t-r c.. n:ıevt-w l ol VJ ,-+-~, (L ') /
stre-ss D f- ~-'.) Oeu f X.. Ovvtd ~ .eJM Çı (. wwdu~
® o 5- ıo ı< ıobp~. c~ lz'Vldu'-vj ı ~l~ to c~llrıciu--
A) 1s cJ ~<\) to loe w~15 [W~ eiJ?vJtı-c.. J f erf-ec+J:ı

1o rlust1c vJ11-h ~ ~ı'e.ld stre,ÇÇ oj- ıoo 0-0~ f~
(}.,(/\ol d-Nl eAa .)t l C YVıoclultıJ oj- ~ D X (O~ f ~ •uJk;Ll
1$ ek VV\- 0'ıl / W\ uM ~-ruı- tıwvt-\, b~ { rV\(JO xd
w1tVı.ouT CC.dl~j 0? W~,-~t~
kalıcı deformasyon
Both cylinders are in tension Mu,'}l/rvtu.rvı vYl 0 W41A!lhı,t of ~'ld t w1tkout ~enna­
V\VA-\:, >ek w l wJ- ? fe> 1 u.... t 5 ~ t o el 10 uh le., t k.L s dQ. f (,u)-,'cı rt 7
L tJ~lu.t; tLu.. ~3~ c0 .j--tVut. ~~.s. .
Comment : In order not to cause permanent set the bar should be in elastic region (until elastic limit/yield stress)

o.)lk uo vs -~t-'Wl vvJ. ~ <9 J- t-ko. r"u dvS it- ~'- cLls, Y'€flf~-t.:h~
Af.; ~ ıc () )'L :: 1- g.ı 1- C c_, . CM_ J.. ~ -== TL Cf, s ]'1.. =- 1. [) G:ı ~ ı Vı 'L

ik .e__al~~~vl u.M,\ ~cL..1ı.cvu

- 6A At+-+~ ~1) ~o ~7 cJ4 == ~
Cylinder A
Elastic-perfect plastic
Of3 @
, . Ar+
~ °'f._ı&_ ~~ / 1\.. th~ ('o~ .
Maximum elastic load withstand by each cylinder
constant stress

~A-=lo'YA)A::::: ~o.ooor-'lrg.ı+.=-14~1~ 00 f\o.

f:'r; =lO~ ,A- )~ = ..< oo OGD >cf, o b q = t-o b q oo 1!a.
L The connection of cylinders is serial; therefore, the maximum elastic load of assembly is equal to
smallest one of maximum elastic loads of cylinders
~ Fr? ( r-- A- ~ Y\/lOv\U f MVUV\ 10~
rvv\AJ'P = t ~--=- fıD G '1 o o ( k? .
Since both cylinders are still elastic for a load of 706 900 lb
Cylinder B

~ el0 = lı '1 o'r3 = o. ı l oy?,

the total maximum elastic elongation (deformation) can be written as

\o) Ott '= T ..[) 'O:) ()'l'l- ® Elastic-perfect plastic

constant stress
ftrt ;;_'[,1., 1-

cr0-::: c()T.3 Jy-=== ı(()t0 0190 ~ ,

c(Y-t-= 0/l) ( hOOGBo) ~ ()4:::: 1- ~' 000 ~
!::ıf = HtT-+ l:ı ç_'6 = .§_ ~ + Ôtı ~
. EA E~
~t-= .25000 (~o'IC\1-)+ lQO .ooo (~.n)C\c) 0 A~=-0,<u--~~'-'
~olob converting feet to inch ~olo~ f
Maximum elastic axial elongation/deformation without causing permanent set
Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

c) ~ t-~ ~~(,~ ~~ ~ tk 0ecr ı3 fy- t-k ~o.ot ·

ot TôC:,C(oo l~ w~~~~beL<A-~ Jh~~hc
~ç --Wcui M ~++o c~ a~u_Jgu_ ~~~
~ tk Vo ~~dı tt. {9-eur:

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

STRENGTH OF MATERIALS - I, (Shames 2, pr 4.9, pp 92)

Concept of Stress Q.NI.~ Str~
Elastic-plastic with strain hardening material behaviour
dT 10
T -=2. l xlO Po If a fo~ce of 3.6 x ıo 5 N is applied to
de \ the cylınder. shown in Figure (a) having
4 2
3 m ; A = 6. 25 x 10 - m a cross-sectıonal area of 6.25 x ı ö" m2
what is the deflection of the end B as ~
result of this loading? The stress-strain
T 8 diagram for the material is shown in
p f Figure (b).
(al (b)

t'k VlOV'Mwl stv-~' S Ô=. [_ _ 3. 6f1° ')- = '::> f-6 /o(, f o._
A - r,. zr"' ı()-4
Corresponding axial stress is larger than yield stress; consequently,

0= ?::;-~ 7 ôy = ({lO -10 6 fQ. 1obfQL

the rod undergoes both elastic and plastic deformations

rk stv~ Ey== °'ı == 4 zo 10~ =2 1"'- :ı

f ı.1 {o 11

ılA -tk \? ICA>t; le. ('~

k= .4f c= ô - r;y iJ-ıG -t .Ey
-'-/ [ -::::
J~ ~-f~ k
i, = '51-b 1o~ - b >
l.j ıo \o T z ..-ıD -=-'? ~ .= ':J .yıtb lo
2.11o1D elastic plastic
total axial elongation is equal to the summation of elastic

14- +o+J. e./0"'~1~ve- bt. !ıE"+Mf and plastic elongations/deformations

l z. e = Ôy L -== 1.. 1.o- > 'ı< 5 -= b -1~ 3 vv-./j (e ı~s b le.)

E recoverable deformation

l't..__ p1DA~1<- Je.forwJ:loV'-

b'Z-ıf = ( 't: - Zy) L -:::: ( ~. t.ı Z&(, ıô 3_ ı_ J o-J) ?< .5
l <?.. 'f -::: o'() 1-1- 1- g ) g '(V\ il plastic/permanent deformation which is not recoverable

f~ toicJ eAô~~-;'OV'--
fi t ~ M e T M. r ""' 0 1o- ~ f o. o -ıı ı <ts s
~t-= ı().oı~zgqı 'fV\ 4 Comment : in case of the unloading of applied load P the elastic deformation of 0.006 m is recovered and
a deformation of 0.0222858 m remains permanent.

Dr. M. Kemal Apalak

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

STRENGTH OF MATERIALS - 1, (Shames 2, pr 4 .1O, pp 92)

Concept of Stress (M/\cl Stf'~
A cylinder having a cross-sectional area
' T
dT .
d r=2.ıxıo' Pa
of 1 in2 is welded to a shaft which
rotates with an angular speed w of

1O,?OO rpm as shown in Figure (a). If the
•• cylın?er has a stress-strain law as given
A = 1 ın .2 by Fıgure (b) and if it has a density of
.-::--------,-.,-: E= 2.1x10 11 Po 460 lbm/ft3' what is the total elongation
dwı of the cylinder caused by the centrifugal
force developed by the rotation?
! c
2 çvı =iM v- w'1.- (),vı d, d f:';, ::: (' w'l. d wı
w~~ dm= OciV= OAJ~
J F'V\ = f"W~J° A ~ r-
/=Lr):::: rvfJM= rw dAc.IY=W OA
r r ı
\\11,te..vvı~ fvvc:..ıv Fer)== wı.öA [Lı._y'l-) ©
Qlr)= r:-cr) = w'Z.O (L-ı-v:ı.) @
!+ L,

f'.lovwıcJ2. s t-v~ f. Lır) =

Gc.r) -= wz.y ( L-z-r-?.) @
f -z_,f
A'&İoJ- ~~-fı>v-M~1ovt- ( L'L_v-ı) Jy
~ cr ) -= AE =( /J. t: lv- )-= t. cv ) J r :=. W ı.!
..ı Y- L t- r
A&Cv-1= wı.!(Lıır_r )/ L:::::wı![Lı.(L-v-)-d(L~-v )
3 3
ı t;- 'S .,.. ?, t" ~
fh ~uU ı; tr~ g
<e..y ::: o! = l.f. ı 1 o = 1- 1 ;- ~ ®
(:: 2x1o"1'1

/ı,._, OM.!-~ veA o C...::+j-

w.::: 1 o ıD o ö (!!.) -=::( W .:= 1.Dl(f.1. y-c...J/~

Dr. M. Kemal Apalak

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

STRENGTH OF MATERIALS - 1' (Sh ames 2 , pr 4. 1o, pp 9 2)

Concept of Stress a'(-\.ol Stv~
1- 'l lf re ö
G z_ 1~

-:ft ~ JtZ f r-
14+o hQ_ .d~ .'"-er"' .a.J-1· D-tA- f>-v' r :;. tJ '' \ıV ~ ~ ll1 f =11 ~:nv\ ')( 3 z. ı s}f;-

A~ <r) = wır 5 3
\Lt(L-r)-1.. (L -v ) D.Md.1sl~=;z.z.!ı...wı
· ıG l °5
"t _
p 111\Wıc -
c1.'.)t./f:ıJı. (t/b 0/ıı. ı) -ı.c ) ;1 ( _ 3 '3) (j_ )2
J ) -1 - - ? -1 1e..
1 ~ '?JO ,~ı;::r [o x 11..1..

t<l-vvıC<l)O= C,.ob3S'Z-tö ft 1<t1ı)-::: ":f-.1.1h> 1;-YLl'L ®


(DM~ t : -f-rv-
r- ::::: ,,j'

z: (-r) -= o w ı. (.(..1- - y 1..) =


t: VV\d°)C "'= ().1ı::rt7- 1ö1. z l 'i :::: 1.. 1 ;-.l @

'f~~) ~fvv~J/.oı-v ı,,;~~.

Dr. M. Kemal Apalak

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

Chap. 4 Problems 93

as given by Fig. P4.9(b) and ifit hasa density of 460 lbm/ft 3 , what is the total elongation of
the cylinder caused by the centrifugal force developed by the rotation?
4.11. 14.41 An aluminum rod A and a steel tube B support a load P (see Fig. P4.l 1). The
following data apply to A and B:
E= 1.5 x 10 Pa E= 2 x 10 11 Pa
Yield stress Y= 4 x 108 Pa Y= 6 x 108 Pa Yield stress

parameter ( dedı) plas
= 1.5 x 10 10 Pa
( dedı) plas
= 1.9 x 10 10 Pa strain-hardening

(a) What is the maximum load for elastic behavior throughout?

(b) What is the total deflection due to a load which is 1.5 times that of the load from part


+ 100 mm


-j f--110 mm
This stress-strain diagram should be evaluated for
compressive stress and strains.
Both tube and solid shaft undergo compression
Figure P4.11

4.12. 14.41 A rod of diameter .02 m rotates (see Fig. P4.12) about Bata speed w rpm. it hasa
mass per un it length of 5 kg/m. it has a yield stress of 4 x 108 Pa. At the end is a 1O-kg
rigid mass A. What is the maximum angular speed for elastic elongation ofthe rod? What
is this elongation? Take E = 2 x 10 11 Pa. The system rotates ona horizontal plane sliding
on a frictionless surface. Approximate action of A as that of a particle at the mass
center of A.
4.13. 14.41 in Problem 4.12 the rod has a stress-strain behavior which is elastic with strain
hardening beyond the yield stress so that (dr}de)pıas = 1.6 x 10 10 Pa. The maximum speed
w for elastic behavior is 64.6 rad/sec. What is the maximum stress ifthe speed w is brought
up to 70 rad/sec? At what position does yielding start? What is the maximum strain?
4.14. 14.51 lf a force F is suddenly applied at time ı 1 held constant and then released suddenly at
time ı 2 , sketch the deformation versus time curve for a Maxwell model.

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)


An aluminum rod A and a steel tube BE~~;~~~{~~~~~ Stress Analysis both solid shaft and tube are made of
P as shown in Figure 4. The following data apply to P
materials which are elastic and plastic with
A and. B , (a) what ıs the rnaximum Joad for elastic
strain hardening
behavıor throughout, (b) what is the total deflection ~~
due to a load whıch
is 1.5 tinıes
that of the load fronı 1 ı
part (a). A B +
C6rn .A

E,, = l.5 x 10 11 Pa E B =2.0 x lü 11Pa o.srn

Y,, = 4 x l0 Pa y8 = 6 x lüs Pa /

~170 mm
(~;) = 1.5 x lüıo pa ( dCY ) = 1.9xlüıo pa Figure 4
0-J A d& B
( 1( ' '2. ?...
AA=Cf '/- ·ıoo -=7-851 . ~mm

(_, Ayı,=c 4 [üo -15c'2] =S-o lb.5 wıwı"-

2 Tube and solid shaft are in a serial connection;
consequently, the internal forces in tube and solid shaft
are equal.
Maximum Glcvst1G \ocuıls
VA = ( Öy A7A = y \o$? x 1- 3 '5" 3 •~ 1 c; :=- 3 \ 4 15 t, o N o for solid shaft A

P~= Lf~ A )~-= b lo-3 y. 50'2.b. $ lo-b :::- '3ol5'1oo rJ

for tube B

Since tube B has a maximum elastic load which is smaller than

l ~ e, vvı °")( / vvı u M -€- lcd t tG {O Ov d those of solid shaft A

?\!Ylo..'ı(-= ?Jo'1s300 tJ the maximum elastic load of the assembly is equal to

l'otu.l. vvıo--'ı(/ WIUWt elaJt1c.. de.tle-ct1ovı that of tube B.

s, = ~it + ~ \~ = ( ll_ )
Af" ft
+(_El_ \
AE l!)
For this maximum load both tube and solid shaft
remain elastic.

~.b +~o s 'f. 5 olS.9oo
Sr:: 1-g 5 '3 .5 y. 1.5 \o5 Soıb. S 'I' 2. ıo

sr= ~.o)b ı~->l}'V\ c-) Maximum elastic contraction of assembly which is recoverable.
P·=- ~,<) frvıo.-x -= ~.~(~o15CJoo) = l.()2- ) J 5& D rJ
(b)In order to decide whether the plastic deformations occur in both solid shaft and tube
Pıt= 'Wt 15 (,0 tJ L. p= 4')Z1 H.:> D N "'""'ol
f ıı, = ~o15'l W N L f-::- 4s1'!.'t Suo N 5 \; l,.e,ve f,,-re..
~.9{l -tk- 1 ovl ft ~J. +k tt-ck-e.., @> ~e;lcl.
Both maximu elastic load is smaller than the applied compressive external load; therefore, plasitc deformations occur in
both tube and solid shaft

Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Page : ı - 2

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

Elasto- plastic Stress Analysis
<Str"e.s-~es due to P = 4523850 N

..._ 4S1. 3 ~ 5~ - 5 ?-(:. M fa. C- )

At+- 1-~ s-s.

u6 = L .=:: 9) l 3 j 5o - 3e o M y? C\ ( - )

Ar> s-oıc s
Considering the strain hardening behaviours of both materials

k=Jô = ô-Oy 1 E=i_Cô-f)ı)+€y

Jf E-~y k
Total No r- V\I\ lL-L str~ :s ( summation of elastic and plastic strains)

s:H !o '8 - 4 ı o~) -t = o .o ı 4 'f r- J

.._,. t p.. = '1 ( 4 1°
~.S- lolo ı ..s /0 1 '

t t?ı .=. A ( 9 Jo$ - b (o ı) i- (, ıc.S ~ O.O i 81-S.'.'1 (-)

l~ 1o-io 2. lo(I

Total h~ fle.ctlô~_.0 ( summation of recovaerable elastic and permanent plastic deformations

A. ~ ft -= t. tt . ~ iT = o. o ,u-1 9 Y1 o .~ .:::: ~." <+ ı o- ~ W\ c- J

ı ~B ~ ~~ 4.:=-o.o1'8T-S~ ')(.0,S-::- :Ls54s I~ ~ ~ (-)

f o h:JL def(u.t / otA

lrc = Az1r--r-lz 6 .::= 1.b4 lü 3 -t- ~L39vs ,f\)-.s
Question : what is the final length of the tube and solid shaft
/iz..::::- 0.0/~03lf.)M (-) after the applied load P is totally removed ?

Dr. M. Kemal Apalak

Page : 2 - 2

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

( 5 VlC1.~1~S> f f lJ ,11. 1 ff6 S )

I A f'S>d o f- ı\ 1e>.M (',tel' <l .() Z "" ('\nto. beb <t bo "'t
(1ı ıt t S'f t-e.J.. ıN Uf VV\). \t- ~q C, °' wıo.5<;' per-
tl '' ·, \- \v»Jt h of S k5 /wı . [1:; Vtc.ı S, ı:ı ~ ı'ı;,I ~
s\r~ss Dtu ıc~ , fa.. At- ~e-rtd u o-
-1 o lcj I" ~:ı ,',j lvı"' ss ı4 . ı.v hu+- (J +k WlO.)</{I'\ lA rV1
tt •".:') u \o.,j S' .e e..( f" Y- 12.{c. ,;-l:l c. .e \Ofl[J <tt1cr'l c f-
t-k v\!>tl 7 WVıat ( ~fGl6 -eLofl50.f fDf\ 7 Ta.ke_
(t E ::: ~ \o'H u'"' . T,lı e. s'f ç Je,.vı ('() hie,~ 0•1 a
4 ~ M-t hc.-iU>.ıta.\ fla+e >l1d i~ ot1 a. Jr ict/011.lı.$5
il' 1'o.cıı Scırftı.a.. f\fffO""frvut+e Af.+t.-ı>'t. ocf--A o..!
+ıv v+- c o.. ""'..-+ ı de. ct '\: +ı'\L fV\.Ll ss ~ evı. kv ., j- A .
t r
Fl't- ) = f' A + [:',.. l ;;o ) .I Fh =. fV\ Cet'\..

ÇA = f{)ft ' w1-

ç-ı'I \'Z.) = Jf (ty1~ d. ~) w ').. ::: h~~ w'Zı-~'21J..
t_ · 1..
.L = wı~ w ( (ı-:- i 'l.)

t: ~ 7: 1-

Pı~ ı =r.111Rl't w'L+ rrı1w~ l tı-1:'ZJ ~

o.~· - - 1 p('(;-:: J ;::: r\) ·"-f , A

= p{:c;-::o') D
A d ~
(-'(.~ ı -= ( i\llf\ ((14- 't 2 m-1 ) w:(,,= ô1- re (.J

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

96 lntroduction to Mechanical Properties of Solids Chap. 4

Figure P4.22

the right end B 1000 sec after the application of the load? What is the strain rate? Use the
Maxwell model.
4.23. 14.51 in Problem 4.22, remove the 10,000-lb force and suspend the body from A. If y is 400
lb/ ft 3 , what is the movement of end B after 1000 sec as a resul! of the weight and
viscoelastic action? What is the rate of movement of end B?
4.24. 14.6) What is the fatigue life of a material subject to an alternating stress with an
amplitude of 20,000 psi? [Use Fig. 4.25(a).] What is the fatigue strength for this material
when it is subject to 40 million cycles of stress?
4.25. 14.6) in Fig. 4.23, we have the following data:
w = 1000 rad/sec
r= 50mm
M= .5 kg
The diameter of the test specimen is 12 mm. If we do not consider the inertial effects of the
nonrotating part of the apparatus, how long would you expect it to take for a fatigue
failure, assuming the material behaves according to Fig. 4.25(a)?
4.26. 14.61 In Problem 4.25, assume that there is superposed a constant tensile force of 7798 N.
If the test specimen behaves according to Fig. 4.26, what is the fatigue life for a fatigue
failure? For Problem 4.25, S = 32,058 psi.
4.27. 14.7) A brittle one-dimensional member of diameter 50 mm hasa notch of radius r = 2.27
mm giving an inner diameter of 45.45 mm. What is the maximum normal stress if the
material behaves as shown in Fig. 4.28? The axial force on the specimen is 2250 N.
4.28. 14.81 Two materials A and B are welded together as shown in Fig. P4.28. Initially, the
temperature is uniform at 60°F. If the temperature is then raised to 100°, what are the
strains in the members and what is the new length of the system? lf now an axial tensile


3•• ~

8 ıo'
2" ~

Figure P4.28

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

~ e. ~ 1 oa..el P
f QQ0~ . ~S
------=- 4l'1-IS=1- IO
TC'f..~'l't- .~D ıo'
~- = z 1L2D1 ıö 4
çJ-=- ( L) =
tte r> 1SY-2~ "- \~ lob
+~ t-c -1-J- str a-u:vs (0 -<c <--.-'.J, r- DJ,
ç_ f'.. = f r -t ~ ı ~
t -= 'l. b ö + 4, i- t ıı ı
1o- S ::- "'.J •o T ) + 1ö 7
'C r, .:: t.ıi" -t si ~ ~.o lÖ lı + ;). .1ı fo ".). ı,; '-ı-= (,' 1z.z o '1- 1_,,- 7

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

+k- -h,hJC .Qlo~)Q,tı\9.~ cf-D r :e-~c, r\)d.._

f:, ~ A- -::::: t: A . Q14 ::: J , o i- ı S +l 8 <-t x l z_ :::: 3 .6 Zf )8 6 4 t o çft
A4- (4 ~ ~ ~ t l'S =- b. / 'L 2.. f) t l o L, 'I ı D -:: G' 1c c D ?- 1\!)- ?J t-

ıı'X- k ~ C{C' ~f-f'Ov'\ ID cf- W k ~ ~c\

r - 5
tı f :::. A t A -t- h t y) :: (~ , G3S g 3 Lf +b, {?. Z.D q. ) (o

/j f_ ..= 3 b C r~) '-( LO- '?> ~t

TLıc n..e.. \-d l.cvt_3 f lı.. od- t ~ ı/'-d c(
l t ~ tı t -+ L .::: -z ·z._ + ~ ,13 o 1 ~ S ~ t o- 3
Lt--=-- l..Z. oo9B 1 -f t-

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

Chap. 4 Problems 97

force of 10,000 lb is added to the system, what is the strain in each member and the change
in length? Take the following dala:

cıA = 6.5 X 10- 6/°F cı 8 = 10 x 10- 6 /°F

EA = 30 x 106 psi E8 = 15 x 106 psi
Neglect the weight of the members.
4.29. 14.81 in the member shown in Fig. P4.29 the temperature varies from 60°C ıo 80°C as the
square of the distance z after being initially at 50°C uniformly throughout. What is the
thermal strain at z = 1 m, and what is the change in length of the whole system? Take cı =
14 x ıo - 6/°C.


z Figure P4.29

4.30. (4.8( Shown in Fig. P4.30(a) is a split pulley held together by four rivets [see Fig.
P4.30(b)]. These rivets are heated to a high temperature and then installed in the slots.
Finally a "head" is pounded at the end so that in the expanded condition the rivets just fit
snug in the slots as shown. They are then allowed to cool to room temperature. lf we

Originol rivet
before instollotion


Rivet of ter
pul ley

(o) (b)

Figure P4.30

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

Sha.Me5 z) r r q.. ı..~) f (1~1- .

L~ s /,,, wvv 1 vt f 13c.if.e,
1Y1 -l ~\Q__ ~ "ı e-t,"\ c -t l~ · te~e (l'.( _
twe.. vc"'.n~~s p"0 YVl bo ·c ·t o 8"0°c_. M ·t-Lı.-9-.. l 9 ~
o 5- t L--L ci,t sto.n (_Q kı-4 l\~ 1L..t.~ ha_ 1~ DJ:--
7:: a ttcr-
~o °C U,,v~1"Yı1V\~~ t~('OC~houX · LU h.cvr l b -t ~
+-~rWlCJ. s Vcu--"A cvt -=t-::: 1M t a.-'-'t. ci ~ l~+ ı·s ~
c_h.°""'tôe... ·'01..-t l-e.-'l·'lB·Ç~L- 0 ~ tı'\L \.AJ ~'\L>lx., S'( J ku ?
j 0ıJUL- r1... -= l 4 'f-. l o- 6 !/o G .

({).,) f k_ {- (',v-f <-f?:c,,ı,,,,,,_,
cı.,: J !;v-; (, ~ ~ r ( t ı .: O\. l- 'L + 6
0vt 1:. -=- ~ y:: ~o J 6o= /o
~ ·s l. -t b ~ _;")
(_ QL-</\
Cl °'\ = I_Q
V eı)- t -:: ·; İV\ l -=:. z Q' \_,, (,V\. ~
l -::::.
(C:l):::::: 1_Q_ ı2. t &O temperature variation along z-axis
tk ~Llr~~~ ctı·t-~<-L along z-axis
fı.flt]::= {C't/- ')O-= L~ =t 'Lt-60 _p
10 '2 {"
() 1 (1 1::=:- j ::c + ~ the variation of temperature difference along z-axis

'f LIS<....- +~- ~~ shr~ variation along z-axis

-rocz.o't J ~ rJ. l, rc-ı/ = llf ıo
7... )
3 '/; t-1°

\....; oJ: c -= -1 r-A t k_ {-L-~~N ~~ S tr CU--<A...

[t= 1lt(o- ~( 'L; 1"-+ıo)
in order to calculate total thermal elongation of bar
t -~ we can integrate thermal strain form zero to L=3 m
Ç -.::
l\i) H t-= t~
~. i- '\ ~ ~D /(
t J. 'l: """
J14 1~' ( 3 1: 'L "{- 1D ) H


- b[ ,~
::C 'J -f- 1!) 1; Jr '- '::
1lj 1O ( J ~ Ô 3 ~ + {D
'/ JJ
ı~\ E
-:. 1- to- 1 iV\ .

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

çh~vJrı 1vı fi31vLf'e ı- s a._

çf L,'t- ru{~ ~(J. l-o5etNJ--
to ~ fo u.r r/~t-~. Tk.n_j"<:_.,
r-1 \/'~,,+- '5 C(., re_ ı1.LC< t-e...a,( -kı lL
h ,·9 ~ f-e..ı:ı tl;YJ J
-H~ 1vıst-cl(W 1 vı tt'-L
ç \-:ı t-s • F'1vı cıl~ °'- h-e.Ct.J fi .- 5:

(i\L. .fu..,f f-ıc:Ju,,,~ lZ ~v-eV\..LL- b 'I ::- 6 V - 5o O -= - tl{ o 0

\.. _,. t h.L.- +~\DX MQ..Q_ S trc~'- (o., 'f. ı 'o_Q_ ) 1,'-~ +l"L r ,-~
thermal strain
z t :: ol._ 6I :: tı xio- ' ( - z_ L1 o ) --== -1 . ~ lr I-o- s 6J
-t{\L);~tn--e_ - fLIJ.... vhı~ G.o ~"-f-vc:u._f-s; lJt-J f u._QJL;!r dDeA M t"_a.flow
CU'l J C?-,A,'\. C'l..)•,C ı. cJ.._ f ILL 0 C C. U v.) i, ~ t l ~ r ~( v--Lf-_ jt'3.- ~y l C ..l t.

'5 ty'cv<..-~ clt..J...- to -f--l~ OU'f t'cJ.... ._f__ o o.-al.

structural strain

t ~ .~ =: [: _ © iN ııL-cl:- -ı.; ~ t;_.aJ_ f-cı H-:-- +kv~

compatibility conditionit E ç tv- vc-vv'- > ! l~ co ~ evt 71.rt. fı ~ CD 11. ~ ıh~-c

Et -t z_ ç -= o (})~) - t. lr 4 t; 1 ·-t- F ::: o

/C (o ,ç) 2... )< ~
1 (

the tensile axial force acting over the cross-section of the rivet

Prof. Dr. M. Kemal Apalak Strength of Materials – I Course Notes (Chapter - 4)

98 lntroduction to Mechanical Properties of Solids Chap. 4

assume that the pulley is rigid, what force holds the pulley together for the following da ta?

lnitial temperature of rivet = 300°F

Final temperature of rivet = 60°F
Average cı: for interva l = 6 x 10- 6 /°F

Average Efor interval = 20 x 106 psi

Average diameter for interval =~in.

4.31. 14.81 A rod held between two walls (Fig. P4.3 1) is heated from 30°C to 120°C. What is the
stress in the rod if cı: = 18 x ıo- 6( C and the walls move aparta distance of .3 mm? Take
E = 1.4 x 10 11 Pa.

A 8 Figure P4.31


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