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WEEK 2 Dll-Week-1-Reading-And-Writing-Skills-11

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Teaching Dates and February 12-16, 2024 Quarter: FIRST (1)
GRADES 1 TO 12 DAILY Time: 8:00-9:00 11- HUMSS A
LESSON LOG 9:00-10:00 11- STEM
10:15-11:15 11-ALS
11:15-12:15 11-ABM
Identify the characteristics of each pattern of development in writing;
I. OBJECTIVES Apply the different techniques, strategies, or methods of writing; and
Create a full-blown essay using the different patterns of development in writing.
A. Content Standards: The learner realizes that information in a written text may be selected and organized to achieve a particular purpose.
B. Performance Standards: The learner critiques a chosen sample of each pattern of development focusing on information selection, organization, and
C. Learning Compare and contrast patterns of written texts across disciplines
Competencies/Objectives: EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.1
Write the LC Code for
II. CONTENT Pattern of Pattern of Development in Pattern of Development in Pattern of Development in
Development in Writing Across Disciplines Writing Across Disciplines Writing Across Disciplines
Writing Across
A. References Reading and Reading and Writing Skills Module 1 Reading and Writing Skills Reading and Writing Skills
Writing Skills Pages 1-10 Module 1 Module 1
Module 1 Pages 1-10 Pages 1-10
Pages 1-10
B. Other Learning Resources Ibona, L. M. R. , et Ibona, L. M. R. , et al.(N.D.). Ibona, L. M. R. , et al.(N.D.). Ibona, L. M. R. , et al.(N.D.).
al.(N.D.). Headway: Headway: Read, Think, and Write: A Headway: Read, Think, and Headway: Read, Think, and
Read, Think, and Comprehensive Write: A Comprehensive Write: A Comprehensive
Write: A Worktext in Reading and Worktext in Reading and Worktext in Reading and
Comprehensive Writing for Senior High School.
Worktext in Reading
A. Reviewing Previous The learners will try to The learners will try to The class reviews yesterday’s The class reviews yesterday’s
Lesson or Presenting the remember a remarkable remember a remarkable lesson lesson
New Lesson event in their life before event in their life before
pandemic in which they pandemic in which they
went outside their house. went outside their house.
After that they will fill in After that they will fill in
some answers on a given some answers on a given
table to see a visual table to see a visual
representation of representation of
their travelling days. their travelling days.
B. Establishing a Purpose for After the learners performed After the learners performed After the learners performed After the learners performed
the Lesson the first activity let them the first activity let them the first activity let them the first activity let them
give at least three reasons give at least three reasons give at least three reasons give at least three reasons
why it is their favourite why it is their favourite why it is their favourite why it is their favourite
traveling story. Let them traveling story. Let them traveling story. Let them traveling story. Let them
think on how they would think on how they would think on how they would think on how they would
persuade their classmates to persuade their classmates to persuade their classmates to persuade their classmates to
read their story if they were read their story if they were read their story if they were read their story if they were
the author of the author of the author of the author of
that story themselves. that story themselves. that story themselves. that story themselves.
C. Presenting Present a diagram showing Present a diagram showing Present a diagram showing Present a diagram showing
Examples/Instances of the the eight different patterns the eight different patterns the eight different patterns the eight different patterns
Lesson of development in writing of development in writing of development in writing of development in writing
across disciplines. Then let across disciplines. Then let across disciplines. across disciplines. Then let
the students guess where the students guess where the students guess where
their story belong. their story belong. their story belong.
D. Discussing New Concepts Discuss the first four among Discuss the first four among Discuss the remaining four Discuss the first four among
and Practicing New Skills the eight patterns of the eight patterns of patterns of development in the eight patterns of
#1 development in writing. development in writing. writing. development in writing.
E. Developing Mastery Let the students match the Let the students match the Let the students match the Let the students match the
(Leads to Formative pattern of development on pattern of development on topics on column A with pattern of development on
Assessment column A with its correct column A withits correct the correct pattern of column A with its correct
pattern of development in pattern of development in development on column B. pattern of development in
writing at column B. writing at column B. writing at column B.
G. Finding Ask: How does learning the Ask: How does learning the Ask: In what way can you Ask: How does learning the
Practical/Applications of eight patterns of eight patterns of apply your learnings about eight patterns of
Concepts and Skills in Daily
development in writing development in writing the patterns of development in writing
Living help you to become help you to become development in writing as a help you to become
effective effective writer? effective
writers someday? writers someday? writers someday?
H. Making Generalizations Let the students write a Let the students write a Let the students write a Let the students write a
and Abstractions about the three paragraph essay from three paragraph essay from three paragraph essay from three paragraph essay from
Lesson the given situation by the the given situation by the the given situation by the the given situation by the
teacher. teacher. teacher. teacher.
(Criteria is given) (Criteria is given) (Criteria is given) (Criteria is given)
I. Evaluating Learning The learners will give at The learners will give at The learners will give at The learners will give at
least two characteristics of least two characteristics of least two characteristics of least two characteristics of
each of each of each of each of
the pattern of the pattern of the pattern of the pattern of
development. development. development. development.
J. Additional Activities for Based from the essay they Based from the essay they On a one whole sheet of Based from the essay they
Application or Remediation made, let the students give made, let the students give paper, let the students made, let the students give
the supporting ideas of the supporting ideas of choose a pattern of the supporting ideas of
their essay and what their essay and what development that they will their essay and what
patterns of development patterns of development use and let them write an patterns of development
have they used? have they used? essay with a topic of their have they used?
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% of the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
Prepared by: Aproved by:



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