Notations: Pastor's Notes
Notations: Pastor's Notes
Notations: Pastor's Notes
Pastors Notes What a great outreach opportunity we had this past Saturday Evening!!!!! We didnt count, but we guess that we had somewhere between 750 and 1000 people involved in the Trunk or Treat on Saturday. WOW!!!!! Ms. Donna said she believed that half of the people here were bus kids and their parents. What an opportunity for us to minister to the whole family. People in this community need to see people whose lives have been changed by Christ Jesus and they need to feel the love of the Savior. I know that they were able to experience that Saturday as we gave them food to eatFREE, as well as candy.FREE! Hey, we even tried to give them Jesus.FREE!!!! I know I was able to talk to many who were here who do not attend church anywhere and they were so thankful for what the church was doing to minister to the children. I even talked to a mother who grew up Church of God but had gotten out of church after a divorce. Her two sons were both in ministry of various kinds in the Church of God as well. Im believing that God is going to save the lost and restore the backslider! Special THANKS to Donna & Garren Burdette and ALL THEIR CREW for getting the Trunk or Treat together. They had so many working with them in preparing the food, serving the people, cleaning up, etc. THANK YOU FOR YOUR DEDICATION AND WORK FOR THE KINDGOM!!! I also wanted to say THANK YOU to all the people who decorated their vehicles and gave out candy. You all are the BEST!!!
Saturday night before you go to bed, TURN YOUR CLOCKS BACK ONE HOUR!!! The end of Daylight savings time ends this coming weekend. Just a reminder!
BABY DEDICATION.This coming Sunday in the AM service. If you would like to have your baby dedicated, please contact the church office by 12:00PM Thursday and provide us the full name of your child. Please be reminded that someone bringing the child in the act of dedication must be a born again Christian. The act of dedication is as much for the parents as it is for the child. If a parent or parents are not saved but the grandparents are, the grandparents may bring the child as long as they are willing to be responsible for the spiritual nurturing of the child. Baby Dedication is a very SPIRITUAL EVENT and is not a photo opt or thing to do for a certificate for the baby book. Thank you for your understanding.
There have been a few inquiries concerning the service schedule during the holidays. Here is the schedule as we know it: Tuesday, November 22nd @ 7:00 will be a special THANKSGIVING SERVICE. There will be no classes, no buses, no Kids KafeEveryone will meet in the sanctuary for an hour of offering Thanks To God. This replaces the Wednesday night service Wednesday, December 21 @7:00 will be a special CANDLE LIGHT SERVICE in the sanctuary. There will be no buses running, no classes and no Kids Kafe. Sunday, December 25 - We will be having one service at 11:00 AM. There will be no Sunday School, no Childrens Church and no PM service. We will be having a 1 hour celebration of the Birth of our Savior.
Please remember to continue putting some money aside in your Missions Bag. We are in a project raising money to build a church in Honduras. One Sunday in February, you will be asked to bring your bag and be part of a special Missions March to bring your gifts to the Lord. Those Missions Bags will be taken to Honduras and given as gifts to the Children of the Bordo. Thank you in advance for what you are going to do to help build a church in a foreign land.
The Youth will be sponsoring the Senior Adult Thanksgiving Meal, on Thursday, November 17th at 6:30 PM. If you are a Senior and would like to attend, please sign up by November 13th. Sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board.
Prison Ministry: We are rapidly approaching the holiday season with Thanksgiving and Christmas drawing near. There are many prison inmates who are friends or loved ones of our church members. We would like to encourage you to remember them with cards and notes of encouragement. Current addresses are located on the bulletin board located in the hall of our church. Please take one of the address lists and send a quick note or card to these people. Sometimes it is during incarceration that they are more receptive to the Lord. Won't you be the one to "reach out?"
Prayer List
Heath Richards, Lucy Polson, James Wesley Owens, Johnny Waldon, Gerald Wilson, Nicholas Cobb, Hazel Justice, Larry Frazier, Dianne Roddy, John Knight, Arley Morgan, Jonas Fortner, Ashton , Lancaster, Lee Armes, Sarah Johnson, Heidi King, Donna Coleman, Josh Chappell, Leon Gary, Linda Lida, Rev. Bobby Beck, Tammy Hughes, Chris Lyda, Joyce Sloan, John & Mandy Mitchell, Betty Culpepper, Ms. Gregory, Elaine Marr, June Osborne, Ruby Watson, Debi Peeler, Carol Hopsin, Melissa Lida, Michael Young, Barbara Seay, Donna Redner, Harvey Green, Jr. , Robert Leatherwood, Those needing jobs, Shut Ins and Those in Nursing Homes. **Christian Sympathy to the family of Rose Richards
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If anyone is interested in helping with this year's production of "His Story", please see any member of the production committee. Members are: Todd and Vickie Porter, Keith Lyda, Lisa Terry, and Tim Vassey.
November 3 Join us for our Monthly Band of Brothers meeting at 6:00 PM in the dining room of the CLC.
We are still working on our RADA and Southern Flavoring fundraiser. The next order will is due this Thursday, November 3rd. The soups and dips that you sampled at the Ministry Fair are found in the RADA brochure. Toy Closet item to purchase this week: Videos and DVDs Thanks to everyone who has donated to the Toy Closet. May God richly bless you.
Mainstream Ministry Club will be having a Carolina Gamecocks vs. Clemson Tigers football game party on Saturday November 26th at Staci Henry's house in Woodruff. Wear your team spirit and enjoy the game on a big screen TV, food, Christian fellowship, and rivalry! Food will be provided for a cost of $5 per person and there is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the hallway of the church. Time to be announced.
The F.R.E.E.D. 12-Step Addiction Support Groups will hold their OPEN MEETING on TONIGHT, 11/1/11 in the Youth Building. Snacks and beverages will be served at 6pm followed by the meeting at 6:30pm.
We would like to thank each of for all the help and participation with Trunk or Treat. Thank you for all your support to the Extreme Kidz Ministry. ~ Donna & Garren Burdette Extreme Kidz are in need of Jars (these can be spaghetti jars, mayo jars, etcany type as long as it has a lid), Empty Toliet Paper and Paper Towel Rollers, old magazines, comic books or wrapping paper. If you have any of these items to donate please see Donna or Garren Burdette Extreme Kidz Outreach Missions for November are Thankful Baskets. We are collecting items for Thankful baskets for the patients in the nursing home. We are collecting sugar free candy, chap stick, trial size lotions, trial size Kleenex, and crackers. If you would like to donate one of these items please see Donna Burdette or Deanna Burgess. The kidz will deliver these baskets at the end of November. Thanks for all your support. Sunday, November 6 Kidz Praise and Worship Practice - 4:45 PM Kidz Drama Practice - 5:00 PM Saturday November 12 - We will practice for the Extreme Kidz service. Practice will begin at 10:00 am. If you are on the drama team or praise team you need to be at this practice! Sunday November 13 - Kidz Service
The youth are collecting can food items this Thanksgiving. If you would like to participate and donate, please see take your cans to the youth building. All items must be turned in by Wednesday, November 16th. Thank you! Wednesday, November 2nd: Connection- 6:00 PM Ignition- 7:00 PM Monday November 7th at 7PM - Youth Prayer