M 2
M 2
M 2
Unit 3
Q1a) What are the requirements that determine what can be patented in India?
1. Patentable subject matter: The invention must not fall under the non-patentable categories listed in
Sections 3 and 4 of the Patents Act. As long as it has patentable subject matter, it can meet this criteria.
2. Novelty: The invention should be new and not anticipated by prior publication or prior use/knowledge
anywhere in the world. It should not form part of the state of the art.
3. Inventive step/Non-obviousness: The invention should not be obvious to a person skilled in the art or
field that the invention relates to. It must involve a technical advance or economic significance.
4. Industrial applicability: The invention should be capable of industrial application and have practical
utility. It should not just exist in theory but also be applicable in industry.
5. Enablement: The patent specification must disclose the invention in a manner sufficiently clear and
complete for it to be carried out by a person skilled in the art. This is also called sufficiency of disclosure.
Q1b) Discuss about Product and Process patents with relevant examples
A product patent provides protection for the product itself, while a process patent protects the process
or method of manufacturing the product.
- A new drug compound invented by a pharmaceutical company can be protected by a product patent.
This will prevent others from making/selling the same drug, even if they use a different process.
- A novel process for making steel developed by a steel manufacturer can be protected by a process
patent. This will prevent others from using the same process, but not from making steel using a different
- A unique design for a smartphone can be protected by a product patent on the design. Others cannot
make/sell smartphones with the same design but can make different smartphone designs.
- A new technique for purifying water can be protected by a process patent. Others cannot use the same
purification process but can use different methods to purify water.
A patent can be revoked on various grounds like lack of novelty, wrong mentioning of inventor, non-
disclosure of information, failure to work patent, public interest etc. An interested party can file a
petition for revocation.
A relevant case is the revocation of Monsanto's patent on Bt cotton seeds in India. Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd
filed a petition stating that Monsanto's patent was invalid as the seeds lacked novelty and inventive step
since Bt technology was known earlier. The Patent Office agreed and revoked the patent in 2018 as it did
not meet the criteria under Sections 2(1)(j) and 64 of the Patents Act. This impacted Monsanto's
monopoly over Bt cotton seeds in India.
Unit 4
Q3) Explain about the laws relating to Trademarks in India along with the salient features of the
Trademarks Act, 1999
- The first trademarks law in India was the Trademarks Act, 1940. It was later replaced by the Trade &
Merchandise Marks Act, 1958.
- The current law is the Trademarks Act, 1999, which is in conformity with TRIPS provisions. It is
administered by the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks.
Salient features:
- Allows registration of service marks and non-traditional marks like shape, packaging, color
Limiting employee access is crucial to protect trade secrets as employees often have access to
confidential information. Ways to limit access:
- Restrict access to only employees who 'need to know' the secret for their work using passwords,
encryption etc.
This minimizes exposure of secrets, chance of accidental leaks and limits damage if an employee intends
to disclose secrets. It demonstrates reasonable efforts by the company to maintain secrecy.
Employee confidentiality agreements or NDAs prohibit employees from disclosing the company's
confidential information. Key elements include:
- Definition of 'confidential information' covered - trade secrets, technical know-how, business plans etc.
- Obligation to keep information confidential and not disclose to third parties without authorization.
It protects companies from loss of trade secrets and IPs while balancing employee rights. Companies
must identify sensitive information to be protected contractually. Reasonable restrictions tailored to
business needs should be imposed.
Unit 5
- Implementing physical security like access controls and technology safeguards like firewalls, network
Under the IT Act 2000, ISPs are exempted from liability for third party infringing content if they can
But 'due diligence' is undefined, making ISPs potentially liable for content without sufficient safeguards.
Unit 5
- Does not address key issues like privacy, content regulation adequately.
- 'Due diligence' for intermediaries not clearly defined, makes compliance difficult.
- Wide exemptions for government agencies dilute privacy and security objectives.
Q6b) Discuss the commonly used areas for Digital signature tools and services
- Government - Tax filing, social welfare schemes, open data portals, communication.
- Non-repudiation of documents.
Here are detailed answers for the next 12 questions from the IQ document:
Unit 3
The Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB) was established in 2003 to hear appeals against
decisions of the Patent Controller under the Patents Act. It has the power to review and reverse
decisions regarding patent objections, compulsory licensing, revocation etc. This provides a specialized
forum for IP disputes. Important functions are:
However, IPAB was dissolved in 2021 and its powers transferred back to High Courts. This has increased
costs and delays for technical IP matters. There is a need to re-establish specialized IP courts/tribunals in
- The right to exclusively manufacture the patented product. The patentee can build, use, offer for sale,
sell, distribute or import the patented product.
- The right to exclusively use/exercise the patented process/method. They can prevent unauthorized use
of the patented process.
- The right to assign or transfer and license the patent to others, fully or partially, in return for
- The right to take action to prevent imports of infringing products made abroad.
However, patent rights are not absolute. They are subject to various limitations such as research
exemptions, compulsory licensing, government use and parallel imports of patented goods. But overall,
the exclusive rights allow the patentee to commercially utilize the patented invention and prevent its
unauthorized usage for the term of the patent.
Deceptive similarity refers to trademarks that are very similar to existing marks, making confusion likely.
Factors determining deceptive similarity:
Deceptive similarity creates likelihood of confusion among consumers regarding product origins. This
dilutes brand distinctiveness of the senior mark and its goodwill. It can divert sales through
misrepresentation. Hence, deceptively similar marks are refused registration or invalidated to prevent
legal disputes.
- Assignment - Complete transfer where assignor surrenders all rights. It can be for the entire mark or
limited goods/services. Should be in writing.
- Licensing - Licensor grants limited rights to use the mark to licensee in return for royalties. Can be
exclusive, limited by geography or goods. Written contract.
- Transmission by succession - Trademark rights get transmitted to legal heirs on death of proprietor.
- With goodwill of business - Without goodwill, TM assignment is invalid. Goodwill represents brand
- Registration of change in ownership - Formalities like application, fee payment, objections etc.
Conditions like no deception to public, principles of equity and good faith apply. Registered users rights
also get transferred accordingly.
- Encryption of transaction data end-to-end using global standards like SSL/TLS during transit over
- Adhering to PCI DSS standards for securely storing cardholder data. Minimal data collection and
- Using dedicated payment gateways for processing transactions via payment networks like Visa,
Mastercard securely.
- Having fraud analytics to spot suspicious patterns. Requiring additional authentication like OTP for risky
- Developing user awareness on safe online transaction practices like using strong unique passwords, not
sharing OTPs/PINs.
- Incident response plan for forensic investigation of any data breaches or cyber attacks.
- Legal provisions for adjudicating cyber disputes, compensating victims and penalizing cyber crimes
under IT Act.
Thus, a combination of technological safeguards, vigilant processes and legal remedies is required to
build user trust in digital transactions.
- Malware attacks - Infecting systems with malicious software like viruses, worms.
Authentication refers to verifying the identity of a person or entity accessing a system/data. It is done
- Passwords - A secret alphanumeric string for logins. Should be strong and frequently changed.
Confidentiality is about controlling access to sensitive information to authorized persons only. Tools
- Encryption - Scrambling data so only intended recipients can read it. Used for stored/transmitted data.
- Data leak prevention - Monitoring data flows and blocking secret transfers.
Thus authentication and confidentiality together enable secure access control for cyberspace.
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Unit 3:
Unit 4:
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