Keywords: A water-based polyurethane (PUR) acrylate water emulsion was selected as a radiation curable matrix for
Cellulose nanocrystals preparing nanocomposites including cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) prepared by controlled hydrolysis of Ramie
Nanocomposites fibers. Cross-linking polymerization of samples prepared in the form of films or of 1 mm-thick bars was either
Polyurethane networks initiated by exposure to the 395 nm light of a high intensity LED lamp or by treatment with low energy electron
UV curing, EB-curing
beam (EB). The conversion level of acrylate functions in samples submitted to increasing radiation doses was
Thermal and mechanical properties of PUR
monitored by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) were used to characterize changes in the glass transition temperature of
the PUR-CNC nanocomposites as a function of acrylate conversion and of CNC content. Micromechanical testing
indicates the positive effect of 1 wt% CNC on Young's modulus and on the tensile strength at break (σ) of cured
nanocomposites. The presence of CNC in the PUR acrylate matrix was shown to double the σ value of the
nanocomposite cured to an acrylate conversion level of 85% by treatment with a 25 kGy dose under EB, whereas
no increase of σ was observed in UV-cured samples exhibiting the same acrylate conversion level. The occurrence
of grafting reactions inducing covalent linkages between the polysaccharide nanofiller and the PUR acrylate
matrix during the EB treatment is advanced as an explanation to account for the improvement observed in
samples cured under ionizing radiation.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (X. Coqueret).
Received 10 November 2016; Accepted 21 April 2017
Available online 22 April 2017
0969-806X/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Furtak-Wrona et al. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 142 (2018) 94–99
the starting material, and ultrasonic treatment. The relative degree of 395 nm, 8 W cm−2) or with a 150 kV EB laboratory accelerator
crystallinity and the geometrical aspect ratio (length/cross-section) are operated at a typical dose rate of 8 kGy s−1 (Advanced Electron
the main parameters that control the properties of CNC-based materials Beam, Wilmington, USA). Radiation curing of thicker samples (1 mm-
(Lu and Hsieh, 2010; Siqueira et al., 2009). thick bars) was performed at IONISOS (Chaumesnil, France) with a
A recent article (Poaty et al., 2014) reports on the use of CNCs 10 MeV Linac electron accelerator at room temperature and under air
chemically modified for UV-curable wood coating formulations. In this (25 kGy or 2×25 kGy doses, at an average dose rate of 15 kGy s−1).
work, CNCs were acrylated for inducing the formation of covalent
bonds between the nanofiller and the host PUR acrylate matrix upon
2.4.1. Characterization of radiation-cured samples
UV-initiated polymerization. Gloss and haze measurements have shown
Determination of acrylate conversion – Fourier Transform Infrared
that the modified nanocellulose fibers ensure maintaining of esthetic
(FTIR) analyses were performed with a Vertex 70 spectrometer (Bruker,
properties of coatings and impart enhanced abrasion resistance of the
Germany). Polymerization monitoring was performed by Mid-InfraRed
coating at CNC contents as low as 2 wt% in the cured matrix.
spectroscopy (MIR) for thin films (10–50 µm) coated on a Si wafer or as
Our work was aimed at comparing the influence of the irradiation
free-standing films, and by near-infrared (NIR) for free-standing
method on the properties of cured PUR acrylate networks comprising
samples with the thickness up to 1 mm. Spectra were recorded using
small amounts (typically 1–5 wt%) of CNCs. The potential benefits of
32 scans at a resolution of 4 cm−1 from 400 to 4000 cm−1 and from
electron beam radiation in comparison with UV–visible was a central
2000 to 7000 cm−1, respectively for MIR and NIR. The degree of
issue worth to be addressed. We have selected CNCs obtained from
conversion (π) was calculated by the following formula:
Ramie as bio-based reinforcing nanofillers with an aspect ratio about to
30:1 (Aguié-Béghin et al., 2016) for enhancing the mechanical proper- ⎛ Aacrylate × A 0 ⎞
π = ⎜⎜1− ⎟⎟ × 100%
ties of radiation-cured materials. 0
⎝ Aref × Aacrylate ⎠ (1)
Because of the formation of sulfate ester groups during the sulfuric
acid hydrolysis of cellulose, the obtained CNCs are negatively charged where: Aacrylate is the absorbance for acrylate peak for irradiated sample
(Li and Ragauskas, 2011). Consequently, the nanoparticles are expected (at 810 cm−1 for MIR or at 6164 cm−1 for NIR), Aref 0
is the absorbance
to exhibit improved stability in aqueous solution that facilitates their for reference peak for irradiated sample, Aref corresponds to the
blending with the water-based PUR acrylate emulsions. absorbance for reference peak for non-irradiated sample and Aacrylate 0
K. Furtak-Wrona et al. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 142 (2018) 94–99
Scheme 1. Typical molecular structure of an emulsible PUR acrylate and schematic of the corresponding emulsified particle in water.
3.1. Preparation of CNCs and of radiation curable formulations Firstly, higher level of nanofillers (e.g. 5–10 wt% with respect to the
PUR acrylate matrix) require introducing excessive amounts of water
The base PUR acrylate material (Scheme 1) is available as milky that may not lead to well-defined and regular nanocomposites, the large
fluid with 39 wt% of dry matter having a slightly alkaline pH (about amount of fluid likely favoring the transport of some materials and
7.5). The blends for elaborating nanocomposite materials are thus possibly inducing macroscale phase separation between the ingredients
easily prepared by adding the desired amount of CNC suspension. For a present in the complex suspensions. Secondly, we considered that the
final CNC content of 1 wt% in the PUR acrylate matrix, the volume of saturation by CNC of the interfaces between the prepolymer particles
CNC suspension to be added to a prepolymer emulsion of volume V0 undergoing coalescence may lead to a very complex microstructure that
represents about 13% of that volume, with limited impact on the drying would not allow for a good control of the system uniformity and for a
process and coalescence phenomena for obtaining free-standing mate- simple interpretation of the effects on nanocomposites mechanical
rials ready for radiation curing. Obviously, when larger amounts of CNC properties.
are desired in the nanocomposite, much greater volumes of water will
be added and have to be evaporated.
3.2. Control of the degree of curing in PUR acrylate materials by FTIR
For UV–visible curing under the 395 nm LED light, the photoini-
tiator is added and mixed under stirring at concentration of 1 part for
The mechanical properties of the uniform materials obtained after
100 parts of PUR acrylate. The low absorbance of PI at the working
drying are essentially driven by their chemical composition and by the
wavelength allows for the penetration of the light in the depth of the
degree of conversion of the acrylate functions. A detailed investigation
samples without significant gradient of photon absorption, even in
of the reactivity of different blends was conducted by FTIR spectroscopy
1 mm thick bars obtained after evaporation of the water.
(Patacz et al., 2000). MIR analyses were performed for thin films
The drying of the formulated proceeds in a sequence of steps
(50–100 µm-thick) and NIR measurements for thicker samples prepared
eventually leading to clear and homogeneous materials after extensive
in the form of plates or bars (up to 1 mm thick). Typical spectra
coalescence of the soft PUR acrylate particles (Steward et al., 2000).
recorded are reproduced in Fig. 1a) and 1 b). The progress of acrylate
The initial stage consists in the evaporation of excess water leading to
conversion as a function of radiation dose can be measured accurately
the compaction of the particles that gradually adopt a hexagonal type of
by using invariant bands as internal standards.
packing. Interdiffusion of the polymer segments is facilitated by the low
The degree of conversion of acrylate in the unfilled and in the
minimum film forming (MFF) temperature of the selected emulsion
nanocomposite materials was quantified on the basis of the changes of
(TMFF=0 °C). This step is finished when a dry film is formed as a
IR absorbance according to Eq. (1), as detailed in the experimental part.
transparent and free-standing material.
The corresponding kinetic profiles of unfilled and nanocomposite
As CNC are present in the form of rigid nanorods in the water
samples irradiated with 395 nm LED array are shown on the plots of
suspension, with low ability to diffuse inside the prepolymer particles,
Fig. 2 that reveal almost no difference in polymerization rates at the
we can reasonably assume that they are located at the interfaces of
different stage of the curing process. High levels of conversion are
hexagons during concentration stage and that they can play a beneficial
obtained within less than 1 min of exposure to UV–visible light, in spite
role by reinforcing the interstitial domain between the initially isolated
of the low absorbance of the selected PI at 395 nm. The polymerization
prepolymer particles. A schematic representation of the coalesced
rate levels off when acrylate reaches 70–80% of conversion, as the
material including CNC is shown in Scheme 2.
network starts vitrifying.
After having tested different drying conditions, we have adopted the
Similar conclusions were drawn from MIR monitoring of the curing
protocol detailed in the experimental part which afforded materials
process in thin films submitted to the beam of the 150 keV laboratory
with uniform appearance. We also focused our attention to samples
accelerator, with kinetic profiles resembling those already reported
containing limited amount of 1 wt% of CNC for two main reasons.
earlier for non water-based PUR acrylates (Patacz et al., 2000). The
presence of 1 wt% CNC in the nanocomposite material was shown not
to induce any significant differences with respect to the kinetic profiles
recorded with the unfilled PUR acrylate.
For comparing the physical and mechanical properties of the
unfilled and the nanocomposite samples, we defined target values of
85 and 90 mol-% for acrylate conversion. These values correspond to
the application of doses of 25 and 2×25 kGy, respectively, for 1 mm-
thick samples exposed to the 10 MeV Linac beam.
The conditions for curing 1 mm-thick bar samples under UV–visible
light were adjusted to reach the desired acrylate conversion level that
Scheme 2. Simplified representation of the location of CNCs at the boundary between was controlled by NIR spectroscopy. The corresponding times of
PUR acrylate latex particles undergoing coalescence. exposure were typically between 40 and 180 s under the 395 nm LED
K. Furtak-Wrona et al. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 142 (2018) 94–99
Fig. 1. FTIR spectra for PUR acrylate including 1 wt% of CNC upon 395 nm LED irradiation (8 W cm−2) a) MIR spectra recorded from a 50 µm-thick film at t=0, 16, 50, 100, 170, 240,
310, 380, 450, 520, 610, 700 s); b) NIR spectra recorded from a 1 mm-thick bar at t=0, 5, 15, 30, 60, 105, 165, 225 s).
100 the maximum of the loss factor tan δ between unfilled and nanocom-
posite samples cured under the same conditions at a given level of
80 acrylate conversion. More visible changes were observed by comparing
Conversion (%)
K. Furtak-Wrona et al. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 142 (2018) 94–99
Table 1 the polysaccharide nanofiller and the PUR acrylate matrix during the
Influence of the presence of CNC on the tensile strength of cured PUR acrylate samples EB treatment is advanced as an explanation to account for the
submitted to EB or to UV–vis LED −395 nm (PI content of 1 wt%) irradiation.
improvement observed in samples cured under ionizing radiation.
Radiation type Sample composition Radiation dose Acrylate Stress σ The benefits observed on the mechanical properties of samples contain-
(in wt-parts) conversion (MPa) ing 1 wt% of CNC cured by exposure to a 25 kGy dose were not as high
(%) when the material was submitted to 2 consecutive 25 kGy passes under
PUR PI CNC the electron beam. The loss of in the intrinsic mechanical properties of
EB 100 – – 25 kGy 85 20 ± 2 the polysaccharide nanofiller as a consequence of radiation-induced
100 – – 2×25 kGy 91 28 ± 10 degradation is believed to reduce the reinforcing effect observed at
100 – 1 25 kGy 85 39 ± 8 25 kGy. Increasing of the content of CNC above 1 wt% did not show
100 – 1 2×25 kGy 92 35 ± 1 further increasing in the values of modulus. Further work is needed to
UV–vis LED 100 1 – 200 J cm−2 89 24 ± 7 gain a deeper understanding of this phenomenon related to the
100 1 1 200 J cm−2 92 23 ± 4 uniformity of CNC dispersion in the PUR acrylate matrix.
Young's modulus was in the range of about 500 MPa. The lowest
increase in modulus (about 300 MPa) was recorded for nanocomposite
This work was conducted in the frame of the IAEA Coordinated
samples cured with EB with the dose of 2×25 kGy.
Research Project “Radiation processing of (nano)composites for enhan-
It is worth to add here that more experiments were achieved for
cing the features and utility in health care and industry”. Financial
examining the influence of the CNC content at levels up to 10 wt% of
support by Conseil Regional Grand Est, MENESR and EU-FEDER
the formulation. However, no significant increase in Young's Modulus
Programme (CPER Project PlAneT) and IAEA is gratefully acknowl-
was observed upon increasing of the content of reinforcing cellulose
edged. The authors are grateful to Dr. C. Kowandy and to Dr. G. Tataru.
nanofibers. As already discussed, the conditions of elaboration of such
KFW and PKO (UMCS, Lublin, Poland) as well as KJ (UT Lodz, Poland)
samples and the possible saturation of interstitial domains during
acknowledge the support received from the European Union exchange
coalescence cast some doubts on the relevance of measurements
program Erasmus for their mobility to URCA, France.
performed on samples with high CNC contents.
The ultimate tensile properties for UV- and EB-cured samples are
gathered in Table 1. Comparison of the data interestingly reveals
contrasting effects.
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