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Inbound 5101306780759162911
A combination of various slides depicting
a graphical and visual interpretation of
data, to present information in a more
creative and interactive manner is called
a PowerPoint presentation or PPT.
Features of MS PowerPoint
▪ Slide Layout
▪ Insert
▪ Slide Design
▪ Animations
Features of MS PowerPoint
▪ Slide Layout
Multiple options and layouts are available
based on which a presentation can be created.
This option is available under the “Home”
section and one can select from the multiple
layout options provided.
Features of MS PowerPoint
▪ Insert – Clipart, Video, Audio, etc.
Under the “Insert” category, multiple options are
available where one can choose what feature
they want to insert in their presentation. This
may include images, audio, video, header,
footer, symbols, shapes, etc.
Features of MS PowerPoint
▪ Slide Design
MS PowerPoint has various themes using
which background color and designs or
textures can be added to a slide. This makes
the presentation more colorful and attracts the
attention of the people looking at it.
Features of MS PowerPoint
▪ Animations
During the slide show, the slides appear on the
screen one after the other. In case, one wants
to add some animations to the way in which a
slide presents itself, they can refer to the
“Animations” category.
Creating an
Designing your presentation is the fun part of
creating a report for it give us to be creative.
Keep slide counts to a minimum to
maintain clear message and to keep the
audience attentive.
▪ Avoid being fancy
▪ Make sure it is big enough
▪ Consider how big the screen is during your
Tip: Font size 72 is one inch, and it is readable 10 feet
away while two-inch letter readable 20 feet away
▪ Summarize the information on the screen
▪ Use bullets or short sentences
▪ Limit the content to six lines, seven words
per line known as 6 x 7 rule
▪ Use graphics to help in your presentation
but not too much many avoid distracting
the audience
▪ Instead of table of data, use charts and
▪ Make your design uniform
▪ Avoid having different font styles and
▪ Use light font on dark background or vice
▪ It is easier to read on screen with dark
▪ A hyperlink or simply a link, is a reference
data that the reader can directly follow
either by clicking or tapping.
▪ In text, hyperlinks are often blue and
1. The Address
- can be webpage, email address, or other
location they are linking.
2. The Display
- can be a picture or shape
Link to a Website
1. Open Microsoft PowerPoint Program
2. Select the text, shape, or picture that you
want to use as hyperlink.
3. Select Insert tab, and in the Links group
click Link.
Link to a Website
4. Select Existing File or Web Page, and choose
a. Text to Display: type the text you want to
appear as hyperlink
b. ScreenTip: Type the text that you want to
appear when the user hovers over the hyperlink.
Link to a Website
4. Select Existing File or Web Page, and choose
3. Current Folder, Browsed Pages, or Recent Files:
Select where you want to link to.
4. Address: If you haven’t already selected a location
above, insert the URL for the website you want to
link to.
5. Then click OK.
Current Folder,
Browsed Pages and
Recent Files
- Choose where you
would like to link to
your hyperlink address.
- URL for the website
you would like to link to.
Link a slide in the same
1. Open Microsoft PowerPoint Program
2. Highlight the text or select the shape, or
picture that you want to use as hyperlink.
Link a slide in the same
3. Select Insert tab, under the Links group click
Link command, then select an option:
Link a slide in the same
3. Select Insert tab, under the Links group click
Link command, then select an option:
▪ Place in This Document: Link to a specific slide in your presentation
▪ Create New Document: Link from your presentation to another
▪ E-mail Address: Link a displayed e-mail address to open up a user’s
e-mail program.
Place in This
Link to a
specific slide in
Create New
Link your
presentation to
E-mail Address:
Link a displayed
e-mail address
to open a user’s
e-mail program.
Link a slide in the same
4. Fill in the Text to Display, ScreenTip, and
where you want to link to.
5. Select OK.
Change the color of Hyperlink
1. Select the hyperlink you want to re-color.
2. On the Home tab, select down arrow next to
the Font Color button to open menu of
3. Select the appropriate color that you want for
the hyperlink.
Animation is a simulation of movement created
by displaying a series of pictures, or frames.
Animation on computers is one of the chief
ingredients of multimedia presentations.
Steps in applying animation effect
to an object:
1. On a slide in Normal view, select the object you want
to animate.
2. Select Slide Show – click Animations tab, in the
Animation group, select your desired effect or click
dropdown button to choose more effects. To preview
the animation, click the Preview button to play.
2. Select Slide Show – click Animations tab, in the
Animation group, select your desired effect or click
dropdown button to choose more effects. To preview
the animation, click the Preview button to play.
Add a motion path animation effect
1. Select the object that you want to animate.
2. On the Animation tab, click Add Animation.
3. Scroll down Motion Paths and select one.
- If you want to create a customize path, select Custom
Path option, and draw path that you want the object
to move
Scroll down Motion
Paths and select one.
- If you want to
create a customize
path, select Custom
Path option, and
draw path that you
want the object to
Editing motion paths
1. To do things like to change the direction of the motion
path, edit the individual points of the motion path, or
to lock or unlock the animation, Effect Options.
2. To preview the motion path, click the object on the
slides, and click Animation and select Preview.
To change the
direction of the
motion path, edit the
individual points of
the motion path, or
to lock or unlock the
animation, Effect
Editing Timing
1. On the slide in a Normal view, select the object
from which you’d like to edit the timing.
2. On the Animation tab, in the Timing group, look for
the Start command and choose between:
▪ On Click: After a mouse click
▪ With Previous: At the same time as the previous animation
▪ After Previous: After the previous animation was done
▪ Start: When the animation should
▪ Duration: Specify the length of the
▪ Delay: Play the animation after a
certain number of seconds