Ghost of The Opera 1
Ghost of The Opera 1
Ghost of The Opera 1
3.- Joseph Buquet was dead. 4.- Monsieur Armand was very angry about a letter. 5.- The Opera Ghost (O.G.) was. 6.- La Carlotta couldnt sing that night.
Chapters 3 and 4 1.- Christine Daa sang wonderful that night. 2.- Raoul de Changny was in love with Christine Daa. 3.- Raoul heard a mans voice in Christines room. 4.- The two directors was very angry about the second letter from O.G. 5.- O.G. wanted Christine Daa to sing on Friday night. 6.- Madame Giry never saw the ghost, but she often heard him.
Chapters 5 and 6 1.- Christine Daa said it to Raoul Changny. 2.- Raoul Changny said it to Christine Daa. 3.- The ghost wrote that in hes second letter. 4.- La Carlotta said that. 5.- Monsieur Armand asked it to Monsieur Firmin. 6.- The ghost said it to the two directors of opera house.
Chapters 7 and 8 1.- Who was Christine Daa angel of music? The Phantom was. 2.- Where did the Phantom live? He was live in a house, a crossing the lake, under the Opera House. 3.- Who told Christine and Raoul to go to the front stairs. The Persian said it to them. 4.- Who thought Christine was mad? Raoul thought that. 5.- Were did Raoul and the Persian go? They went to the Phantoms house. 6.- Who did the dancers see when they looked in the room? They didnt see anybody.
Chapters 9 and 10 1.- She is in the Phantom House. 2.- Yes, they will do. 3.- He is going to tried to marry Christine. 4.- Yes, they do.
SUMMARY CHAPTER 1 Anni Sorelli saw the ghost in the passage out of the dancers dressing room, She said to the dancers that his mother, who was the doorkeeper for some boxes in the Opera House, told to her that the ghost doesnt like the people who talk about him and because of that he kill Joseph Buquets. CHAPTER 2 The Opera House has two new directors, Monsieur Armand and Monsieur Firman, in the first week of work they received a letter from the Ghost of the Opera (O.G.). He asked them in the letter to giving him 20,000 francs and never sell tickets for the box 5, the best box in the Opera House, because that was him box for every opera night. They was very angry about that letter but they didnt nothing of it said. CHAPTER 3 Christine Daa sang in the opera night because La Carlotta, best singer in Paris, was ill. Christine was wonderful that night and people said she was the best singer in the word. That night Raoul , Vicomte de Chagny, was in the Opera House to listen Christine. He was in love of her since four years ago. When the show end he went to the Christines dressing-room to talk her but she didnt remember him. He heard a mans voice in the Christines dressing-room before he left but when she came out he didnt see nobody. CHAPTER 4 After the Opera Night the two director received a second letter from O.G. he was angry because the two director didnt what he told in the first letter. Also this time he asked for Christine sing Margarita the next Opera Night. The director spoke with Madame Giry about the Opera Ghost but even she couldnt change the directors mind. CHAPTER 5 Raoul received a letter from Christine couple of days after she sang the Opera Night. She asked for a meeting. When they met she didnt tell him who was the men in her dressing-room that night. She just said that voice was her musical teacher but there wasnt a men in her dressing-room, she always only hear his voice.
CHERTE 6 La Carlotta was very angry because she received a letter from some estranger. The letter say that she is not going to sing Margarita to night or shes going to lose her voice for ever. But she believed that letter was from some Christines friend. That night la Carlota sang Margarita and the two directors of opera house saw the show from the box 5. Then La Carlotta started to make some estrangers noises and the chandelier broke away from its ropes and crashed down on the people below. CARTHER 7 Raoul received a letter from Christine. She asked to meet him in the tenth floor of the opera house. Then she told him the ghost took her and drove through many secrets door and passages to his house under the Opera House. She said she must go back to the phantom and marry him, but Raoul asked her to marry him and he is going to kill the phantom. CARTHER 8 During the Opera Night, when Christine was singing on the stage, every light in the opera House went out. Then a woman screamed, and all the lights came on again. After that nobody could find Christine. Meg, Madame Girys daughter, said to the directors how she and some dancer saw Raoul and the Persian disappears in the Christines dressing-room. CHARTER 9 After Chrstines disappears, Raoul and the Persian went for secrets door and passages to the phantom house to rescue her. Then they went through to some dark room and the door behind the closed. They were in the Phantom torture room. The phantom showed to Christine how Raoul and the Persian were dying in the torture room. Then she did kiss the Phantom and he liberated Raoul and the Persian and said to Christine: Go away and marry your Raoul. CHARTER 10 Madame giry visits the Persian and he told her the history of Erick, the Phantom of the Opera. She asked to him if he knows of Raoul and Christine, and he said Who knows?. Nobody in Paris ever saw Raoul and Christine again. Perhaps they took a train to the north, and lived a quiet, happy life together there.